Mega Goes Down As 250,000 Users Sign Up

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by light59, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Mega Goes Down As 250,000 Users Sign Up!


    January 20th, 2013

    Earlier today Kim Dotcom and his team decided to open up Mega to the public.

    Soon after the announcement thousands of people registered an account, every minute.

    “I have never seen anything like this. From 0 to 10 Gigabit bandwidth utilization within 10 minutes,” Dotcom wrote in a tweet.

    A few hours later Mega’s user count hit 250,000.

    Unfortunately, the site’s servers can’t keep up with the demand and Mega is suffering frequent downtime.


    Kim Dotcom doesn’t appear to be worried and says things should be fine after the initial frenzy is over.

    “The guys are working on balancing the load,” Dotcom says.

    In a few hours Mega will launch officially with a Mega press conference. Perhaps we’ll hear more about Megamovie as well then.


    PS: Mega might be OK for some, but definately {at least at this point} is not for me. In fact, I don't have a real need for it, I'm pretty secure with the encryption I already have. And for storage, the best you can get is your own safebox at home. There still some inconsistencies with Dotcom's explanation about encryption and surrendering information to the authorities. If the site still alive, we will know more in a few weeks from now!

    Love him, hate him! Call him fat, bastard, rich, ugly, evil - you name it (people that like to throw mud on others live in glass houses anyway). I'm not a Dotcom's fan, but his return is a slap on the face to the Hollywood moguls that brought him down a year ago (these nasty little creeps are worse that those eating meat burgers).
  3. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    i think ill sign up - couldnt harm to have 50GB storage.
  4. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    he did it again... :dunno:
  5. funtime

    funtime Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    lol i was one of those 250000 :wow:
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    signed up - but recieved no activation mail :(
  7. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    It's safer to have a 50GB usb stick instead. MEGA will eventually be seized again in the future.
  8. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    Signed Up yesterday. To good to miss it :)

    a savebox at home is not the best for everyone!

    1. Somebody can break in your home!
    2. If you are on the road and need files. I don't run around with my HD's!

    Important for me is, that I have my files on different Locations.
  9. Quakeaudio

    Quakeaudio Producer

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Zeta Reticuli
    I made 2 sign ups with different emails. For the first one I got my activation mail,
    but for the other one not. I think they need some days to fix some things.
  10. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    This guy... Never trust this fat faggot !

    Many hackers is in jail because of him. One committed suicide, because of this fat fag.

    Nobody talk about it, but instead of it, everyone is excited about "MEGA".

    More about him, read comments. No hating, all its true.
  11. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    urOk - Yes I agree with you. :wink:

    Most people blindly support every (new?) false prophet appearing.
    Especially if he promises BIG things [mostly only for their own pockets, Bank accounts]... :snuffy:
    Even if i don't like all the stuff coming from Hollywood-Studios - think about it how many Jobs they created and still create. Some countries could learn much from their example!
  12. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Wow! The Hollywood Cabal- the US Press, and the Congresswhores on Capitol Hill are all owned by the international Illuminati bankers that you seem to detest. Birds of feather flock together.

    Kook, are these the good prophets? Far from reality! Let me paraphraze what you said: "...These (i.e. the guys above) are the BIg liars that are always promising BIG things... [to the naive and the uninformed through the public opinion making centers they own]..[mostly only for their own pockets, Bank accounts]..." Now, it sounds right when put in the right perspective!

    Shall we learn from their example? I don't think so! A great deal of their films are demoralizing to society and many of them are already conditioning the masses for the incoming New World Order which they plan to bring. Even worse, the Hollywood Media are the rats that brought Sopa-Coica-Pipa and continue to shut down sites like AudioZ all over the net (i.e. they're trying to revive Sopa again). They squeeze billions in profits from both, actors and musicians, while giving them pennies in comparison with what they make! I mean "pennies" for each cd sold and a "cut" from appearances and such - most bands get their bigger money from concerts.

    They created and still create jobs? Not by a long shot! For the Hollywood moguls people are just the means to an end. So creating jobs is not always good. If that were the case, maybe we should praise Homeland Security for its creation of more than 230.000 jobs in the US, while building the stage for the incoming martial law and police state. Or the US military creating thousands of new jobs in order to send American soldiers to fight their Illuminati engineered [illegal] wars abroad, while at the same time, getting killed in battle for the Illuminati oil corporations (not to mention the millions of innocent civilians that have already died). I guess (like you said) we can learn from them, surely they're helping a lot of people get jobs. Furthermore, I suppose the [illegally] invaded countries are also learning from the horrible examples (of war atrocities) the US is giving them as well. Gee whiz!

    Certainly, Kim might have a shady past, but it's not about him, it's about the world community making a stand againt the Hollywood Maffia (Mega has gone over half a million hits by now and counting). And for the records, he is not a Republican fascist as you believe. He is just a greedy, ambitious entrepeuner. If he truly were a Republican (by the way, both parties are fascist since they're owned by the Rothschild-Rockefeller machine), his buddies on Capitol Hill would certainly have gotten him off the hook right away. In fact, if Dotcom is truly part of the cabal, no raid would ever had taken place on his home.

    Kookabro, when it comes to the Hollywood moguls, we certainly can learn from their [evil] examples! You can call Dotcom fat, bastard, rich, ugly, evil, fascist, faggot (I dont think he is), false prophet and everything you want under the sun. But the truth is that Megaupload's megabox service was planning to let artists to host and set their own prices, they would pay megaupload/megabox like a monthly fee similar to webhosting services, which would include someone to build the website, webstore, payment processors, etc. In exchange, the artists would be able to release singles whenever they wanted, make their own music videos and have them played or a 1080p HD version available for download for a dollar or so. And the artists would make TONS more money than the current Hollywood system. Not bad for being an evil, fat, false prophet?

    Videos for a dollar or so. What's wrong with that? Alas! For the riaa/mpaa maffia, it was all wrong. This was something that the Hollywood cabal could not longer tolerate. Dotcom had crossed the line. The slaves were beginning to wake up. That's why MU was immediately shut down and Kim's house raided. End story!

    PS: Kook, last but not least, keep in mind that the rich of today were the poor of yesterday. I do agree with Amsterdam Pirate that there is nothing wrong with people making money and even with being rich (we all want to take care of our families, have food-shelter, transportation and being able to buy the audio gear we love). Evil is latent in the human heart whether you're rich or poor, so the poor could become just as evil as the rich given the opportunity. In other words, it's not the money itself, but the LOVE of money (i.e. the passion that leads to lying, cheating and murdering) that is the root of all evil!

    I still love your skins :mates:
    Maybe not the best for everyone! But the odds of someone breaking in your home to steal your HD is minimal comparing with your storage site being busted by the FED (especially the way things are going nowadays - people from MU still waiting to retrive their data from the server which the FBI has confiscated). Even if a thief breaks into your house, nobody is gonna look for a hardrive, but for valuables (jewelry, electronics, cash etc). If you're afraid of loosing your hardrive then make a back up copy.
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    problem is have only hotmail mail adresses and i think thats the problem. anyway ill wait a few days.
  14. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Ha ha ha!

    So what's your point? This is just a plain article describing Dotcom's ordeal of a year ago and the recent launching of Mega.

    Bad projections? Don't me make laugh!

    Bud, wake up! Maybe you should take some...good examples [projections]... from the Hollywood Mogul Cartel...they're the good prophets! :bleh: :bleh:
  15. carsoncars

    carsoncars Newbie

    Feb 11, 2012
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  16. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Old news! It has already been posted here!

    Got women! Big deal. So Dotcom is a hacker. Who are you? - Well, you're a pirate that steals software cracked by hackers. :rofl:
  17. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Just like you! he he *yes* *yes*
  18. Alraun

    Alraun Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    If i would have thought one minute longer, i would have realized that this is the false mega article. I didn´t get it, that there are two articles meanwhile. My comment belongs more to the other one. Sorry.

    Anyway...if you would have thought one minute longer about what i wanted to say, you wouldn't have have wrote a comment like this.
  19. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Well, if you would have thought one minute longer you would not have posted this senseless ad. It doesn't take great brains to figure out what you wrote - or what you were planning to write next! You're just beating on a straw dummny of your own by trying to hammer on Dotcom!

    For God's sake! Leave this fat guy alone and support the Warez cause instead of the people that are planning to destroy the pirate sites (Kookabro is great for designing skins, but he is confused on this subject - he doesn't know what he is talking about nor he can prove it - he is misleading people with his erroneous views).

    Knowing that Dotcom was launching his site on January, the Hollywood morons (through the Press which they control) have spend millions of dollars disseminating negative articles (worldwide) trying to demonize Mega hoping that it will go down: "An anti-piracy group with the stated aim of shutting down file-hosting services by strangling their finances has wasted no time in going after Kim Dotcom’s new baby. Robert King of StopFileLockers says that his outfit has started a campaign to have the payment processor accounts of Mega resellers terminated..." (TorrentFreak, January 21 -2013) But people are not stupid, TorrenFreak saw the scheme and is standing behind the movement. More than half a million intelligent people have signed up to support the cause (rather than the guy). If PayPal turns Mega down, then the next solution is to go with BitCoin.


    PS: I've noticed that carsoncar has already removed one of his posts. Maybe he got convicted. Who knows! :rofl:

    Kook: Go to the second page for my response to your message below!
    *yes* *yes* *yes*
  20. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    *no* NO, you're wrong! You just have to read (also) between the lines when you read an article,
    and especially don't read only those who support MR.DOTCOM's views! *no*

    Hollywood & Co. and others don't want to shut down pirate sites - they just want
    to eliminate groups & individuals that plan to destroy the market with their greedy,
    selfish interests. Look what MR. Bill Gates has done and other similar crops!!
  21. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Dear Kook,

    You say: You're wrong! Wow. It sounds very impressive at first hand - but it's lame to the core! Wrong about what? The truth is that whether you like it or not, I'm damn right! *yes* *yes* *yes*

    You say: MPAA and RIAA just want to eliminate groups & individuals that plan to destroy the market with their greedy, selfish interests. You mean, file hosters like Uploaded, Extabit, Rapidgator, Bitshare etc., plus sites like AudioZ, Vst Club, Magesy etc., and people like you and me that upload and download illegitimate software (according to Hollywood we should be buying all our software instead of downloading it for free). In the eyes of the cabal, everytime you upload illegitimate software (which includes your beautiful skin designs), you're commiting a felony. According to the MPAA and RIAA, if you get caught, you could face a prison term and a hefty fine up to $100.000.

    There is no greater greed that the one found in the Hollywood industry. Like greedy vultures, they are in the business of exterminating all the competiton (big and small), especially people like Dotcom wanting to take away from the ridiculous profits they make at the expense of actors, musicians and consumers and pass it back to them (I've explained Dotcom's plan to benefits actors and musicians on my post above). Lol! If Dotcom is smart enough to make big time money with his business (while at the same time helping people make money) that's his prerogative - he deserves it. If he wants to be fat and spend his fortune on Roll Royce's, Ferrari's, BMW's, Mercedes and big mansions that's not of my business. The Hollywood cabal does all that stuff and even more so while sucking the blood of the whole world, but they feel they're are above the law (because they control the law). In contrast, MU was a great help to the pirate community, the none-premiums dowloads together with their waiting period (45 seconds between DL) were more than generous. People still remember MU - that's why their running back to Mega now!

    You say: Hollywood and others don't want to shut pirate sites - Really? Ha ha ha! You mean to say, they're fighting against piracy and don't want to shut pirate sites? You're dreaming! On June 12th 2012, Cary Sherman, RIAA boss, was testifying before Congress on Wednesday morning and shouted, "Now Go Shut Down Pirate Sites." There you have it! The Hollywood gangsters operate through the FBI and other agencies around the world, which in turn are continually shutting down file-hosters and torrent sites (Demonoid has been one of their latest victims [Hollywood used the Ukranian government to shut Demonoid] and the Pirate Bay is always on the verge of falling into the precipice). How about Hollywood-backed anti-piracy outfit BREIN (a covert agency working for Hollywood) trying to stop the massive influx of Pirate Bay proxy sites that circumvent a court-ordered blockade in the Netherlands. What about Sopa, Coica, Pipa and even Acta? They all were devised by the MPAA and RIAA in Hollywood as early as 2008. Their intent was to pass these draconian laws (through the Congresswhores which they control and bribe on Capitol Hill) to destroy piracy. But when people stood up, it failed. Now they got the six strikes plan.

    Last week, Verizon just unveiled their latest six strike plan. How the MPAA and RIAA managed to get ISP's providers to accept this ridicoulous plan? Quite simple. It will allow the internet companies to provide less service and still charge full price while people take the blame? Not a bad deal. Saving more bandwith means that more money goes into their coffers. he he. Everybody is thinking that the worst thing it could happen is that your service will be suspended or at worst you'll get lame speeds. But none of these companies will tell you that the MPAA and RIAA may obtain the IP-addresses of such repeat infringers in order to take legal action against them. While the ISPs will not voluntarily share the name and address linked to the IP-address, the MPAA and RIAA can obtain a subpoena to demand this information from the internet provider (a polite way of saving the IP carriers from losing customers). Courtesy of the Hollywood cabal!

    PS: You cite Wikipedia as your source of authority. That's laughable! Wikipedia is a politically correct organization that caters to the Illuminati establishment. They say of the Rothschilds (the most powerful bankers in the world worth more than 500 trillion dollars) that the family is not longer influential. This could not be more delusional! The Rothschilds (with houses in England and France) actually own the US Federal Reserve Bank that regulates the economy of the entire world (they also own the Hollywood media cartel, Newsmedia, presidents, prime ministers, kings and queens, politicians etc). Most of the wars that have taken place since the time of Napoleon (1812) have been instigated by the Rothschilds (wars are profitable). But after all, the job of the US PRESStitutes is to deceive by creating public opinion making in order to brainwash the sheeple. A dumbed down public swallows whole without mastication of any kind becoming the instruments through which the cabal can further its sinister plans. The controllers learnt this psychological trick from the Nazis: "If the lie is repeated often enough, eventually it becomes the truth" (Joseph Goebels -Hitler propagandist).

    By the way, those of us (I would say 99.00% of the warez scene) fighting the MPAA, RIAA and the Hollywood empire are not blind like you insinuate. Rather, those (like you) that think Hollywood is doing good things for the scene are blinded. Like the proverb says: "They're leaders of the blind and if the blind lead the blind, they both will fall into the ditch." One more thing. By trade, I read between, underneath, on top, and on each side of the lines. Can't help it. I've been doing research and writing articles about politics and the New World Order for almost 15 years. I don't depend on TorrentFreak for my news. I just go there ( I understand why you don't like TorrenFreak - it exposes the Media cartel). I have over 200 underground sites from where I get the real news. I'm non bias. To sum up, there's nothing good about Hollywood, the US Government and the Press. They're all instruments of the Illuminati controllers (international bankers) to enrich themselves and manipulate the masses into total slavery: "For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it." (David Rockefeller, international banker, "Memoirs," 2002)

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