Trilian library on external drive

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by badformat, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. badformat

    badformat Ultrasonic

    Mar 26, 2014
    Likes Received:

    I've got Omnisphere 2 and Trilian library for Omnisphere. My Omnisphere library located on system SSD in STEAM folder.

    I'm trying to use Trilian library in Omnisphere from external HDD, cause i haven't got any free space on my SSD.

    I've created symbolic link at STEAM folder that reference to the folder where Trilian library located. But my Omnisphere don't see it.

    Can someone help me with this problem?

  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I just moved the whole STEAM folder onto another SSD partition and made symlinks from there, so I can't remember the structure offhand. It should technically still be ok to make a symlink from (ie) Trilian directory inside (ie) Programdata/Spectrasonics/STEAM/Trilian. U might need to double check that the structure "works" as intended by going through directories, and defo rescan (circular arrow button) in Omni / Trilian / whatevs...
  4. badformat

    badformat Ultrasonic

    Mar 26, 2014
    Likes Received:
    I don't want to move the whole STEAM folder, only Trilian. And i'm on a Mac.

    So, symlink in STEAM folder doesn't work.

    Any suggestions?
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    You may not have a choice.. other than launching it w/o using Omnisphere.. i.e. if it will load with solely its own gui...
    not sure if that still works or I moved all the Spectrasonics stuff off my main drive.. and why would anyone want it there
    in the first place these days? :dunno:
  6. Cashmeere

    Cashmeere Guest

    I would've thought a symbolic link in the STEAM folder would be enough but if that doesn't work then I guess only the STEAM folder can be referenced and all the samples (trillian, Omnisphere, keyscape) must be together in the same steam folder so you may have to just put Omnisphere on the external too
  7. Cashmeere

    Cashmeere Guest

    Portability and faster loading times, external SSDs are expensive, although mainly portability working from a laptop and if you have the space then why not?
  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    externals can be smaller and portable as well.. if you are actually carrying a laptop and midi controller then you sure have
    space in your kit bag for a small external up to 1TB for example.. and those are usually a faster spin rate ( 7200 rpm provided you
    know this is helpful ). His choice sounds like a personal preference.. which isn't really an argument..
    but what the hell, it's still a choice...

    if you like having (possibly) a 200+ GB space hog with all the Spectrasonics stuff on your HDD then sure.. you can.. but again
    not much of an argument for that other than personal preference... and SSD's have come down some in price..

    and we have already established that he has an external that he is using.. so if space permits.. probably better to just
    migrate it all over... as the current directory structure for the app may only permit that at this point..

    now there's a question someone in the know could answer :wink:
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