My son got kidnapped and robbed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by asad12, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. asad12

    asad12 Platinum Record

    Dec 4, 2012
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    hi everyone,

    This past friday at 6:40 in the morning, my 13 years old son got robbed at his bus stop about a 2 blocks away from where I live. Then when the robbers didn't find money on him, they pulled their guns and forced him to get in their car.

    He didn't know where they were taking him to or what they were going to do with him. It was devastating and very hard to understand the mentality of someone terrorizing a child. I am sure my son is scarred now and it will be a long healing process.

    After they drove around with him at gun point, they ordered him to take them to my house. They ordered him to get in the house quietly and get them money and if he doesn't come back in 2 minutes they will shoot at my house and if anyone comes other than him they will be shot too.

    All this happening to him while we didn't know. he came rushing in telling my wife and his little sisters to get away from the door and windows. He rushed to his room to grab $50 dollars to give to them so they go away and not harm anyone.

    I was sleeping at the time and all I heard is my wife was screaming and I rushed to the door. I saw the robbers car just took off.

    It took the police a whole hour to come to my house and make a report. Can you believe it? A child that was about to get killed and his family under a threat of getting shot and they took their time to show up. This got me even angrier.

    I am having a hard time to understand what happened and why? I even feel guilty at points letting my son ride the bus or even go to school. I am thinking of buying a gun but I hate guns because I have children in the house and worry that they could find it and something goes wrong. This world is getting worse and worse.

    There's no way I am staying in this town. I am packing and moving to another state in a few days because of what happened. I don't want my son to remember what happened anymore. I am thinking a change of place is the best thing I can do for him at this time. I want to get rid of this memory.

    There's very little support for me and my family here. Just 2 of my neighbors that support me and stood with me in hard times. It will be a loss not having them around anymore.

    sorry for the long post but I felt the need to get it off my chest.

    May all of you have peace in your lives.
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  2. seph

    seph Ultrasonic

    Oct 21, 2017
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    What dicks! I hope their next victim will be armed and will shoot them in their stupid heads
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  3. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hi my friend,peace,harmony,lots of laughter and love to you and your family.
    Just so i 'm not misunderstood by you the like that i gave you above is for thanking you for sharing all this and getting it out of your chest.
    I'm sorry that your son & family had to go thru this.
    But think this : it is all gone,all behind and everyone is ok.
    Let time be the healer here,this is just a suggestion.
    Ask your son if he really wants to move.(Sometimes kids,teenagers have friends that they can't live without.
    Get him involved with music if he is not already,music as i'm sure you know is a great healer.
    Also please stay away from guns,this is not the answer,guns are magnets to bad things,especially in a family house.
    Wishing you and your family the best,be strong and any time you want to talk to me for anything,feel free to pm me,Spyridon.

    P.S and always remember your signature :
    We can not be angels, but let's hold on to what's left off of our humanity.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 23, 2017
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  4. 30hz

    30hz Producer

    Apr 27, 2013
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    I am very sorry for what happened, you have all my solidarity
    ...a big hug
  5. Citrik Acid

    Citrik Acid Rock Star

    Feb 7, 2016
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    I'm with you and your family, i hope cops will move their ass to find this wicked human, love and peace to your family
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  6. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    wow, what a story. First, I am sorry your child (as well as you and your wife had had to experience this). It can be a traumatizing experience for all of you i'm sure. i am glad the story ended in a somewhat positive way. Everyone is alive, and no one in your family got hurt. I can't imagine someone kidnapping a kid and threatening to kill him if he doesn't bring back money. What a sad world we live in.

    Please do consider your child's feelings on the move. Sadly there are bad people everywhere. It's truly unfortunate what happened, but it could have happened anywhere. Would perhaps moving to a safer, better neighborhood/school area be another option? Out of curiosity, would you be willing to share what state this occured in? I hope these criminals get caught. Please reconsider the gun thing. As previously mentioned, this can be a dangerous thing to keep around the family. and only encourages more violence. Just my 2 cents. Peace and love to your family. We're all here for you to talk to.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
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  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    truly sad to see the degradation of humanity... and how plankton like this can prey even on a child.. I second your intention
    to find a better place... nothing is worth risking the life and safety of a loved one.. especially a son or daughter...

    I live in a big city where home invasions have become more and more common.. to the point an AR-15 may be the best friend
    I could have now ... children have been snatched off the street, only to find their bodies later after some cretin
    had his way with them.... quite a different world from even just 40 or 50 years ago

    it probably doesn't feel like it.. but for you and your son
    it's fortunate those creeps only wanted money

    good on ya for the resolve to change things ... relocating won't be easy.. but it will be worth it...

    all the best in your quest..
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  8. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    it's a traumatizing experience, sorry you've had to live this.

    it's likely you won't see these guys again. abducting a kid to get 50$ out of him is pathetic enough already.

    take a moment to talk about this with your kid, your family, and move on.
    nobody's dead, and you've done nothing wrong.

    good luck finding a safer place

    take care

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  9. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Sorry that happened to you man. It's not just kidnapping and robbing that are going up even the roads are barely safe, people drive like jackasses, way too fast, think a neighborhood street is a highway, etc... Bad things happen though and even-though my right brain says that the probabilities are the probabilities, i have a feeling that there is something wrong thought no endemic yet it is getting worse.

    My personal observation, from my personal life: ever since ever police precinct started referring to them themselves heroes just for dressing up (and not there are not less police men in most places they just do less) they've done less and less. This probably stems from having recruited too many policemen, giving people who do not have the courage or the mental capacity to actually be in law enforcement a badge and spoon feeding them hero shit. The quality has diminished. Here in suburbs of SE Pennsylvania the township police forces are beyond useless.

    States where I have lived and I would feel good having growing children in VA, MD, NC - you can't piss on a tree in the woods without getting caught and you can't do 10MPH over the speed limit for more than 20mins without getting a ticket.

    The quality of our American people with guns has diminished greatly since we started over-recruiting. The same problem exists in the armed forces, when I got out, the kids they were sending up had no fucking clue that the other side had guns and knew how use them. They thought there were gods just because they graduated some basic training or OCS. Way too many of them had no sense of responsibility, back in my time when you got out of OCS you knew you were responsible for people's lives, that taking an enemy for granted was about as dangerous as putting a live grenade up you own ass, and that you had a brain and that you were required to use it at all times.

    Our institutions are going to shit, the world is not any more or any less dangerous than it ever was, but the people who are there to protect us are failing us. When you see a lack of discipline in any area (whether it is traffic enforcement, or regular patrolling) that means that the lack of discipline is every where else as well. People are so busy supporting their local police, they have not noticed that the local police is not supporting them back - even with crate blanch to shoot whoever they feel like. Even 40 year old white women in their pajamas.

    The problem is dumb people keep falling for the same shit... tax breaks, more guns, more police, make a dollar out of fifteen cents bullshit. It is a historical cycle.... meh

    rant over
  10. tvandlover

    tvandlover Producer

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Sorry to hear about your awful experiences. It must be a truly wicked country that you live in. Sadly we in the developed west are not without our problems either.
    good luck finding a new place to live
  11. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    @tvandlover what makes you think that he isn't living in the developed west....?
  12. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Hey man! I'm very sorry but stay awesome and keep creating music. To protect our families we probably need weapons.. But I guess harmless weapon would be best choice - shockers or gas guns. And hide it somewhere. Badass option.
    What the city you live now? Did you try to get some public attention on this situation? And why police getting worse? What happened in their minds? Or it's cool for them?
    I suggest police in every country is quite shit. And in my country they tend to violate ppl.
    So best way is to get public attention. And it will kick police to find robbers pretty fast. Police is lazy and uncompetitive - make them professional!
    And say to your son - everything will be alright. Sometimes shit happens, but we need to stay cool.
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  13. Dmotr Softor

    Dmotr Softor Kapellmeister

    Jul 13, 2016
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    Interzone, beyond the Ultraworld
    I hope that your son will recover as soon as possible. Terrible story.
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  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Indeed... NC and SC.... I never got pulled over so many times in my life...than in a small town in NC... so little crime...
    the cops have nothing to do.. but cite you for having burned out tag lights...
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  15. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    oh crazy. What is this city?

    yes, in my country this shitbags think they are gods of the road and you are nothing. I hate them, they killing ppl and I want Glock 19 or AK12 to shoot in their wheels. Police doing nothing. They just get our money. It's ocupation, not civilization. But I can't get weapon in my country in easy way. You US civilians have this option and it's last way to get your rights solid. But use it carefully.
    yes, I agree with you. Police useless last time I checked them. They just ignoring me and my family and I guess it goes for every family.
    My friend working in a police and now I feel the gap between us. He talking they don't have enough ppl for the district but I guess this is error of the whole country and systems.

    that's nice but what about criminal and corruption?
    my friend in OCS now, I believe he will learn everything right but sometimes he talking strange things

    same thing in me country

    fully agree. but how to heal it?

    for me "developed" is when ppl happy and living without fear
  16. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    why that happens? Why that difference between states happens? What is the reason? Level of life?
  17. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Good GOD MAN!!!...

    mad prayers that you and your son, daughter and wife are ok... holy shit!!

    guarantee heroin is involved man... which, no one was probably going to get hurt anyway, but STILL... no way to be 100% on that.

    But yeah... you should get a gun... if you lock that thing up CORRECTLY... which takes less than the intelligence of a protozoan to accomplish, then your children will be safe.

    Those that are ignorant of proper gun ownership are the only ones that are afraid of them... it is an illogical fear, based on ignorance... JUST LIKE RACISM.

    On the other hand... let's say you had a gun... how might have this event played out?.. I am always afraid of the idea of killing someone... a criminal, and then being sued by dumbass criminals family and then being incarcerated... so... I don't know man, the gun does offer piece of mind.

    My family have all owned guns for decades and nobody has ever been hurt.. and blah blah blah...

    But wow.... and you can't beat yourself up for "what you should have, or shouldn't have let your son do..." Normal children all over the world
    safely get to and from school on a bus, and will never experience such a traumatic event... it is NOT YOUR FAULT... life is a roll of the dice... a lottery of all sorts, and you never know what you will "win."

    Good luck with your move...

    EDIT: I got political.. sorry about that... a disrespectful and selfish thing to do on this thread... again, I apologize and am sorry.

    (I deleted the paragraph)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2017
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  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Next time we`ll be there.
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  19. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Time to give your son that .45 and teach him how to use it
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  20. Rasputin

    Rasputin Platinum Record

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Wow, that is so sad. That's terrible.

    My thoughts are--and this might across as cookie-cutter, trite, patronizing, or "easier said than done", however I definitely don't mean to downplay the trauma--it's still you who holds all the power in this situation. The important thing is that you're still here. Your son didn't get hurt. $50 is ultimately just a piece of paper.

    You family has all the power in the world to move on with amazing and fulfilling lives, and although you were victimized (and again, I don't mean to take away its gravity!), you're now the one back in charge. Allowing yourself to not forgive or be happy, or to keep yourself imprisoned with fear is allowing those lost people to still hold you at gunpoint, but they no longer have that power unless you continue to give it to them. They're now gone and you're the king and captain of your own destiny--they are now nothing and hold no standing in your life unless you continue to mentally invite them back and keep surrendering to the illusion that they have any control over you at all.

    Forgive them. Let it go. Move on. Live your happy outside of their grasp and be victorious. Don't let one event by the desperate and cowardly hold even one degree of influence over you. You and your family are unstoppable. Choose to win.
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