SoundToys 4

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by frisbi, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. frisbi

    frisbi Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    help help help

    I use Sound Toys native 4 on all my mixings
    I cannot work without them

    I'm on Mac os 10.6.8 and Ableton Live 8

    unfortunately all the versions of SoundToys I downloaded have an horrible Time Bomb
    they work for a week then every 5 minutes they make a high tone beep and stop working

    I'm getting crazy, i downloaded all the different versions I found but all have the same problem

    has anyone have a solution?????
  3. xsze

    xsze Guest

    I use 4.0.1 IND release, have no problems so still using it :)
  4. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Frisbi,

    Oh Yes ! and the more simplest of all... Simply buy a legitimate version ! :wink:

    As it seems that these Plug-Ins are so essential to you : "I use Sound Toys native 4 on all my mixings, I cannot work without them...", it will certainly worth every cent spent in buying it ! *yes*

    ...and Bye Bye to all these 'Timebombs' ! :thumbsup:

    Just a thought... :mates:


    I can understand that a part of my above comment is more easy to say than do : "Simply buy a legitimate version !".
    But seen from another angle, check the following :

    On a 'per unit' basis :

    Crystallizer V4 $179
    Decapitator V4 $179
    EchoBoy V4 $179
    FilterFreak V4 $179
    PanMan V4 $179
    PhaseMistress V4 $179
    Tremolator V4 $179
    Speed V4 $349

    all this leads to a total of $1'602 !!! :(

    whereas the FULL Bundle will cost you 'only' : $495 !!!

    Rather a really good bargain, don't you think ?
    The offer done on this FULL Bundle is more than outstanding ! :wink:
  5. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Well I really like Soundtoys, but there's no way that I (as a hobbyist) spend 500 bucks on effect plug-ins, especially if I'd to install that damn Ilok too. I'd rather buy an Ipad for 500 quit. ;)

    If it works ok, if not I'll take something different.
  6. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    well we mite as well start saving are penis to buy the stuff we need or want Because i think all the Good free goodies are going to be a thing of the past know one seems to be-abale to do ILoK any more and at least in the US all people that your file sharing and download copyrighted material without authorization will start getting there internet shut off and get $ find $ because of the new Six Strikes program about to take effect on the 28 of this month so i think all the free stuff is about to be over soon take a look at this.. :(
  7. pilz971

    pilz971 Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    There is a version 3 release by AiR that appears to solve the issue on the bombs.

    If you NEED these plugs SO bad, i would suggest you go hunt that out. :thumbsup:

    There is not a HUGE difference from v3 to v4.

    Best of luck, probably not what you wanted to hear, but also probably your ONLY "free" solution. :dunno:
  8. frisbi

    frisbi Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    ok guys, I'll be more then happy when I'll be able to buy a 500$ bundle of soundtoys
    I'll be more then happy when I'll be able to buy everything I use with my mac to make music
    I'll be happy to give my money to people who worked and developed masterpieces of music creation for my creations

    unfortunately I don't have this money
    since music is considered an hobby in my hometown and people lost respect for music and musicians, I just make money to survive day by day
    my computer, my audio card, my speakers are second-hand

    maybe one day people will understand that music is sacred
    it's the soul of a culture
    and maybe one day they'll give respect to musicians

    that's it

    thanks for all your kind suggestions anyway
  9. Sonorite

    Sonorite Newbie

    Feb 25, 2012
    Likes Received:
    "SoundToys.Native.VST.RTAS.AU.v4.0.2.OSX.INTEL-XVX" works perfectly for me - no timeboms - search it out.
  10. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    Hi frisbi.Try this link.Hope this helps

    Posted 16 June 2011 - 04:20 AM
    Yes, it's a time bomb. Many users (if not all) on AN have reported the issue of high pitch noise with AiR v4.1.0 release AND with v4.1.1 private release for Mac. These new versions have an extra protection + a call home routine.
    Fortunately, there is a workaround (not tested cos I don't use Soundtoys atm) :

    For Mac users :

    Google for "SoundToys Native Effects 4.1.1 AU VST RTAS MAC OSX INTEL-ATEAM".
    This one must work... if your DAW is not connected to the net.

    For PC users :

    Hi frisbi
    The info below is credited to

    [LORD GAGA Posted under the heading SOUND TOYS TIME BOMB which was on 16 June 2011 - 04:20 AM] ]in this forum.Please check it out.Just trying to help. :wink:

    1. Download the Soundtoys demo from this link: http://www.soundtoys...eEffects410.exe

    2. Download the "PACE iLok Generic Trial Patcher" : https://rs450dt.rapi...E8307EEC6589078

    3. Disconnect your DAW from the net

    4. Install demo

    5. Patch all Sountoys dll's (one by one) inside your VST folder

    Hope it helps.

    EDIT :

    - Don't forget to clean all traces of previous install (registry cleaning) before installing/patching the demo.

    - Valid "PACE iLok Generic Trial Patcher" link added by courtesy of Duu :).
  11. frisbi

    frisbi Member

    Nov 13, 2012
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    where I looked for version 3 but I couldn't find any....
    any suggestion?

    It requires a password to unzip the file....

    Ok great, I'll check it out
    I let you know
    thanks a lot's working fine...everything is flowing again...
    thanks so much
    bless is your soul :)
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