Caveat Emptor - FLOAT

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Cav Emp, Dec 30, 2017.

  1. Cool...much more exciting, Mr. Potato Ears. I have on Senheisser IE80 ear buds and it sounds better to m3. The only thing that I hear is the 1st beat of the kick kind of wimps out on every bar.
  2. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Thanks for giving it another listen, sunshine. Truly. Im still trying to learn. I trusted the dynamic eq to ozone 8's algorithms, applied rbass and one or two other tricks that @subGENRE was kind enough to teach me, threw on a satin preset and spread the highs and high mids a bit. Nothing too special but i thought it sounded ok
  3. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Nice track! thanks for sharing :wink::wink:
  4. It does, sound ok, I mean. Whatever compression is hitting that first beat is swallowing the energy and keeping the groove at bay. As well things sound a little dynamically squishy. It is much better to me at least than the first version.

    And take whatever I say with half a grain of salt because I am the original "Potato Ears" This is a recent photo my daughter took of me.
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  5. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    There is more dynamic range but the low end is now "hooogue, it's big, really big," the highs are in a decent place, could probably still use some type of high transient limiting. That low bass drum though is probably everything from 30Hz to 110Hz, and then there doesn't seem to be anything from 110Hz to 270Hz with a big slope up to 1.2KHz to 5Khz.

    The first version was better balanced overall even if it was a bit bright, the second version will take more volume because it has bigger transients and a dulled top end but the low end is loose.

    If you were willing to go back to the original tracks and loosen up on the the high-lows and low mids while clamping down on the bass drum and the HF snaps and percussion to mix it a bit flatter I think you would get much better results from the mastering stage. You can let a male vocal sit a little lower, you don't have to push so much 1400-4500Hz you can use some 600-720 and even 320-450 you are not fighting any instruments down there so you don't need to stack as much.


    HP+LP Filter some of those FX they are just adding to SNR in non-bioinformatic frequencies.

  6. Introninja

    Introninja Audiosexual

    Dec 10, 2013
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    @Cav Emp you Got Milf...I mean mail :winker:
  7. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Nice choon @Cav Emp, I couldn't add anything that hasn't already been said on the mixing or mastering front, but theres been some good advice always here.

    Got to give a big thumbs up to @Satai again as well, good work moosh.:wink:
  8. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    It's awesome to finnaly hear some of your music :wink:
  9. Symphonic

    Symphonic Newbie

    Oct 16, 2017
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    man you try very hard to make it sound like you know what you are talking about - it has the opposite effect.

    loosen up this clamp down that - hey Chris lord alge you sound the part ok! in reality mastering is the most subtle treatment of audio unless you are a butcher or working with total shit. make it a set dynamic range (its not magic its very clear) and make the freq spectrum even. wow thats dark arts yo! any more and the producer didnt do his job properly!

    bioinformatic freqs??? lolz... how about bio-luminescent ones? or the pseudo-metabolistic cholro database freqs? hilarious
  10. Symphonic

    Symphonic Newbie

    Oct 16, 2017
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    did u mean inaudible freqs? and your Einstein complex just blew through the roof on us.. yuk!
  11. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    @Symphonic : relating to or having the form or character of a symphony

    Maybe try living up to yer name?
  12. TapeOp

    TapeOp Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    @Cav Emp - I'm new here, haven't listened to the lates mix yet, not really my genre either but I think this is a class piece of work. Great mastering is, well, great, but talent, content and style is what it's about for me. I've no idea whether the production is what it might be, I have root vegetables for ears when it comes to polishing a track...
  13. No Avenger

    No Avenger Audiosexual

    Jul 19, 2017
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    I just downloaded both versions, played them at the same time, adjusted @Satai's mix -0,5dB aaand BINGO!
    Try it yourself, sounds best. :yes:
  14. Mykal

    Mykal AudioP2P

    Jun 20, 2011
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    I'm Right Behind You
    Needs more cowbell:bleh:
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  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    My little opinion is that something in between the both masters would sound best. If you asked me which one I prefer, I prefer the second one as the first one lacks too much bass. However, the vocals sound better in the first one, more present.

    I say maybe loosen the limiting on the first one and let the bass breathe more? Or limit the second one a bit more even better. Just 1-2dB. That should make vocals pop out a bit more. If you can't fix it in the mix, that is. That always works best. :wink:

    I'm listening on Dynaudio BM12As and only had two glasses of wine. It should be credible, I think. :wink:

    And I'm listening to Massive Attack, which is kinda in the ballpark. That shit sounds like a banana-split with a margarita cocktail, lying on a beach in the afternoon after a night out. :headbang:
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
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  16. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I was not talking about post production for filtering. As I was saying if he would be willing to go back to mix and loosen up the frequencies between 200Hz to 720Hz instead of stacking everything in the low end and middle high end, it would help to balance out his mix. His mastering is what it is, but I don't have anything to suggest as to how to fix other than to go back to the mix and take an other whack at it.

    As far as my use of vocabulary, I am an old man... back in the day when we didn't understand a word we got out a dictionary and looked it up instead of getting mad at other people for using it.

    Bioinformatic frequencies is a pretty common term or at least it used to be... frequencies where humans can not get discernible information on pitch or timber (too low and it all just sounds like bass - too high and it all just sounds like hiss) well most of us anyways, I am sure some people can disern pitch past 9KHz well into the 50KHz range - but I for sure as hell can not. They are most definitaley audible, just not informative in any meaningful way other than being lower order or higher order harmonics of tone X you hear them but they don't mean anything to you. See how one word was used to take place a paragraph. Oh well, que sera sera.

    As far me taking a whack at it - nobody asked me, if the OP wants I can do w/e am a pretty easy going guy and I'll fit it in my schedule to help a dude out. Won't be a 1 day turn around but it will come eventually.

    IDK why my post pissed you off so much... but hey man, that's life.

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018
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  17. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Got some time to sit down with CavEmp's track again today. I went after the low end oomph that guys suggested was missing, this time (but hopefully not too much). Also I thought @mozee's ideas were spot on and tried to do what he was suggesting, decompress the bottom and clamp on the highs, though I only have the mixdown and no access to the full mix - did it with multiband. I was lighter with compression and instead hit it hard with a good limiter at the end.

    Here comes the revised version, as always the listens and impartial opinions are very much appreciated fellas.

    Last edited: Jan 7, 2018
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