Easiest way to fail playing "jazz"

Discussion in 'Education' started by retsoff119, Apr 16, 2018.

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  1. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Advanced Harmonic Concepts
    2 credit(s)
    Course Chair: George Russell Jr.
    Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
    Required of: None
    Electable by: All
    Prerequisites: HR-212
    Department: HARM
    Location: Boston Campus
    Emphasis on newer harmonic concepts to enable students to write and analyze tunes in the style of Mike Gibbs, Chick Corea, and others. Discussion and use of nonfunctional harmonic techniques including multitonic systems, constant cycles, and patterned material. Analysis of representative tunes.

    This material is taught at Berklee and other schools .
    Didn't you yet find the chords of the first tune of Bassdude's music ?
    The key ?
    Major or minor ? LOL !:bleh:
    Ouch !!!
    You know how to copy-paste , for sure !:rofl::bleh:
  2. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    George Russell a different person, the founder of the Lydian Chromatic concept is sadly no longer with us. He was also on the board at New England Conservatory where as George Russell Jnr is Berklee.
    But George Russell Jnr is not lacking in pedigree either with credits including some of the biggest names in Jazz of the last 50 years.
    His performance pedigree alone says he knows what he is talking about and how to teach jazz.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2018
  3. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I do enjoy those concepts and WISH I could have studied with mr. russell sr. for sure!
    But what I am talking about is regular ole Tonal JAZZ navigating KEY changes with 2 note collections at your starting KEY from consonance to dissonance.
    However in my personal studies I greatly enjoy the Lydian chromatic concept of tonal organization using Vertical and horizontal harmony as a means of navigating musical gravity .( I been studying Lydian chromatic Concept for many years myself because I was not able to take his classes.)
    Chords of his music? um, as soon as the track starts playing you can hear it right away everyone can not just me or you, everyone can hear it they are not hidden in any way.
    Getting back to Lydian chromatic concept of tonal organization I would love to have a conversation with you about it, I have found very few that have fathom it ( even among those that studied with george russell sr.) and I really love the unique harmony of it.

    you description is nonfunctional harmony but my conversation earlier with you was about functional harmony I asked you how to travel to all 12 keys from your starting location KEY in such a way where every substitution comes out in order from consonance to dissonance. then you said that knowledge changing keys is useless to you. I then asked Isn't changing KEYS just as important as changing note and changing chords how could it not? then you started going on about what you read or not in books what classes or not you have taken, but my question was related to how music itself works, after all that what is important the knowledge of how music works. now later on you bring up one my favorite subjects albeit different one, nonfunctional harmony. when I was talking about Berklee that was in the context of functional harmony, so yes it is great they offer other classes and subjects but what just leave incomplete large gaps for their students regarding functional harmony?

    what do you mean? are you making assumptions based on no information again? storytelling again? I am starting to understand why you have chosen to behave a specific way regarding human interactions this whole time, since I first met you.
    question why are you making it appear as though you cannot differentiate functional harmony from non-functional harmony?
    In other words do you believe ALL advanced harmonic concepts are in the same domain?
    like usual you show no nuance or ability to perceive "context".
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  4. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    There are a pile of important things that were never mentioned like how they all borrowed changes and created new tunes...
    How High the Moon, Parker create Ornithology so on and so forth - they need to find out for themselves and why it was legitimate just like the blues from whence it came. Because if anyone copyrighted a blues structure there would only have ever been one. anyway....
    See your PM's there's some cool stuff I sent you. :) Personally, I am staying away, leave them to their own devices.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2018
  5. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Still didn't find the chords (of the first tune of bassdude music) ?
    Ouch !
    The key ?
    Major , min ?
    Ouch !!!
    That is for you , (and everyone that is not clear about that)
    Well said .
    I suggest that before you dare even mentioning Mr russel , you just answer me about rhe chords or key or even tell me
    if it is Major or minor tune .
    You are making yourself soooo ridiculous little troll , little parrot .
    You should not treat yourself showing how ridiculous and desperate your are parrot ...
    Just answer and prove to this community that you are at least able to recognize major from minor !!!
    Holly shit
    This is crazy .
    Dude is talking about advanced stuff can't even hear basic progressions .Damn crazy dude ! cut the shit !
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I find it extraordinary, that you have the ability to extract from a few text comments the ability to tell another person's ability to "hear"
    You have some real magical superpowers my friend!

    Just one question for you( I ask myself this question too you are not singled out here.)

    How are you able to differentiate those times when you make assumptions about a person( based on text on a screen )which matches to the real person, and those other times when you make assumptions about a person (based on text on a screen) which is just your imagination and has no connection at all to a real breathing person?

    I ask because several times you have demonstrated that inside of your thought process, you constantly fill in information which is unavailable to you about a person using pure imagination.

    But the question is , do you honestly believe that Imagining my user name in your head and attaching an invented storyline, matches the real person I am on my side of the screen?

    If your answer is yes, you have determined that it does indeed match, what is your criteria for establishing that it does?
    if the answer is NO, then why are you talking to me as if i was this character you invented in your thought process?

    there is an outside world independent of your thoughts my friend. I exist in that outside world, not your thought process .

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Not to be confused with Solecism.
    Part of a series on
    Related concepts and fundamentals:

    Solipsism (/ˈsɒlɪpsɪzəm/ ([​IMG] listen); from Latin solus, meaning 'alone', and ipse, meaning 'self')[1] is the philosophical idea that only one's own mind is sure to exist. As an epistemological position, solipsism holds that knowledge of anything outside one's own mind is unsure; the external world and other minds cannot be known and might not exist outside the mind. As a metaphysical position, solipsism goes further to the conclusion that the world and other minds do not exist.

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  7. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Here at 9 minutes and 34 seconds in, is one of the most standard set of chord changes in any jazz musician's repertoire and knowledge at even 1st year entry level in any jazz degree in the world. In the world.
    An entry level jazz musician can HEAR them because they play jazz even though early stages and this requires basic theoretical as well as chord knowledge and most importantly, the ability to hear the chord changes which like anything, come from recognition and knowing chord harmony.
    Someone other than Retsoff care to name the song where these chord changes Michael Brecker is soling over come from at 09:34?
    For a jazz musician it is not difficult. This is actually simple even though Brecker's solo is ridiculous.
  8. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    You won't find the answer in any comments or a Google search.
  9. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Man , Michael Brecker ...Solo on this "mysterious" lol progression is just so ... Nice to hear :)
  10. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    MMJ parrot , wtf are you talking about ?
    Just tell us the chords , jazz expert ! LOL !
    Or the key ? The tonality maybe ? Major ? Minor ?
    OUCH !
    I like to play with you dude :)
    Just answer , expert !
    LOL !
    Come back parrot , i like it :)
    Hej man , so what is Brecker soloing on at 9'40 ??? OUCH !
    Shit : Now two basic challenges for you the expert , but very hard for the parrot .`
    I like to play with you ...
  11. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    The usurper is trapped ...
    He came here on this thread from his own decision .
    The whole thread was saying that theory alone is not the way , and that the guy named MMJ2017 was a usurper and could not hear a tenth
    of what he tries to teach others .
    The usurper is glued , can't guess simple chord progression or key or even saying if it's major or min .
    The fail is even greater than i expected .
    And instead of leaving and meditate , the dude is coming back to the place swowing to the community that :
    He can not hear ...
    Just repeat as a parrot ...
    Game over ...
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    playing with me?
    how so?
    you are playing with your own thoughts, how would I make a connection to myself with your comments?
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    so you think that I said "theory alone IS THE WAY"?....mmmhm
    How would you be able to determine that? your imagining it thats okay you can think anything in your thoughts of course but where the connection between your thoughts and the person I am?
    for example, if I made the same accusation of yourself, would you be convinced on your end that because i invented in my thoughts that you "Cannot here 1/10th of what you think you can?"
    Interesting thoughts you have.
    I already asked you questions that you did not answer, should I also invent a character with your username, inside of my thoughts
    with storytelling, then act belligerent toward you based on my thought fiction?
    I have more quarters.

    you have shown demonstrably that the source of your hatred for this fictional character you named MMJ2017 in your thoughts, is specifically tied to your own ways of thought process. you have not attempted to show a connection to your thoughts to the real me which exists. can you do that?

    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  14. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Ok here's the answer.
    A horn player that plays Oleo by Sonny Rollins, or Rhyhtm a ning by Thelonious Monk or Anthropology by Dizzy Gillespie will regularly not necessarily call them by name because they expect the "jazz" musicians to have it by rote years and years ago.
    They will say something like "Rhythm changes, B flat"
    This is because it is bare bones level jazz harmony chord changes and uses the identical changes to George Gershwin's: "I got rhythm".
    See Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald's: "Porgy & Bess" album seeing Louis Armstrong was used as a video reference.
    The very same trumpet player "Satchmo" which he that shall remain nameless put up saying he knew so much about, not to mention Gershwin and Parker. Anthropology was played by Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie same Rhythm changes. Parker being another used in he that shall remain nameless' threads.
    So the above set of chord changes have been around since the 1920s and has been regurgitated every decade in either the same form or a different form.
    Even if someone said It's in B flat and the bridge goes to D or "It sounds like Oleo" or any one of large amounts of jazz standards that use this set of changes would have been something. But the answer was not forthcoming because simply "he that shall remain nameless" is not a jazz musician's rear.

    While I think Retsoff is provocative and possibly unnecessarily attacking sometimes, he is nonetheless correct.
    If I get banned or this thread removed for calling he that shall remain nameless a Charlatan then it is the truth that is being destroyed and nothing else.
    This question posed is JAZZ 101
    Now I am truly going, because Retsoff was right about one thing this is a poor misinformed joke that you have people believing. that he that shall remain nameless knows anything about what real jazz is. If people like him are everywhere saying what jazz is, no wonder so many people hate jazz. It's actually embarrassing to jazz musician's everywhere that someone that says they know jazz cannot answer one of the most identifiable set of chord changes in jazz.
    Maybe you and Retsoff should stay off each other's threads "he that shall remain nameless". From me only because I cannot speak for him, you do that "he that shall remain nameless" and I'll stay off yours.

    Nasty? Perhaps depending on perspective. Truth = 100% - a Charlatan, there is no better truthful word.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2018
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Written feb 27, 2018

  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    It actually is very nice well written

  17. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    I am playing with the parrot because he is coming back here to post some stuff .
    Demonstrating in public that he can not even recognize if a tune is in a major or minor key , guessing the changes are
    way beyond the capacities of his very limited ears , otherwise why not simply giving the answer .
    Just :
    The tune is in ... Db Maj (for ex )
    Basic stuff , basic chord pattern recognition .
    I play with you as long as you answer , little parrot , charlatan , usurper .
    Come back and show us how you will escape this time , i like playing with you :)
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    you created a thread which you said was about me.( but only demonstrate that its about your thoughts, no connection to the person I am)

    where else would I go to talk about it?

    It does not make sense to you that I am here talking to you?

    really? you think that
    this is what actually took place instead..
    escape? thats how you think of it?
    haha you created this absurd thread which you then tell me is about me.
    I ask you how is it about me? and you call names. that is the course of events that have taken place so far.

    I'm simply asking that if your thoughts are connected to me the actual me, find some way to show me that.

    from my perspective i see a comment come you saying all this stuff and you attach my username to it. but from my perspective I cannot see how any of it is real. if you think it IS real. (not just storytelling in your thoughts)
    do something to get it to come across to me.

    you are typing words behind a screen, calling names and hiding. this is what is taking place n reality. I'm asking you to establish a connection to these names you keep calling my username, what is the connection to your naming calling and accusations, and the person I am ?
    Commenting in a way where you naming calling and in same sentence make demand that I answer you ,
    are you surprised that a person would not answer in that situation?
    hell, i just asked you question with no name calling or assumptions made about you and you refused to answer .( then you said knowledge of key changes is basically worthless IF it is not a located inside your berklee book you keep under your pillow to reference)

    for fun!
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
  19. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    Let it go.
    Anyone that is not a sheep following him blindly with an ounce of common sense can even google everything I put up there and search Oleo or Anthropology or Rhythm a ning and add chord changes to the search and will find I am 100% correct. If they google jazz standards they will find most if not all of what I have listed in them. Rhythm changes in one form or another will be among them. I think nearly every jazz fake book or Real Book of Jazz available has at least one of the tunes I mentioned in it from memory.

    The point has been proven. It is however embarrassing that he did not know one of the singularly most identifiable set of chord changes in jazz for any jazz musician in the world.
    I reckon leave it alone.
    If he stays off your threads or mine, then pay the same courtesy. I think that is fair.
    No need to say anymore I think.
    It only becomes bullying anything more from this point on. Now it is shown.
    I offered to show him how to get what he wants to say across and he pretty much said I did not know what I was talking about.
    The moderator's called it ego but the thing is it was his ego that started the problem and brought mine out.

    My opinion is leave this thread, wait a week or two and we can chat about what actually might be useful for people rather than feeling a need to defend information that we know is correct.
    I should have some more free time in a couple of weeks too :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2018
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Can you describe your experience, what it is like for you and how everything happens , in a situation where you are writing a comment and calling a person names and making a story about them to type into a comment?
    can you describe that process for us?
    what are the events that happen for you?
    what thoughts come up?
    what feelings do those thoughts create for you?
    how real does it all feel to you?
    how do you know that you are talking about the real person in that situation?
    how would you tell if you had accidentally thought stuff that wasn't true, or if you accidentally made assumptions that you couldn't check to see if valid?

    so step 1,you have a thought.
    step2 how do you know if it is fiction or reality?

    I will answer for myself.

    step 1. I have a thought.
    step 2. the way that i can differentiate if it is fiction or not, is to look at the content of the thought itself and see if the information is available to show it is about reality, if the information is not available the thought is labeled as fiction. if the information conflicts with reality then it is labeled fiction. once a thought of mine is labeled fiction, it has no capacity to effect me emotional, subsequently thoughts along those lines cease and I start over from the same process with a brand new thought and new content of the new thought.
    I follow this process for everyone of my thought.

    when i see your comments to me with the name calling and the title of this thread(with the first post for instance). I follow this process by comparing the content of what you are saying, then names you are calling me and the accusations you are giving me, I then compare to the facts of reality that I have about myself, I see conflictions everywhere, the facts of reality about me refute the propositions you say are about me.then I have no choice but to label what you have said as fiction.
    I think nothing bad about you. what i see that is taking place is a person which has no ability to differentiate their thoughts (fiction from reality) next even further they make assumptions built into storytelling (heroes and villains like movie plots) where the assumptions are not built from any type of facts, but instead areas that you had ignorance you filled in your imagination with storytelling of villain. I have no names to call you I feel bad you have to go through this, experience things that way it is a sad thing to have happen, because reality is so close but so far away in that circumstance.
    the reality that has taken place since I have joined this forum is i make a thread, sharing information .
    how were you able to take reality and jumble it up so much to create this type of villain character with my username , simply from me sharing information which is demonstrable?
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2018
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