Question Regarding Plugin Alliance Plugins

Discussion in 'Software' started by AB69, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Sorry for making a thread for this but, If I buy something from Plugin Alliance, will my cracked Plugin Alliance plugins still work?

    EDIT: I'm reading some things about how you CAN'T use legit and cracked Plugin Alliance plugins together? I have some cracked ones that are fine, but I just bought something. Am I safe to just install the new plugin and use it side by side with the cracked ones? Or am I screwed right now and I need to ask Plugin Alliance for a refund immediately? Do they do refunds? I haven't downloaded the installer yet.

    Will appreciate any help, thanks.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2018
  3. bloodymoney

    bloodymoney Newbie

    Nov 28, 2013
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    I installed free official version of the site (mac & windows) and after installing, all my alliance plugins cracked become demo,,because of their new installation system :snuffy::excl:
  4. Flike

    Flike Member

    Jun 13, 2018
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    You definitely can. To paraphrase some folks who would definitely know (I'm new to the forum and not entirely sure if I should be naming them or not, I dunno) you just have to select a different device in the activation of the plugin(s) you bought. It's recommended that you put your license from PA to a removable device. If you go about it that way, according to who I'm paraphrasing - and again, they would definitely be the ones who would know - they state that you can definitely use cracked and legit. Just keep the licenses separated, legit on a removable device.
  5. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Do you know exactly how this is done? Or could you let me know who knows how? It sounds easy enough. I just don't want my cracked ones to stop working.

    Would I be able to get a refund from Plugin Alliance if I do not download the installer files?
  6. Blue

    Blue Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2015
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    So why did you buy some plugins if you knew they won't work?
    What Flike say is well known and that works.
  7. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Ok so i think I messed up or something. I followed in the instructions in this thread:

    I went through the installer, and I installed it onto my laptop for all users. Then I went into my DAW to activate it. I open the plugin and it asks for activation, so I entered my email and password, then clicked activate. It activated, but then I realized all my other cracked PA plugins got deactivated.

    Now I'm really frustrated. At no point did it ever ask me to deposit a license anywhere. I was assuming that after I entered my password, it would ask me where I would want to deposit the license. It just activated and then I checked my other PA plugins and they got deactivated.

    What did I do wrong? Was I suppose to install the PLUGIN onto my external HD? I'm so confused and pissed right now. I need to reactivate all my other PA plugins and I don't even recall how to do them or if it will work or not.

    Can anyone help me out please?

    EDIT: Ok so I reactivated all my cracked PA plugins. How do I install my new PA plugin properly? I used the installer I downloaded from the site. I did not use PA's plugin manager.

    I'm so confused with the install. I went through the installer pages for the plugin on my Mac, it asked me where I wanted to install the plugin, I kept it on my laptop and did not use an external. When I opened the plugin and clicked activate, it asked me whether online/offline, I chose online like the thread says and then entered my password and it activated but my other PA plugins got deactivated. I never got any license file to save?

    In the plugin, it says "Select the device you would like to activate" and it only shows my laptop as an option. Below that is online/offline. If I click online, it asks for my PA account info and if I hit submit, it activates but deactivates my other ones. What do I do? Also do i leave the "Activate all my licenses" checked or unchecked?
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
  8. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Do I need to do offline activation and generate a license?
  9. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    In the activation window on the screen before you login is where you pick to put your license. There’s a drop down menu which usually has your computer name by default. Click that menu and select a usb thumb drive. If you don’t have a valid usb thumb drive it won’t give you that drop down box. Then click I’m online and go to next screen and login.
  10. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    All it does say is my computer name. I have an external drive plugged into 1 of the USB on my laptop, and a USB hub through the other usb of the laptop that has my soundcard and 2 externals on there.

    How do I select my external drive?
  11. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    I just told you. If if doesn’t let you select anything but your computer name. You don’t have a valid usb thumb drive.

    Not an external hdd. Just a little usb stick/thumb drive. Go to Walmart and buy a new one for $5. And don’t use it through a hub.
  12. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    In the original thread it said USB stick or external USB drive?

    I'm just confused, they essentially do the same thing and the external drive would have more storage.

    Is there anyway to do it with an external usb drive? I have 1 of those 4tb external hard drives plugged in, can't I save it in there?
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2018
  13. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    No, it has to be a thumb drive. You would be better off if you could just read the activation manual on the plugin alliance website. You need a usb flash drive they are recognized differently in windows. You are going to have a hell of a time getting your cracked ones working!
    You need to activate legit ones to a usb “flash drive”. Then you are going to have to go through your whole pc and delete anything plugin alliance in the registry and from the internal hdd the OS resides on to get the cracked ones working again.
    I’ve told you everything you need to know. If you can’t get it working it’s because you don’t want to read.
  14. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    I've read everything. The reason I was asking if there was a difference between a USB stick and external was because I read everything...

    So I got it to show up after I put in a USB stick into my USB hub.

    Now my question is, can I move the license from USB stick A to USB stick B after i've installed it into USB stick A? I ask because I have an old random USB stick from work I found that I can use for now, but in the future once I get a new USB stick I would want to move the license from my old USB stick to my new USB stick. Is this possible?

    Thank you.
  15. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    No, the activation uses the hardware id of the usb stick to activate. I would be careful. You only get three activations of legit plugin alliance plugins. If you go into your account on the alliance website you can see your activated hardware. And your only allowed so many de-activations. But if you wipe your computer or delete everything on your pc or want to use a different pc you can just plug usb stick into new computer and they will work. If you email plugin alliance and tell them of your troubles they might award you some extra deactivations so you can use a different usb stick.
  16. AB69

    AB69 Newbie

    Sep 14, 2014
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    Right now it says 3 activations.

    So you're suggesting it's safer to just wait and don't activate it on my current work USB and just order a new USB stick and use that one? I feel that it may be easier to just wait a bit. I don't imagine using up all 3 activations any time soon but I also don't like the idea of using up my licenses so quickly or having limited licenses.

    Kinda off topic, but if were to get a new USB for DJing serator/pioneer, would I be able to use this same USB as my "license usb" for PA licenses and other licenses?

    Thank you for your help.
  17. tater_one

    tater_one Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2013
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    Daytona Beach, FL
    Yes you can use same usb stick for different licenses. Waves, overloud, Pugin Alliance. And yes wait till you get permanent usb stick then you won’t waste activations. Doesn’t have to be a big size stick. Could be a small size cheap one. I got a shitty one at Walmart for $6 works fine.