Who edited my comment ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Ankit, Jul 22, 2017.

  1. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    "If it is made by Indians, then it sucks by default. "

    I am an Indian living in India and above sentence wasn't entered by me. SAiNT, can you confirm this please?
    I was just criticizing Beatskillz and it's owner G. Dayal. After some hours, I came back and saw a warning message from olymoon. Strange thing is that I haven't entered that sentence. Then why would I have problem with me and my country? I am totally confused here. Many possibilities are running in my mind. Sister site seems a dark place. Maybe I should shut up and only leech from now on. This place won't get harmed by one member when tons of members are joining everyday. Maybe thats why it happened.

    Somebody had this problem before? When their comments got changed or edited.
  3. C7

    C7 Member

    May 1, 2017
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    You didn't use 123456 for your password did you?
  4. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Seriously? :deep_facepalm:
  5. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Looks like you've been taken aback by the righteous backlash and are now clutching at straws to cover up and excuse yourself.
    Someone hacked my account is the forum equivalent of rolling home very late, drunk off your face, and claiming to your wife someone must have spiked your Pepsi.

    Of course someone could have hacked the site, gained access to member account details and then specifically targeted you and you alone for unknown motives.

    If it was a hack, then everyone should change their passwords, and I don't even have an AZ login. But I'm not convinced it was, yet.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2017
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  6. grdh20

    grdh20 Platinum Record

    Jan 14, 2014
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    maybe someone at your home or work played a joke on you?
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    I have never seen any posts edited/hacked by mods/hackers etc in my years at AZ.... Are you saying YOU did not make that comment, and someone hacked your account and posted it? Seems a stretch, .. willing to cut you a break, I saw it... and since you are Indian, (no reason not to believe you on that).. would seem a bit off... But AZ is not a "dark" place at all. I have met many many friends there and found it to be a positive environment.

    So this is not you covering an off color comment perhaps made off the cuff or under the influence?

    AZ can have it's share of trolls, arguments, and whatnot, .. but I know due to the proper set of rules laid out be SAiNT and well moderated by Olymoon and his predecessors, that hate speech is ABSOLUTELY not tolerated. Certainly isn't by me, and I'm glad as a community, no matter how heated things may become, it doesn't resort to that 99.9999% of the time, and when it has, it is stopped in its tracks. AZ, rightfully from what I understand (I have nothing to do with the policies/enforcement etc), has a ZERO tolerance on that.

    AZ will not put up with excessive foul language, racism, any lack of tolerance regarding someones faith (or lack thereof), sexual proclivities, nationality, color, all down the line.... and I am proud to be a resident member in that respect. We may not all get along, but the ethos is to keep the debate clean of such things that should be far beneath us in an enlightened (or striving to be) environment.

    I don't know what the mods/admins have in regards to logs of what was posted etc, if you did not, I would hope your name could be cleared... But Olymoon has been gentle, yet absolutely FIRM with this in the past. I hope you didn't say that. But you have to understand our incredulity at the idea of someone hacking your account to do so.

    best to all.
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  8. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    C.I.A man, those internet spy ninjas are everywhere! :hahaha::mad:
  9. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Well, what do you expect from fucking lawless internet?! In wilderness at least the stronger survives - here it is the american.
  10. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    I know who did that. Jeff Sessions!!!
  11. Ponstory Games

    Ponstory Games Ultrasonic

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Thanks, Obama.
  12. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    What Obama do here?
  13. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    obama did pretty good by us in my book:

    "Net neutrality is the principle that ISPs treat all content equally and do not give preference to specific digital content providers. That means the consumer can load every website, app, video, gif, etc., equally, regardless of where the content is hosted. For example, an ISP cannot charge more for sites that stream movies or promote a specific agenda. This is also referred to as the open internet.

    After a request from President Obama following public comments, the FCC voted in February 2015 to classify consumer broadband service as a public utility under Title II Order of the 1934 Communications Act. Under that law, the FCC adopted no-blocking, no-throttling and no-paid-prioritization rules, according to the notice of proposed rulemaking released by the FCC. The measure controls how companies provide services to consumers. Under this order, the internet is deemed a common carrier or public utility so ISPs are regulated. Other public utilities include electricity or phone services."

    whereas the current moron running the FCC (and I thought the fix was in and it was all screwed when Obama appointed Tom Wheeler, but nope, he opened the floodgates and flipped the switch when defining what broadband "was"... I went from 15Mbs down to 80Mbs down in one hour after that. I got NO problem with that man.

    Now we got:

    "Today marked the last day the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is accepting general comments on net neutrality following a proposal by President Donald Trump's appointed FCC chairman Ajit Pai, who suggested in May removing the classification for internet service providers (ISPs) as a public utility. This could allow ISPs the potential to charge more for consumers to access different websites."

    (quotes courtesy of ABC news)

    don't mean to start another topic here... but now I got ISP's snooping down my ass, am forced to use a VPN all the time as they will monetize my actions, KNOW them, and the feds no longer have to notify you if they are watching you etc.. It's a crapshow.

    I'm not quite sure or know the whole story on what Obama did to stop ISP consolidation, allowing us little rights or freedom as consumers in the US, ... all I know is that my internet price has doubled since this assclown took over the FCC... and I have no options AND i have the wonderful joy joy of every thing I type being kept by my ISP unless I am employing a VPN or 2... Fuck them.
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  14. thantrax

    thantrax Audiosexual

    Feb 20, 2012
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    Only SAiNT and mods could do that. Did you find any warning-message in your inbox?

    Send a PM to SAiNT and wait for an answer.
  15. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Yes, I got warning by olymoon and 2 days disabled comments. But today I am so confused on thinking that what if I wrote that and forget. I don't know man. Fuck that place. Block me. It's very irritating.

    Lets say if I wrote that (I am still confused about what happened), then how can an Indian criticizing Indians is racist?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2017
  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    namaste bubba
  17. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    @Ankit I read your original comment. Problem was, you didn't mention clearly, that you were from India,too. One could have guessed because you were nitpicky about some other indian fella at Pensados Show and no foreigner or racist would have cared about and mentioned that. I understood where you were from, because I often talk in the same polemic way about my own fellow countrymen. But it wasn't very obvious, only if one thought about it for a moment, so the decision to remove that comment is totally comprehensibley. Ya know w'am sayin' ? :bleh:
  18. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    namaste chuche
  19. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I have no problem with that.
  20. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Now going to some better place. Only Baxter was helpful here. Hope I can found people like him on other forums.
  21. This is true. Black people can use the N word.

    Perhaps you should start a group called Indians With Attitude.

    Hope this helps.
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