How EXACTLY Do I Get This Working?

Discussion in 'Software' started by MusicMakesMeLoseControl, Jun 1, 2018.

  1. MusicMakesMeLoseControl

    MusicMakesMeLoseControl Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    Greeting fellow audio heads!

    So, I've recently decided to install a few of R2R's "releases" (The JV-1080, D-50, and Concerto VST), as well as the Roland Cloud Emulator (for reference, it is version 1.1.0). Now, I did the whole "BUSINESS_WAREZ" bit and then I installed the VST Plugins. Everything was installed like it should, or maybe not because whenever try to load up any of these VST Plugins in FL Studio 8 (outdated, I know, but it still does the job for me), I get the message "Problem loading (VST) for an unknown reason. Please make sure it has been installed correctly". I even uninstalled everything and then installed Roland Cloud Emulator AFTER the Plugins. Still no go.

    And another thing is that most of my VSTs are in Program Files (x86)/VstPlugins, where I did move the Roland plugins (the .dll files) from Program Files/VSTPlugins.

    Is there something I'm doing wrong or am I missing a step or something? Would these 64-bit VST 2 Plugins work in FL Studio 8?

    Now again, I am using FL Studio 8 on a Windows 8 laptop with a 64-bit OS.

    Thank you in advance if you can help.
  3. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    The plugins installed in Program Files are 64-bit. The ones installed in Program Files (x86) are 32-bit. So you moved 64-bit plugs in the 32-bit folder.
    If your FL (I am not familiar with it) runs in 32-bit mode, this is for sure the reason it won’t load those plugins.
  4. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    ^^ what he said : )
    install in program files\vstplugins or at least leave the suggested path in the installer and let it put stuff into default. then if it doesn't work.... it won't work :/
  5. MusicMakesMeLoseControl

    MusicMakesMeLoseControl Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    Thank you for the answer!

    Most likely, my FL Studio IS running in 32-bit mode so yeah, that's probably why it's refusing to work. So, would there be some sort of remedy to this or a workaround?

    Thanks again.
  6. MusicMakesMeLoseControl

    MusicMakesMeLoseControl Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    That makes sense. The thing is, when I scan for new plugins, FL Studio 8 usually reads them from Program Files (86x)/VstPlugins and not the other Program Files folder (plus, this version I use is so old, it doesn't even have the newer plugin manager feature! heh). It would be too bad in it doesn't work on FL Studio 8 at all. I really wanted to play around with the new sounds.

    Thank you, though.
  7. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    FL Studio EIGHT? :woot:...Wow you're brave.
  8. MusicMakesMeLoseControl

    MusicMakesMeLoseControl Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    (Laughs) I know, I know. It's just, it's the one I've been using for so long and it's been working for me thus far. Well, except for 64-bit VSTs.
  9. MusicMakesMeLoseControl

    MusicMakesMeLoseControl Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    Okay, I actually DID find a workaround. It's a program that allows me to bridge 64-bit program to my 32-bit host. It's not perfect, especially as it's a Demo version. But once I work around THAT, I'll be pretty much set.

    Thank you, everyone, for your help so far; especially you, jayxflash, as you did show me what the main problem was.
  10. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Recommend you use the latest working FL Studio 11.x.x. It's x64 bit and won't operate that much differently. FL 12, however, is a different story.
  11. eXACT_Beats_

    eXACT_Beats_ Audiosexual

    Apr 21, 2018
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    I have been using FL, among other DAW's, since...6, maybe 7; hell, I remember tooling with the first version (just the sequencer,) in High School. I actually went back to FL 10 because I wasn't a fan of 11 or 12 for a grocery list of reasons (I tried, but I'll be damned if Image-Line actually cares that every one of their releases is bug-ridden.) I have now moved on to Studio One as my solid, but I feel ya'. I liked FL 10's setup, personally, because I didn't/don't need a million bells & whistles, which seems to be what FL specializes in now. That being said, short of having to use a bridge like I did, which is kinda worth it....kinda, you're going to have to upgrade. After FL 20 (or, as some have called it, We-Already-Know-There-Are-Bugs-In-Our-Newest-Release Studio,) I don't really think that it's worth sticking with Image-Line if they're going to continually add new features without addressing their grocery list of old problems, namely, stability. One way or another, you're probably ing to have to upgrade, and if you do, it might be a good time to look to a DAW that actually takes it's customers wants/needs into account. Not trying to sell Studio One, but I'm happy with the handful of similarities that it has with FL, mainly the intuitive nature of it. Just my two cents....either way, good luck.
  12. MusicMakesMeLoseControl

    MusicMakesMeLoseControl Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    Thanks for the advice. If there ever comes that I think upgrading is a good idea, I'll probably stick with FL Studio. But yeah, I just had to use a bridging program and it works!
  13. MusicMakesMeLoseControl

    MusicMakesMeLoseControl Newbie

    May 31, 2018
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    Thanks, I will actually keep that in mind just in case I DO upgrade.