Some of my photography (includes some instruments) (almost all CC0)

Discussion in 'Our Art' started by Polymetrix, Oct 15, 2017.

  1. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    If this belongs somewhere else - feel free to move it there. And I hope I didn't post it here already.

    I release almost all of my photos into the wild (CC0) now (some are not really CC0 as they show trademarked logos and stuff). Most of them are macro shots of flowers but also some instruments, travel, nature in general...they're on unsplash and 500px. There are still about two hundred more to go but the tagging and stuff takes time so I don't rush it. Enjoy - and let me know if you used any of them for something.
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  3. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    hi my friend,great SUPER GREAT WORK ! :like:,would love to hear some of your thoughts, when you have time ,in this thread thanks for your time :
  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Loved the pics, are they really :O all ur own work, cos they're so diverse & global & strange & lovely! *sigh* all ur talents impress me! They all look liek HDR, what kinda equipment d'you use?

    I'm prolly gonna use those instrument pics on my SC! Do you have any pics of an organ *ahem not meant to be funny ok!* or a nylon strung guit? I guess I kinda like 3/4 views of resonators / keys, but I'm weird liek that!
  5. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Wow. The world through the eye of Dr Scythe is stunning. Thanks for sharing. :thumbsup:
  6. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    Thank you all - glad you enjoy them!

    @famouslut yes those are really all my work.
    I used a D7000 and owned way too many lenses to list them all but most importantly: Nikkor AF-D 60mm Macro, Sigma 150mm f2.8 HSM OS (I love this one), Sigma 2x Teleconverter, Sigma 17-50 f2.8 OS (had the Nikkor AF-S 17-55 f2.8 before and the Sigma kicks its ass). Sadly I had to sell all of this due to lack of job+money...but maybe one day I am lucky and get a job and my second hobby back...
  7. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Sry, about the crack "all", Doctor, but it's difficult to believe, almost! I mean, ten gorgeous pics would be mouth/eye-watering! XD Hundreds is difficult to fathom! I am fascinated by photography, and it might be my kinda third interest, if I had good enough eyesight, still =( I wish I had the cash, too, but I expect I'd spend it all on my nephew / nieces! Xmas. My poor bank accts!

    I don't think that you can call it a hobby, tho! Have u ever thought about getn some state aid for photography / small business? Might be worth tryn if ur in teh EU? Could be a good business idea, even if it may involve macro photos of mould for ur local college / hospital. That's actually moar interesting than it was meant to sound, come to think of it!
  8. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    Well one thing is: I took every chance I got. Saw something - took a photo. Most photographers I met didn't do this. They were waiting for this one shot. So on two occasions where I shot something beyond 200 photos they took 10-20 (quite literally). Given the 10% are really usable and good ratio you end up with ten times the photos that might not have a message, not be the spectacular moment of street photography but just nice to look at and a tad more experience to yourself. Even in zoos: don't wait for the monkeys fighting, sometimes you just gotta go for it and create a motive. Not really good results but I think you get the point. I really don't understand why some hobbyist photographers buy huge SD cards and then don't take photos of everything beautiful they see.
    Well don't spoil them too badly ;)

    It was a hobby (and one beautiful day will be again) just like my music is. I considered making money with this especially after the US trip in 2012 and the visit to Disneyworld. All those moments of sparkling eyes - not just the kids also the parents when they see their child so happy...some got some free memories there ;). But in the end it wasn't a valiable option back then and I actually studied to get a lame job so that the art stays free. tbh I didn't know that (if) there are state aids for photographers in Germany. And on another note: you can't get shit here if you're not certified this and that and I am willing to bet that something like this is in place to be funded as a photographer. I am fluent in English - occasional mistakes included free of charge - and I know at least three people who got an "Oxford English Certificate" who need about 30 "ähm" "erm" "ööh" for one sentence. They won't even be asked if they can speak English in an interview. I will be asked. And most of the times the HR person who asks has this certificate. So it goes like: "would...erm it be ok...if nau?". Really great. If that's certificate level I should be able to get those for French and Swedish easily with the basic knowledge that's there. But - surprise - they cost money...fuck I hate this game-like shit. Wait...I should step down from the soap box...

    Thanks for the encouragement...maybe someday I'll be able to do something with my passions.
  9. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

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  10. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Most impressive. A man of very many talents !!! :like:
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  11. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Wow. Mesmerized .
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