Anti-Bomb (Original Mix) for the techno heads!

Discussion in 'Music' started by Steve Andrews, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    What is it I'm supposed to be thinking about?
  2. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    What is it I'm supposed to be thinking about? I offered my view of the original track, because it was asked for. You disagreed, but it was my view. Since then you have launched ad hominem attacks on me personally.
  3. ponty1604

    ponty1604 Noisemaker

    Dec 26, 2016
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    no one asked for your rude comment ...destructive and without any respect for some one elses work...and now you're complaining? Please don't let me tell you what you should thinking of this would be real attack on your " personally "...
    don't forget:
    "the world is an unforgiving place and nobody is going to give you a break out of the kindness of their hearts"
  4. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I can see you have only been a member here a short time. Perhaps you think this is appropriate behaviour in your 12 messages (most of them to me). It is not. Criticism of others work is often helpful and occurs frequently. What should not happen is your kind of aggression. Your veiled threat to tell me "what you really think of me" It is not me, but you who are perilously close to breaching the rules here. You said "I know nothing of club music in general"... I informed you I have had club chart success in Australia going back twenty years. You asked "have I ever made a track by myself"... I supplied one here in this thread. Then I was a "kid no one wants to play with"... I have played with Jon Anderson of Grammy Award winning and Rock and Roll Hall of fame band Yes. You'll have to Google them, because you sound like a 15 year old who knows nothing of the history of music apart from the details that differentiate trap, garage and bass.
  5. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Define rude comment? You're sounding like Donald Trump.... you either agree with me or you're being rude.
    Now, Destructive and without respect for someone else's work. Surely the composer should be the person offended. Why are you so aggrieved on behalf of somebody else?
    ...and now I'm complaining? What is my complaint again?
    Now let's try and work out your grammar to make sense of it.
    I will correct you.
    Please don't let me tell you what you should think or this would be a real attack on you " personally "...
    Okay. There, the grammar is fixed but the syntax is still wrong and the first part of the sentence is a complete mess. "Please don't let me tell you?" How do I do that? I'll have to work on that.
  6. Steve Andrews

    Steve Andrews Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Please stop this. I never meant for this to happen. I expressed in my earlier comment to you, I appreciate your HONEST feedback because that's what I was looking for so a big THANK YOU for that my man!

    Ponty...I appreciate you for essentially stickin your neck out there and defending me so to speak. Let's just dead this and all move on and let the music keep us going?

    Please fellas, let's keep things friendly round here!
  7. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I'm more than happy to shake hands and move on. I harbor no ill will to anybody here in this community. I am just as happy to take criticism and I see no reason why I shouldn't give it, if it is invited.
    And they all lived happily ever after.
    The End.
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  8. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    • Funny Funny x 2
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  9. ponty1604

    ponty1604 Noisemaker

    Dec 26, 2016
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    Sorry man ...if I hit you more than I wanted me criticism and to make yourself open for it is avery great good ...and it's a thin line between constructive help and destroying som one ....since art / music is such a personal thing to mee it was not about the song ...I wanted to protect art ....but I went totally wrong with my way to do so ( I'm not a native english speaking person..)and wich is a bit megalomaniac by the way ...I apologize for beeing such an asehole....

    Keep on diggin man!
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2017
  10. Johnny Blaze

    Johnny Blaze Member

    Aug 26, 2017
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    I really liked this track. It's something I would have no trouble playing at all during mid set.

    It seems to me that most of the comments here are based around technical stuff, which ends up making sense since this is a forum where roughly 80% if not more of the members are, in some way, connected to music production.

    Thing is (and I took too long to realize this) if you release an EP, 95% of the "consumers" have no clue and don't give a damn if the kick is playing louder than it should, or if it is overcompressed on the transient, provided that it's not something way to over the lines.
    For instance, I love the Movement Of Whale track by SevenDoors. But I usually avoid playing it because there's major issues there connected with the bass. Still, Diynamic signed the track and Solomun played it a lot on huge soundsystems and it sold very well.

    Of course we all have the perfectionist syndrome but we're making music for people to enjoy. At the end of the day, it's all very situational but we can't forget that in a world with 7 billion people, you can come up with the shittiest piece of music and have 1 million people saying it's the best thing made since the wheel if you manage to reach enough people.

    So keep stuff like that coming because the quality is there.