Easiest way to fail playing "jazz"

Discussion in 'Education' started by retsoff119, Apr 16, 2018.

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  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    think about that for a moment.
    didn't you just answer your own question?

    because you never have done that before on mine errr?
    pats on head shhh shhh its going to be okay take a deep breath suck on your thumb for security.
    its okay you pm'd the chords. you pm'd the chords shhh shhh
  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    here is a test for you, if you answer correctly i deem you worthy enough to speak to me....... ready?

    what are the 2 note collections, which when dealing with larger than key structures
    connect the C major KEY to all 12 KEYS.
    2 note collections which connect C major KEY to all 12 KEYS
    (hint ,and i don't mean the chromatic scale) I mean direct connections which all substitutions come from.(C major KEY connecting to all 12 KEYS which lays out all the substitutions in order from consonance to dissonance with C major KEY as the center point)
    hint 2, the same 2 note collections can connect any KEY to all 12 keys laying out every substitution in order from consonance to dissonance with that starting KEY as a center point.
    what are those 2 note collections?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
  3. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    You know what ?
    You just showed who you are ; THANK YOU !
    About your question :
    I do not give a shit !
    Like all your shit your challenge is ... Useless .

    Mine is crucial :
    Recognize basic chord changes every jazz musician can identify instantly .
    Recognize things what you teach , MMJ 2017 !

    (About your question , challenge i must tell you that event in the last level of harmony class in Berklee (Harmony IV) and some theory classes way back then , i have never been reading such a thing .Anyhow i have so many concrete things to learn and practice that i really do not
    feel to do the slightets little effort to join your mind and deafness (chords plz) and confusion .

    Bye parrot
    I have other things to do
  4. Pagurida

    Pagurida Platinum Record

    Nov 30, 2012
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    OMG! :deep_facepalm:

    War of words in the name of music...
    Is it really worth it, guys?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
  5. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    No it is not in the name of music , but in the name of honesty .
    Music has already kicked the butt of the parrot .
  6. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    your making assumptions again?
    so your saying you don't enjoy being demanded to answer questions in order to pay tribute to show you are valuable enough to speak with? how weird.

    I agree.
    oh my god , you mean berklee does not teach the way to connect the C major key to all 12 KEYs with 2 note collections when dealing with larger than key structures? im shocked.
    I never asked about if you read something in a book or got taught something in a college class.
    I asked a question related to how music itself works.
    to start off in a C major KEY and then using 2 simple note collections be able to travel to all 12 KEYS in such a way where every possible substitution in C major comes out in order from consonance to dissonance.
    this is one level higher than knowing your chord progressions.
    just basic knowledge of how JAZZ works.
    all of the standards fall right out of it.

    It is amazing that the moment I ask to to answer a question you come to that realization .
    does this whole situation sound familiar yet?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
  7. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    I don't know how ' godly ' he is but @BaSsDuDe was nice enough to play bass on my daughter's track recently. He is not a typical jazz snob that refuses to play on a simple 4 chord song.
    Although hiring Omar Hakim for his latest CD puts him in a different playing field than the rest of us mere forumites.

    So, for someone that doesn't quite understand enough about theory, it is surprising to see this much heated / hate debate.
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  8. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    So your position is that musicians having the ability to take their starting off KEY and by using 2 note collections have the knowledge to connect to all 12 KEYS by laying out every substitution in order from consonance to dissonance, is useless?

    That is weird because form my perspective that is a key bit of knowledge just as important as knowing chords and progressions.
    by missing that information you are just guessing at what keys connect which random way.

    Similar to if a person is not knowledge about chord progressions, then they are just mashing random chords together with no rhyme or reason.

    So for you, having the ability to connect to all 12 KEYS(using 2 note collections) , from whatever KEY you started in based on consonance and dissonance where all your substitutions fall out of it in order from consonance to dissonance is USELESS?
    that is useless?
    interesting point of view, it does explain going all the way back why you act the way you have toward me since first meeting you.
  9. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    Poor you indeed ...
    Can't recognize basic chord and wants to teach others how jazz works .
    Give us more , c'mon i know you have no limits .
    At Berklee they are very clear , you (or anyone ) can download their harmony books, they are all over on the web .
    Easy for anyone to compare with your mess .Just read and compare .
    Also :
    At Berklee, harmony classes includes harmonic dictations corresponding to the level of what is being taught .
    If you can't recognize basic chords progressions you miss chance to go to next level ...
    And i am talking about students ...
    Someone that teaches other how jazz works that can not recognize chords ...:rofl:
    Laughable for others , but not for him .
    Give the chords or at least ...
    The key ?
    Major ?
    Minor ?
    Bye parrot , i have othe things to do .
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I have never said one angry or disrespectful thing toward bassdude and make no assumptions about him, im glad he did that and is that way.
    I never thought badly about him at all.
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I have demonstrated that I can recognize basic chords and advanced chords also and shared the information with for anyone to see you forgot?

    Im sure that is the case but what do their books have to do with anything? you live or die by their books?

    that is a good start sure.
    absolutely!......... but a question for you what IS that next level beyond chord progressions?
    answer is the ability to connect to all 12 keys from the KEY you are at . you say this is useless!
    you have said that the next level beyond chord progressions is useless!
    very true.
    but what about someone that doe snot know how to connect to all 12 keys from their starting key based on consonance and dissonance ?
    you say this is worthless. but to me it is equally valuable as knowing your chords and progressions, because if you didn't know it what you just supposed to randomly change keys?
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    importance Music knowledge
    how to change notes
    how to change chords
    how to change keys.

    the knowledge of how to do these 3 things is equally important.
    if berklee teaches how o change notes ( based on consonance and dissonance)
    teaches how to change chords based on ( based on consonance and dissonance)
    BUT when it comes to changing keys they leave it up to random ,?
    think about it a chord progression is based on a KEY which is a representation of a note.
    changing notes makes sense right?
    they couldn't spend 15 mins one day of class explaining how to start in any KEY and connect to any other of the 12 KEYS by using 2 note collections ( which by choosing, lays out in order all the substitutions for C major KEY from consonance to dissonance)
    they couldn't spent 15 mins of one day to explain that?
    now as a result you get people that wen to berklee saying that is is "useless" to spend 15 mins learning how to TRAVEL to all 12 KEYS from your starting point?
    THIS is the EXACT reason why i make my theory threads EXACTLY the way that i DO on here, to fill in those missing gaps people don't normally come across.
    I recommend the study of Pat Martino he has been around long time he explains a lot over the years.

    here is what berklee wont tell you.


    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
  13. BibouLeNoob

    BibouLeNoob Kapellmeister

    Apr 11, 2015
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    and vice versa
  14. Pagurida

    Pagurida Platinum Record

    Nov 30, 2012
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  15. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    If I put up a pile of theory, then I would plug my bass or a piano or a guitar in and play/record just by itself doing it like most decent people wanting to demonstrate anything. It's not really hard with all the DAW software on the sister site.
    Wow you forgot about that!! - Do you know how long it takes a musician that knows theory and can play to put exercises and tutes down into a DAW? - No time at all. What he's put up, about an hour. AND - on your home computer. Zippyshare is right there to upload to.
    If the light bulb has not gone off, check out how many guitar and piano players there are online playing SOLO "demonstrating what they are selling" in THEORY. THOUSANDS.
    If it still has not gone off, then there's no helping you.
    Without it what is it? I will let you all work it out because the universities are now sick of wasting three months of the first year undoing the damage people like this guy has caused online saying they are experts and qualified when they are not, then deprogramming the back-to-front teachings; and yes they are looking to make an example of them - as sure as this message exists and as sure as Donald Trump is President. Impersonation is a jailable offense in America.

    It would not be a problem if you could not Google it, but the whole world can see it.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2018
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  16. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Oh noooo:dont: don't use Zippyshare. @superliquidsunshine will complain.

    I was recently turned onto www.audiomack.com

    P.S. Please stop with all the orange pumpkin references. The reminder is very hurtful
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2018
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  17. BaSsDuDe

    BaSsDuDe Guest

    You're the one that wanted me to upload it there :rofl:
  18. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    and here something completly different:
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  20. retsoff119

    retsoff119 Kapellmeister

    Mar 17, 2018
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    So true ...
    Using BIAB with real tracks + mixture of midi and BIAB in a DAW + quality virtual instruments can do a good illusion .
    Hopefully illusion does not work when playing with real people .
    PS : Glad to see you did not leave .

    @ everyone
    It is always possible to join in a jam session with the best players in the world , or the best players in town .
    No talk is going to save yourself then ...
    Just your skill .
    No escape , no way ...
    Just a good time , or severe humiliation .
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