DAWs abandoning Windows 7.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Von_Steyr, Sep 27, 2017.


What will you do?

  1. Stay on windows 7.

  2. Migrate to Windows 8

  3. Migrate to Windows 10

  4. I have already migrated to 8/10.

  5. Windows Xp Pro FTW.

  6. I am really scared.

  1. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    when 7 came out, I refused to upgrade and, for a long time I used xp ... then eventually I gave up, and upgraded to 7... than, 10 came out, and again I am refusing to upgrade, and staying with 7...

    Hmmm... a psychotic pattern ?!? ...seems to me that it is time to pay a visit to the psychiatrist :guru:
  2. akashaman

    akashaman Guest

    staying on 7 as long as possible ;
    they want everyone on win 10 tho , i am sure most have heard about the horror stories concerning microsofts
    auto download of win 10 on systems everywhere. ha
    no warning or anything ;
    you have to wonder about software they give out for FREE !?
    there are tons of videos on the details of whats really going on under the hood in WIN 10 , pretty scary shite
    if you ask me
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  3. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

  4. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    I'll think about it in a few years...
    end of 2019 maybe... ;)
  5. dazz

    dazz Ultrasonic

    Apr 12, 2014
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    i don't get why anyone would want to run an 8 year old OS technology which is what 7 is it takes a few hours to figure out the menu on 10 and when you do you will wonder why you were such a donkey... move on FFS
  6. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    simple,because it works, grown up drivers OS and Hardware.
    literally half the world still uses win 7
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  7. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Dude... I'm downgrading now to Windows 3.1, you know... Windows 10 it's just to good to make music....
    Oh, wait... Maybe because you have a completely outdated computer?

    Win 7 was a good OS, but far, far away of the greatness that is the best OS ever.... WINDOWS 10
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  8. sevente

    sevente Kapellmeister

    Sep 26, 2017
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    I upgraded to Windows 10 but recently did a reinstall because I was having all sorts of problems with my audio, not just in the DAW. I created a split partition with Windows 10 for everyday stuff and Windows 7 for the DAW stuff.
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  9. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    SOME BIZARRE OPINIONS on here, I mean sure if you have had windows 7 on a system already or whatever old timer OS , and it works for you and your happy fine , sure no problem from me here.
    but these oddball things people saying "prove windows 10 is blah balh " like uh dude , have you looked at what the words "windows 10" mean in reality? you have to look into it , were talking code here it is objective , win 10 is not going to be very good if you running a pentium 2go with what works.
    but the thought that a person would buy a brand new top line computer erase windows 10, and put windows 3.1 or xp, or vista or windows 7 on it is nuts .
    EVERY version of windows gets optimized, cleaned of bugs, better code, newer tech .
    imagine some nutjob saying "dude Iphone2 kicks Iphone 7 pro's ass uh TOTALLAHY!"

    dude my commodor 64 kicks windows 10 ass TOTALLAHY!"

    the OS needs the hardware to go with it, new hardware new os ,old hardware old os.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
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  10. SOKRVT

    SOKRVT Kapellmeister

    May 21, 2016
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    Exactly this.
    I can't possibly listen to some dude tell me my machine would be best with windows 7 because he's paranoid windows 10 won't be a good fit for his cubase 5 version and Pentium 3 PRO single threaded CPU with DDR2 RAM Sticks. Worst of this, is the fail to see reality but continue to get paranoid that MS wants to spy them. I mean, seriously.

    Seriously, MS doesn't need to spy on you. Google does it just fine.
  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest


    "EVERY version of windows gets optimized, cleaned of bugs, better code, newer tech .
    imagine some nutjob saying "dude Iphone2 kicks Iphone 7 pro's ass uh TOTALLAHY!the OS needs the hardware to go with it, new hardware new os ,old hardware old os"

    Why? If there is no performance difference except a few secs faster start up, why would it matter? Maybe tomorrow will, but today you pretty much still get the same performance from both OS`s. Windows 7 is not a dinosaur OS and you can not compare it with hardware because its software, when it was designed it was designed so good that it is still relevant, it will only start to fade out because companies refuse to release drivers for it, no other reason.
    The architecture of Win 10 is not revolutionary in any way its a simple, more childish version of windows 7, for the masses.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2017
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  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    windows is code.
    a new version of windows is updated for new architecture and advancements .
    i dont even know how to compare my windows 7 2010 system to me win 10 2017 system thats 7 years homie.( 7 years in computer world is like dinosaur days B) my i7 7700k is 10 times faster than what i was running in 2009,2010 everything from the mobo is faster mofo!
    like i said if you have a computer from 2010, don't put win 10 and expect much to be different.
    but it def will crash less run more stable the cache is improved how data transfer from cpu to chipset is better.
    i dont even think win 7 supports my M.2 ssd drives that my system depends on !
    windows is so crappy as it is
    the way the developers dont have direct access to the codes, every update and version fixes many things and adds support for new tech. your always better with new stable version of windows.( of course with the newest hardware to go with it)

    the only thing that is very weird is people who want to run brand new hardware with 10 year old (or older version of windows) the rest opinions make sense to me.
    Von i think i get you saying you dont quite have the newest hardware so it dont make sense to have newest OS that perfectly reasonable to me brother.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
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  13. p4V3l

    p4V3l Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2017
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    i guess 100% this, any win can be modified 2 your & your hardware's needs
  14. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Cpus from 2012/13 are not that much worse from modern cpus, while a cpu from 2010 is considered obsolete. What happened? Pentium had a total monopoly over the development and prices and introduced a very little boost in new cpus in those years that followed.
    That only changed with the arrival of ryzen.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2017
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  15. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    On my PC, with Reaper and some bigger project, 7 performed a bit worse than XP and 8 performed even more worse than 7. The difference between 7 to 8 being bigger than the difference between XP to 7. When I say "performance", I'm talking about the CPU consumption of a project with many different plugins, with RME HDSP ASIO driver at 256 samples. Simple, real-world usage test. :wink:

    I must say, though, what probably helped XP and 7 a bit is that I have incredibly lean XP that I tweaked with lots of love, there was a bit less love left for 7, and almost no love for 8, if you get my drift. :rofl: I did my best to cut down most of the unnecessary background tasks in 8, but versions of XP and 7 that I use are a bit better configured than the 8 "lite" I used for tests.

    However, I think if you've got any of the modern i7 CPUs, or AMD Ryzen or Threadripper, the difference would be smaller, almost negligible, maybe even in favour of 7 or 8 with different hardware. I would love to repeat these tests on one of the more modern PCs! And I will when I find time.
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  16. Tabby

    Tabby Kapellmeister

    Aug 27, 2017
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    Deneb<*>Delta Cygni
    For machines older than intel 6th gen, I'll stick to win 7 because win 10 gives me headache on them. But Win10 on 6th and 7th gen processors and latest hardwares runs without any problem.
    Win10 LTSB all the way.
  17. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    I'm choosing my audio OS according to maturity, stability, efficiency, ease of use. Not how new or "hip" it is. :rofl: And I choose it to work with audio and video, nothing else. No Internet and no games. :wink:

    With MS operating systems I figured long time ago that it's best to always lag behind at least one version of the OS due to that. I've started using XP when they released SP3. Started using 7 just 4 years ago... Speaking of code, the more code there is, the more bugs and instabilities there is. My XP installation takes 500MB of HD and my 7 takes almost 4GB. That's without any page files. Just imagine how much more bugs is there in an OS that takes like 10GB or more on your HD? ;)
  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I was one of those guys that took a very long time to abandon XP, it was great, but in the end i had to jump to 7 because of the RAM issue and XP 64bit just wanst that stable.
    Hell, i could produce on 7 till i die, got everything i need to get pro work done.
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  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Sure new os, always equal better performances. I mean when Vista came out, everybody jumped on it, cause it was so much better in performance than XP....:rofl:. Lmao. What a joke.
    Just do what you like, no need to invent an evolutionist boggus theory regarding OS. A new OS can be better or worst, it depends what the coders behind want to accomplish with it. And 10 isn't about better performances. But to each his own.
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  20. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Still on 3770, no reason to 'upgrade'.

    BTW, is this topic really necessary?
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2017
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