Why MAC IS far better than WiN/PC....

Discussion in 'humor' started by Kookaboo, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    Why MAC IS far better than WiN/PC?


    No doubts about it: WiN/PC has lost words & facts!!
    So think deep about death & life and let all your anger,
    bad emotions + envy disappear.
  3. Carface

    Carface Noisemaker

    Nov 22, 2011
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    Nice one !!!


    ...if you read MAC's backwards, you get scam !

    Think about this too. Might be also a sign...!?
  4. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    LMFAO nice one and I do not like the BOX of being in a Mac, where you want to do something and "will be here next year" with apps

    There is no doubt about it the mac is being forgotten again, If you look at the last 3 years of applications in the high end video, audio, graphics and the no go on the mac the dreaded HIGH END cad/ CMM machining apps, all the apps are on windows 7 and now soon Windows 8.

    I belive apple will eventually spin off the Mac pro's. They will keep the portables and small devices though.

    When a company makes 400 billion off of phones and small gadgets in a space of 5 years you know the Mac pro's are getting the AXE.

    You already seen some hints as where apple is headed on desktops.. The Final Cut X is a good example, dumbed down and removed the essential studio features then only to add them back in from so many industry studios said enough and Adobe seized this moment to steal dozens of Studios into Premiere pro with Mercury, As I have tested it Final Cut does not hold a candle to it.

    All the money that apple has made over the last 5 years it was not from Mac pro's any mac user is in denial saying otherwise.

    I hope Mac users are listening Apple does not need your sales anymore, they only overcharged all of you on the MAC Pro's to get them to invest in the Phone and small gadget area and all of you very sadly fell for it.

    The Mac is not the industry standard in video, graphics or audio anymore, those day's are over, get over yourself.
    With so many High end Apps these days only coming on the PC I think Mac users beware.

    Application developers also are tired of the Apple changing their OS ( small updates) and then being forced to fix Apple's changes into their apps.

    This is one of the main reasons why HIGH END CAD, CAM, SIM, CMM milling is only on the PC and not on any mac!!!. I have been to dozens of Plants in the USA and Canada and in 15 years have never seen any mac in any CMM or Cad room. No mac could survive a CMM or shop environment. What I have seen serviving workstations across the border in the USA is shocking how these workstations have not blown up LOL I have seen dust almost up to the processor area!!! and they still ran!! Windows 7 and many Windows XP workstations.

    But this move from apple also is not good for us PC users, since this means that the PC will no be updated, companies don't follow apple anymore since Apple has moved into phones exclusively

    just my own thoughts, no harm
  5. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    dan – I think you take it all too serious!
    It wasn't meant to open (again) a boring debate.

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Seriously --- I'm happy with what I can get accomplished w/ my Mac (I'm GLAD that there are satisfied PC users/advocates out there - Congratulations on your purchase and keen wisdom, really) --- I could care less if the PC (& MAC) faithful 'get it' or not. The arguments are beyond trite, and serve no real purpose but to perpetuate indifference through opinionated advocacy (from both camps -- PC & MAC) -- who really cares ? If I could be sure that my target applications and plugIns would work sufficiently within the environment -- I'd personally migrate to Ubuntu (Linux) and leave the proprietary OS world (and the stale recycled argumentative advocate/user base) behind. Until then I'll stick with my Mac (it's all about personal preference really) -- You might choose a Mercedes, while I favor the Audi -- regardless the (vastly opinionated) differences, both choices serve their general purpose quite well (from point A to point B) -- so be it !

    - 2¢

    PS: If by some stroke of misfortune you happen to get an iPhone, iPad, Macbook Pro or some other useless Apple garbage gifted to you over the holiday -- DON'T THROW IT AWAY ! Send me a Private Message -- and I'll make sure its 'disposed of' properly -- Thanks In Advance !
  7. 3re

    3re Newbie

    Dec 11, 2011
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    Technology is killing my creative mojo, why do i have to upgrade every month?
    Why does my system suddenly crash if i don't follow trends?
    I'm an artist i just wanna be creative?
    New platform contender please??
  8. clem

    clem Member

    Mar 24, 2012
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    NE Ohio
    No walls in Heaven? That runs counter to Apple's walled garden strategy.
  9. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    Can't wait to see all the mindless PC users reply to what we know is a busted windows system. Ain't it funny how they can speak so much about our beloved Mac Computers that they
    spend more time talking about ours then theirs..? ijs. They never speak about why their computers are so (great) boring. And looking about how they will all flock here to respond
    I KNOW, they have nothing better to do!

    Now watch you PC users Prove me right! LMAO!

    Ah...forgive me Kook, I just had to point that out. :rofl:
  10. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    ????????????????????????????????????????????????? :dunno: again
  11. Dynamic Force

    Dynamic Force Newbie

    Oct 16, 2011
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    Hi i'm a pc user. I use both windows and OsX (paid for both) honestly i'm a cross platform and cross DAW user. I use the ease of every DAW I like logic for mixing and arranging. I like Ableton for easy time stretching and beat making capabilities. I use FL Studio only for the ease of songwriting capabilities.

    and the ease of every platform. My problem with this topic is that people just blame the PC. But It's just the matter of platform you use. In fact OsX is way better as Windows simply because it's way smarter. Everything is in it's own box so the one app isn't affecting the other and backwards and you simply don't need drivers and so on I can use a whole topic to prove the difference. It's just the architecture of windows that is the bottleneck in this case.
    On the other hand. There are still more plugin's that are windows build only. I just don't know why, but it's the only reason I still use Windows in some cases.

    One negative issue about MAC is their service and the idiot high price for broken parts 1600 euro's for repairing a mac of one of my friends.

    Respect for both platforms but I use whatever I like to use. If my pc is broke I build a new one for just 600 euro's or less.


  12. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Why Macs are far better than a PC? What's the answer?

    I usually don't waste my time with such discussions, they're just silly to me...

    It's no secret nowadays you can build a much more powerful PC with the same money you spend on a MacPro.
    There's nothing one can't accomplish, technically speaking (please correct me if I'm wrong) by choosing a Mac over a PC. In fact softwares like Maya, Max were made available to "Macs" a few years ago...

    With so many "Is" (Imac, Iphone, etc) it's no wonder they've got the ego ones, the "I" culture, Igood, Ispecial, those who thing they are better or smarter than others just because they bought an expensive machine.
    It surely has a nice design, I agree, and doesn't crash as much (oh yes, Macs DO crash) but apart from that, your favorite software looks just the same on PC or Mac.

    I work with computer graphics and audio for over 15 years and Macs are not the industry standard. Maybe for personal use or small houses, but definitely not in big house productions (like TV or film industry).
    In this industry speed and skills are everything. They don't hire you because in your resume states "Mac user", they really DON'T give a shit for that.
    Go pay a visit to big studios, TVs and tell me the majority of them exclusively use Macs...

    Say tomorrow, Windows would disappear from the face of the earth... the world would stop working. The industries, telecommunication companies, banks, etc, wouldn't function. One wouldn't be able to watch TV,
    use your Iphone, work in offices (unless you have MS Office for Mac installed). LINUX would probably be the first and immediately choice for Win replacement.
    In this context, Macs and its OS deserves much more the title "personal computer" than the actual PCs. One should be able to see the irony in this...

    To assume, PC users are "mindless" is to consider oneself better than the others. If it is so, why don't you show us some of your great work? Amaze us with what you are capable to do with your beloved machines.
    I suppose this is not going to happen... and the reason for that is simple to figure...

    I don't really care if one uses PC or Mac. In the end, it doesn't really matter. If you are happy with what you have is enough.
    But keeping this kind of discussions is just like going back to High School, like: my dad has a nicer house, a nicer car, I'm cool, look at my hair, my bracelet...
    This is not a professional environment... There, creativity and skills are much more important than the OS or machine you are using.

    Art can come from anyone or anywhere. And like I've written before, stupidity, idiocy, talent, skills are not Mac nor PC privileges.
    It's a personal thing...
  13. light59

    light59 Member

    Nov 7, 2011
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    @ The Dude


  14. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    :( May GOD save the souls of you sad + so serious folks out there.
  15. Olaf

    Olaf Platinum Record

    Jun 5, 2011
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  16. The Dude

    The Dude Rock Star

    Aug 13, 2012
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    I'm sorry if I've misunderstood the original post. I haven't paid attention to your comment at the bottom.

    I've decided to comment, because I got a bad cold and I'm home for a few days. Anyway, this is what I think Bill would say. Hope you have fun...

    This is my last comment on this topic.

  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    What I don't get and can't take from any sides is snobism. Sometimes, judging by my posts people would think I'm a hater or a fanboy of some kind, but I can assure you I'm NOT. I'm just a realist who believes in facts and testing. That's the only reason why I use PC that I assembled myself from carefully chosen parts, and Windows XP. Facts and budget, too. I would rather have some money left to buy something useful than throw it away for nothing worthwhile. Fact is that my PC is top-notch, and there's no PC or Mac configuration that can be better than this, or they cost an arm and a leg. It's knowledge that saves me a lot of money. Regarding OSes, you can have Windows on Mac and PC, and you can have OS-X on Mac or PC, too. I'm glad that I can choose. I would choose OS-X if it was that good, and it was a hard decision not to. But the facts showed me that OS-X works less optimal and it's not as good as Windows for low latency audio processing. In the same manner, I tried Windows 7 and found it also less optimal for that, so I chose to stay with Windows XP. Not to mention that there are so many more plugins and software to choose from for Windows. However, I would go with OS-X if I found it faster and more stable than XP. These are just facts that saved me from problems many musicians experience, and it saved me a lot of money. Facts, testing and keeping your feet on the ground. Now if you want to accuse me of being a fanboy, you can always accuse me of being a fanboy of stable computers and stable, lean, fast OSes configured for audio and video, while preserving my wallet fuller than an average computer user who knows nothing about hardware and OSes, nor software. Who doesn't know the facts, just hearsay and advertisements. That's how one becomes a computer snob. No knowledge about the computers, and no other interest than to bash everything others have, without knowing the real facts.

    In the end, everyone should choose what works best for him/her. I care only about myself and my clients. It's everybody's right to learn from whom he/she choose to learn from. However, if you don't have the knowledge and experience in the subject, it would be preferable to keep your mouth shut, isn't it? ;)

  18. studio5599

    studio5599 Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    Seriosly i own both. Pc is very vonurable to viruses , spyware ect.. a Mac just runs smooth with no Blue Screens of death, Spyware any of the BS a pc has!! Also the graphics on my Mac using the same Video card are insanely better, My Daws perform faster on the mac all plugs vsti, vst ect.. What i dont understand is why smucks still use a pc
    When you can build a Hackintosh around 300 bucks or change youre board and get a Intel Cpu for a few hundred and have the best of both worlds Seriously if you dont own a Mac !!! BUILD ONE ALREADY
  19. charnk

    charnk Newbie

    Jun 12, 2011
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    I wonder how many PC owners punched a hole in their plastic PC tower in anger after seeing this post?
  20. m9cao

    m9cao Producer

    Oct 3, 2012
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    Why IPhone is far better than Android/WP?
  21. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    What sites are you on that is causing your PC to have virus?

    If you visit pornsites and cracksites and other suspects sites i can understand

    But if you are a regular user that dont visit such sites.
    You will not have any viruses that is if you dont open e-mail that includes one of course.
    But in order to have your e-mail NAME "stolen" in the first place you have to enter your e-mail name on such sites so?

    That was the whole selling point with the windows os
    Get people scary and force them to buy antivirus programs.

    And its not true that Mac is foolproof like you said
    Just go to any macforum and you see tons of Q&A of my Mac dont start anymore i got it running when i push the button but cant see anything etc etc..

    And its not true that DAW program run better either you say you have both but does they have exactly the same specs when it comes to CPU Memory HD etc etc you say Videocard well a videocard doesnt have ANYTHING to do with how good a DAW and plugins run.

    But the most funny thing i read in the Mac forums is!!
    My CD/DVD Player doesnt work anymore and i have read that many many times.
    How is it that you buy a computer that cost so much and have a CD/DVD player that is so fragile?
    And they even call it SUPERDRIVE they should call it SUPERFRAGILE.

    And for what i understand building a hackintosh and running DAW:s like Logic is very CPU hungry some say almost 50% of the CPU is taking just to run the DAW so is that smoother?
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