To all guitar & bass players please help...

Discussion in 'Guitars' started by spyfx, Mar 13, 2018.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    too much.. my name floating next to a beautiful asian maiden... :rofl:

    sounding pretty decent so far... :wink:
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  2. Kinghtsurfer

    Kinghtsurfer Audiosexual

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Sorry to hear that @spyfx Condolences to you and your near ones...

    MK3 is sounding good... :yes:
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  3. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    If you wanted mine, tell me your exact tempo to provide you a quantized stem. :wink:
  4. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    It's very sad to hear that. This year is starting very tough for you. :hug:
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  5. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Thanks for the mention and my condolences for your loss.
  6. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    Hello Fellow Members :bow:
    A new update, an mk4 version is here & i'm so Happy for it ! :bow:

    @mercurysoto & @midi-man & @metaller & @dragonhill & @Herr Durr & @Legotron thank you for your time guys & i will send you the new stems from mk4 version as soon as the meantime you can hit me :trashing::knock:

    So...i'm so happy with this version & i feel i have a 4 minute concept/idea/arrangement.....

    @Herr Durr is working/will work on the acoustic guitar parts & will be replaced by his real magical acoustic guitar :bow:
    In the start @mercurysoto 's awesome bass line will appear & between the synth bass :bow:
    We have 3 electric guitarists @midi-man ,@metaller & @dragonhill my electric guitar/riffs are as a guide & can be replaced by your awesome work guys(i feel there is plenty of room in the track & maybe,this just an idea/suggestion you can guys vibe out on each other & do an answer/call thing /? :bow:
    Then is @Legotron :bow:...there is a glitch/blip like lead at the end of the track(i left it loose on purpose) maybe @Legotron can do a magical synth lead ? (& anything else is welcome too)

    All these ^ are ideas & suggestions ^ let me know what you guys feel/think :bow:

    All members please share your thoughts too :bow:

    So without further is mk4 version,enjoy :wink::bow: :

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 20, 2018
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  7. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    My apologies for not expecting this, :bow: but I always hoped you had that in you. In my opinion your best concept/arrangement I ever heard from you. :dj: & :metal: & :phunk:
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  8. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    :no: ^^^ You are a good friend & a good member here :bow: :yes:,so no apologies between friends :yes:,only Happiness & Creativity :yes: :wink:

    Thank You so much ! :bow:
    Rock on Audiosexers ! :metal::headbang: :dj: :drummer:
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    no you didn't.... :facepalm:

    I was really brushing up on my kazoo skills this week... ! :hahaha:

    I'm giving it a shot... but the AS wrecking crew has already weighed in.... magical ? :shalom:
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  10. xoso

    xoso Kapellmeister

    Nov 17, 2011
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    ugh, Shouldn't listen

    1: guitar isn't in time, which doesn't sound like a real guitar so it boggles my mind how its out of time
    2: tempo of any song can be figured out in less than a minute asking for a tempo anymore... What's the point. Unless the drummer is diabetic and they use 80's style recording where they expect a drummer to know AND KEEP a solid tempo through a whole song ... And obviously if someone is asking for rookie information I highly doubt they are writing multi time sig pieces...
    3: offtime, offtime, offtime.
    4: the sound effects are ^ and sound horrible
    5: the kick drum actually is decent, And stands out as being the only decent...
    6. Strumming is #3 all over.
    7. bass and guitar may as well be done together neither fit or show much of real understanding or experience with the instrument.
    8. The guitar solo idea is ok, but misused in the song. Any producer would have cut it and made it a real part of the song.
    9.Tempo is wrong for even the intended genre. Use the rule of 5's all music is math. and if not a multipal of 5 of divisable by 5 then its wrong unless it's genre related like how punk is intentionally sped up out of its natural tempo for the genre needs.

    In summation the idea behind it is ok, would need LOTS of work to make it into the idea i can hear intended. And for that you need a composer and producer who not only plays all of these instruments irl but thinks outside of them. Which is $. The acoustic guitar "idea' is fine, but out of time strumming wise and to the drums which doesn't matter a whole lot but when the bass is just following there has to be cohession. The bass drum always has to be exactly in time with the bass, and while the guitar should be able to do anything it wants in key sig and time sig if the guitarist is out of tempo and time they are just that. With the strumming off your chord changes come too early and require something to fill in for it even if fixed you'd be left needing a whole other strum or something else.

    And for the idea presented the horrible sounding hiphop "yeahs" are terrible out of mix, time, and idea. Just on the idea front it happens too much even for cross genre idea's Even it's use in plain jane hiphop would be over used.

    However on the basic level.

    1. Fix the original guitar. Strumming is off for tempo
    2. just have the bass play the root of the guitar. Unless you get a real bass player or composer to write it.
    3. Scrap the "yeahs" and other hiphop "earcandy".
    4. drop the tempo of the whole song till the second digit is a 5, 0 or 2.5 or 7.5 or your tempo is wrong, unless its a purposeful statement. But it's not..
    5. Better drums. Bass kick sounds great rest.... After that redo the drums in midi at A FIXED bpm then re-record guitar or rewrite it to the real tempo. Offtime should never be accepted in the current digital age. First red flag a band is recorded by noobs is tempo doesn't conform.
    6. Real work on this song will cost you $. You gotta decide if it's worth it or not.
    7. The solo guitar idea, is ok but really only 2 riffs in the whole things are needed and need to be fit into their arrangements with the rest being used for short breaks or cut out all together.
    8. Currently arrangement on this is simplistic at best needs lots of love for transitions which are non existant. Giving you basic verse/chorus/verse/chorus/lead/chorus and fade out on a clustedf**k.

    Take it or not its professional opinion from a professional who shouldn't even listen because its what they get paid for. Ntm you'll never like the opinion from one of us. We are there to bring ideas not only to life but to give life to them. We don't look at just the instrument, not just the big picture but everything and all things that composite. So hate on it or take it to heart, or just dismiss the opinion it is what it is and anyone worth their salt would tell you the same basics without actually redoing it all for you.
  11. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    Ok. :keys:
  12. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    Is that true ?,is that the absolute truth ?,is that all ?
  13. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    I've heard all this before.
  14. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    So thanks,but no thanks.
  15. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    The journey is what matters,not the destination.
  16. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    I would've used a different pronoun if I were truly a pro and not simply counting weekly allowance from mom as being professional.

    Got any examples of your professional work?
    highly doubtful
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2018
  17. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

  18. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    Wow no offense to anyone, But I really think we have a pro musician here.
    He just picked on all of our work. Hey Where are your gold records hanging? Oh you don't have any. So be nice and if you had any
    musical and I mean musical talent. Listen careful . The song is in time and yes we all know the rhythm guitar is fake but not for long. Herr Durr is working on that. And I will make you a bet, When we all finish with this it will be better than anything you have made.
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  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    If I make it in the mix... he can pick on mine too... :bleh:

    nice... hey heartbreaker.. ever heard that phrase ? ... "those who can't do... TEACH! "

    anyway great job taking the piss... must have cost you a good 30 mins to compose
    that smashing trashing piece... :wink:

    could have been spent making your music.. but, whatever blows your skirt up..
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2018
  20. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    We are all waiting on you.. It's a team effort here.