Ableton Live 10 freezes on splash screen "Initializing the application..."

Discussion in 'Live' started by synthwave studio, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. Having this "freeze" on clean installations since v9.7.x and now on v10 as well.

    I found a thread doing some search here, but it wasn't specifically about this issue.

    What I tried:
    Adding -novststartupscan to options.txt
    Running as adm
    Disabling custom vst folder on live's preferences
    Deleting Ableton's folder on Documents (only live's default stuff on this folder. not a single file of mine added)
    Deleting Ableton's folder on %appdata%
    Unplugging Ext. controllers
    Reinstalling Live

    Nothing worked!
  3. trutzburg

    trutzburg Kapellmeister

    Aug 30, 2016
    Likes Received:
    I would check Abletons performance in the task manager if it simply runs in a loop or does nothing (CPU percentage).
    If the second, try esc key, a dialog box could be open offscreen, if you maybe use different screen arrangements.
    If the first, disable or enable ASIO, various soundcards you may have, other hardware on USB, harddrives.
    Does the ASIO panel (if you are on Win, %appdata% suggests that, and if you are running Asio4all) come up or stays it suspended ? If it comes up, deactivate every channel except one output.
    Don't know if a firewall or a Virusscanner can block it. A missing folder that is on an external drive ?
    And there is the question, if everything else is always running fine on your machine and with your OS version, even when Ableton hangs.
  4. jynx

    jynx Rock Star

    Oct 23, 2015
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    This may indeed sound odd..

    And i dont know just how relevant it may be..

    But i personally have contant probs with ableton indexing..

    Causing similarly bad behaviour..

    With the live 10 install..

    I actually removed the indexing in extenal applications.....rebboted......and replaced it agian.

    For some reason that i cant fathom just yet>

    ."It did solve 90% of my indexing.."

    And starts up ok..>Tho still crashes ..its been minimalised..

    Its probably a fluke ....
    But thought maybe wrth mentioning.
  5. I forgot to say that I even clean-installed Windows 10 and tried to install live before ANY othter software or asio drivers with no success. Everything else runs ok on my system. No third party firewall or antivĂ­rus! Only Windows stuff.
  6. big-t247

    big-t247 Noisemaker

    Nov 2, 2013
    Likes Received:
    What windows version are you running, playah?
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