Rappers dying this week...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by LuckySevens, Jun 20, 2018.

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  1. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    I was only presenting a full case. Whether you agree or not, seeing a slimy piece of shit like this celebrated in any way is truly a degradation to any society.
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  2. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    Honestly, I'm not bothered either way but let's be real. A guy who thrashed his pregnant gf should have been in jail.
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  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    it's not uncommon for memorial threads to get nasty comments.. regardless of the color of the deceased..
    seen it many times.. and surprised if you have not

    if @electriclash 's exposition is any clue as to his character... I can't feel too sorry for society's "loss" of this guy either
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 20, 2018
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  4. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    honestly: are they dying or are they dead? :rofl:

    Just jokin :bow::bleh::yes:
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  5. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America

    So I get it...you like Judging humans. "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone". But we all know you are perfect.
    Now lets get it straight! I do not condone anything he did in his prior life. But to use any forum to disrespect the dead is a far worst crime.
    Thats not what this forum is about, Period.

    Now, to be "technically" correct for those of you that don't believe in a higher power, He was murdered. The crimes he committed were not Murder. Battery, assault, ok, but he didn't murder anyone. No one deserves to be harmed, but Murder is the ultimate
    crime because you are not GOD and cannot bring the dead back! If you steal, if you assault, etc...you can apologize, try to fix and amend,
    try doing that with Murder.

    There has to be better things one can do with their life then to find time to disrespect the Dead.:dont:
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  6. Luka

    Luka Platinum Record

    May 10, 2018
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    All over the place
    Live by the sword, die by the sword. You go around beating up and strangling pregnant women you are going to have plenty of people wanting to take a shot at you. I have a sister and any man that abuses her is a dead man walking. Here on the Wesr Coast we do it like that. He is lucky that he made it 2 years on the East Coast unharmed after what he did to a pregnant woman. Whether it was a botched robbery or revenge, one thing all women can be sure of is that he is not going to abuse them again. People need to stop supporting artists like that and record labels need to close their doors to abusers, pedophiles and the like.
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  7. Why not disrespect the dead? Because they cannot defend the indefensible that they perpetrated while still breathing? I really don't understand the rational. If he had caused the death of his unborn child after beating his "girlfriend" and locking her away would it then be alright to speak badly of him? Hitler loved his mother and his dog Blondi, what a great guy!
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  8. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    We don't have to cry for a little shit like that.
    Sorry I can't.
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  9. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    And what are you meaning by that way?
    Because he has a bit of "talent' we must respect this kind of "man"?(And a man do not fight his girlfriend and his child)This man was lucky,early success,a pregnant girlfriend.Don't claim medias and people are haters because he was a black rapper.People don't like dangerous people of course.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
  10. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    There were equally cruel and insensitive things spoken of Avicii when he passed...
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  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I mean what I wrote which is obvious for any decent human being : on a thread announcing a death (artist or not, talented or not, that's completely off topic, it's you saying things no one wrote in this thread), making nasty comments - and I was refering to the comments refering to the rappers in general "ah ah lol one more of those suckas dead" "who" ? read the comments prior to mine that you quote if you can't understand the obvious - is about as low as you can get.


    No one decent does that. Period. You can't understand that (or act as if) ? That's your issue.

    The whole other aspect of this nasty thread which consist of people actually writing that a personn that hasn't been judged yet - and now whom will never be except by the worst thing : public idiotic opinion - deserves to get killed or lynched because he is suspected to have hit a woman....well...Do I really have to say something about justice systems, democratic civilized societies ?
    It would be a waste of saliva. We are back in the middle age now and people are morons without any type of education...So who cares ?

    So did @twoheart remind me, and I absolutely agree this was one of the worst thread viewable on AS, and it happened not only with dead - colored - rappers. Indeed jealousy - in addition to prejudice and stupidity - also plays a crucial role in the matter.
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You don't have to participate in this thread either. But you did.

    You called a dead murdered person who can't possibly respond a little shit.
    That makes you a huge coward. Congrats. :wink: :cheers:
  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    "When someone fights against someone, in fact fights against his/her favorite genres.", said Foster.:cheers:

    Rappers are innocent. You should find the founder of RAP.:thumbsup:
  14. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Ok we shall do that. Speak ill of the dead when they pass. Create a thread and send me a PM when one of your relative dies, I will gladely join the herd.

    You've actually compared XXX to Hitler...So yeah we are here now.
  15. strats2

    strats2 Member

    Apr 18, 2018
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    Whose fault is it that the turd biscuit's can't respond or defend themselves???? Live by the sword, die by the sword. A bunch of sad pathetic wannabe gangsters with pirate names, no class, and limited IQ's and social skills. Maybe you should take a closer look at what you define as cowardice. Or maybe you have as much limited respect for women,and the law as these cheap dime store hoods with no feasible talent. LOLOL
  16. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Ah, one of the striving painters during the mid-20th-century, right?
    People must have been amazed in his presence.


    And wasn't he the one with that distinctive, penetrating voice? Who knows, maybe it would fit perfectly for todays emotrap.. :wink:

    It is still simply not possible to compare human beeings. Judgement (especially judging people wholly) only leads to conformity from some with the verdict, which divides more people.

    Pretty funny (but also a very sad) how much more attention the "bad boy" gets. :knock:

    Stop insulting each other guys:guru:
    And even threatening gestures like @Luka's and his fear about someone doing bad things to his sister have nothing to do with the now. Seems most of you live in the past or in the future. :bleh:
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  17. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Past, present, future

    Present - its a gift.

    Live it
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  18. I didn't compare them one to one for their deeds, that would be ridiculous. Someone who beats his pregnant wife and stows her away so she cannot recieve medical attention for her injuries does not get a pass from me to not speak ill of them when they pass. The question to me is, why are you so upset and protecting such a douchbag's legacy?

    Is he a relative of your's that you feel the need to protect in death? Why else would you say, "Create a thread and send me a PM when one of your relative dies, I will gladely join the herd". I have nobody in my family that has behaved that way, and if I did I would have nothing good to say after they passed. It wouldn't bother me in the least to speak truth to evil deeds, those that for some reason you are defending. Hitler was pure evil incarnate, XXX a fucked up punk who's hobby seemed to be beating up on the mother of his child. If I were to actually compare the two, I would say that both are defenseless in their actions, of course Adolf's crimes the greater.

    So I ask again, why defend his legacy?

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  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You're negating a dead man due process in the justice system (yeah I know, he was suspected of beating a woman so wtf would he even be judged ??), and without any knowledge whatsoever about the case - which I don't have either so I wouldn't discuss things I'm partially ignorant about - you resort to shocking pictures, linked informations (and partials) since no trial was ever held about things you know as little as I myself do. Instead of coldy judging facts -since you don't have any and never will regarding something that will never be judged - you call to mobb mentallity,emotion, and post trashy picture like a twelve year old troll. Typical of fascist methods.
    None of what is happening here has to do with my sensitivity to beaten women cause, since the point of this thread was to report the death of two rappers by gunshots which is what I firstly reacted to and not a "case" fed by partial informations regarding a dude I never heard before a month ago when he got banned briefly from itunes for the same reasons.
    What I'm reacting to up untill now isn't at all the death of this rapper, since everyone went OT after three posts, but to the fact that grown up would highjack this type of death annoncement thread to spread their venom against rappers in general, or talk about people they don't know and situations they are barely aware of. I think it's an inapropriate behavior no matter the circunstances...Comparing him once again to Hitler (about whom you don't know much apparently) actually makes it worth. Beside the historical inacuracy, it gets us to the godwin point after barely three pages of thread, which makes this thread garbage.

    I don't defend anything btw, quite obvious to anyone intellectully honest and able to read. But I do wonder when you joined the herd, not that it matters much.
  20. Herr Tony

    Herr Tony Producer

    Aug 23, 2017
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    What's a rap anyway?
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