Some general FL Studio questions

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by Nick12, Mar 25, 2018.

  1. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Hey everyone,

    I'm currently working on a very big project that actually needs a lot more than 103 audio channels. Is that possible or is there a solution for it? By the way why have FL Studio actually only 103 audio channels in the first place? Okay, it's a lot and I quess it's enough for so many people out there. Altough, in my case I actually would like to have a lot more. Do I have a problem now?

    As far as I know you can only place 10 effect plugins on an audio channel. What if you actually want or needs more? Is there a solution for this aswell?

    I also have one project that keeps noticing me that Kontakt is missing the following files. It happens every time when I am loading this project at the beginning. I have the files. So that should be no problem at all. The thing is I have to do this every time, unfortunately. I actually thought that this won't show up anymore after the first time I have done this. Does anyone maybe know what the reason could be for this? And is there maybe a way to prevent this?

    Thanks in advance for any reactions!
  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    NO way! Both audio channels and playlist tracks will never be unlimited.

    Image-line has unbelievable potential for turning FL Studio into GOD but deliberately holds back from doing that because it wants to have its domination over the market and its customers. Most requests in their forums are not fulfilled. They participate in the discussions but at the end turn a deaf ear to the demands of the users. :dunno:
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2018
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  4. gyerosaski

    gyerosaski Newbie

    Feb 22, 2018
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    You can use as many FX as you want via plugin called Patcher (stock Fl plugin) or simply by sending one channel to another exclusivly. As far as I know you can't use more than 103 channels right now but I read somewhere that this is going to change in FL20. For kontakt problem: after you load instrument and tell kontakt where missing files are re-save patch or use batch re-save functionality
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  5. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    If you want more effects on each audio channel
    you can also try use Patchwork by blue cat, you can insert one on each fx slot.
    Dam your PC must be good :wow:
  6. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Are you single mic recording an orchestra? I mean I can tell ya a lot of FL Studio secrets but I need to understand why THAT many channels are needed.

    In general when say your computer can't handle the load you have to use a work around like working on grouping instruments and exporting them as stems to reduce the number.

    As for kontakt, you need to save the preset you are using. FL Studio forgets where kontakt libraries are if they are moved or if they are knew. You don't need to save the whole instrument just the nkm that holds the path. Same thing with slow loading kontakt libraries.

    HOWEVER, if you are trying to use 50 kontakt's that's the problem. I don't usually run into this even in orchestral writing. But if your going that far you can't have a single path per kontakt. Multi up instruments in kontakt that use the same effects or simular and tweak the kontakt settings. IF REALLY needed you can seperate the outputs in kontakt to send each instrument to different effects channels.

    But yeah give me a lil more info on WHY that many are needed and I'll tell you either why they aren't, due to just setting the software up wrong or a work around.

    Personally trying to work with 100+ You must have an I-9 with over 24gigs of memory. I mean I think it's funny when friends are like "oh my gamming computer" then i load my software load a song and their computer dies till bluescreen but that's EXTREME. Please more information.
  7. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Thank you all for the reactions!

    Oh, really? Yeah, I haven't really followed their forums actually. Altough, I have heard from @gyerosaski that for example the mixer tracks will be increased in newer versions.

    Oh, I know that plugin from watching tutorials from SeamLessR in the past. He uses it very often if I am right. I believe it's also a nice one for sound design. I will look more into it. Thanks!

    Could you explain where and how I could do that with Kontakt, re-save patch or batch re-save functionality?

    It's not that big as you would probably expect. I only have an I7-7700K. It's not bad, but I think you expected something bigger? I'm also actually still using one of your suggestions in one of my other threads to turn on triple buffer and to turn on mix in buffer switch. I think that helps a lot too.

    I never thought that I will run into this. I think I could give a few reasons.

    The project is pretty long. I think longer than average. It's 4:36.

    The project have just so many different arrangements. At some parts almost every 2 seconds something new happens and a lot of new sounds are introduced. I also have used a lot of layers which will increase the amount of sounds in the end aswell. I think I am just someone that's full with creativity and always sees something to improve and therefore keeps adding new stuff. Before I knew it I saw that all my mixer tracks are full, and I actually still want to do something whereby I actually would like to have some extra mixer tracks. Altough, I think the result may be there anyway.

    I'm actually not a big fan of grouping instruments, especially when working with an EQ. When making changes it affects everything. So if you want to high cut something it could affect the high hats at the same time aswell, right? You know what I mean? I don't know how to deal with that.

    Actually I don't have an I9. Just an I7-7700K. By the way I still hate the fact that I have missed the chance to get the 8700K, also because they both are kinda in the same price range. The 8700K came out like one month after I bought the 7700K. I didn't know that. That's sad.

    I think a few clearly reasons of why it's not crashing, freezing or anything is because not every part is using the same amount of sounds. And to be honest, actually some mixer tracks do not have any effect plugins yet. So probably when I start doing that I will run out. But I quess I could fix that with bouncing everything to stems, by increasing sample rate, etc. Also some parts have a big difference in CPU usage. For these parts I would like to have some extra mixer tracks, because I quess my CPU can handle that and I would like to make these parts more exciting.
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  8. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    I'll get to the full run down of this later today, but in FL Studio simply having the volume, stereo separation or pan on a channel with no effects plug-ins will slow things down... Which is why I have the "default" state always a few clicks away. FL Studio isn't perfect and that unfortunately is a flaw.

    And by 4:36 do you mean 4 hours or minutes?

    Anyway if you could export even a low quality of it let me hear it I may be able to give you better advice even if you dont want to post it publicly which I can understand. The I-9 Comment was just an exaggeration. I'm just trying to wrap my head around needing that many channels still lol.

    And I agree I don't like grouping instruments either unless I'm using 2 instruments to make 1. But there HAS to be a way to work around your issue. This is the first time I've heard of something like this and I've been using FL Studio since version 3 over 15-17 years ago+. So I'm actually rather interested in how the problem came up, and if that could be an issue in any other parts of the program.

    Also if by any chance your just using the effects channels for volume you can also use the other volume switches in FL or inside kontakt etc. Or you can export the channels with effects to stems. Sorry this is just the oddest thing I've heard and I'm interested. I write Image-line quite a bit on flaws and what improvements could be made. Some they have done some they still wont do like "select by velocity" in piano roll. They keep telling me it would take too much programming but it's not different than a select by midi channel feature. So I'd love to help you on this just for my own knowledge being as I've never run into this problem.

    And Yeah I get some pretty full effects channels. Most of my drums take up the first 12 channels themselves having not only each drum piece but the microphones for them ambience room sound etc. Having to do multiple guitar libraries just to change effects etc.
  9. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    Really? So if I understand it well when you have no effect plugins it will make everything slower? Why is that? That sounds weird, because you would think that less is faster?

    Oh, haha. Yeah, I think my processor is fine. Even Image-Line recommends it aswell. Image-line also said that more expensive processors, including I quess I9 processors will not give a better performance.

    So mine issue is really special? Is something like this not already happening a lot or is this not normal for big orchestral projects for instance? Or should be the amount of mixer tracks for everything fine in general in FL Studio? Do you maybe know how other daws are compared to FL Studio when it comes to mixer tracks for example?

    Oh, that's great to hear! So maybe I even might be able to help you and other people here out aswell. Yeah, I will do my best to explain everything as like I always try to do. So don't worry about that.

    I think that's exactly what @foster911 have said aswell. A lot of requests and feedback, but do nothing with most of them. Maybe other companies are better in this?

    Yeah, I think the issue is basically orignated because of so many different arrangements, the length of the track, and in the end the amount of sounds/layers. It's 4 minutes by the way. But yeah I will send you a copy of it. Maybe it will make things clearer.
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