WD Velociraptor for OS (XP) or DAW

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by yeti, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. yeti

    yeti Newbie

    Dec 16, 2011
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    planet Earth (aren't we on the 21 st ? )
    I've been looking around a bit ( but couldn't find an answer ) , is it more effective to use a Western Digital Velociraptor for the System (WIn XP SP2) , or to run the DAW ?
    I have them in separate HDs and hava a chance to grab a small Velociraptor ( 150 or 300 GB ) , then I wondered ......
  3. uber909

    uber909 Member

    Feb 12, 2012
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    Neo Bangkok
    Better use your Velociraptor for the system and the DAW => save another HD for your projects/samples/librairies... I do not have a PhD in computer systems though, but that's what I'm doing and so far, it's not bad *yes*
  4. Bluespiral23

    Bluespiral23 ex.mod

    Sep 3, 2011
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    My advice is to install and run your daw software ( and any other vst or standalone too) on the same hd[usually on C:Program Files (x86)folders] of the system and get a minimum 1 tb 7.200 rpm disk for libraries and presets/soundsets,this is the best!!! :wink:
    Unfortunately xp 32bit recognize not more of 3 gb of ram...anyway there are some tricks to get more ram,maybe....:
    http://forum.cakewalk.com/tm.aspx?m=1955572 :wink:
  5. yeti

    yeti Newbie

    Dec 16, 2011
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    planet Earth (aren't we on the 21 st ? )

    Mate , thanks for the help . I also learn that it's better to even have a separate HD for the system . When was possible I tried , and stick with it ) less fragmented mess , smoother flow on DAW , even got a separate partition for the system on the system HD ( a 500gb WD 7.200 )and leave another to extra system stuff and files in case I need to reinstall it. But now I can get one WD Velociraptor (10.000 rpm) and then it comes the question :wink: For the 7.200rpm HD there was a better performance when system was separated from HD . How rapid is rapid ? Between a 10.000rpm HD and a 7.200rpm HD , wich one should get the system , and wich one should get the DAW , and as you said get them on the same HD to improve the performance .
    About the RAM , there are some software RAM managers for XP (actually never tried them ), but I'm using 4gb of RAM with extended memory management ( ) option from the BIOS set up , and (arguably) some say that some programs are capable of managing that amount of RAM inside XP :thumbsup:
    options and options .....
  6. yeti

    yeti Newbie

    Dec 16, 2011
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    planet Earth (aren't we on the 21 st ? )

    *yes* no doubt about it mate ! The thing is that it's a 150 gb HD , and I probably get one of them......oops got it . I was sticking to the idea of freeing one HD from system operations , and have the other to run DAW and VST's .
    You said you use them on the same HD , have you tried to use different partitions for system and DAW / VST ? Maybe you'll have even a better performance then you having now (the only thing is that is a drag , to install everything just to check .... :rofl: )
    thanks for the help
  7. Bluespiral23

    Bluespiral23 ex.mod

    Sep 3, 2011
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    To be clear:

    - first HD 10.000rpm for system,all programs,DAWS and vst 150Gb. I think is enough

    - second HD 7.200rpm (or better two in raid0 if you have money)better if 1TB or 2Tb(Bigger HD have better buffer,cache and latency) for libraries(audio files of the programs),soundsets,presets and your own projects

    - third and fourth HD 7.200rpm(depends how much space you need) for backup everything.Your system image too!!!They can be external HD too!!

    Now about you question:

    How rapid is rapid ? Between a 10.000rpm HD and a 7.200rpm HD , which one should get the system , and which one should get the DAW , and as you said get them on the same HD to improve the performance .

    - First question: have you a mobo with 6gb/s(Sata 3)ports?

    - Second question: which is your budget?

    - First answer: first HD 10.000rpm for system,all programs,DAWS and vst. Do not make partitions,they slow down
    the whole computer!!!!

    - Second answer: speed(write and read) depends from HD buffer,size,cache,latency,fragmentation and your mobo chipsets,internal latency.I need your mobo specifications to go in deeper answer!!!

    Just a little explanation: from the second HD of 7.200rpm you only stream little audio(waw,aiff,rex,mp3....) o presets(fxb,nkx....) files,usually few kilobytes,so you cannot have big latency and here it!!!So is a waste of money and energy to put faster HD!!

    - Third answer: you said:some say that some programs are capable of managing that amount of RAM inside XP.
    What i can say is that the global amount of ram you can use and managing is what you have installed on your PC that your OS can handle for its settings!!!
    You can try to set the virtual memory on first HD at maximum MB size of paging files.

    if you want an advice for HD 7.200rpm i need the infos i asked you :wink:
  8. yeti

    yeti Newbie

    Dec 16, 2011
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    planet Earth (aren't we on the 21 st ? )

    thanks Bluespiral23 illegal raver ,

    I'm looking for an WD 2 TB Black series as a second HD .
    My back-up it's a WD 2 TB Green (7.200 rpm)
    No SATA 3 , I have a M-Audio FW410 , a lot of old plugs in a ASUS P5K SE , XP SP2 32 bit , 4GB RAM Kingston , BIOS set to extended memory management
    I haven't the computer here with me now , but soon can send more datails if needed :bow:

    About the budget , as I get some money I'm buying what I can , know that's not a lot of precision , but it's what I got now :thumbsup:
    That was a great tip , I still thought even a 10.000 rpm HD would be quicker if it was releave from DAW and VST work . :wow:
    And no partitions !

    About the RAM : got the link , will try it

    thanks again for your help :wink:
