Kontakt setup has failed: "FALSE"

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Putrendech, Oct 28, 2017.

  1. Putrendech

    Putrendech Newbie

    Oct 28, 2017
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    I´ve been trying to install kontakt 5 but i´ve had no success, I tried with 5.6.6, 5.5.0, 5.2.1.
    first time I installed it, it seemed like it worked, gave me no errors, but there was no program shortcut and there where no Native Instruments folders. I tried installing again but it gave me an error that said that I had the program aIready installed. I did some research and i found that I could delete some registry keys so I did that, I think I was able to delete and install a couple of times, but i coulnt find any folders so i decided to create a Native Instruments folder in Program files, and i chose those at the time of installation. Thats when i got the message (Kontakt setup has failed: "FALSE"),now ive messed with the reg keys and some folders, but I get the same message.
    Any Idea of what could I do?

    I´m running windows 10 64bits btw
  3. Nick12

    Nick12 Platinum Record

    Jun 26, 2017
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    What I would do in this case is just trying the newest 5.7 version of Kontakt. It's a great release! And you don't really have to do any installations for that.

    About deleting Kontakt. According to NI you still have Kontakt installed, right? I think you should try to remove it by a full uninstaller first and not by deleting register keys.

    What I always do when I have to uninstall programs is using the free version of Iobit uninstaller. It removes everything of the program and also any residual files.
  4. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Sounds like you corrupted installation & trying to install over the top of another installation.

    Would totally remove and start again ->
    Default installer/un-installer normally in C:\ProgramData but is hidden by default.
    Therefore you need to ENABLE hidden files and folders & search for kontakt.
    You find a folder with Kontakt Factory Library Setup PC in it and also encrypted .msi
    Delete that folder after removing.
    Also you can search installer log which will tell you locations of registry keys which you should also delete & start over
    i.e by default C:\ProgramData\Native Instruments\Installer Log -> by default something like

    TARGETDIR_PATH=C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\
    VST32_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\VST Plugins\Native Instruments
    VST64_PATH=C:\Program Files\VST Plugins\Native Instruments
    AAX_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
    AAX_PATH64=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
    FACTORYCONTENT_PATH=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments
    SYSTEMEXTENSIONS_PATH=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\
    SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\InstallDir=C:\Program Files\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\
    SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\InstallVSTDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\VST Plugins\Native Instruments
    SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\InstallVST64Dir=C:\Program Files\VST Plugins\Native Instruments
    SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\InstallAAXDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins
    SOFTWARE\Native Instruments\Kontakt 5\InstallAAX64Dir=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins

    Delete ALL registry keys & start over.
    Best of luck :bow:
  5. Putrendech

    Putrendech Newbie

    Oct 28, 2017
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  6. Putrendech

    Putrendech Newbie

    Oct 28, 2017
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    thank you! i found a portable version of 5.7, and im using that. i dont know if the uninstallation is still important, I dont know how i would do that though, cause there is no instance of the program anywhere in my computer.
  7. Jambuw

    Jambuw Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Has anyone started using Kontakt 5.7.1 with the previous versions? Do you have to do any tricks like I read with the 5.68 release. How do you add libraries?"
  8. Putrendech

    Putrendech Newbie

    Oct 28, 2017
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    im using the portable version of 5.7.0, and it works, if you read above,"apparently" I wasnt able to completely uninstall the previous version. and libraries dont seem hard to install
  9. Jambuw

    Jambuw Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Can anyone please provide a step by step procedure to run Kontake 5.6.6. and Kontakt 5.7.1 on the same computer. I wanted to use The Orchestra but 5.6.6 is too old
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