expand on this idea please.....music first

Discussion in 'Education' started by sir jack spratsky, Apr 26, 2018.

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  1. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
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  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    have you been taking lessons from @MMJ2017 ? :winker:
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  4. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
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  5. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
  6. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    could MMJ answer the question posted by himself?(but not by his account):rofl:
  7. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    Most of these threads are theory, without audio examples to complement.

    Im patiently waiting...
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  8. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    he didn't say that, but it's not a bad idea
  10. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Thanks for that , but you say "Most of these threads are theory" .
    I undersand what you want to say but i must add that it is a kind of "theory" that you will not find anywhere else !!!
    What i mean :
    In most music theory books or classes the musical staff is used to illustrate the concepts .

    Letter names of notes alone "ABCDEFG" can not define a melody .
    (I was explaining this in détail yesterday on the thread that was deleted )
    Everybody read this carefully please because this fraud is enough :
    writing "CGA" calling this a "melody" is nothing else than bullshit , a fraud not "theory" , demonstration :

    1/ "CGA" OK ... After the C , do you go "up" a fifth for the G or "down a fourth" ?
    On the musical staff , it shows if the melody goes "down or up"
    On audio example we hear if the melody goes "down or up" .
    2/ Where and when have you (everybody) heard a "melody" without rythm ??? Music without rythm ?

    Do anyone recognize those very famous melodies written like that ? :

    "EEECDDDB" ? A most famous one !!! (i give the answer later for the curious)
    This one :
    Got it folks ?
    false info
    Not "Music theory"

    Letter names are commonly used to write chord symbols ex "G13b9" , "C min" , "A7#5" etc ...
    But letter names alone can not be used to define a melody . No way .
    So this is not theory , this is bullshit , fraud .Now we have another parrot on the site that is doing copy paste from the original parrot .
    Enough with that garbage on the site , this is just fraud , fake news , bullshit
    This is really a shame and give to every one on the site a very bad idea of "music theory"
    I can argue on those points with anyone who dares , THAT IS ENOUGH FRAUD called music theory or jazz theory and all this bullshit !
    Introninja , it is very easy to get confirmation of what i write .
    Ask whoever who is qualified .
    We have a great musician on the site , (you know who i talk about) Ask him for a start ...
    thx for reading .
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  11. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    whew... that didn't take long...

    auf wiedersehen
  13. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    @sir jack spratsky
    I write for the sole purpose of explaining why I disagreed with the content of your thread. One, its content was authored by another member and you did not credit that member for it at the time of posting. And two, if you as the OP can neither explain what you propose nor support it, do us all a favor and do not post it.
  14. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    There are 2 solutions:

    1- General solutions (written in books and MMJ's teaching methodologies)
    2- Proprietary solutions (Secret because people are making money out of them)

    Don't expect people to share the #2. Never ever. BTW, It's usually ear-based and hard to deliver to the others.:bleh::rofl:
  15. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
  16. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    Last edited: Apr 26, 2018
  17. Mute singers sound devine
    In perfect harmony
    While cannibals, they eat their young
    Now know no other way

    I met a man of letters
    Who had not much to say
    His words just made so...little sense
    And I just walked away.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2018
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    heavy man.. no, cryptic... umm no, heavy.. yeah :winker:

    also.. it must be a nasty halo that attracts flies..
  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    I understand and agree with you that explanations are guaranteed to be supporting statements within any context.
    I also paid attention to @Introninja 's last comment on a closed thread which you may have missed and in hindsight, I wish I ignored altogether.
    Unfortunately what I notice on the Audiosex forums sometimes, is that not a lot of people seem to know when to take a moderator seriously, or whether the information they are receiving is right or wrong.
    Basically Ninja said in short, stay on topic and don't attack each other. While there is more, nobody was guilt free and it's starting again.
    So this is my cue to leave. I cannot add value to something when the people contributing seem more prepared to have a go at each other than to listen to what someone has to say whether they like them or not.
    Not one person here in their life can say they never had a teacher in some form of their schooling that they did not particularly like.

    I also agree with both you and Ninja because an informed opinion can always substantiate itself which you do and I try to do.
    I fail sometimes but I figure if I am going to say "this concept works", I find something of my own to put up to show it. If I cannot, I find someone else's that does. A lot of the people on here I know that can really play do put up links to support what they are saying and some just want to argue for the pure sake of it.
    I think this is what Ninja is saying. Basically if you put up some theory, then support it with some kind of practical proof.
    So you are both saying to me a similar thing, but in different ways :)
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  20. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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  21. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    You know what's the next level after music theory? Yes, style and it's totally a different story.:winker:

    In styles, everything is possible. You can waste all of your time on honing never-ending damn music theory and never spend any time on acquiring skills for styles.

    I think the logical solution for now is letting the music theory be an uncharted territory in your mind and work on other aspects of your underlying styles. @MMJ2017 is always here and you can exploit his self-invented situations to the full.:bleh:
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