Does your family support you in your music making ? Poll

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by spyfx, Sep 18, 2017.


Does your family support you in your music making ? Poll

  1. My family likes what i'm doing and is 100 % behind me !

  2. My family doesn't understand what i'm doing but thinks it's cool !

  3. My family has nothing to do with music and thinks i'm crazy !

  4. My family "eats" the top 10s of music every week and thinks i'm a joke !

  5. I don't play family my music. If they want to hear it they have to buy it like everyone else

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    Does your family support you in your music making ? Poll and leave a comment , have a listen to my music.
  3. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    I don't play family my music. If they want to hear it they have to buy it like everyone else :bleh:
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  4. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

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  5. coolbeanz

    coolbeanz Platinum Record

    Jan 13, 2012
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    this should have been the 5th choice.
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  6. Peter Krav

    Peter Krav Producer

    Jun 23, 2017
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    Завод Юпітер
    I don't know about my family but all my neighbors think i am a psychopath they don't even talk to me anymore.:sad:
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  7. mewoingtons

    mewoingtons Producer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    My fam says get a real fucking job. Whatever that is.
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  8. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Same with me. They support me in full but they say there is no real job so i must a get one,which actualy bring a real and regular money every month bcuz in this way i make money but i can not cover my real life earnings like a job. And they have right :) ANd now i am using this site to thank them for limitless support and trying to understand me and my passion,but i have overused them and their kindnes .... Fak.... It is time to change and keep my passion low !
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  9. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Well, I'm all grown-up now, and I haven't any relatives, so the point is moot in the present tense. As I was growing up, my family tried to undermine and confound everything I had going for me, including my musical talent. They'd "encourage" me by letting me take music lessons, and then raise the bar of expectations so high that I was bound to fail or to "discourage" them. When I started making music, they either pretended to ignore or like it, or they told me that they didn't "understand" it. So of course, I didn't go on to play in a symphony orchestra – but what the hell did they care about symphonic music, anyway? After I'd (allegedly) grown up, the attitudes of my peers and friends proved to be pretty much the same. I've had it ingrained and reinforced in me to not give a fuck about expectations, conventions and how my music "makes" people feel, though I remain open to being pleasantly surprised when people express appreciation of it.
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  10. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    From what I heard, it's a good thing you voice is scary:rofl:
    Joking I hope I got the right emoji.
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    my family is all dead except for my little brother.
    but basically ,once you been doing music for lot of years you force them to support you haha!
    ;D your family will support you alright, ( or you will be in the homeless shelter homes)
    no serious if you in a situation getting lot of flack from your family you have to start showing them that you are having small success at a time, whether a job for tv commercials or small parts , or doing shows at local pub, whatever victories you have you will be showing them you are dedicated and passionate. the onmly reason people dont sopport their family doing music, is because most people don't think of music as "work" like, they dont put a lot of effort in, then fail and then their family left holding the bag for them devastated.
    you be suprised how many people wanting to do "music' for a living that refuse to even learn music theory, music history or go to school for music business, music management, artist devel;opment course etc.etc. it would be like a carpenter that refuse to use tape measure , instead he olny "eyeballs" it haha

    what im saying if your family sees you ARE taking music serious, just as if you were going to school to be an structural engineer, or a doctor, if they see you treat music the way people treat doing those for a living they absolute WILL support you in music.

    I think a more interesting thread topic is " what way of going about doing music for a living, would warrant support from their family?" behaviors, the thought process, how they treat it, how they behave, how serious they much time a day they work with music, how much knowledge they aim for, how much research and development on themselves they do etc.
    for example if a kid sits at laptop hits 3 buttons once a day does that warrant that his parents should take is "musical dreams" as serious as if he went to medical school to be a doctor?
    if you are NOT doing all those things, why should a label give you a big deal OVER the other guy that IS taking music that serious? we live in a world where hundreds of millions , or billions of human beings want to do music for a living, ( at least they say they do)
    it interesting to study the people in history that were most successful in music. look how hard they worked at it.
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2017
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  12. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    thanks for the time you put in writing this.
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  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    God bless their souls.:bow:But still you can not cajole me into studying. :bleh:

    I'm the black sheep of the family. They sometimes deny their filiation with me.:rofl:
  14. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    This really hit super close to home for me, dude. Everything you just said I found relatable in some way. Thank you for this insight and god bless your family. :cheers:

    On the other hand (trying not to flood the comments section by merging two comments together):
    My family that was alive spent a lot of time listening to the top 10 and anything that wasn't top 10 was stupid or uninteresting. Same goes for my friends - here in the USA, most people, especially the youth (10-30 years old) doesn't care about it if it's not trending. If I made it big my friends would be think I'm a genius. But I'm barely even known. I only got little over 200 followers on SC (my preferred platform)... so my "friends" don't care (notice the quotation marks). The real people are the ones who know and understand that my music is very important to me and know that if it wasn't for this ability, I'd have ceased to exist in this world a long time ago. They know where I been, what I been through and just how much this whole music production thing helped me with it mentally. That's the key - appreciating the people who do support you.
    I also think it's a matter of how many people do it. Music production or playing an instrument isn't just some amazing trait anymore. In the digital age, everyone is producing music nowadays. Somewhere in your neighborhood there could be a guy besides you who is making "sick beatz" and "fire mixtapes" somewhere. So most people suspect another overgrown bum in his mom's basement thinking he's gonna hit it big. Personally, some experience the weird personality of mine and believe I just produced the same quality of stuff as the 35 year old down the street who thinks he will be the next slim shady. Then they hear what it really is and it's not your ordinary "beat producer" stuff.
    Growing up I had to see a lot of people in my neighborhood do drugs. In the olden days, most people did drugs while making music. I made music to avoid drugs. It kept me occupied so I wouldn't fall... and the family I have left does support me. Now will they listen to it on their own time? No because it's not their type of music. Do they believe in me? Yes because they know while it's not their cup of tea doesn't mean it's not someone else's.
    I had one relative 2 years ago who passed away. He was my ultimate supporter of my music. He passed away from a heart attack in his 40's. Eventually his wife found on his iPod the song that showed up under "now playing" was one of my own. It was the last song he had tuned out to before he passed away. He was listening to that song before going to bed not realizing he would not wake up again. When I was greeted with his iPod nano I literally cried at first but then that made me remember to never give up on music. There are times when a song just doesn't reach its max potential I wanted it to and I think about quitting music but then I overhear him saying "Keep going, man. You got this." He's not alive to hear the new content now but he is still an inspiration.
    However, music also isn't the only thing I have going on in life. In fact, I'm really just a part time musician now but regardless of who supports me and who doesn't, I will not be quitting music anytime soon.
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  15. Skull

    Skull Producer

    May 13, 2015
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    Every time, they're telling me to quit music & get another job...
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    nobody has any ability to control you (except for this subliminal message i am sending you right now, right as you read this, and you are completely unaware of that will program you to study music for the next 7 years everyday all day! oops damn it!)

    BE..... the carpenter that hates tape measures and "eye balls" it, foster911 BE......... the brain surgeon , that believes studying human anatomy is for pussies.BE............the man that goes through life tripping over his own feet running through the forest backwards naked with a blindfold hahah you know im joking right?
    please foster911, put a link to one of your songs that means the most to you you think is best or care about a lot you proud of .
    here is a link one my fav musicians , that studied to high degree and worked hard.
    Branford Marsalis
    some my fav live work of his .

    watch from 22 mins to 35 mins (yes long song) that whole song ( i consider one best ever written human history EVER!)not becuase of the sounds or the mix or production, its one the best EVER due to the actual music written ,you could replace the sounds to anything ,you could re make it electrinica or hip hop or latin, or pop and it is the actual musical structure that makes it of that high caliber ,that high regard i hold it as one best songs EVER!( the way the music langauge was used to express meaning and emotion)
    please put a link of your own stuff where you took different approach of not valuing studying of music, yet your song came out in a way you would say is comparable in terms of how high quality. it is just a fun way for me to try and see how much you value your own music with that type mindset you have. that is all brother.

    What would you put YOUR BEST songs up against? how GOOD do you think your best is with that specific approach you have to music in general?
    why should anyone value what you make with that attitude, vs another person that highly values working hard and studying for decades and their work? (we could ask from that perspective say a record label executive, is evaluating you an another guy with the "work hard" ethic, how do you see that situation working out? what is the compelling reason to take you serious in any way from that executive's position?

    another example, say your health had gotten bad, you see a doctor and he trained for decade then worked under best dr,s in area for another 10 years before getting his own practice, he says he can do the surgery but there is great risk.
    then you talk to your drunk f a best friend that says " ill, do it for you for a joint and a 40 homie!" there is no risk youll be FINE bawd trust me!" which one do YOU pick?
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2017
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  17. TwinBorther

    TwinBorther Kapellmeister

    Aug 25, 2015
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    Not untill my first client... money speaks volumes when it comes to "hobby" vs "profession"

    they do bought me my first and second guitar (the one I'm currently using) tho... so there's a level of support there
  18. spyfx

    spyfx Guest

    thanks to everyone for participating:wink:
  19. Parasite-B

    Parasite-B Platinum Record

    Jul 8, 2016
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    I'll try to keep this short, and to the point. My dad was never behind what I do. The way I look, the music I make. Always tried to get me to change my sound to sound more commercial - that'll never happen -, but he's slowly come around to what I do, and that no-matter what he says will ever change what I do. Even tried being my band's manager at one point, purely for making a profit, nothing to do with support. My mum has always backed me %100. My mum's opinion is the only one that matters to me.

    I do what I do for myself. Never to please anyone else. If people don't like it, they have a wide variety of things to listen to other than me. I'll never change what music has made me, nor what drives me to better myself with each and every track I put out. Music is my life. I will do what I do until the day I die.
  20. Adam Ford

    Adam Ford Producer

    Mar 2, 2017
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    My dad passed away when I was a kid so I guess and hope that he doesn't listen to my music wherever he is, I don't feel confident enough about this.

    Anyway, my mother like the fact that I compose and produce music as an hobby, because it makes me Happy, it relieves my stress but everyone around me started to hate my passion since I don't make lot of money from this, to the point that sometimes I think they want me to quit and sometimes I think about leaving everything too.

    Not because I don't love my passion, if I'm still here producing music is because I love it and I can't live without it but I feel bad about having to discuss this things with them and feeling wrong about it.

    If they supports you, best of luck guys, I wish I had the same luck, :like:
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  21. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Please don't have a cow! It's just a simple melody + Harmonization. :bleh: The only diff is it's a bit long. Just kidding. Our @Impressive is making sumptuous works like this numerously.
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