What is real or not? PART II The Human thought Process( & how it applies to Music

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MMJ2017, Feb 27, 2018.


Is it important to you to "perfect" your thought process (especially as a music creator editer etc.?

  1. yes

  2. no

  3. maybe

  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    The human Thought Process ( and how it comes into play regarding MUSIC, whether creating it adjusting it performing it etc)

    Part I
    The human Thought Process itself

    From the time you are born until the time you die, Each moment you find yourself thinking inside of your thoughts. Being inside of your thought process is the thing you will do the most in your life our of everything else you will ever do.
    When we think inside of our thoughts, say i picture in my thought process my mother ( assuming say thats the closest person to me that i can be confident i know the best)
    I picture my mother in my thoughts and I do this attempting to picture her entirely.

    Is this "image" Identical to my mother thats exists in the real world?
    this is the person i know best out of everyone.
    I cannot picture her and have that be identical to her. in fact the image that i have can't even be more accurate than 1 percent of who she ACTUALLY is in real life.
    do you think that is a radical statement?
    that you cannot get better than 1 percent trying to picture the person you know the most in your thoughts?

    I invite you to think of a person that would confidently say they know you the best.

    if They picture YOU in their thought process
    AND, if they claimed it was perfectly matched the real you that exists,
    How much would they be missing do you think?
    how many misunderstandings would they have?
    would it be possible for them to think of a sentence you spoke and idea you had, BUT they misunderstood it?

    WHat does it mean that we live in a world where misunderstanding is possible at all? or so common?

    it means the way the human brain and thought process works in reality for everyone, does not automatically deduce truth , our thoughts are not automatically correct.

    our thought process takes the information it has constructs a narrative, and whatever is missing we fill in the blanks with our imagination in other words we "make shit up", IE use our imagination. fill in the gaps.

    What are the implications of this regarding the human thought process?
    1. the human thought process is not completely accurate to reality.
    2. it is not capable of automatically on its own accounting for every detail accurately to perfectly represent that which is being imagined.
    3. it can be said any use of the thought process is imagination.
    4. we "misunderstand" especially when we don't "pay much attention"

    most of all it means

    we have to be aware of the distinction between reality and fantasy.

    reality is a shortcut for ( the way things actually work)
    fantasy is a shortcut ( making shit up in imagination)

    each moment we think, we can be misunderstanding not because of some flaw in us personally
    it is because EVERY thought process is VIRTUAL, our brain is making models that don't match the real thing.

    whatever degree we are missing important variables facts, information and do not account for those when forming an "image" about the idea we picture in the thought process, that is the exact amount we are going to misunderstand, make a mistake, in other words BE WRONG.

    Part II

    Finding a way to be aware of this inside the thought process, and then perfecting a methodology to do better when using thought process

    the human brain has a short term memory and a long term memory, without getting too much into the crazy science behind all this (keep it pragmatic)

    our short term memory can only hold a few items at a time but can access information fast and speed through to travel between multiple concepts and make connections between them.

    our long term memory is like the storage bank we can only access through short term memory or automatic background functions like muscle memory or driving while talking to someone ( the subconscious)

    If we have already identified serious problems with the human thought process and its capacity to constantly misunderstand when it does not have all the information, HOW can thinking about the differentiation between the short term memory and long term memory help us?

    the answer is the common denominator , the thing that stays the same with using our thought process no matter the content itself.

    the way we actually navigate and use our thought process in any and every situation.

    IF we recognize and pay attention to the way we think about things and times it gets worse or better we can see illuminating things.

    our ability to concentrate , focus, how much clarity we have, during thinking,
    how much background noise it there? do we drift from thought to thought on accident?

    next do we overwhelm ourselves by trying to fit too much in short term memory at once and then a feeling in us arises of confusion and overwhelming sensation?
    or do we think of one concept at a time consider all its variables then quickly go to the next concept do the same thing and combine them all seeing all the variables as a whole while never feeling overwhelmed and confused?

    next the way we phrase our thoughts describing events greatly impacts the emotions we will have next.


    picture an event taking place we have ALL had happen before,

    your walk in the door to your loved one you start arguing and you get emotional because of it, later when things cool off you find out that you and them both misunderstood things each of you were saying. that process of misunderstanding led to the intense emotions and then to the arguing and fighting.

    were the emotions real or not?

    well, they were real in that you actually had them AND that they greatly impacted your experience and how you felt AND of how the vent unfolded.

    BUT they were NOT real in the sense that it was a misunderstanding the led to them, somehow the variables forming in your thoughts did not account for the situation and you both mistook what was being said to MEAN something different than was intended, next you felt deep and powerful ( but fake) emotions that came from a incorrect depiction of reality itself.

    during those moments when the argument erupted how did you think to yourself about what was unfolding? in other words how did you phrase the event, in realtime in your thought process?

    "they don't get me"
    " they think im an idiot"
    "they don't respect the way i wan tto do things"
    "they don't appreciate what i have been doing for them"
    "they don't care about me"
    "they trying to take advantage of me"
    "they talking to me like im stupid"
    "they being selfish"

    sound familiar?

    these highly emotional ( they create emotion directly from the thought itself)
    phrases have something in common.

    they go beyond the bounds of describing the situation happening.
    they create story of good guys and bad guys
    they don't use observation to be accurate.
    they don't bring your thought process itself attention to details
    they over generalize
    they dont actually describe what is taking place in reality

    they take a few bits of information about the situation but fill in massive amounts of blank details to create elaborate storytelling

    worse of all

    they take a small fact and try to fill in blanks in order to attach your self worth to someones intent, that you are either a good or bad guy, that they are either a good or bad guy, these thoughts are taking a small event and trying to connect to it your total self worth , that the person thinks you are worthless.

    this is something we all struggle with,
    creating a story with characters and plots centered around good guys and bad guys
    where every tiny thing that happens is tied to the VALUE the WORTH of a human being, how good they are how valuable they are how worthless they are.

    this fictional storytelling is identical to the exact process we use when writing a fictional story plot, when watching a fictional movie with heroes and villains

    the truth is most of us do this because we haven't paid attention to our thought process in general how we use it .

    most of us don't phrase our thoughts in an observation sense clearly pointing out facts and objective details.

    we accidentally make our real lives fictional tales of destruction and betrayal , and we don't even know we are doing it.

    we cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality when we are doing this.
    in our thoughts we have not made that distinction of what is really happening vs a fake story being told.

    so how can we fix it?.............

    1. the brain reacts emotionally to the thoughts you are telling yourself!
    ( no matter how fake how inaccurate , no matter how TRUE or not.
    2. any phrasing of your thoughts that creates elaborate storytelling of how worthless or valuable you are based on a simple event will ALWAYS lead to misunderstanding and bad results.
    3. WE create our feelings and emotions by how we describe what is happening to ourselves.

    by understanding these things and keeping this understand with us since we use our thought process every moment for rest of our lives, is already taking a step in a new direction.

    you have to keep in mind we misunderstand all the time
    keep in mind reality vs fantasy
    keep in mind focus and clarity
    keep in mind the limits of short term memory not to overwhelm yourself
    keep in mind accounting for all variables leads to prevention of misunderstanding.

    Part III

    a new method for the thought process

    picture the way computer folders work you have a title describing the type of item, you click inside and more files about that item and can be prioritized by name or date etc.

    say you have a folder pictures, you click to enter it and you have different folders one may be
    vacation, one is coffee table you built, one is pictures of family, one is selfies,

    why dont we have one folder and put every file on the computer in it then arrange in alphabetical order?

    because of ease and quick access, because of memory allocation, because of ram and storage
    there are a bunch of reasons.

    there is something important with these folders that ties into the way our brain works, the way our thought process works, the way we actual store in our brain itself.

    having a master folder and inside other folders each with their own set of details but when you exit out to the master folder all the inside folders are contained in it.

    to improve our thought process we can use a similar concept.
    picture a blank sheet of paper
    there are 10 columns each are a rectangle
    these are numbered 1 -10 .
    when you "click" on a number you go "inside" of that topic and enter and brand new
    blank sheet of paper with the same 10
    10 columns each are a rectangle
    these are numbered 1 -10 .
    when you "click" on a number you go "inside" of that topic and enter and brand new
    blank sheet of paper with the same 10

    i want you to visualize this as a way to deal with your own thought process ( in terms of organization)
    this first method has to do with our short term memory process the limit we have for numbers of items at once in our thought process.

    lets take an example say if i think of the concept "computer" in my thoughts.

    what i am going to do is using that format account for all details of "computer" in such a way where when my brain says that word all the "folders" and their content are made available. every aspect is brought to my awareness by thinking "computer" because "computer" is just a representation of all the variables that exist.

    so we have our blank sheet of paper with 10 rectangles
    at the top of the sheet of paper ( in our minds eye)
    the title "computer"
    on the box numbered 1. that title is parts
    when we "click" number 1 labeled parts we enter a new piece of paper with 10 columns
    and the parts are listed on each number
    1. motherbaord
    5.video card

    when we "click" on one we enter a new page with 10 rectangles and say if we click on cpu
    we go to a new page and see the components that make it up each time being able to "zoom" in to the next page with the varibles of that one item,

    now as we zoom back out the first page "computer"
    and we follow a new path each time go in a new folder another one and zooming in to particular components and items and listing the information. we can access any particular info we need then zooming out to the "computer" main page.

    notice that we are actually keeping 1 item in short term memory at a time we can navigate quickly into any subset and by going through each folder step by step and zooming back out in short time we can picture the word " computer" and now we retain all the details of the whole thing because we navigated quick enough to keep the information of a page in memory and go to the new page and so on.

    we assembled a detailed object in thought by looking at each detail and quickly assembling them to construct the entire concept.

    this particular process can be nicknamed "the list"
    we make a list and arrange each item in that list by importance next any area of detail can be zoomed in to have subset variables of that part or subsection.
    it is a type of thinking process that can be done quickly,clean, and not be overwhelmed even when extremely detailed concepts. this method called " the list"
    is the first part to improving our thought process
    it deals with how we navigate our thoughts about concepts, how to access information fast and clean to think of a word "dog" and retrieve the things a dog actually is.
    to think of the word "car" and have your brain take that to mean everything down to every part of what a car is.
    this first step called "the list" is the first tool to avoid misunderstanding and also to allow us to navigate our thoughts without overwhelming ourselves because we are looking at one thing at a time then bringing a new thing and adding them together etc.

    this first thought tool "the list"
    is going to be extremely valuable as a way to deal with music.
    we can picture the word or symbol for "music" in our thought process
    picture a list of all its subsets zoom into each , and navigate the entire set of virtual "folders"
    so that just by thinking "music" one short word or symbol we can recover from our brain everything and real fast, it also happens that the more often we do this we create more neural connections in the brain and storing the information in our brain cells closer together in other words we will store it in the same area being able to speed up accessing it.

    the more we navigate the same set of virtual folders for "music" is the faster and clearer we get
    we actually account for other variables impacting any single variable.
    this is because the brain is plastic. ( not set in stone we control our concentration,focus,clarity,intelligence, creativity.)

    say a we have rectangle on the first page of "music" list
    number 10 "production"
    inside we have a new list that is all the variables of production
    1. pre-production
    we enter any one of them to zoom on on the variables of a topic.

    one key feature of this methodology "the list"
    it puts us behind the drivers wheel
    we are not accidentally thinking things.
    we are doing things on purpose
    we are quickly getting to what we need to get to
    we can make comparisons of subsets of information
    by quick navigation
    for instance
    we can compare the "mixing" subset to the "mastering" subset bringing the information in our awareness in order to prepare our music in the mixing stage so that it makes it easier when moving on the the mastering phase in real life.

    also the music foundation including music theory subset can be compared to pre-production and production subset , because if you intend on a certain result of production being important a certain effect achieved in production, you want your entire musical foundation in music theory to be compatible, otherwise you will design and build foundation , create the actual arrangement and after all that work find out its just not possible to get the production result that was important to you, resulting in real life tou have to start all over (happens all the time to people)

    we are looking at ways to have awareness of the thought process itself
    and to improve the actual process in order to get better results in life, in order to advance ourselves everyday even if only a little each day

    1. always "keeping in minds eye" a reminder phrase "reality vs fantasy"
    reality ( the way things actually work) fantasy( fictional storytelling)
    this reminder which always in memory is about how susceptible to misunderstanding we are this reminder guides each moment of the thought process, in order to attempt to think in way that matches reality itself (how things really work)
    2. "the list"
    a methodology of navigating our thought process retrieving information , optimizing short term and long term memory, improving focus clarity, concentration, building on step 1 reality vs fantasy, the list allows us to think of concept "chair" and understand that word is representation of all the things it actually is the wood the material the screws how much weight can it hold etc. we begin to think in way that allows us to match reality itself better, and avoid misunderstanding (ourselves and others)
    next "the list" method, prevents feeling overwhelmed by thinking about too many things at once
    ( thereby missing variables about each thing and resulting in misunderstanding, which leads to powerful and deep emotions that are fake and fictional.)

    more to come thank you! give your thoughts and ideas about it!
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
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  3. Peter Krav

    Peter Krav Producer

    Jun 23, 2017
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    I have no thoughts and ideas without Part III ?:unsure:
    one thing for sure there is no ''perfect'' in music and ''real'' life, no one is perfect even the creator of this world were not perfect. the world isn't perfect and it will never be. "Perfect" is just a word with 7 letters.........
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
  4. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    refresh every once and a while
    ill keep adding to the first post to make easier thanks you guys!
  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I know what you mean, in that instance i mean "perfect" as in

    the improvement of the thought process

    I haven't yet made it to the applications of music ,but it will include things like
    clarity,focus, concentration, accessing creativity, quickly accessing music knowledge in background
    as well as how you experience the event itself of making music ( making it more enjoyable etc.)

    nice speaking with you fine sir
  6. muffball

    muffball Kapellmeister

    Dec 25, 2017
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    This sounds like another mind castle type thing. This is not about "thinking" this is about recall from what I can tell so far. Recall can help. Not everyone can use the same techniques though.

    Memory is vital but it's not the solution to all our wonderful little cerebral flaws. A photographic memory is very handy but it doesn't help with logic at all. I'll leave you with that emphasis as one titbit of food for thought..
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I feel you , i have only been able to write a few parts to it there are many parts like you talk about you are right keep checking on it i think you might like the other parts as well, thank you fine sir nice to speak with you!
  8. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    What you reason to be reality and fantasy are actually the other way around. Reality is nothing more than a mind-construct. As soon as you have to go through or via the brain to perceive anything in so-called reality, it is, by definiton a thought-constructed idea. This leaves 'physical reality' on very shaky ground. The real world is in the imgination, thoughts, fantasy. That is, after all where everything begins. You can't know that your senses are working to tell you that something is real without the brain confirming it. Brain is all about thoughts. Brain only works in thoughts. If physical reality can only be confirmed via the filter of thought, I say again, it is on very shaky ground. The imagination, thinking, is the closest thing to the real world. This is because even thinking to reason is assuming that there are 'things' which are separate from thought. As soon as you start separating realities, you are moving away from the understanding that there is fundamentally only one existence which all in creation is part of. Everything just 'IS'. Time falls away into irrelevance. The solid, 3D world of reality doesn't really exist.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    when i say reality what i mean is ( the way things actually work) when i say fantasy i mean ( a fictional storytelling)

    ill give some examples to show they are not flipped around the wrong way

    say the reality of how human beings work

    a simple sentence human beings has 2 arms and 2 legs
    compared to another slightly altered sentence
    human beings have 23,476 arms and 67,322 legs

    going by the way i have described reality and fantasy above
    if we try to see if each sentence is reality OR fantasy by those definitions

    we can see that the proposition human beings have 2 arms and 2 legs matches the definition ( the way things actually work)
    we can see that the proposition human beings have 23,476 arms and 67,322 legs matches the definition ( a fictional storytelling)
    I hope this example helps you see the way i am using the words reality and fantasy, and that they are not flipped around backwards

    i will use more examples to show you

    reality meaning ( the way things actually work)
    fantasy meaning (a fictional storytelling)

    the proposition human beings require no food to survive
    and the slightly modified human beings require some food to survive

    we can see that the proposition human beings require no food to survive falls under (a fictional storytelling)
    we can see that the proposition human beings require some food to survive matches with ( the way things actually work)

    this is the type of reality and the type of fantasy being used.
    the reason it is important to talk about at ALL , is that they are directly opposed to each other.
    inside of human thought process , we can think of both
    the way things actually work, and the way thinks don't work at all
    on purpose or on accident.

    reality vs fantasy used in the way i am

    is under a larger category understanding, misunderstanding
    in other words

    is the brain's thinking match the way something actually is?
    is the brain's thinking wrong about the way something actually is?

    the brains thinking can be right under 1 condition ( that it perfectly matches the way things really work)
    the brains thinking can be WRONG under infinite conditions ( missing some details, creating false story, just inaccurate,lie to ones self, wrong on accident, etc etc,)

    It is very nice to speak with you fine sir.

    for reality and fantasy to be flipped the wrong way around it would have to look like this

    you that i am talking to is a fictional character i just invented in my imagination 3 seconds ago.
    (flipped around wrong way reality( the way things actually work)

    rick grimes character from the walking dead is a real human being that is fighting zomies right now down south (reality the way things actually work

    a human being has 2 eyes 2 arms and 1 anus ( fantasy a fictional storytelling

    a human being will die if they jump off a 100 story building and land on feet naked( fantasy a fictional storytelling

    those would have to be correct if i had them flipped around opposite from the correct way.

    "The solid, 3D world of reality doesn't really exist."

    so i guess you can make a tire swing out of a fruit loop or cheerio for a 200lp man?

    "The solid, 3D world of reality doesn't really exist."

    i guess you can shoot heroin for 12 months everyday and NOT become physically addicted?

    "The solid, 3D world of reality doesn't really exist."

    i guess you can decapitate someone and their head will grow back?

    "The solid, 3D world of reality doesn't really exist."
    so, i guess you can make a successful jet engine out of marshmallow?

    its weird i can find millions of examples that show this sentence

    "The solid, 3D world of reality doesn't really exist."

    does not match reality(the way things actually work)
    "The solid, 3D world of reality doesn't really exist."

    so i guess every sentence foster911 ever has spoken was correct?

    (note please dont take the humor as attacks thank you for your time fine sir
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
  10. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    It's clear that you need to explain your understanding concerning '...the way something actually is/works.' You haven't really dealt with that yet. What do you mean by that?
  11. Peter Krav

    Peter Krav Producer

    Jun 23, 2017
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    ok you got me i'm out! gonna "perfect" my thoughts now...cheers
  12. sir jack spratsky

    sir jack spratsky Producer

    Apr 22, 2017
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    funny this .... my collaborators and i were discussing a few days ago the idea that having a clear "FORM" was a little discussed technique for ensuring strong musical connection..... we are a trio of vocal drums and piano so a lot of stuff can happen. we may try this a s a way to abstract a clear form for improvised compositions
    example : one of our forms were to focus each performer on a task of mind that precluded other considerations...... we agreed to use 2 scales...Bb harm min and D maj but the focus of the form was the piano player had to start playing as slowly as possible and gradually and smoothly increase tempo up to as fast as possible over 4 minutes
    the drummer the opposite to focus on starting as fast as possible and gradually and smoothly decelerate until almost stopping........the singer used the 2 scales to derive melodic statements
    the results were surprising and there was a moment of about 32 bars when the drums piano and vocals met in the tempo centre that is now a new piece ......composition is everywhere
    ill get back to the post in a few thinking days..
    i took the word "perfect" to mean improve upon as an action word in MMJ context
    cheers all
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2018
  13. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    some things are not easy to be unlearnt, but one can do it.
    however, the way to achieve it might not be consensual

    the "thought process", how we think, is a mental construction based on social environment (genre, society, tribe, companions, family, you name it .. ) entangled to the individual ( ego & self )

    in any case, the five "why, who, where, what, how" are the basic mental tools (precursors to any action)
    intuition and later, meditation, is the second

    independently of the fact that creativity may be a consequence, I'll stick to inspiration;
    any progress you will achieve is by using method(s) : how to be more efficient, faster, expand useful knowledge
    in order to be a shortcut to a better expression
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  14. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Very Interesting. I have thought about this quite a lot and at one level I think your findings are correct. But there might be a flaw in this kind of thinking about reality as "mearly" a concept constructed by brains. We can not yet, and do not, actually live our lives according to this philosophical idea. And that is because it actually does NOT conform to reality. All we need to do to check this is to walk up on the edge of a high cliff and live according to this idea that the solid 3D world of reality does not actually exist. Certainly reality has different "meaning" and limitations to different entities of energy, but the fact that we are construed as persons with brains limits what is of interest and importance to us. And that 3D world construed by the brain is immensely important to you as long as you want to interact with other entities of energy besides your own brain. I think your way of thinking is in a sense accurate, but only as a construct of a brain, and not as a valid way of thinking about reality. It is a storytelling loop about reality until you can actually walk off the edge of that high cliff and still be able to talk verify your thoughts. As long as we want to still interact with other entities of energy it is of course important to differentiate between reality and storytelling and the way we live our lives should tell you that you actually agree with this? I might also have misunderstood hou and told my self a story about the reality of your thoughts. Either way, having a thought out system to approach thinking itself can certainly make one more efficient in talking about and discussing concepts like reality, philosophy and in this case music. I am eager to listen to how this way of thinking conforms more precisely to the concept of music.
  15. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Please tell me you didn't manually enter all of those keystrokes.
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  16. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    We've been born to live and enjoy the life (my philosophy). In enjoying the life, we learn, we're getting experienced, we feel, we grow up. It's unique for every person. In music, the only thing I seek is trying to find a method that works for me not perfection. What would work for me maybe not works for you.

    Perfection means gathering every knowledge under the sun and controlling everything by those knowledge:

    1- All knowledge has not been born yet.
    2- We have limitation in acquiring the available ones.
    3- Usually acquiring knowledge is a boring task and it's in contrast with enjoying the life unless it's not an obligation and you learn it naturally in the span of your enjoying life.

    Maybe you have another philosophy or plans in your head (like extremists) or you have an infinite energy, we don't know. But whatever you do, never forget your lifetime. The only conclusive reality I'd believe for everyone by referring to the accessible knowledge we own now.

    This singer says the same thing:

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2018
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    i did, from stream of consciousness its how i write every thread. i have no source material to glance at other than the chalkboard in my mind.
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    so the way something actually works is the definition of the word reality.

    the way that i use it is to differentiate from imagination.
    The way to get the clearest understanding is an area you are well versed in your profession or deeply understood area of study of yours.
    for example going back a number of years now i used to get asked when i ran a recording studio by rapper friends of mine
    "is there a software where you load up a song hit a button and it removes the vocal track from a song and spits out an instrumental say from ripped vinyl or ripped cd's?"
    this was around 2006 my answer was, sorry sir that is NOT the way things actually work (not compatible with reality
    so the phrase is to make a distinction between that which is imaginaed about reality which is not correct, and that which is imagined about reality which actually DOES work that way.

    there is a way EVERYTHING actually works
    AND the way that thing works is dictated to us by reality, we have no control over it.whether we like it or not
    we are a slave to the way things actually work.
    for example

    real people are much different than imaginary people.
    WE care about real actual people but we don't care about fictitious imagined characters as much.

    when you see a character in a movie or film die, you MIGHT cry, but if your loved one dies in real life you are devastated in the type of way that disrupts regular life and you are effected deeply. why is that?
    because there is a such thing as reality, and inside that reality human beings exist.
    not only do human beings exist in reality , they work a very specific way
    for example every human being since the beginning of time burns themselves IF they touch an open flame with their hand.
    zero human beings have ever gotten frost bite by touching an open flame with their hand, how can that be the case?
    because there is a way human beings actually work for real. in this instance we are a community of trillions of living cells.
    the cells get damaged and cooked when we touch a open flame with our hand and those cooked cells turn into a burn, puss forms and quite possibly a scar forms even once the living cells repair themselves over time.

    the way that human beings actually work is that unlike a salamander if we accidentally get our arm cut off in a factory accident. no matter what the victim thinks about no matter how hard, even if they pray or mediate with all their might, they CANNOT grow that limb back. how can that be? it has to do with how human beings actually work , we have DNA the genetic code for life the instruction set for what the body can do and cannot do.

    so when i say reality (the way things actually work)
    this is what i am talking about.
    we cannot make a jet engine out of marshmallow (not the way things work)
    we cannot survive at the arctic circle naked when it is 60 degrees f below zero ( not the way things actually work)
    we cannot grow limbs back when severed off.

    the phrase reality (the way things actually work
    goes hand and hand with
    fantasy ( making fictitious story in imagination)
    a way to differentiate from each other.

    say automobiles
    we cannot make flying cars like in back to the future movies, it was so easy in 1990 for them to dream up the concept yet today is 2018 why dont we have all that right now?
    the way we CAN build an automobile has to do with the way engines actually work, the way materials actually work the strength , heat resistance, all the real details of reality .
    we dont have time machines made from delorians how so?
    because in REAL life, the flux capacitor as depicted in imagination is not possible as it was depicted.

    Defending REALITY

    throughout history with early man MANY claims have been made.

    thousands of years ago it was claimed that meditating in a cave could reveal ALL the information of reality directly to your consciousness.

    this is NOT the way knowledge actually works

    it has been proven false billions of times.
    in one sentence i can show you.
    NO religion or spiritual group since the beginning of time, no claimed gods or powerful spirits that claimed to be speaking and forcasted the future for thousands and thousands of years

    EVER knew that a human being IS ACTUALLY a community of trillions of living cells ( not a single object)
    we had to find that out by making a device to enhance our vision ( microscopic) to see what was ACTUALLY there!

    THEN and only then could we learn more about things tinier than the naked eye can see!
    this is a them that reoccurred billions of times

    no caveman meditating in a cave concentrating real real hard came up with the transistor the resistor or capacitor!

    how come?

    because of the way human beings actually work in real life.
    the way to LEARN is dictated by the way our brain and body actually work.

    for a human being there is no more important concept than reality vs fantasy

    each moment you are alive that phrase should right in our minds because every second of existence in thought is tied to us and our real world we live in.

    there is the fantasy marvel universe of comics.
    spiderman as depicted is fantasy, fiction
    the way things actually work in real life is not compatible with aa human being getting those powers from being bit by a spider.
    from dc comics is superman with his powers he gets from the yellow sun he can fly and shoot fire form his eyes
    but in real life fire cannot be shot from the yes or fly through the sky why?
    it is not compatible with the way things actually work!

    take our current world right now,
    why don't we have super computers the size of a watch which shoots a hologram on the wall and a hard-drive containing ALL the information in the world stored on a hard drive the size of a living cell? why not i just imagined it?
    because it is not compatible with the way things ACTUALLY work, here in reality.

    lets say a person wants to be a really good singer they just starting out and they bad at it.
    can they practice in their minds eye singing with the voice in their head and be as good as Whitney Houston? no its not the way things actually work
    what they have to accomplish is manipulating their diaphragm, the air in their lungs the shape of their vocal chords the right air pressure the right shape of lips etc. AND they have to sing in real life to do all those things to get better, that is the way things work regarding becoming a singer ( starting off horrible)
    there is a way EVERYTHING works i shortcut this to the word reality.

    if foster911 claimed that he could take off your socks and "read" your fortune by the shape of your toe nails, ( telling you everything about your future!) it would not match
    "the way things actually work" in reality lol

    if i said right now every human being on earth has just had 5 million dollars deposited in their bank account
    it does not match the way bank accounts really work ( thought cannot deposit money)

    if i told you i have magic wallet that has a 100 dollar bill, every time i remove that 100 dollar bill another one re-appears.
    that proposition does not match the way things actually work (reality)
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2018
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    One reason people forgot and escaped from GOD was providing a safe place for further experimentations. Experimentations are endless and unrestrained. For me they're the joys of life. Every experimentation conducts and hauls off humans into new territories. What you're struggling to do is leaping to the conclusion that what @MMJ2017 says is ultimate. With the 12-TET unlimited mindsets have been proposed. If that tuning changes, other propositions and overtures will be propounded.

    1- Why don't you want to live like other humans and trying to call yourself another GOD?

    2- Why do you want to find how the things actually work? Because you don't want to put yourself in the experimentation's path?

    3- Why do you want to know everything? If you're happy by me calling you GOD, OK I'll do that. MMJ is GOD. Are you contented now?
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2018
  20. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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  21. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Better to ignore me like MMJ and save your precious time for preaching those theories 10 million times and training the next generation of preachers.

    The Pleasure and Power of Preaching


    MMJ's philosophy is so alike to the opera teachers that think if they can teach the singers opera, they can do anything with their voice but nothing worse than that. Everything is different than the others. Everything must be treated differently. You can find them by doing yourself at your favorite path. If you change your path your findings would be different too. Nothing common can work for all, seamlessly.

    What makes the humankind happy more than anything else is reaching the definitive answers but humans can never reach it. Life is so complicated that can be harnessed by some people's ideologies.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2018
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