The language of Tonal Music

Discussion in 'Education' started by MMJ2017, Nov 6, 2017.


Do you have difficulty seeing MUSIC as a language ,similar to your spoken one?

  1. no

    12 vote(s)
  2. yes

    8 vote(s)
  1. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    It takes how EVER long it takes. to me if that is a lifetime so be it, i do music because i have no choice. its about the journey not a destination. ( the longer you go not understanding music is the longer it takes TO understand it haha)

    besides if i wasn't doing music everyday to advance myself , i would STILL have to do something!haha

    is it more of a hobby for you? for those that it is more just a hobby thats cool too they get enjoyment and dont feel the need to dedicate crazy time but still enjoyment out of it.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  2. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Thanks for cheering me up after a long working day! :mates:
  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I think there's no need to learn that language just by memorizing or applying yourself and burning the midnight oil. Suppose in English language there're more than 200,000 words, idioms and slang terms and you can never find the most exact one for your current usage. Never Ever just by memorizing and trying to remember. Are you trying to make shortcuts for easing your learnings?

    BTW, music doesn't have just one universal language. Every kind has its own one and learning just one of them that is working in a specific style and applying to the others is not possible. For example imagine that you want to make a dark techno, non of those jazzy feelings with extended chords would work in it and you need to get acquainted with techno language with specific sounds and moods and compositions. Also music language that you insist to use that term is not based on mere notes, you need to learn the sounds too. Some notes work with some sounds not all of them and in some sounds applying the meaning of note is pointless.

    Some people (not you of course :bleh:) spend lots of years learning those flowery heritages from Bach to the contemporary music and think that they can make any kind of music with it but it is infeasible.

    Waiting to be selected as the best answer and if you don't do it I'm not your friend anymore. Also change the title of your thread and write "Music doesn't have a single language or 2 or 3 and you can never generalize it" and read it out loud to yourself.:rofl:
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2017
  4. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    That just made my head in. Maybe the English language isn't your forte.
  5. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Your first statement is right (unless you we talking about sine waves - they work in every tuning and scale).

    Music STYLES don't have a single language, but music in general can be described using frequencies and math formulas.

    I like how MMJ tries to educate for free, but his understanding is not scientific and is based on a system (that kind of works), but is not useful for all style of music.

    "in the beginning there was the Octave (higher or lower versions of the same note)" - octaves represent mathematical sequence called "power of 2", they are not the same notes. Playing in octaves is the most basic form of harmony.

    I can talk much about many misinformations/simplifications in the school musical textbooks, but who cares - it's a waste of time that could be spent elsewhere + people in the past didn't have 1/10 of the knowledge that is avaliable now for free, but still managed to make beatiful and original music (compared to the loud and cliche radio pop/electronic music that is everywhere around us).
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  6. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    We're in 2017 and in 2020 you'll change your attitude towards music like me did. At least I was fond of good electronic music but you I don't know with which part of modernity you've established fellowship until now. MMJ has time till 2025.:bleh:
  7. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    MMJ2017 is a really cool guy & i had with him one of the most interesting conversations ever on this forum in an older thread.
    Thanks for the useful info on this thread MMJ (even if i'm already familiar with it).
    MMJ2017 has time till 2025 even to 2525 & more :bow:

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  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I meant having time to change his mind my bro.:bleh:
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  9. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    i know foster i know love you brother,i left you a msg on the general chat :wink:
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    nah, it IS scientific home slice haha

    plus ,I clearly explained this is the language of TONAL music.
    there is a language for the other styles too, they arn't THIS thread though.

    also i know for a fact at least a 100 forum members that know this information i am presenting here. and they know it the same way i have explained it here.

    {but is not useful for all style of music.}

    sure, not ALL styles, BUT it is the styles that bring in millions of fans and millions of dollars!

    some fum facts my nicca.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I feel you homey.

    Foster911{Are you trying to make shortcuts for easing your learnings?}

    nah, just explaining what Tonal music is, and how it works for those that may be interested.

    Foster911{BTW, music doesn't have just one universal language. Every kind has its own one and learning just one of them that is working in a specific style and applying to the others is not possible.}

    Hence the name of this thread.

    Foster911{you need to learn the sounds too.}

    that not music language fine sir, that is called Sound design, a subset of Sound engineering (which is fabulous)

    Foster911{Some notes work with some sounds not all of them and in some sounds applying the meaning of note is pointless.}

    that why i feel it important to be educated and skilled in Sound design, a subset of Sound Engineering.( just a different category than musical language)

    Foster911{Some people (not you of course :bleh:) spend lots of years learning those flowery heritages from Bach to the contemporary music and think that they can make any kind of music with it but it is infeasible.}

    They goofy, yo.

    Foster911{Waiting to be selected as the best answer and if you don't do it I'm not your friend anymore}
    chill brah, yer special, not another single person like you anywhere my friend. ( you can never be replaced.)

    Foster911{Also change the title of your thread and write "Music doesn't have a single language or 2 or 3 and you can never generalize it" and read it out loud to yourself.:rofl:}

    you gots tah read the actual title B. look for the part that says "....Tonal.....Music...."
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  12. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    If the majority of voters see music similar as a spoken language, would anyone please give me the musical equivalent of "Can I have some coffee please?"
  13. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Possibly a better text format?
    Vital information is probably all there but the 'notes' for chords need to be bold or something different. Sorry I couldn't read it all the way thru.
    Without proper audio examples learning any language is difficult?
    Maybe the interested students here could all pitch in, whether it's a backing track or simple chords played on a keyboard?
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    Circle of fifths trick

    write it like this.


    you have 7 natural notes
    7 flat notes {its just that F- = E and C- = B}
    7 sharp notes {its just that E+=F and B+=C}
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  16. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Homie, your "tonal language" is as scientific as witch hunting. Music theories isn't stuck in the middle ages anymore, man.

    The "scientific" music theory lineage (dealing with ratios, numbers, frequencies etc, not with "styles" and pseudophilosphical/aesthetical theories) is something like: (the unknown people from Babylon/India/Egypt)->Pythagoras and other greeks-> Ptolemy and other romans -> (arabs developing the greek theories, but this doesn't interfere with the Western theory until second half of 20th century) -> Zarlino -> Athanasius Kircher -> Leonhard Euler -> Joseph Fourier -> Hermann von Helmholtz -> Iannis Xenakis -> Boulez and the IRCAM institute that developed cool software over the years -> the American set theory school (Forte, Babbitt, Morris etc)-> David Lewin and the transformational music theory circle -> (founded 2006) - there is a cool anthology issued every year.
    See, your musical understanding and theories are hard stuck in 19th century. The things that you teach are style and method, not science, my friend. You are teaching basic operations that are valid only for some music - just like some math operations are valid just for certain algebras. Music theories became science in the middle of the last century and they are not bounded by any style, good taste, culture etc.

    The thing is that for making "dope beatz or moody jazz" you don't need real understanding on physical and mathematical level. You just need some idioms and patterns, so you can start making derivative (in other words: genre) music that is liked or not liked by certain culture where people are trained to like certain sounds and patterns.
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I love how all your previous comment (read above this comment)
    are all comments that could only be made IF a person had not read the title of the trhread, along with gone through the actual content of the thread.
    its great comedy hour!
    the music being sold to fans ,music made for tiv, commercials for movies, the sounds we all hear and vote to be successful
    see here is the issue with your accusations.

    I can demonstrate that millions of music fans, pay their money to tonal music. the music anyone gives a shit about this very day NOT hundreds of years ago, or whatever centuries you think.
    TODAYS music that every single person gives 2 shits about is TONAL music.

    this shows your comments are false.

    23322332{See, your musical understanding and theories are hard stuck in 19th century.}

    then why can i demonstrate the opposite of this comment?

    Here let me show you. look at the billboard 100 take the top 5 songs.
    they are ALL tonal, for your comment to be factual would HAVE to mean than those top 5 songs are identical to songs that existed in the 19th century.they are not. you are scientifically shown to be false in your statement with millions pieces of evidence.

    23322332{Music theories isn't stuck in the middle ages anymore, man.}

    yes, the music we listen to today is not like that time period. the music anyone cares about is the language i am describing.

    sure, a handful of people like atonal music ( im one of them)
    but %99.9999999 music anyone gives a shit about is TONAL.

    the music being sold to fans that the fans vote on, the music in movies, tv, commercials everywhere you hear music in society is TONAL.
    that is the reality of the situation

    YOU are just some person (like myself) that likes atonal music and odd styles genres. and noise .
    there is one of YOU ( and myself) for every million people that buys music, goes to live shows.

    23322332"You are teaching basic operations that are valid only for some music -"
    you have not even gone through the actual information in this thread or READ THE DAMN TITLE HAHAHAHAHA

    the thread is about tonal music, you cant even read a thread title? clap clap clap.

    "23322332"You are teaching basic operations that are valid only for some music -""

    MMJ- and you are saying a combination of words that are only valid for some situations and contexts.

    right? you should be able to say a comment that applies to every situation ever right?
    just like i should be able to make a thread about music and have it apply to ALL MUSIC and every situation at all times?
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2017
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    if you want to make underground music for 100 people in the world be my guest
    but everyone else wants to make music for the rest..... 7.6 billion people on earth.
    EQUAL TEMPERAMENT is the champion. it has dominated and won. there will never be something that beats it. time to accept the reality of that. you have a choice make music for you and 5 other people to enjoy, or make music for 8 billion people to enjoy. I know what I choose.
    study the music that has been the most successful in the last 200 years, now the last 10 and the last 5 years, THIS year.
    its all 12 tone et.
    sure, you can busk with battery powered PA in the subway and make a dollar a day.
    the rest of us will make music for film, tv, commercials, and play shows to stadiums. and large theaters.
  19. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    @MMJ2017 what did happen to this thread? Did you give an order to your troops to pull out of the tonality land? Mine is welcoming them willingly. :bleh:
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    there just a couple more things to add to it left thats all, brother
    (i got some gear in the mail ,been "testing" it out wink wink) my girl rolls her eyes at me.
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