
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by rhythmatist, Nov 25, 2012.

  1. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    If remixes are that difficult, how come I find a hundred people on SoundCloud (or any other free posting spacefaceplace) doing that kind of thing for every person posting something created from scratch? :bleh:
  3. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Who said remixing was difficult?

    Almost anyone who has a reason to do a remix can do it.
    In remixing your simply changeing the song so that it can be applied to an alternative audence.
    For example you'd remix a ballad and create a version that can be enjoy'd by fans of dance music.

    most remixes are only done to dance music so that if can be used in the sub-genre, like trance, techno or dubstep. I might get in trouble for calling them sub-genres

    We less imaginative people can't come up with enougth ideas but create a song but we can come up with enougth to make a song sound like something else, something new.
    I can't speak for everyone as some here only remix to fill the time till they have the idea that makes their big hit.
    If they only remix they've given up on a dream or are like me

    I'm an electrical and sound Engineer snd Engineers aren't knowen for being creative. We're renowned for problem solving.
    You can't dance to this song but if you add one of these, remove that and repeat this you can dance to it.

    I remix Pop music so that it can be played after Dance classics for when I DJ.
    I find it easy
    Who said remixing was difficult?
  4. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    @ Zalbadar sound Engineer snd Engineers aren't knowen for being creative

    Err sounds like you do it at home, then again miking up the bed i agree isn't very creative.

    If what you say had any Credence then i guess all modern recording techniques as well as past techniques was passed on from some fool who distorts his 2 channel mixer in some club lol.

    Message to Rupert Neve become a Dj cause you are being challenged.

    How naive.
  5. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    So remixes are made by large amounts of people because it doesn't require much craft or talent, and remixes are targeted to an narrow group of people who think dancing requires a disco or techno beat to be fun, or their dancing skills are limited to or the excitement only comes from a limited rhythmic tastes? And just so you don't think I live in a total old guy cave, I have seen will i. am work two virtual tables and a laptop, live, remixing and mashing as he goes. overlaying and dropping in files and loops, rapping over that. That does require some skill and craft, and can work a crowd to a party frenzy. But it also doesn't translate as well to an arena compared to how it sounds and feels in a club.
  6. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Poking for a reaction? you really got to stab to get them to jump and have a look Algae.

    "So remixes are made by large amounts of people because it doesn't require much craft or talent" If you say so.
    I said very little new ideas and imagination, I thought it took skill but if you want to say that go ahead.

    I never said anything about skill now I think of it? I just said almost no new ideas. Re-read the post, nothing about skill or talent your adding the comment about skill.

    I have no idea what The-RoBoT's talking about. The recording tecniques, advance as problems arise in the old systems when it comes to representing the artists vision. 2 distorted tracks won't represent many visions that a true artist has for a musical piece. The perfection in recording systems is totally unrelated to remixing.
    A sound mix engineer should still be called a sound balance engineer most the time as they simply use compressors, flangers and other tools to allow them to create a even balance of the sounds so that they show the full vision the artist had originally.
    Ok some people buy their songs and the producer has no idea what the image was so the engineer can do what they like in them cases, they are becomeing more common but its still original work so isn't really a remix as it is being mixed the first time.

    A remix has all the skill and talen in its creation that a original work as but not many new creative ideas. You can't do much and still call it a remix.

    Lets take Bob the Builder's big fish little fish for example because its simpler than most songs
    You can change the backing (not much to the backing but it's still something achived)
    You can chop bits out/swap bits round/reorder verses (you'll find it sounds almost exacterly the same, it's a very repetative song and so are a lot of other songs)
    as soon as you cut the words up and re order the words its not the same song

    Who could call a song "big fish little fish" when the song no longer sings "big fish little fish, cardboard box. big fish little fish, cardboard box" and now sings "big cardboard little fish. big cardboard little fish"

    When you remix you can't
    reorder words much
    you can't get rid of any riffs for new ones
    You can't change the song's hook

    These are the 3 parts for song creation that require some of the most creativity

    Everybody can learn the skills if they try but we can't all come up with ideas that create hits.
    We come up with little ideas and apply them to other people's songs, we then call them remixes.

    I still don't get Who said remixing was difficult? Learning the skills is hard, applying the skills when you have a original song as a template is easy.
    It's do what you like and don't screw up what other people love about it.
    Whats difficult?

    Also how's Rupert Neve being challanged? I studied mostly programing microcontrollers, you know micro chips, little black squares that have lots of leggs. I did it cause it was interesting, only there's not much work round here since siemens shut their factory.
    Hence the now focusing on my talent with audio and building a few midi controllers to sell on ebay, any idea on how to build a good looking caseing?
  7. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I thought my topic would start some kicking and screaming. Sounds like you should check out 3-D modeling and the new printers like MakerBot. Design your case, then "print" a model. Probably the next big thing, after re-mixes. :rofl:
  8. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    I know but that all assumes i can make a model that looks good. Then I need to get the right number of fixers to hold the circuit board so pushing a button dosn't snap the holder and loose the circuit inside the case. In short it's harder then I thought when i started. Designed, built and tested the first one. Now need a case.

    Isn't this going totally off topic?

    Remixing needs no imagination, just skill. Proove me wrong.
    Back to what this is all about
  9. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    Seriously, check out Makerbots or find someone who has access to one. It is the future of design. It's already being done. You can keep creating at very low cost until you get it right, modifying your design along the way. I want one for Christmas. (After my Robinson helicopter). But the helicopter is expensive. 3D replicator/printers-not nearly as much.
  10. Someone

    Someone Noisemaker

    Feb 11, 2012
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    I dont understand... Let people do what they like to do, and if someone isn't that ultra-creative and then decides to make remixes, just because he have fun enjoying the music, who cares?
    You can make music because its your life and passion
    You can make music because you like to make money
    Or you just make music because you have fun making music *yes* :wink:
  11. rhythmatist

    rhythmatist Audiosexual

    Sep 5, 2011
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    Chillicothe, Ohio, USA
    I don't have any problem with people doing what they want to do. I guess what I'm trying to say is, unless you are one of the persons of limited rhythmic dance skills on the floor at the time, or the DJ pumpin' said house, what's the point? If your not in the club dancing to it, who is going to want to listen, except other remix artists? Wouldn't someone working at this get tired of being boxed in?
  12. DJ_Digital

    DJ_Digital Newbie

    Nov 20, 2011
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    to be perfectly honest- from my perspective

    remix of a non-dance track, actually promotes the track to an audience, that would not normally hear the track.
    thus also the CDM or 12" multi-mix maxi (vinyl), which is on shelves for purchase.

    and yes i have been known to remix a track on occasion.
    i do compose short bursts of track, in order of key-bpm for a 30 mix, containing maybe 50 track snips.

    for example,with eminems' Stan - chances are you would never have heard of female vocalist Dido

    what bothers me is people that take a 'dance' track and remix it.. again
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