DAWs abandoning Windows 7.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Von_Steyr, Sep 27, 2017.


What will you do?

  1. Stay on windows 7.

  2. Migrate to Windows 8

  3. Migrate to Windows 10

  4. I have already migrated to 8/10.

  5. Windows Xp Pro FTW.

  6. I am really scared.

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    The transparency part of democracy concerns the "driving forces "(i know its poor naming but couldn't find better ,so it ll do atm) of any democracy. The elected politicians, law enforcers etc etc and this again concerns their duty towards the people. Not the individuals. Individuals are entitled their privacy and are only bound to be transparent by following the laws. Nothing more nothing less. What you describe is a complete annihilation of freedom. And democracy is first and foremost about freedom for both the whole and the individual at the same time.
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  2. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    i feel where your coming from , i said my piece ill just end it with, the internet cell phones, social networking, ALL these things people participated in to get HUGE, are all opposite of privacy, if privacy was their concern , instead of all those we would see only the mail system with no phones, no tv no internet ,def NO social networking where people post every moment of their lives, etc. thats all im going to say . freedom is a whole other thing, it can mean anything at any time, how do YOU mean it ?
    you dont like Microsoft because they have the "freedom" and "
    privacy" to entirely hide their code for windows so developers cannot actually directly access things.
    (why versions of windows get beat down)
    all people that participate in domination structures which manipulate and control rob and steal from individuals have the "freedom" and "privacy" to first do it, then cover it up.
    you can have "open source" or you can have "privacy"
    you can have "freedom" or you can have "accountability"
    but you cannot have both.

    you will never have the "freedom" to survive without eating food.
    you will never have the "freedom" to fly up into the air from your tennis shoes.

    we use words like "freedom" to take focus off what is actually happening , what reality is.

    this is more complex topic so that all im going to say but i feel you def homey.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
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  3. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Maybe buying a new laptop or pc. but man! never ever delete a win 7! :beg::beg:
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Err this is a joke right ? You 're joking. I mean really 19% ? So an easy 25% overclock on a 3770k shits on an out of the box 6700k ( which i happen to own ) easily. Plus the cpu user benchmark webpage is so stupid that it cannot calculate chipset or/and cpu architecture advantages correctly. Supposedly it mentions floating point stats etc but it sucks and then blows man. Just look at this, and judge for yourself:
    I mean really? This difference as presented by the bot is as non real as everything else in that website.
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    i dont know what to say to this other than read the actual specifications for every aspect of each cpu and the system compatibly for each. if you like an older cpu you dont have to try manipulate reality and twist things around just say " i like it im going to use it end of discussion)

    whole sys
    i7 6700k spped rank number 15th
    i7 3770k speed rank number 400th

    "So an easy 25% overclock on a 3770k shits on an out of the box 6700k"

    what does this mean? what about a 25 percent overclock on a 6700k ( with rest of mobo upgrades) compared to a stock 3770k? what does that give you? what is the point of overclocking one and comparing to other stock homey?? haha what about quad m.2 ssd on raid? lets add that in? what about overclocked newer ram, what about we could list very single thing faster in the new system, that adds up to much more than 25 percent. booting up in raid m.2 ssd in quad config, booting into win 10 in 1.2 sec can yer 3770k do it? the list goes on bawd.

    not saying you dont have good points bro.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    @MMJ2017 Perhaps you don't get it , but i'm with you for the most part. Freedom as you said is a lot of things.
    If my neighbour wants to post his arsehole in xhamster and find followers with it, i think it is his own right to do so. Indiscretion is not transparency. There are known limits that when crossed, the so called people's freedom will oppress the individual's democratic rights. Public ridicule following with professional discredit being one of them and met very often the past years with paparazzis photographing intimate moments of certain well known people and selling them to the highest bidder. What Google and Fb and CIA etc. It just takes one asshole to ruin your life easily, at least sometimes.
    I have nothing to hide whatsoever. I am the last person to be concerned personally really. But my neighbour's arsehole might think otherwise lol .
  7. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    i dont really disagree with you on it, i just think there is a lot to think about and discuss , if we forget about some variables it can cause us to have incomplete picture sometimes, just being human we do that haha

    for myself i dont do anything i would want or need to hide (cept pirating oops
    ) ;D im a "open source" believer homie
    i hate windows but win 10 only thing that uses my new hardware ( i lost everything ijn fire so had build brand new sys, and i wanted it to last decent number years so i got top of the line took year to save up and buy the parts and build it )
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017
  8. KidPix

    KidPix Producer

    Aug 17, 2017
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    LTSB looks like exactly like the other Windows 10 versions.
    There are many levels of telemetry, the basic ones are for monitoring the
    hardware/OS healthy status, all servers have and it is not restricted to Windows.
    Your smartphone is also full of telemetry.

    There are 4 levels of telemetry in Windows 10.

    Security. In the level, only the telemetry data that is required to keep
    Windows devices secure is collected, and it is available in Windows 10 Enterprise,
    Windows 10 Education, and Windows 10 IoT Core editions only.
  9. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Hah. Someone hasn't done their homework lol. What you say cannot be done without special dedicated hardware that bypasses the Intel DMI. Because mayb Intel boards can take 3 or even 4 m2 but the assholes there never thought that someone will want these on raid heheh, which means they want better than pci x4 speeds. In x299 chipset you cannot get past the pci x4 even if you add 8 m2/u2s whatever. I mentioned the DMi restrictions earlier in Intel chipset but you cannot read perhaps? Something like this controller will do the job you mention : https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816115217
    Highpoint is said to ship it with 4 Samsung 960 pro to users who want a complete solution. So this controller bypasses Intel's DMi and splits the x16 pci-e to 4x4 giving a whopping 12.7gb/sec in raid 0 with 4x 960pro ssds. I want you now to try to do this with your Intel board without this "lil gadget" and see how far you will go in terms of speed.
  10. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I agree its not the way i would have done it but iyou gotta make the most out of what you can .
    all im saying is when you factor in a whole new system vs whole older sys there is a lot more to consider than just simple cpu speed and cores, yes they not perfect and they screw you but at least most things unlocked or can be hacked now and whatever system you get that new will last long time.if you have older system use it and save up to wait next gen squeeze out most you can im all for that. my building burned down because of 80 year old woman smoking cig with oxygen machine in middle of night, which meant i lost everything i had to build new computer without bias and the smarter cheaper choice was get newest system thats the position im coming at it from.
    for example it literally would have been a poor choice for me to build a computer from scratch based on 3770k cpu and build a system around it maxing the specs, compared to building around 6700k ( new at the time) and maxing mobo parts based on specs.
    actaully at time i didnt think the spped would be much diff orverall, i was wrong when you factor in ALL the specs of the whole new sys it way faster than older sys.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017
  11. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I wasn't referring to LTSB, but to win 10 and with its various iterations being again the same ugly and user unfriendly win10 in the end. Sorry for being misleading. We mentioned and discussed everything concerning win10 years ago here. Long debate heheh. Oh and windows club etc are MS kiss ass wooses. Real reads here my friend: https://itvision.altervista.org/why-windows-10-sucks.html
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    to me ALL software is the bottleneck for us, were cant really use the full capacity of our hardware because of "junk" code rember the good ole' days? the code in the early days of computers was tighter than a nuns trunk! nowadays it cluttered with junk. we really get about 10 percent out of our hardware than we could. you really see this when you work with people developing with open source or creating their own OS for hardware. (ex. robotics etc)
    THIS is reason why i switched from sonor to reaper
  13. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I feel you. And with the fire and all it must have been terrible man. But you will agree that because AMD has stirred the waters grabbing a 30 % market share from Intel (from about 5% before Ryzen was released) , has gotten Intel to announce 2 upgrades in consumer series in one year. This hasn't happened before when Intel was alone dominating the market. And i mean look at them morons really, they announce a new 1151 cpu line (Coffee Lake) and its not compatible with z170/270. Now if this isn't stupid and discrediting i don't know what is. Threadripper with 64 pci-e lanes and no restrictions in how you use them is clearly the way to the future now. Intel is like a 15yo boy who got beat by a 12 yo and doesn't know how to react lol.
    EDIT: They rip their own Xeon line and name it i9 and then they put dmi restrictions. I mean dish out 2k for an 18core cpu which doesn't support Ecc,spend 400-500 for a board that doesnt have built in raid that exceeds single drive performance (3.5gb/sec), no matter what nvme drive(s) you use. Then wonder why nobody bought this monstrosity.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017
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  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Totally agreed. They all need to streamline multi-threaded performance and i mean yesterday lol. Greedy lazy bastards the lot of them heh. One question though. In my -somewhat ever ongoing and extended- software tests with various cpus i found Sonar to have the best multi-threaded performance (i have tested up to 12 physical cores / 24 threads). So why move to Reaper ? Smaller software footprint/less resource hogging perhaps ? Because surely Reaper is not the most user friendly softie out of the box.
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  15. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    This is an email i got yesterday http://prntscr.com/gqzice
    STEINBERG warns abt next Upade of WIN 10
    and it took abt 6 months before they even supportet WIN10 when it was launched (CUBASE)
    WIN 10 is evil, and dont fucking complain, when u get buttfucked again by M$
    Sorry, I have 40 years experience in Hardware and Computers,
    and i have tons of buttfucked M$ customers coming at me asking for help.
    the stupid fanyboys enable this kind of "business attitude" like we all know from Apple already.
    The marketing guys know how to treat their "SHEEPLE" ....
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  16. swavenation

    swavenation Kapellmeister

    Aug 22, 2017
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    why do people keep mentioning updates? I've turned off updates on Win10 for the last 7 months and decided to update yesterday lol
  17. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    That has been done sooooo often now, nothing ever made it to being the new standard.

    Wow, very detailed insight.
    Care to explain what it is exactly that enrages you like this? Apart from the cursing and the swear words, the actual information in your post is zero.
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  18. tzzsmk

    tzzsmk Audiosexual

    Sep 13, 2016
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    Heart of Europe
    yes it is, sadly,
    let's sum up the situation which forces us all to come up with this topic,

    1) end of Windows 7 support - 14th January 2020
    2) Windows 10 not being superior in any way compared to Windows 7 (performance-wise, core-tech-wise) - do post evidence if you feel otherwise
    3) new fancy hardware not being noticeably superior (although my primary rig is i7-5820K, I also have i7-3770K, i7-3630QM, i7-3520M, i7-4770 all running with performance difference being adequate, still major difference makes clean reinstall of entire OS, which is very annoying thing of Windows again)
    4) Microsoft moving towards closed ecosystem of UWP, Store - effectively removing support for regular Windows-designed software as we know it today, that is inevitable and if you don't believe it, you're lying to yourself
    5) time spent/wasted by users learning something new and troubleshooting problems - inefficient to highest degree unless really devoted to the change
    6) going Apples - not quite possible unless being able to shut business for year and completely migrate everything, optimize and learn it (not even talking about fact current situation about Apple hardware is so unfortunate only reasonable way is either 2012 Macs or hackintosh, as I did)

    what is a disturbing thing to consider is software and hardware support - most companies usually stop official support for "officially-unsupported" OSes (there are few exceptions, such as RME, Cockos Reaper etc..) and that means dead-end for creative people who want to keep in touch with up-to-date options (unless of course having multiple various rigs to run, like me for ex.), at some point it's no longer viable to "stay behind" unless you're a fully independent artist not being burdened by cooperation with others (which brings back this topic, because cooperation also defines what people will be using across studios)
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  19. Jazz-N-Stuff

    Jazz-N-Stuff Platinum Record

    Nov 25, 2015
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    fraifikmushi wait and see what happens in the future, use your brains and think.
    WHY would WIN 10 be free upgrade from 7 ? Did you already forget ?
    and why would M$ say its our "last" OS?
    yes, tell this to somebody like me, who started with MSDOS 2.11...lol check out WIN95 ads (never ever any BSOD again bla bla)
    http://winhistory.de/more/windows.htm for the younger ones (in german)

    they are goin to charge you on a regular basis (adobe like) and fill up WIN10 with their BLOATWARE
    with more useless bullshit for their marketing.
    Sorry for the cussing in my post before. I didnt know people are so easily offended here.
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  20. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    I think you misunderstood, tzz- what makes this thread unnecessary, with that I meant what is it going to change?
    If devs decide to ditch Win7 support, no amount of pages with user opinions is going to convince them otherwise. OS choice is indeed a personal one, especially on machines user has direct control over, but take example in how WinXP ended - forcibly and instantly (with money changing hands as well).
    There are devs who will support Win7 far beyond its official M$ discontinuation date (Cockos), but ultimately us talking about it here changes nothing. There are already countless other OS specific threads if one should choose to delve into this topic more.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2017