So I've been experiencing this problem... "your new library..."

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Master of Shadows, Aug 22, 2017.

  1. Master of Shadows

    Master of Shadows Newbie

    Aug 22, 2017
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    "...your new library has to be added before this instrument can be used. Please go to Kontakt's libraries tab and press the Add Library button."
    As I obey such tall orders, I get the following: "library not found".
    First off, not the first time I experience this particular problem. Thing is, now it has happened with everything I got lately and I just refuse to delete all these new instruments and wonders. But, let me give you some info:
    I run Kontakt, full. These libraries that insist on not working are all from Chris Hein (Solo Cello, Solo Viola, Solo Contrabass, Winds Vol. 2 Clarinets and Winds Vol.3 Oboes) but I must say I do use Solo Violin since a good while ago without so much as trouble. (Not that it should actually matter much, though.)
    As I said earlier, not the first time it has happened: I seem to recall Spitfire Iceni and some others doing the same terrible thing. In respect to the things I've done to try and fix this:
    I've read a good lot online about this and similar issues; I actually spent a lot of said time reading things here, which is why I actually chose this forum to see if someone can help me out; I've created the necessary .ncint file and its .xml counterpart, both manually and using certain programs to do it; I've restarted the computer and Kontakt itself many times as well, and I checked both the register with regedit and that number you aren't supossed to mess up in the .ncint and the .xml.
    All of it to no avail.
    More info I've noticed while I did this: Kontakt does not create the correspondent .xml file automatically in the Service Center thing; nothing about these libraries is registered on Kontakt's things in the regedit world; all of these libraries had a .ncint file per se in their root folder while having .nki in their instrument subfolder and both .nkc, .nkx and .nkr in the samples subfolder.
    So... that's that.
    Any ideas, guys? I was really looking up to be able to use CH's things on my compositions, so I'll be eternally happy if someone is able to fix my woes here.
    Thank you anyways, though, for taking the time to read all of this.
  3. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Have you tried starting Kontakt as administrator then adding the libraries.
    I had a similar issue and that solved it for me.
  4. Master of Shadows

    Master of Shadows Newbie

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Just tried; sadly does not work... for the cello only, apparently. Bless you. I assume the cello has something wrong that the others do not. I'm testing, but I must say something strange happens: the samples load until they are almost full, then there is this tiny bit that is not loaded and leaves the instrument's sample load bar in yellow. I'm going to try and see if it affects in something or what.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2017
  5. boogiewoogie

    boogiewoogie Platinum Record

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Sounds like you have broken them by fiddling around and making your own nicnt and xml etc. I would recommend uninstalling completely, Service Center and Kontakt (also make sure registry is cleared of them), and then reinstall them. All those should just work, no need to make your own nicnt etc.
  6. Master of Shadows

    Master of Shadows Newbie

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Possibly true. I will try that after I fiddle a little more, though, xDDD. Thank you.
  7. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yeah as written making nicnt etc not always the best idea in my own opinion. Can cause all sorts of registry conflicts and problems that can be avoided by not using wallpapers. Strictly speaking library tab is for player libraries only.
    Why don't people just use quickload?
    Is it really worth suffering all these problems just to display a 3rd party wallpaper? May I ask why you are still using 5.5.52 by the way? Is that the last unlocked version.
    Anyways along the lines of PC best idea might be as written above. Remove libraries then uninstall Kontakt using an application uninstaller.
    Once that is done search the various folders and delete data. Then open regedit as administrator and manually search and delete appropriate registration entries.
    Then restart. Install latest edition of unlocked kontakt and update to latest using the no install package by replacing just the appropriate.dll.
    Then add any libraries and it should work. There currently are or shortly gonna be a lot of problems that way with Kontakt I suspect but we will have to wait and see :yes: :bow:
  8. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    BTW to see the.xml you describe and that method you have to make sure you have show hidden files and folders checked.The.xml generated are hidden by default. They are generated when the library is added and saved normally to the desktop. This is a bug in kontakt that is more pronounced on Mac. They can be safely deleted or modified and used if needed.
  9. Master of Shadows

    Master of Shadows Newbie

    Aug 22, 2017
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    Oh, please, don't misunderstand me: I care not about wallpapers or the library tab per se, I care about them working, and it seems the only way for them to do so was making the tab understand there is something there in the first place, so yeah... Well, I'm using 5.5.2 because it's the one that works nicely with my poor laptop and I've heard terrible things about something called "native access".
    Oh, the horror!
    Didn't know about the damn .xml being hidden. Now it makes more sense, actually. Blasted Peter P... Kontakt.
    I will try some things with this new information, then, and see if it works now. Thank you, man. If this does not fix it, I will reinstall everything and that's that.
  10. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    OK cool :wink: understand a bit more about yourself situation. Chris Hein libraries are all player as far as I recall so they should either have their own nicnt / samples encoded. If it says no library found then it can't find the resources or nkr or indeed nicnt file. Nicnt may also be damaged possibly.
    Would try and direct it as usual. If it saying no library found then reg info not been inserted I would think. Seems strange that it won't add but hope u make manage to sort it. Using 5.5.2 is no problems but as you know all new player libraries must be added using say 5.6 etc and above.
    Things gonna change soon and a new way or method will be found.
    Native Access is actually pretty great for my own situation as only use legit.
    Is only really online installer like the others out there but is good in some ways. Needs to be improved though in certain areas. Only downside is amount of time to download huge kontakt libraries etc.
    See no problems in updating to say use 5.6.8 if you want to. Kontakt is just the host in effect. Running 5.6.8 should take no more resources than 5.5.2.
    In effect it is the library itself that uses all the resources I would think. In fact is quite possible that later revisions idle would use less resources in effect.
    Just do a test I guess and see for yourself if there is a large difference. Users rs are going to have to update sometime soon to keep up really.
    Hope u manage to sort the problem :bow: :bow: