Lennar Digital Sylenth1 frozen + dead?!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kookaboo, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Hi, i open this thread now here because on MSJ (macserialjunkie.com) the "Almighty" + totalitarian moderator Public Lice is deliberately deleting comments with important messages! He must be a total + selfish idiot! :snuffy:

    So does anybody know what happened with Lennar Digital Sylenth1??
    There were no updtaes since years now....
    Plus Lennar Digital's hermetic company-philosophy makes it hard to find some useful information.

    Possibly they ran out of business....
  3. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Well having opened a thread here maybe you should also tell us just what important messages is the mod deleting ?

    Are you having problems with Sylenth, if so , tell us and maybe someone can help?

    Maybe the dev thinks its good enough as it is, considering how many people seem to use it and how many companies are still making new presets for it, maybe he's correct ?
  4. rusetsky

    rusetsky Newbie

    Apr 25, 2012
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    Yes me also do not like the moderators to MSJ) Lennar in our forum KVR wrote that the project is not closed. But where is updates!? Alternative Silence is KLM331 Sinthmaster. :mates:
  5. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Well, this synth is nearly perfect for its purpose, no real need for updates - especially when it would take more CPU power.

    There are other companies which clearly could update their products, like NI with Massive - is it really so hard to implement new wavetables or an arpeggiator? And no one claims they're out of business.
  6. rusetsky

    rusetsky Newbie

    Apr 25, 2012
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    No 64-bit version for the Mac! :snuffy: Lennar disappoint :dont:
  7. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    :phones: How could i know? When that Jackass has deleted them + also locked the thread!

    @ Public Lice
    Should you ever read this – You think you are special but you're just a stubborn and ignorant wannabe-dictator, with no common sense & sense of humor. You snip + cut here and there as you like, deleting precious Informations. We prefer wise moderators, not squareheads like you!
    :snuffy: :dont: :bleh:
  8. Willum

    Willum Rock Star

    Jun 13, 2011
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    Lol, so how do you know that what he deleted was in fact of any importance then ?

    You insult someone for deleting what may well have been rubbish or insulting posts, when you admit you dont know what was in the posts.You say he has "snip + cut here and there as you like, deleting precious Informations" but you admit you dont know what the info was or even know if it was useful in any way.

    I think I'll make my own mind up about who has probably been "stuborn and ignorant".
  9. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
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    Here and there.
    Willum - I'm for sure not the only one condemning that Jackass! :dont:
    He deleted so many comments...nobody would remember them!!
    But maybe you're not able to think so far?....Facepalm!

    Btw: "Stubborn" is written correctly with 2 B's.
  10. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I simply don't get this philosophy of "if there's no updates, the software must be dead". Please enlighten me. If something is as good as it is, why would it have to be updated? Maybe developers should start re-releasing the same software from time to time and call it "upgraded" just for the idiots who need "upgrades"? Like "OK, here's Sylenth v2.25" and changelog saying "nothing at fucking all. Just the same as it was." Would that satisfy you? Are you addicted or something? When something works like it should it doesn't need any updates! And Sylenth is working perfectly for everybody. Get this into your stupid head for once.

    Some will say I'm bitching, but take this into consideration: I find myself lately using tons of software that hasn't been "upgraded" for YEARS [2004/2006/2008... even 2002!] and I find that actually very satisfying and comforting because by now I know how this software behaves and if there's any bugs or not. If there are bugs, I can mostly circumvent them and use it anyway. With constant "upgrades" you never know what's going on! Who's to blame for this or that crashing? When you have the same setup all the time you can keep all the things nicely under control. ;)

    For another example I could use Reaper. I upgrade Reaper every half a year or even once a year when the update seems most stable. I don't update every time. Why? Because the updates in between are not stable! Because the updates in between make you suffer and crash more often! With Reaper, it's actually quite under control, I must admit, but with other software... holy dog! You just have to be careful with "updates". It's not always for the better. Developers change compilers for the less optimised ones and you get the same plugin that consumes more resources and CPU and gives you nothing better regarding sound. Think about it. This particular one touches Waves. Their Renaissance suite of plugins hasn't changed since v3, but it uses a lot more CPU power now in v9. The sound is the same, but the compatibility is better with some hosts, so that could be a reason to upgrade. but if they work well with your host, I suggest you leave them at v3, or use v5, or 7, or 8, anything but 9 if your host works with it!

    You don't even know how good it feels when you know every plug-in you use in depth like I do. I know not just the shit that I get through VST analyser or testing with the 996 Hz sinewave, I know all the bugs, so I can avoid them, if there are any. It feels great knowing all that! It makes you work far more confidently with the plug-ins you have.

    And in the end it delivers better mixes and masters, too. ;)

    I remember once that I "upgraded" Voxengo Elephant to the new version, and I was working on a project... it fucked up my project! So I had to install the old version back so I could finish my project. And that's just one of the many stories I could tell you about "UPGRADES". Fuck upgrades. Gimme something I can work with and call it *FINAL*. Fuck! I could go on and on about "upgrades", mate. I have a lot of stories like that at disposal. I could write a book about it. :)

    But as always, people cannot tell a shit from a banana, due to their own ignorance and sheep-icity. You just care about tits, football, burgers, and "upgrades" don't you? Are you buying a new phone every three months? LOL I have a 2005 Nokia, and it works perfectly fine, thank you. Until it breaks, I'm not going to buy anything new because I DON'T FUCKIN' NEED IT!

    Thank you and good night. :) Live awesome and die horribly, the sooner - the better! :)

  11. dokx1

    dokx1 Ultrasonic

    Jul 13, 2011
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    Well there's "upgrades" and upgrades. Sometimes it is only some bug fixing which does not bother 90 percent of the users ("fixed a crash in Pro Tools when blabla", like Ableton fixing policy), sometimes it's real improvement, like the Diva (CPU economy), ZebraHZ or the new Alchemy 1.5. Would love to have these, but couldn't care less about some random Massive and/or Live 8 bug fixing...
  12. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    "Well there's "upgrades" and upgrades." Exactly. :)

    And just wanted to say that my post wasn't meant to be offensive. My Australian wife taught me that putting a few "fucks" here and there will make people listen more carefully. LOL
  13. BlasterM

    BlasterM Newbie

    Sep 6, 2011
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    Having anger management training here for a change? Hope it'll work out this time. :thumbsup:

    About Lennar, think alike SineWave that it can be bit tiring to have all these final versions as quality of beta software (as Windows 8 will be accordingly to Intel). Public beta phase have clearly moved towards end user.
    What comes to Sylenth1, dunno how could it work any better for platforms it currently exists. Even thou latest W32/64 version is beta..

    If you look at the KRV forums where Lennar time to time appears, there is talk about future development as well as conspiracy theories what happened to Lennar (you know, typical alien abduction stuff). Real guessing game out there, shows how loyal followers Sylenth1 peeps are (thou some have declared Sylenth1 deceased and moved to another wave forms). There was also talk about upcoming Mac 64bit version as well, but who knows..

    It's not my number uno synth, but still something to lean towards pads and all kinda custom sounds with it's magnificently easy tweak ability. Gotta love it for that. Reliable, easy, sounds buttery smooth or dirty as hell, whatever you need. Versatile synth all in all what comes to electronic music. And no, don't kill to salesman. :wink:
  14. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    Kookaboo, Gaga... very disappointing :sad:
  15. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    it is good that you keep eye on warez violations, but there's got to be a line somewhere.

    Kook wasn't even actually linking to any web-site - just a text address;
    he might as well just send a link to google, would you consider that a warez as well?

    if i need to explain this - "links sharing" means direct link to download illegally distributed intellectual property.
    there's been many links on AudioZ, and then there's been this;
    so i don't really understand why you making such hollywar out of it.

    i hope it's not something personal between You and Kook. :sad:

    anyway, i'm asking you both to stop fighting and cross-insults.

    I know you for a long time and i sincerely think you're better than that. :sad:
  16. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    if my memory not fails me, none of you speak english natively (neither do i);
    therefore it is both your faults, that you did not assumed your comment might be offensive, and Kook's fault that due to the fact that english is not his primary language, he did not understood your comment correctly.

    but what you both did afterwards was stupid, childish and simply low. :(
  17. Kookaboo

    Kookaboo Rock Star

    Jun 17, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Here and there.
    I was just upset because that moderator (On MSJ) is just a lazy dog! :snuffy:
    Instead of testing + deleting non-working links he just deletes comments from users+members. :dont:
    That's what they call moderation.....pffff!
  18. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 21, 2011
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    maybe those comments were offensive :dunno: *yes*
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