The Label EDM & the demise of uniqueness

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Retrolize77, Jan 14, 2018.

  1. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    U are killing me
    I was wrong in some points I guess, and totally right in some others , judge for yourself, inspector

    Maybe if you steady bring up painful subjects, you should consider changing the pink panther to a blue cat, or start today getting a bit more of a positive attitude, right?
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
  2. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2018
  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Stopt reading the Op when he mentioned auto tune,
    You should not make these kind of posts if you are not well informed.
  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2018
  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Me 2, for the most part because of the music that gets a 'pass' to their liking.

    This started off as a bad losers topic.
  6. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Didn’t expect nothing else , whatever man, got my opinions , u got urs. So what
  7. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I deleted my posts so be happy with your attitude.:winker:
  8. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    No need to delete, your choice. I’m in here for tech knowledge & inspirational exchange , so as a guy before said it best, back to work.
    All good here
    Positive Education always corrects errors -> ✌️
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  9. loCurnus

    loCurnus Ultrasonic

    Oct 23, 2011
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    another color the same product... renaming things is actually THAT thing since 2014-

    i think..... just call it MUSIC..... first,

    given the thing a new name is NO deal for being a better musician. ----

    do not make diagnostics on something which should make fun...
    !!!! DOiNG music should always be FUN 1st deeeeegreeeeee !!..
    i do NOT KIDDING ..... FUN!

    today you call it EDM

    tomorrow all the track are called the same

    there are all around the world just a hand full producers that are using the "new DIGITAL AUDIO" resources the tools have today.... one of them is Brian (BT)...

    if you ever had a producing meeting with him..... (some of you now smile, too..)

    i never liked music like you did... (this is fat, and bad... and not fat but bad)

    but this is a local phenomena.... i always respected the acting creativity... the studio time (yes yes you bought time in a real box the old times...

    i respect the work they do. to like music is just a too hard word for me....

    and everyone knows now the new browser filters, click -filter on -and EVERY THING you read is TRUE on the internet.

    so never forget this filter.

    for this cat fight here:
    just look from a philosophical
    is it also EDM if you USE real bongos? or is it then ----- EDM feat. rBongos ----???

    why using a low end Tag like "ELEctronIC DANCE MUSIC or EURO DANCE MUSIC"
    this is a downgrade for me...

    what if there will never be the Euro zone? What call i than that type of noise?

    and like PLATO ....

    most of these clear manKind questions make my day..... no need to learn vocals or vocabularities like.

    or DUBSTEP

    or DYNAMICs....
    or buying VSTIs
    red lights on street etc.... (for the full list please go to my cloud to download it, but not on rainy days, there is my could wet, too.)


    i never know what some of the guys mean with ""FAT beats and basses"
    can i create FAT beats? - - -actually with q10 and veggy style....

    i can just say... i never use OIL or stuff like that to create "fatness"

    the music i did was 100% bio,

    from luckys instruments, and vst.

    as good musician you copy stuff... but as BRILLIANT musician you steel :)

    what do you think... who of thought he was a brilliant musician here?

    and i always using "FAIR PLAY" button on my CD releases...

    also there is a OFFLINE donation inlay BUTTON (you can write down all your card digits and you adress there and send it to me)

    because FAIR play just works for me analog offline --- never checked the new polished digital online stuff...with COLOR BUTTONs DAMN

    so am i now pC

    just have 3 classes of muisc:

    the music

    ---- i like
    ---- i dont like
    ---- i NEVER WOULD LIKE IN ANY DIMENSIONS (because the musician is much further than me doing producing trixx ...and i just can troll him... (some of u now listening up? )

    actually for all the guy which are really lOOking to music like under a microskope...

    there will the the

    EDM Logic pro version
    (more musical typ name folder)

    and the

    PLEASE guys......

    IF rubbish music DOES really exist.... there its only problem ISthe composer

    cause he didnt use the right version of his

    AOW ---- AnalougeAUDIO(WhatTheFuck)STATion and his analog Faders called Studio Engeniiirs


    if you do good music than you music fits to every folder type, if you call it postTrap or preJungleHotTipTrap

    actually i just need such exact Tagging terms just for pirating stuff to my HDD...

    i feel sooo old now..... i remember my first music steps in music.... i had a analog version of ableton piano that time... this messed up my whole living room...)
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
  10. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    pirates of the Caribbean ? :dunno: :rofl:

    i Always remind my self not to take anything in in life tooooo seriously :bow: :wink:
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  11. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    Music sells/becomes popular because people like it. People don't like -> they don't buy. You seem to suggest there's good music that no one likes? Never understood that. I don't like most of today's music, escargot & bukakke porn. Just a few of the things that fail to thrill me (which others seem to enjoy).
    What is this "musical standpoint," and how does one go about using it to (objectively) evaluate music?
  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Like's meaning

    to enjoy doing something, or to feel that someone or something is pleasant or attractive.

    to get pleasure and satisfaction from something.

    the feeling of pleasure that you get when you achieve or obtain something that you want.

    a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction.

    something that is attractive is pleasant in some way.

    pleasure that you get from an activity or experience.

    Enjoy --> 2 times
    Feel --> 3 times
    Pleasure --> 5 times
    Attractive --> 1 times
    Satisfaction --> 2 times
    Happiness --> 1 times

    Pleasure has been repeated 5 times, more than other words. The questions are:

    1- How do people (both listeners and art creators) find sth pleasurable?

    2- Why do musicians usually have opposite views to the normal listeners'?

    3- ِAre the ones who decide what the normal listeners listen, musicians, politicians, sociologists, ... or inartistic dealers lacking appreciation of art?
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  13. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Just some1 show me a good example of „today’s“ music that don’t smell like sellout, cant be so hard, and I’m serious here, really wanna know how it would sound like, only know the not-so-good stuff from the radio, which is very good produced in terms of mixing /mastering, but just lack a feeling I could relate to, and I’m curious if there’s good stuff, so please, don’t be shy, just a lil YouTube link will do
  14. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    I'm probably the wrong guy to ask, since
    I'm reasonably sure you won't like any new music people link you to. For the same reason your crazy boogie-woogie noise failed to thrall your grampa -- he couldn't relate, but then it wasn't made for him.
  15. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    For me personally, I wouldn’t blame any listener for his preferences, what he/she likes & make him/her feel good is nearly the best music can provide, so totally d‘accord!

    I just think , if your profession is being a musician, if you pay your bills thru musicmaking, at least then, you have a responsibility, you should at least know a bit of the development/history of your genre, to fit into a cultural stream, to pay Hommage to the founders /pioneers , cause you use their knowledge, their tools of the trade. I want to live in a society which respects their elders, not only from a ethical point of view.

    If u take your art out of the constant stream of culture, the creative timeline , the historical context, it will not benefit from that.

    In hiphop, since the time of public enemy and alikes for example there was some kind of political message in the music, driving the anger the music transported due to life circumstances into a positive direction, to change the world surrounding you, krs one, rakim, wu tang , mos def , talib kweli, common , to stay in the hiphop context here for the moment, to get my point across clear.

    In my country, people who started emceeing in the 90s always had a respect for where the music/culture came from, but there was a cesura/break years later ,as some artists took themselves out of that context, just talking about violence, sexism, drug abuse, and what happened: the sales went up, the music became predictable & incestuous, the behavior of the kids in the streets became more violent & unrespectful, and even some of the artists wonder, what they had let loose in a way, Just an example, but it’s not about how much money you make, you always got a responsibility when you interact with the masses.

    The good DJs feel like they have an educational mandate as well, not just making the people dance. And this as well should be part of radios agenda, don’t you think so
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
  16. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    ok here you go :wink: :

    imho an artist/s that people should know more about :

    you want bass ? :wink::yes: :

    an amazing artist with her 'new" own sound :

    and this is true art for me :bow: :
  17. Blorg

    Blorg Producer

    Jan 1, 2018
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    ... to pay those bills (make money with your music). That's what makes you a pro.
    Pretty sure most successful players do.
    or to disrupt it
    Isn't building on top of the work of those who came before you homage enough?
    The current context is social media likes & retweets, it (always) is what it is.
    Yes, profound, insightful political commentary is what it was about, main reason I ever listened

    Kick that shit
    Cool kicking ass
    Cool kicking ass
    Cool kicking ass

    Pull up a chair up a chair up a chair

    I don't drink brass monkey, like the big funky Mick
    Eazy-E's yo' 8 ball junkie
    Bass drum kicking to show my shit

    Rappin' holdin' my dick boy, I don't quit

    Crowd rockin' motherfucker from around the way
    I got a six-shooter, yo, mean hombre
    E rolling out, to find the boyz
    Kick dust and cuss, crank up some noise
    Police on my tail, I had to pause
    40 ounce in my lap and and it's freezin' my balls
    Hook a right turn and let the boys go past
    Then I say to myself: they can kiss my ass

    Hip to get drunk got the eight in my lips
    Put in the old tape Marvin Gaye's greatest hits
    Turn the shit up had the bass cold whomping
    Cruising through the Eastside, South of Compton
    See a big ass, and I say word
    I took a look at her face, and the bitch was to the curb

    Hoes on my tip for the title I'm holdin
    Eazy-E's fucked up and got the 8 ball rollin
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2018
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  18. onhappin

    onhappin Ultrasonic

    Jan 27, 2014
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    So the OP is claiming that electronic music made some 20 or more years ago is more complex, vibrant, expressive than the majority of the standardized shit we are served daily these days and times. Being an 'old geezer' meself, I do agree with him. I cannot compare LPs such as Leftfield's 'Rhythm and Stealth' or Fsol's 'Lifeforms' or even Prodigy's "Music for the jilted g' or 'fat of the land' with anything made by the likes of Skrillex or whateva. It is kind of normal simply because in the 90s you could not do stuff itb by yourself, you needed outboard gear, a proper studio, a team to back you, even money - see Fsol/Sony contract etc. Today it is perfectly possible to create a track with a laptop and a pair of good monitors. Thus music becomes more idiosyncratic and more than often downright idiotic. Technology is to blame.
    That being said I for meself love new genres like dubstep etc. But again there are distinctions to be made. I love Digital Mystikz, Loefah and from here Kryptic Minds (rip), Biome and the likes. I love them but I do not dare to compare'em with Fsol. Different beasts altogether. Like comparing a catatonic with an olympic skater.
    Just my thoughts and big up to those of you mentioning here the classics of my teen soundscapes.
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  19. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    oh my friend :bow: :wink:,yes,yes & yes
    i still open the Prodigy's "Music for the jilted g' album sometimes just to see the artwork & 2 listen to it :bow:
  20. Retrolize77

    Retrolize77 Audiosexual

    Nov 20, 2017
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    Thx for schooling me, will def check em out later on!!! Cheers
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