Who leads the modern world? Is it possible to undo it and make another history?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by foster911, Jun 30, 2018.

  1. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Is there evidence for this claim? What is it?

    Do you believe everyone believed in a Moon-Mother 20,000 years ago? How on earth do you know what people believed 20,000 years ago? What's your evidence anybody even knew moon cycles 20,000 years ago? How do you know men were 'sent out' to hunt? By whom? What was the hierarchy? How did it function? Who did the sending? Who was sent?

    Unless you are being controlled? Besides, feelings don't need justification, they just happen. What's the use in saying others do not, should not or need not feel things that they do feel? 'Feeling controlled' is surely a species-long feeling shared by humans across the ages: it's a part of the basic antagonism of the human condition? The civilised savage, the social individual, the caring monster.......

    Modern life is about organisation and integration, networks and chains.......and specialisation of labour. In the abstract individualist sense, humans choose to compromise their liberty for security and prosperity? But in the actual individual case it can be a very heavy and difficult compromise to make. One certainly has very little choice about it because the alternatives are social exclusion and, ultimately, jail or renegade status.

    That sounds like a policy to my ears.....you know, like politicians make. Politicians are generally **elected**. Blame the voters, not their representatives?

    Depends on your definition of 'depend'! :D

    Foster, why didn't you post about how you feel and why you feel it, rather than make it (only) a general thing? Your feelings are legitimate, in so far as you feel it, at least. Saying "I feel controlled" is something nobody can argue with : you feel it - that feeling is real. But presumably it isn't something everyone would agree with - each of us readers might not feel controlled.

    Personally my take is that we are being farmed. You don't have any real control over your life.......none of us plebs do. Every aspect of our life is exploited for private profit. We live, and people make profit out of it. There's no real individual escape possible.

    It isn't a new idea, nor a new feeling. But your own individual experience of it is. If you spoke about it, as you experience it, maybe people would be more interested? And it couldn't be argued with........
  2. DrachenFire

    DrachenFire Producer

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Lessee...What time is it...YEP that's where I am!
    Best Answer
    I normally stay out of these sorts of threads. I often read them, for amusement, but don't post. This time I'm making an exception. Because I find it amusing.

    Let it be said that I often don't agree with Foster (but it HAS happened.)

    What I am finding amusing here is not him, but most of the rest of you. One post does not a thread make (let alone a 3 page thread.)
    The reply posters make it a thread.

    So if you consider it trolling, it rather obviously (to me at least) begs the question: Why are YOU feeding the Troll?

    If it really bothers you, why not simply ignore it. If you see a thread started by Foster or anyone else, including myself with whom you don't see eye to eye. Ignore it. Don't even open it. If you do, don't reply.

    It starts out as one single lonely post.

    And it can DIE a single lonely post.

    It takes YOU to make it a thread.

    Maybe it's my own years as a moderator coming back to haunt me, but I agree with Olymoon:

    "No one is obliged to read nor participate in this thread."

    It's really that simple.

    I wrote what I thought was a humorous post back in January. Nobody liked it and appropriately nobody responded.

    As it should be.

    In a forum like this nobody can waste your time.

    You have to do that to yourself.
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  3. DrachenFire

    DrachenFire Producer

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Lessee...What time is it...YEP that's where I am!
    Oh and for what it's worth, I DO feel we are all controlled for the express benefit of those with all the wealth and all the power because of their insatiable need for more and more and more. GREED rules the world. If that's conspiracy theorism, so be it. From my personal POV (and mine alone) it looks like the truth.
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  4. DrachenFire

    DrachenFire Producer

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Lessee...What time is it...YEP that's where I am!
    "by your logic what is the need for a moderator at all if people can start non-music related threads..."

    Hadn't noticed the Lounge being exclusively for music topics. More of a general purpose...well, Lounge. Video games, Movies, TV, Holidays, R2R rants and the odd bits of street corner philosophy (of greater and lesser levels of oddity and/or relevance, and/or sanity.)

    In any of the specific topic forums I would certainly agree that people should stay on the topic and hopefully in a civil manner. If they do not, then that is when a Mod is supposed to step in (and in my view is in dereliction of duty if they don't) based of course on the 'house rules'.

    "oh and thak you also for "feeding the troll"

    Guilty as charged in so far as I contributed to this thread, even though with a different intent. As I said I don't normally and most likely won't in the future. This time I just found it funny that people get upset about a thread that they themselves turn into a thread. In the old days it might have bothered me more because sysops had to pay for bandwidth, and unfocused verbosity was frowned upon.

    When things do turn to personal attacks, that is a different matter. But the semi-coherent ramblings of one member or another (there is no monopoly around here), just blow 'em off.

    There are posts here that get to me as well. But of a very different nature and in the 'specific topic' areas. I won't elaborate simply cause it's already way off-topic.
    Merely suggesting that if one is bothered by such threads, why not simply ignore them, or as I do, sit back and laugh at the absurdity of it all.

    Life's too short to let it bug you.

  5. EddieXx

    EddieXx Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2015
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    look pal, the problem here is the troll is shitting allover the forum and pulling it off passing it as "naive" questions.

    you say you posted a humorous post once that got ignored?
    well see, that is not what this is about, you at least did an effort

    this troll does this systematically, and has engaged in persecuting other members ridiculing their threads across the whole forum spewing his idiocy against musical theory in his obsession against anything that has any trace of knowledge or study behind. he is a sort of raging flat-earther on a rampage

    not once, its dozens of threads with the same crap! just different words. its not for nothing its called word-vomit, its literally the case here

    thats whats up

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2018
  6. DrachenFire

    DrachenFire Producer

    Jan 17, 2018
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    Lessee...What time is it...YEP that's where I am!
    When he or anybody is doing as you describe, I agree with you. And yes I have seen him do it. My point (which I apparently didn't state well) was about the threads that he himself starts. Why not ignore them and deny that him the satisfaction?

    In REAL threads, take whatever action is necessary to get it stopped. We've had more than a few banned in the past. (even though my membership is new-ish, I've been around here, silently, for many years. I've seen a lot.)

    I don't like it when anybody disrupts civility. I just try my best to not make it worse.

    Apparently this time I failed.

    See Ya'll around hopefully under better circumstances.
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah plus trolling is just plain against the rules....You make a thread which is nothing but bait for endless ridiculous debate, a call out for all "theorist" as to whom "controls" reality (it doesnt get more political than that, also against our rules, but whatever)....Nothing happens. What if I had created this thread ?
    Beside he originaly posted his "thread" in the music section not the "lounge" section....
    It's a thread that in every aspects break rules...;If moderators can't remove that kind of thread (or comments using cursing, which is also prohibited), no surprise things get very ugly. It headed there right away, no surprise there.
    But you know...Moderator moderating, ridiculous right :dunno:.

    I can understand the "don't feed the troll" for trolls comments in legit thread, but troll threads should just be deleted right away....At least if the rules of the site mean anything.
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  8. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    The thing is so obviously in front of us here , And I'm sorry to get that thread totally off topic, but I hope this will solve this long time problem:

    Foster had his bad moments, yes

    Is this post a trolling post: no

    But there are the exact same 4 or 5 guys, that since several month are bashing / trolling on what ever foster is doing.
    As if they always had written only interesting comments them selves.

    This is a public forum, no one is perfect, and no one deserve to be chased permanently, specially by a minority of 4 - 5 members.

    This is simply unacceptable.

    Look at yourself in a mirror and tell me you never fail...

    Someone spoke about we dont see the big picture... Well, we see it, and we have been speaking privately with Foster about this, as o posed to spam threads like we are doing right now.

    The picture I'm seeing right now is that Foster is having a different attitude lately, but you still go against him what ever he does.
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  9. Olymoon

    Olymoon Moderator

    Jan 31, 2012
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    I'm speaking about an entire thread, you see the title you dont like it, pass your way.
    It's not like a comment in a thread.

    But the way you write your comment: It's not about the thread in itself, it's about Foster. You're focusing on Foster not on the content.
    This is were I disagree.
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  10. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I never participate in any foster thread. I've never asked, before this one, his thread to be moderated. As far as I'm concerned my points are unrelated to me having any sort of problem with foster, or any vendetta what so ever.
    His threads about music theory don't make much sense, but whatever....At least they are related to music.

    This kind of thread is not, and frankly I don't really see how it's "lounge" material and not a political thread...
  11. Grok

    Grok Producer

    May 8, 2018
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    :guru: I thought it was a psycho-financial and metaphysical-religious thread, my bad :rofl:

    Anyway, it is a king of successful thread, people are genuinely expressing themselves with not so much rudeness ; it could be uglier than that
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm not getting involved. Reasonable people won't.

    Now obviously if anyone with a lick of intelligence was to get involved and respond to a fiew of the comments who claims to understand who "controls" the world....Now that would get very ugly and fast. As it has happened many times in the past with such topic, and probably why Foster, whom isn't known to be a philosopher, opened such a can of worm.

    That's why those topics aren't allowed anymore.
    I'll just ignore this thread and let the complotists have their fun.
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  13. It all strarted out innocently. It was cute and fostered. Then it grew too large to be contained and turned into a nightmare...this modern world.
  14. Spyfxmk2

    Spyfxmk2 Guest

    some thoughts i would like to share if anyone wants to listen :bow:......:
    The universe says yes to Foster & his existence, he is a part of the web of life.
    I like foster when he seriously posts some complete work/project of his under "our music" & thats it.
    Anyone can ask questions if he really seeks for answers
    That been said without then endlessly trolling & asking more questions in an endless loop
    There is a time for asking......but then after you do the osmosis it is time to put what you learned into your music :bow:
    So i wish to foster to become a real panther(i mean this in a good way)
    more music, some introspection & less talking imho would make him more happy :bow:
    If anyone knows better than foster ,then teach him :bow:,i tried many times to say something nice & uplift his spirits ,i suggest if we all do the same his attitude maybe changes for the better & in a good way :wink:

    Out side of "the dance" everyone can dance & judge the dancing.
    Being a moderator(Olymoon) & managing 2 sites, listening to the good, the bad & the ugly of each one of us & at the same time having a family & a beautiful life is not always easy...
    ....so lets be thankful :bow: for everyones existence ,i hope Tony is doing better :bow:
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  15. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    Before i entered this:

    I thought that people was going to talk about if it was possible to time travel backwards in time for being able, to undo it and make another history .
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2018
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  16. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    As long as the current human mindset is obedient to control we're fucked.
    The working class is groomed to be humanistic in nature, instead of thinking for themselves.
    We need to make people aware of their forced upon lifestyle.
    The world is a stage run by a script. Our mindset, our opinion, our knowledge, it's all manipulated.
    Changing history means that the people need to realise they currently live an illusion.
    Good luck with that..
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2018
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  17. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Very true.
    It's also true when he starts a thread you don't know his future replies are gonna be "good" or "bad".
    In this case obviously the topic is interesting, personal grudges aside.

    I try to be moderate in general and sometimes I criticize foster and sometimes praise him.
    Sometimes both at the same time lol

    Although my opinion on the matter I could say is also "moderate", there's this great moment of my admired George Carlin, best politically-incorrect comedian hands down (it can be applied pretty much to every country)
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  18. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Well said Xupito and a great bit of truth and wisdom from Mr George Carlin!
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  19. The Dude

    The Dude Audiosexual

    Aug 13, 2012
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  20. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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