Best Free Software for Making Music

Discussion in 'Software' started by Oysters, Nov 4, 2014.

  1. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  2. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    WELCOME TO PAGE 30 !! :rofl::wink:
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  3. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  4. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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  5. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    763 response library.htm

    Phædrus Audio Impulse-Response Library

    The Phædrus Audio Impulse-Response Library is a growing collection of impulse responses derived from our equipment which may be downloaded for you to enjoy, or to demo Phædrus Audio products in your own studio. The files are provided in .wav format, and require convolution software or hardware to use.
    Of course, an impulse response only encapsulates the frequency response of the measured equipment; not its distortion characteristic. But, for some equipment - notably EQ - the frequency response is the defining factor in the component's performance.

    Our impulse responses are available as digital downloads at four sample rates and bit-depths:
      • 44.1 kHz, 16 bit
      • 48.0 kHz, 24bit
      • 88.2 kHz, 24 bit
      • 96.0 kHz, 24 bit
    To get your impulse response download, simply contact [email protected] and we will send you a link to the download.

    To use the IR, you will need:
    • Suitable amp modelling software and/or DAW
    • Software to unpack the download (ZIP file)
    A Phædrus Audio impulse loaded into Cockos ReaVerb
    All Phædrus Audio Impulse-Response Library files are in uncompressed .WAV format in a "zipped" (ZIP) folder. Some software or hardware may need these files to be converted to another file-format before they can be used. For example, AudioEase Altiverb, Waves IR-1 and McDSP Revolver use proprietary file formats, although they are capable of importing WAV files. Please check the instructions for your particular convolution software or hardware to discover which file formats which are supported and for the appropriate conversions.

    All the impulse responses in the Phædrus Audio Impulse-Response Library are made available under a Creative Commons (Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported) Licence. You are free to use these impulse responses in any of your own projects (even commercial projects) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Licence. Further details are available at from

    Available impulse-response (IR) downloads

    This collection of impulse responses derived from the Phædrus Audio PHUSION enables you to "test drive" the PHUSION in your own studio. Impulse responses are available for the four preamp's as well as for a range of EQ settings*.
    *The impulses in the PHUSION IR Pack were captured using the exponential sweep technique which moves non-linear components into negative time. So these IRs simply model the frequency-responses of the preamps and the EQ: not their non-linearities.

    The PHUSION IR Pack is available as a digital download at four sample rates and bit-depths:
      • 44.1 kHz, 16 bit
      • 48.0 kHz, 16bit
      • 88.2 kHz, 24 bit
      • 96.0 kHz, 24 bit
    To get your PHUSION IR Pack download, simply contact [email protected] and we will send you a link to the download.

    The contents of the PHUSION IR Pack is available as a PDF.
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  6. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    FSynth has released the Fragment synthesizerversion 1.0, a free pixels based granular, additive, spectral audiovisual synthesizer.

    Fragment is a collaborative cross-platform audio-visual live coding environment with pixels based real-time image-synth approach to sound synthesis, the sound synthesis is powered by pixels data produced on the graphics card by live GLSL code.

    Fragment is able to produce high-quality fast additive and granular synthesis simultaneously with re-synthesis support, it has many features making it a bliss to produce any kind of sounds or visuals and is aimed at artists and sound designers seeking a creative environment with few limitations to experiment with, a programmable noise-of-all-kinds software.

    Fragment is also able to produce live visuals from videos, images, webcam etc. import or algorithmically generated.

    • Additive, spectral, granular synthesizer with re-synthesis support.
    • Pixels based image-synth approach.
    • Collaborative audio-visual live coding environment, real-time approach.
    • Stereophonic or monaural.
    • Polyphonic.
    • Multitimbral.
    • 32-bit images processing.
    • Multi channels.
    • Import (webcam, images, videos with audio analysis, audio files analysis, drawing over textures...).
    • MIDI in.
    • OSC in/out.
    • Spectral recording.
    • Distributed sound synthesis, multi-machines/multi-core support.
  7. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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  8. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Xpand 2 Freebie

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    AIR's Xpand!2 is Free at DontCrack until November 30th
    Starting today, for a limited time, Air Music Technology and DontCrack are pleased to offer the incredible Xpand!2 FREE of charge. Yes, this is the same Xpand!2 that has been the omnipresent Multi-Timbral workstation that has been used on countless hit records, and it is all yours for FREE, right now.
    Click to enlarge

    Multitimbral All-in-one Workstation
    To get your FREE Xpand!2 just add it to the Shopping Cart and redeem the following coupon code at checkout:


    Air Music Technology and DontCrack are pleased to offer you Xpand!2 absolutely FREE of Charge for a limited time. Yes, the original and the best Multitimbral Workstation Software ever created can be yours.

    Air Music Technology originally created Xpand! as part of the Creative Collection of instrument plug-ins included as part of Avid™ Pro Tools™. With the release of Pro Tools 8, this widely popular workstation was given new controls, improved features, an additional Gigabyte of sounds, and a new name: Xpand!2. As the popularity of Pro Tools grew, more and more musicians and producers came to rely on the incredible sonic firepower of this amazing workstation. Xpand!2 continued to evolve, and demand grew. Finally, Xpand!2 is now available on its own, available to anyone who hungers for the finest sounds—instantly.

    Xpand!2 is a multitimbral workstation offering four active sound slots, or parts, per patch. Each part is provided with its own MIDI channel, Note Range (Zone), Mix, Arpeggiation, Modulation, and Effects settings—an excellent method for creating individual parts. Harnessing the four parts together to build one amazing Patch is where Xpand!2 reveals its true power. The Voice Mode for each part can be set to polyphonic or monophonic. Polyphonic parts can have up to 64 voices; monophonic parts offer First, Last, Highest, or Lowest priority making it easy to designate a bass, lead, or solo instrument.

    Using everything from wavetables and FM synthesis to sample playback, the expert sound design team at Air Music Tech has carefully created thousands of ready-to-play Xpand!2 patches. Creating your own is easy, too. Parts can be quickly browsed and are conveniently sorted into 29 categories, offering a simple path to find just what you’re looking for.

    • Four-channel multitimbral operation
    • Up to four stereo instrument parts per patch
    • Up to 64 voices per part; Mono or Poly voice modes
    • Smart Knobs provide intuitive sound editing
    • Easy Edit Knobs control the entire patch at once
    • Two digital effects processors; 50 editable effect types
    • Individual arpeggiation control for each part
    • Multiple sound generation engines: Subtractive Synthesis, FM Synthesis, Tonewheels, Sample Playback
    • 2500+ total presets and parts in the following categories: Soft Pads, Bright Pads, Huge Pads, Action Pads, Ambience and FX, Polysynths, Synth Brass, Percussive, Simple Arpeggios, Multitrack Arpeggios, Soft Leads, Hard Leads, Acoustic Piano, E-Pianos and Clavinet, Organs, Strings, Vocals, Brass and Woodwinds, Mallets, Bells, Guitars, Ethnic, Hits, Synth Basses, Basses, Drums, Percussion, Loops, Multitimbral

    System Requirements
    Compatible with AU and VST only. (AAX version available in AIR Creative Collection)
    • PC: Windows 10, 8 or Windows 7 Service Pack 1; Minimum Dual Core 2GHz (Intel Core i5 or i7 Recommended)
    • Mac: Mac OS X 10.8.5-10.12; Core Duo Processor (Core i5 or i7 Recommended)
    • Minimum RAM 1GB (2GB or more recommended)
    • 1GB free hard drive space (Download and Installation)
    • A 64-bit compatible host application
    • Internet Access (Download and Authorization)
    • iLok hardware dongle optional, iLok authorisation required
  9. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Download GN’s Personal Lexicon 480L IR’s

    Posted on : February 5th, 2014

    Hey guys,

    Following on from the samples I dished out the other week I’m gonna share these with you too.

    About 12 years ago I sat down and recorded a complete set of impulse responses from the legendary & industry standard Lexicon 480L digital reverb unit. In fact it’s the very same one that you can see the remote control unit for in this picture below….


    The reason for doing this was so that I could have a “virtual” 480L inside the box in my Pro Tools rig via Audio Ease‘s excellent Altiverb plug-in.

    They sounded amazing too, I A/B’d them next to the actual unit and for the most part you really couldn’t tell the difference. Anyway, I’ve used these IR’s on virtually every recording I’ve made over the past 10 or so years, they are my go to reverbs for vocals without question.

    Over the years I have given these out to quite a few fellow producers and they have somehow found their way onto file sharing sites, as everything seems to do these days, but I can assure you that I recorded these, processed the IR’s and created the presets you will find inside the download, even though other people may have tried to lay claim to them :/

    So how do you use these?

    There are full install instructions inside the zip file but you WILL need an impulse response player plug-in. Either Altiverb, as mentioned above or Logic’s Space Designer. I’m sure there are plenty of other plug-in’s on other platforms but I only use Mac’s so that’s all I can tell you about i’m afraid.

    Inside you will find the following presets (exactly as they are in the machine – no editing) :

    Ambience – Gated Ambience
    Ambience – Large Ambience
    Ambience – Medium Ambience
    Ambience – Small Ambience
    Ambience – Strong Ambience
    Ambience – Very Large Ambience
    Effects – BackSlap
    Effects – Doubler
    Effects – Get It Wet
    Effects – In The Past
    Effects – Rebound
    Effects – Sudden Stop
    Effects – Surfin
    Effects – Tremelo L to R
    Effects – Vox Whispers
    Halls – Auto Park
    Halls – Jazz Hall
    Halls – Large Church
    Halls – Large Hall
    Halls – Large Plate
    Halls – Large+Stage
    Halls – Medium Hall
    Halls – Medium+Stage
    Halls – Small Church
    Halls – Small Hall
    Halls – Small+Stage
    Plates – A Plate
    Plates – Fat Plate
    Plates – Small Plate
    Plates – Snare Plate
    Plates – Thin Plate
    Rich Plates – Drum Plate
    Rich Plates – Echo Plate
    Rich Plates – Guitar Plate
    Rich Plates – Horn Plate
    Rich Plates – Large Plate
    Rich Plates – Short Plate
    Rich Plates – Silver Plate
    Rich Plates – Slap Plate
    Rich Plates – Vocal Plate
    Rich Plates – Vox Plate No.2
    Rooms – Large Room
    Rooms – Music Club
    Rooms – Small & Bright
    Wild Spaces – 1ow-40
    Wild Spaces – 2ow-50
    Wild Spaces – Big Bottom
    Wild Spaces – Brick Wall
    Wild Spaces – Buck Ram
    Wild Spaces – Inside Out
    Wild Spaces – Metallica
    Wild Spaces – Ricochet
    Wild Spaces – Sillica Beads
    Wild Spaces – Varoom

    Use them wisely and your productions will start to sound a lot more expensive ;)



    G x
  10. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    WaveEdit is a free tool on PC/Mac/Linux that allows powerful creation and editing of wavetables for the E352 and E370 VCOs. Using standard WAV formats, the editor includes a full toolbox of shortcuts. An audio Preview is available to audition the waves before loading into the module.

    The WaveEdit program is officially in Beta Testing! Grab your free copy below, any try to breaking, crash it, or offer UI teaks, mods and suggestions.

    Check out the three short videos below to get an idea what the program can do.


    Version 1.0.1 is the official Beta.

    Below are links to the 3 supported platforms. Download and unZip, there are instructions and installers for the packages.

    If you find a bug or wish to wish add a feature, please contact us at the email link below. You can also find us on Facebook in the SynthTech Modular Group. If you do email, please use either BUG or FEATURE in the sunbject line along with the version and OS so we can file them into catagories and assign priorities. Something like: BUG - Beta Release 1.0.1, Mac


    • Added Import Page with more features and visualization, waveform 'markers' added to see the alignment of each wavetable into the bank
    • Added ability to preview sound while importing
    • Added alt-click and drag to copy/paste wave in sidebar (Main page view) and XY grid view
    • Improved 3D waterfall view: added Z morphing, scaling and highlights position in the bank
    • The on-line Bank Repository is now 100% funcional. Upload/Download you favorite banks, share with the community.
    • Fixed all known/reported issues with older Linux versions, Mac Retina display suppory and numerious UI tweaks & bug fixes
    Note the files are the executables, not the source code. The source will be released when the program is officially released in mid-October.

    Contact: [email protected]

    Basic editing and creation of the wavetables using the mouse and built-in toolkit.

    More detail on the different effects available to modufy wavetables.

    Advanced viewing of the entire bank and importing your own WAV file and fitting it into the wave bank.

    Last edited: Oct 16, 2017
  11. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Surface Editor
    This site is online for test purpose only. No support or guarantee are given !!!

    The Surface Editor is a powerful software tool for creating musical controllers using various input devices. It was originally conceived to be used with the Airplane controller. However, it can be used in combination with any input device supporting the TUIO protocol, MIDI, OSC, or Windows Touch.

    Control your music software from your preferred interface
    The basic principle for configuring a surface and creating mapping layouts is to draw zones on the surface and assign them musical actions via MIDI and OSC commands. Complex mapping layouts can be determined thanks to the possibility to assign several actions for a controller and also to set rules for the conditional activation of an action or group of actions. For instance, inside the same controller, a certain action can be triggered by a dragging movement, while another one can be triggered if the intensity of a tap is above a certain threshold. Besides the zones, a library of traditional mapping components is available, such as faders, pads, buttons, 2D controllers, and so on.

    Live pad - Control Ableton Live from the Surface Editor
    The Surface Editor also comes with an advanced plugin called LivePad. LivePad is a fully customizable interface to control and display features of Ableton Live.

    Build your own plugins
    With his public API, the Surface Editor is based on a plug-in architecture. Users can write new mapping components in Java or using the Processing language. This makes possible to extend the application with new controllers, whose behaviour and functionality can go far beyond the one of traditional controllers. The Surface Editor is thus very useful as an experimentation tool to explore new mapping strategies between input gestures on a multitouch surface and musical actions.

    The Surface Editor is developed at Geneva University of Music (HEMGE), with support from the Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS), Secrétariat à l'Education et à la Recherche (SER), and the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO).

    Learn more about SE

    Supported Platforms
    Windows, Os X, Linux
    With Java 6 installed

    Input devices
    TUIO: Objects and Touch
    Mouse Input
    Windows Touch

    MIDI / OSC

  12. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Tunefish is a very tiny virtual analog synthesizer. It is developed to fit into about 10kb of compressed machine code while still producing an audio quality that can compete with commercial synthesizers. This site was created to make the VST/AU version of it available to the public. This plugin, unlike the version of TF which is used in 64k intros of our group Brain Control is of course larger, mainly because it has a UI and uses the excellent Juce framework for C++. (This is true for TF4 and TF3. TF2 uses the VSTGUI library.) The synth is free but comes without any warranties. It is tested on Renoise but if you want to use it with different DAWs, please do so and let us know about your experience. Tunefish is an ongoing project under active development so if you have any comments or wishes, please let us know. Also, if you make some music with it or create soundbanks you're more than welcome to share them with us or on the Tunefish page at KVR Audio.

    Tunefish v4 was developed as a smaller replacement of Tunefish v3 with roughly the same power. It was developed for our intro Turtles all the way down which forced us to rethink how to most effectively produce music in very tight machine code. Read more about it here. The result was totally worth it and some might argue it is even more powerful. To open it up to a broader range of people, it was also ported over to Linux and MacOS and it was given a new polished UI.


    • Available on Windows and Linux as VST (32 and 64 bit) and on Mac as Audio Unit or VST
    • Improved UI compared to TF3 which will visualize all modulations
    • Uses an additive synthesis based wavetable generator
    • The Noise generator can produce any frequency of noise with any bandwidth
    • Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass and an improved Notch filter are available
    • 2 ADSRs and 2 LFOs that can be linked to pretty much any important knob using a modulation matrix
    • Supported effects are Flanger, Chorus, Distortion, Delay, Reverb, EQ and Formant
    • The effects stack allows for any permutation of up to 10 effects
  13. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Autodafe Drum Kit for VCV Rack
    FREE: a Collection of 8 modules with sampled drums and a 8-channels Drum Mixer

    Autodafe Module Pack for VCV Rack
    FREE: A collection of 13 additional modules for VCV Rack: LFO, 1x8 and 2x8 Multiples, Clock Divider, 8-Steps and 16-Steps Sequencers, 8x16 Trigger Sequencer, Fixed Filter Bank, MultiMode Filter, Formant Filter, Foldback distortion, Bitcrusher, Phaser

    The Cricket (Kontakt / WAV files)
    The Cricket is a Kontakt Instrument sampled from a "Grillo Parlante" (Speak & Spell)
    Autodafe - XoX Drums for Kontakt
    Casio VL-1 Loops
    All the rhythms on the Casio VL-1 Looped and sliced in REX format
    EKO DreamBox Drum Machine Loops - REX Format
    EKO DreamBox Drum Machine Loops - REX Format
    Casio VL-1 Plugin MAC/Win AU/VST 32/64bits
    Casio VL-1 plugin version for MAC/Windows AU/VST 32 and 64 bits
    Mega Drum Machines MAC/Win AU/VST 32/64bits
    Mega Drum Machines for MAC/WIN, AU/VST, 32/64 bit, plugin version of the original Kontakt Library
    G&S Custom Work Drum Kits for Kontakt 2.0
    A new version of G&S Custom Work Drum Kits for Kontakt.
    Pianowa for Kontakt
    A free Steinway and Sons Model B Piano for Kontakt 5.6 Full
    Mega Drum Machines Collection for Kontakt
    A Big library of old, obscure and lo-fi Drum Machine for Kontakt
    Casio VL-1 for Kontakt
    Casio VL-1 Sampled for Kontakt
    Stratocaster Refill
    A 1972 Stratocaster sampled and put into a combinator with Softube Guitar Amp.
    G&S Custom Work Drums Refill
    G&SCW Drums in Refill format for Propellerheads Reason
    Autodafe - Bank 00 for Rob Papen Blue II
    A Bank of 32 Patches for Rob Papen Blue II

    G&S Custom Work Drum Kits for Kontakt 1.0
    A new version of G&S Custom Work Drum Kits for Kontakt.
    Acoustic Bass for Kontakt
    Acoustic Bass sampled for Kontakt
    B8 Organ - FREE
    B8 Organ is a VST (Windows Only) reproduction of the old organs of the 60's-70's.
  14. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Vult Modules for Rack
    A set of modules for VCVRack written in Vult.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    • Rescomb: a module can be used either as a filter or as a resonator (when increasing the feedback). The frequency can be controlled with a pitch voltage 1 V/Oct.

    • Stabile: state variable filter that provides three outputs: low-pass, band-pass and high-pass.

    • Lateralus: diode/transistor ladder filter based on the physical structure of the Moog filter.

    • Debriatus: distortion unit containing wave folding, saturation and asymmetric distortion.

    • Splie: audio splitter, just an utility but that I require when testing the modules.
    New modules comming!

    I dedicate many hours to the development of these plugins and related projects, like Vult. If you enjoy this, I would feel really happy if you make a contribution in the following link: DONATE

    Download from the releases page the file corresponding to the VCVRack version you have. Place the VultModulesdirectory in the plugins folder.

    First you need to build Rack following the instruction in the README.

    The clone this repository inside the plugins folder of Rack and use make.

    $ cd plugins
    $ git clone
    $ make

    To change the DSP code you need to have Vult installed. Vult can be installed by downloading it from the Releases page or installed with npm.

    Once you have Vult installed you can regenerate the code with the following line:

    $ vultc src/VultEngine.vult -ccode -o src/VultEngine
  15. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    All the ducks are swimming in the water...

    Free VST Plugin Bundles

    The Dead Duck Effect and Instrument bundles provide all the plugins you need to get started making music on your Windows PC.

    Free Effects Bundle
    The Effects Bundle provides 24 original VST audio effect plugins covering everything from essential mixing tools such as EQ, compression and limiting to creative sound shaping tools such as delays, modulation effects and reverb.

    Read more here.

    Free Instruments Bundle
    The Instruments Bundle presents updated versions of four VST classics from mda: the DJX10 subtractive synth, DDX10 FM synth, DPiano-A 'acoustic' piano and DPiano-E 'electric' piano.

    Read more here.

    Both bundles can be downloaded for free and are available in VST 2.4 format for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows hosts:

    Dead Duck Free Effects Bundle
    Dead Duck Free Instruments Bundle

    Use these links to get the latest version of the bundles - to find out the version you are currently using click the 'Dead Duck' logo on the plugin interface.

    Equaliser Frequency Responses

    The Dead Duck Equaliser and the EQ module of the Dead Duck Channel provide 4 bands of equalisation with up to 12 dB of boost or cut. In addition, the actual frequency curve of each band can be modified using the Q parameter which is available on all bands except the Channel HF band.
    Read more »

    Introducing Compressor...

    A peak compressor plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing Equaliser...

    A parametric equaliser plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing Gate...

    A gate plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing Limiter...

    A limiter plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing Expander...

    An expander plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing DeEsser..

    A de-esser plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing Utility...

    A mixing utility plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing Channel...

    A channel-strip plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing DJX10...

    The DJX10 is a digital subtractive synthesizer plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »

    Introducing DDX10...

    The DDX10 is a digital FM synthesizer plugin in VST 2.4 format for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit hosts.


    Read more »
  16. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Exclusive: FREE Summing Tube Processing Delay Plugin From Audified
    Rounik Sethi on Aug 01, 2016 in News 11 comments

    We've partnered with the good folks at Audified to bring you their 2nd generation summing tube processing Delay plugin for free! Yes, FREE as in "Happy Birthday". (It's normally $49!) [​IMG]
    The plug-in is available for Mac & Windows in AAX, AU and VST.

    Note: There is NO difference between the AskAudio branded STA Delay and the $49 version!
    1. Copy our exclusive FREE coupon: askaudio-your-friend-for-free-plugins
    2. Go to STA Delay page here.
    3. Hit Add to cart button
    4. Hit Cart button
    5. Proceed to checkout
    6. Enter your user info
    7. Enter THIS CODE: askaudio-your-friend-for-free-plugins in the DISCOUNT column and hit APPLY
    8. Wait for an e-mail with the serial number & download link.
    9. Click the download link and enter your serial and e-mail address
    10. Hit Download, Install. Enjoy.

    Visit this page, add to cart, proceed to check out, and enter the coupon code above in the Discount section then follow the instructions.

    Find out more about 2nd Generation of STA on the Audified website.
  17. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    BurghRecords PhatNoise


    The plugin emulates the rich and thick sound of tape echo units from the 70s, like the WEM copycat. PhatNoise Delay is a free download for 32/64-bit Windows (VST).
  18. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Sonus Modular is a collection of modules for the open source modular synthesizer emulation VCV Rack.

    Sonus Modular features 12 modules:
    • Bitter: bit manipulator
    • Bymidside: MS (mid-side) encoder
    • Deathcrush: distorsion and bitcrusher
    • Harmony: chord generator
    • Luppolo: loop station
    • Multimulti: a simple but handy double 2-in 8-out multiples
    • Osculum: a VCO capable of harmonic but unusual sounds
    • Paramath: signals comparing and math utils
    • Piconoise: an ultra compact white noise generator with 8 outputs
    • Pusher: four button controller
    • Scramblase: triple quadruple waveshaper
    • Twoff: double CV static offset

    The code is released under GPLv3 open source license, and binaries for Windows, Linux and OSX are provided. You need VCV Rack 0.4.0 to run these plugins.Download Sonus Modular for free:
    Linux 64-bit [.zip, 1.93 MB]
    Windows 64-bit [.zip, 2.15 MB]
    Mac OSX [.zip, 154 KB]
    Source code [.zip, 112 KB]
    To install, just extract the folder sonusmodular inside the plugins directory of your VCV Rack installation.
    Arch Linux users can install Sonus Modular from AUR, package here.

    The latest development code can be obtained with:
    git clone

    If you liked it and want to support Sonus Dept., you can make a donation!
  19. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    Audio Restoration
    Resurrect your old recordings

    Resurrect your old recordings
    Welcome to the home of easy-to-use, high-quality shareware audio restoration* software, designed for restoring your own gramophone records and other recordings.

    The audio samples illustrate some possibilities for restoration which can be achieved using software on this site. Most of the original audio files were provided by users.

    *Audio restoration is the process of removing imperfections, such as hiss, crackle, noise, and buzz, from sound recordings.

    Site content

    This site has information on capturing your records as digital files, removing intermittent noise such as clicks and crackle and reducing continuous noise such as hiss, hum, rumble, vinyl noise. And of course, there is information about software for achieving these restorations. If you want to know more about gramophone records, and listen to many interesting recordings from the first half of the 20th century, visit Roger Wilmut's site.


    If you are simply looking for audio restoration software, then visit the software and download pages (in that order). Please do not email questions until you have searched those pages for answers.
  20. Mundano

    Mundano Audiosexual

    Dec 1, 2015
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    ReaPlugs VST FX Suite
    Want to use some of the comprehensive FX plug-ins that REAPER provides, but stuck in another host? Haven't made the switch yet? Fear not -- you can download ReaPlugs, a package of FX that includes many of the plug-ins that come with REAPER, for free!

    General features of ReaPlugs:
    • Support for Windows 98/ME/2K/XP/Vista/W7, WINE
    • Fast, usable UIs with good metering
    • Low CPU and RAM use
    • Highly configurable
    • No copy protection
    • Portable (copy installed files and run)
    • Freely usable
    • Take A Tour of ReaPlugs

    Download ReaPlugs:

    Download: ReaPlugs VST v2.36 32-bit (January 2 2016)
    Download: ReaPlugs VST v2.36 64-bit (January 2 2016)

    Changes in v2.36:
    • ReaJS: fix support for JPG/PNG reading on 32-bit
    • ReaEQ: add spectrum analyzer
    • ReaXcomp: add spectrum analyzer

    Copyright (C) 2006-2016, Cockos Incorporated
    VST PlugIn Technology by Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH

    Previous versions...

    A Tour of ReaPlugs

    • Ultra-configurable compressor
    • Soft knee support
    • Sidechain filters, sidechain inputs
    • Feedback compression mode
    • Program dependent auto-release mode
    • Variable RMS size
    • Oversampling antialias modes (with optional limiting)
    • Optional make-up gain
    • Optional lookahead
    • Wet/dry mix
    • Low CPU use
    • Useful metering

    • Unlimited band compressor
    • Great metering per band
    • Fantastic sounding filters
    • Solo current band mode
    • Tons of controls per band (ratio, threshold, knee, attack, release, makeup, program dependent release, feedback detector, RMS size)
    • Adjusting bands in graph is easy (modifiers to change ratio, gain, etc)

    • Multi-tap delay, no practical limit on tap count
    • Up to 10 second delay per tap
    • Tap lengths can be in time (s/ms) or quarter notes
    • Feedback, LPF/HPF, resolution reduction per tap
    • Stereo width per tap
    • Volume/pan per tap

    • Unlimited band IIR based equalizer
    • Support for any number of many types of filters (shelfs, bands, LPF, HPF, notch, bandpass, allpass)
    • Frequency response and phase response display
    • Display of approximate note+octave for frequencies
    • Per-band bypass control
    • Full-view of graph optional for precise editing
    • Mouse modifiers/mousewheel usable for editing bandwidth of points in graph

    • FFT based dynamics processor
    • Supports FFT sizes of 128-32768
    • Useful in/out frequency response display
    • Supports defining response curves both using any number of points, or freehand mouse
    • EQ - can be used as a linear phase mastering EQ, or as a super-effective surgical EQ
    • Compressor - can compress at a fixed ratio with a per-band threshold
    • Gate - can gate with per-band threshold
    • Subtract - can build noise profiles and subtract noise from the signal

    • Ultra-configurable gate
    • Sidechain filters, sidechain input
    • Lookahead for pre-open
    • Hold control
    • Hysteresis control
    • Variable RMS size
    • Can send MIDI events on gate open/close
    • Wet/dry mix, noise mix (can add noise when gate is open)

    • Supports streaming from host to host of audio and/or MIDI over a LAN segment
    • Supports streaming from different host software on each end
    • Supports UDP broadcast for streaming one to many (if local network can keep up)

      • Realtime user-editable effect processor
      • 64-bit internal audio processing, MIDI support, full PDC support, multichannel I/O support, graphics display support.
      • Hundreds of included effects, including: delays, compressors, limiters, convolution, distortion, spectral noise editors, analyzers, loop samplers, creative effects.
      • Create new effects from scratch, or modify existing effects to meet your needs
      • JSFX editor and debugger included, opens automatically when you edit a plug-in

      • Flexible MIDI controls in VST format
      • Automate CC envelopes and bank/program selection, as FX parameters
      • Full SysEx support
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2017