Mac Audio Warez Scene

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by bluetoy69, Sep 10, 2017.

  1. bluetoy69

    bluetoy69 Member

    Nov 4, 2014
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    Am I wrong or the mac k scene has almost disappeared? All I can see released in the latest monts are just audio converters and small audio utilities. Not a big issue, there is still a lot of old good software, maybe the latest protections are too strong to be defeated?
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  3. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    It's been this way since HEXWARS disappeared. Sad story.... :(:(:(
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  4. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Been doing this since 95' or 96.' It comes in waves (no pun intended). I have all I need.
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  5. Davey Jones

    Davey Jones Producer

    Sep 25, 2011
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    No, people. We're not complaining. I have noticed that as well. It's quiet for the Mac scene. Greatly appreciative of those that continue to contribute, nonetheless.
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  6. Bassmonsta

    Bassmonsta Ultrasonic

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Yes sad but true. It has been very quiet for us Mac guys for quite some time now. Probably a couple of years. Be thankful for what we have and show immense gratitude to guys like Platensoul who continue to share their work with us all! Like Fritzm said it comes in waves and maybe one day the Mac scene will flourish again. Until then use what's on deck.
  7. lyric8

    lyric8 Producer

    Sep 12, 2011
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    Yes guys Mac stuff has been pretty sparse most of the stuff that has been released it's just the same stuff kind of over and over it seems like the way Mac releases go over the years it's either really slow or hot and heavy hopefully somebody's working on some great stuff for us that would be awesome but I'm cool with all the stuff I have we got a lot of stuff through the years and for some reason people think Mac users are so privileged like we have a lot of money or something I had to work very hard to get my Mac maybe some of the teams think the same I don't know like we can afford to buy all kinds of plugins and stuff to me making a decision to be a Mac User is more of a dedication to be professional that is just my opinion
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
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  8. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Look on the bright side. Developers are actually getting my cash and if I was Catholic I wouldn't start every confession with "Father, I stole the latest Serum update.... again"
  9. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I'm happy that I know great guys like Pitchshifter and Kleener who come up with some Mac stuff from time to time. But Pitch has also become quiet and Kleener (I know he's reading here from time to time) also found other interesting tasks and hobbies so we depend on new crackers coming up and taking the challenge to fill the gap. Maybe they need more incentives because only being praised for being able to crack the greatest copy protections isn't enough anymore. Well, maybe if they are young and need some push for their egos. But after some years it becomes less attractive I guess.
    Apart from that there are two other important facts you have to take into account.
    One fact is that most of the good software has been cracked and there's not much left though I know there is good stuff coming from time to time but it's few.
    And the other more important fact is that our preferred OS and hardware e.g. Macintosh is becoming less and less popular under professionals, not lastly because of the bad hardware and price politics that Apple drives.
    So pretty much the same as Apple is stagnating, the Mac cracking scene is, too.
  10. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I feel you, brother. Sitting in the same boat pretty much. Though most of your comment is ever so sllliightly off topic. :winker:
  11. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I don't complain. Well maybe a bit. So it might be that I'm not a musician, rather a junky craving for more. Crack(s) dealers have made us addicted and now they keep the drugs away... :(
  12. GreatJobChamp

    GreatJobChamp Producer

    Dec 22, 2016
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    Yeah, not much mac, but boy... we have had a ton of plugins for couple years now. Was a bit bummed about no updates on a few but, bought em.


    I can relate in a way... I work on music every single day... absolutely... without a doubt, absolutely never miss one. I stopped hanging out with people a few years ago... but I am lovin this shit and not getting bored... so I dont know what to tell you.

    I do do other things... I practice drums from 40-50 mins daily as well (and I will not stop that practice either... "till I die" with drums too), exercise (4-day routine: Day 1 Push, Day 2 Abs and cardio, Day 3 Pull, Day 4 abs n cardio)... Classical guitar was also an hour daily during summer, but with school back on, I let that one slide... but trying to just keep the left hand strong with fingerboard exercises... but I admit I haven't touched that in days.

    I will watch netflix or hbo during one 20 minute meal... or I just look up at the bs mainstream cable news that is always on at all times when home... those scum

    When I am where I want to be musically, I will relax and get married.

    Plus I am close to finishing a finance degree, so the real job will enter, so I want my audio production to no longer be in the learning-phase, so the lack of time I have after work will be spent with 100% productivity.
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  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    The first reason is there are a lot more win users vs mac. Which also means potential crackers mostly come from the win scene.
    If you like apple stuff just get an ipad for free time and a proper windows pc for music production, makes sense if the mac scene is fucked up.
  14. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    i have both systems since pc became capable to record audio . its absolutely stupid this remark. While any pc crashes 100 times , my mac never crashes on me. Although i love both systems for different reasons, no window os will ever beat osx in stability which is very important if you want to make music
  15. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    You claim any pc crashes 100 times yet you say my remark was stupid. My remark was logical considering the amount of crying from the mac community we see on the sister site.
    Seems to me like you dont know how to build a proper, stable pc.
  16. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    crying from the mac community we see on the sister site. > how often has it been the other way around? it will always be like this
  17. Off The Record

    Off The Record Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Some reality run by narcissists unfortunatley
    I never have problems with windows, so i dont understand all this crap about it being unstable. I can produce as much music as i like with no problems, so yeah, just saying although i have never tried win 8 or 10, stuck to 7 as its rock solid for me.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
  18. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Actually I've been trying to get the best of both worlds, Mac and Windows for a long time now. Before I first started to build a hackintosh I had a windows (98) computer. Then, I think it was around 13 or 14 years ago when Apple went Intel I built my first hackintosh from that same machine I ran windows on. That was at the time or shortly before the Mac scene suddenly exploded and I was in heaven. My Mac machine, an Intel i7 first generation was pretty good at plugins CPU lifting.
    Then after some years I built a second hackintosh and the old machine became a windows system again. By that time I purchased Vienna Ensemble Pro and connected the machines through Ethernet. I can strongly recommend VEP to everyone. Because not only can you connect two machines, Mac and windows very well, it is also a really good plugin host which has the best cpu usage and core distribution I know of. Even better than Reaper in my opinion.
    Last year finally I decided to go real Mac Pro (besides my MacBook Pro which I also own since 2006 when I got my first one) and I bought a used Mac Pro 2010 with dual hex core. Well I can update my system now finally without having the Chimera and stuff hassle you have with a hackintosh. And it's a great machine, extremely stable and fluid. Works like a charme. The only problem is that the cores are not i7, they are Xeon and especially in my main daw LPX they have a hard time lifting some cpu intense plugins.
    And get back to topic, some great stuff is only k'ed for windows these days. So I went the windows path again and made my second, faster machine (hackintosh) windows again to fill it with those nasty windows cracks :) and it works fine! The only problem being that Vienna is not so great in handling VST effects (at vst instruments it's a lot better), so I decided to experiment with something different. I purchased an iConnectivity iConnectAudio4+ and now I can send my windows vst fx back and forth over USB. It's the first hardware interface that can do this. And I can really recommend this, too.
    The only thing is that you can send only 5 stereo streams between two machines. So to do more you need more interfaces. So I bought a second one and now I have at least 10 stereo streams back and forth and in addition I still use Vienna Ensemble Pro 6.
    Works great!
    Well I guess I'm a bit nerdy and I like to experiment and check out new ways and plugins which costs me more time than I'm spending creating new music. But hey, to each it's own. :)
    Though I'd just let you know, guys.
    Cheers! :)
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  19. fritzm

    fritzm Producer

    Feb 22, 2013
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    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
  20. dkny

    dkny Platinum Record

    Jan 25, 2015
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    Pitchshifter has retired from the Mac audio scene now (at least, in terms of releasing things, he's still around...)
  21. Off The Record

    Off The Record Member

    Jan 28, 2014
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    Some reality run by narcissists unfortunatley
    Can you please explain why you quoted me then mentioned Macs are garbage and childish crap? im kind of confused here as i never even said or think that and i was just responding to the other message about windows crashing, i meant no disrespect but to have someone put words in my mouth i never said is not on at all, maybe you should think about becomming a journalist, as they are well suited to that task.