Sonarworks’ Headphone Calibration plug-in

Discussion in 'Mixing and Mastering' started by TonyG, Jun 29, 2017.

  1. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    I currently use Sonarworks' Headphone Calibration Plugin with "Individual Calibration" for tracking and mixing and am very pleased with the results. My headphones are Seinheiser HD800 and Focal Spirit Pro. For those that are not familiar with Sonarwork's Individual Calibration allow me to explain that Sonarworks offers 2 levels of calibration. Average Calibration and Individual Calibration.

    "Average Calibration" is the most affordable entry into the Sonarworks headphone calibration plug-in workflow. If you have a set of headphones on the Sonarworks list of supported headphones for Average Calibrations then you can get the plug-in, load the average calibration file and you are ready to go. Sonarworks measures popular brands and models of headphones and correct the EQ imperfections resulting in a flat, phase corrected headphone monitor experience. The Average Calibration file only takes you 80% of the way there.

    To get that extra 20% out of Reference 3's Headphone Calibration Plug-in magic you will need to venture into Sonarworks "Individual Calibration" services by either purchasing a set of headphones from the Sonarworks store (includes an individual calibration file unique to that exact set of headphones) or by sending them your own personal set of headphones by mail for them to measure. From this measurement Sonarworks produce an individual calibration file unique to your favorite set of headphones to use in the headphone plug-in.

    The sonic differences between the Average and Individual calibration files are very noticeable. The individual process corrects both the left and right channels of the headphones precisely. The Average calibration corrects the EQ and phase imperfections in a much more broader manner but still with amazing results.

    Are there any members currently using Sonarworks? And if so I would like to hear your opinion and tips.
  2. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Interested to hear the responses.
    I checked here: and it appears that my closed back ATH-M30x are supported, but my open back Samson SR-850 are not. I submitted them in the request field. Interesting thing is, Beats, Skullcandy and Koss Headphones are there... Who is mixing/mastering with those things?
  3. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I'm using ATH-M50X Limited Editions and using the average curve. My concern with the individual one is that:

    a) you need to be 100% sure that your headphones are burned in or otherwise it would be useless; and,

    b) if you accidentally damage or they develop an issue within a short amount of time it would be a total waste because you'd maybe buy a new set but may as well go back to the average as they may be significantly different to your 'individual' curve.

    How much do they charge to give you an individual curve for your headphones if you send them in to them?
  4. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    I was thinking about checking those out after the recent thread. Still digging yours?
  5. luanpacheco

    luanpacheco Noisemaker

    Nov 6, 2013
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    I tried the Online Demo, my headphone are availble, and I didnt liked the results... maybe with time, but sound strage for me for now
  6. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    It is kind of hit or miss, I have a pair of Old AKG141 made in Austria Mk1 600Ω that I really like and they are not on there (shows my age and how long I keep stuff :( ) The 141MkII low impedance headphones are on there but not the original. TBH I don't use headphones so much anymore but I think what does or does not make it on the list is just a popularity contest and not related to the quality of the cans.

    I demoed it the SW and all though it made an audible difference I was so used to how my headphones sounded that for me a binaural processor like FLUX Hear or Redlline Monitor from 112db are much more useful tools when mixing with headphones. They have their limitations, but headphone drivers 2cm from your ear canal are just never going to sound like loudspeakers 2M away.
  7. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I'm absolutely tickled with them. @Von_Steyr 's recommendation was spot on. They're very comfortable, and revealing. Best $35 I've spent in awhile. They are gradually sounding better and better as they break in and my ears become accustomed to them.
  8. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    They charged me 99 euros per headphone and in my opinion it is worth it. This increases the calibration accuracy from +/-3dB to a much more impressive +/-0.9dB. The 2.1dB difference sounds much more impressive than numbers might suggest. The improved channel matching makes instruments more clearly audible, thus allowing you to move them more precisely if needed. The turn around time is 7-10 days from the USA
  9. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Even if average calibration is not available for your headphones they will individually calibrate yours if you send them to Sonarworks.
  10. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    It's a waste of CPU and latency in my opinion.... all speakers sound different. Get used to yours. If you're too lazy or untalented to put the effort into knowing how to use what you got, than that says a lot about what you can truly become as an engineer...
  11. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Moogerfooger, if that was the case there would be no need for neither acoustic treatment in recording studios nor studio monitors. There is nothing wrong with using technology to improve on what we already have.

    On a different but pertinent note, I would like to add that many times threads become the opposite of what the actual goal and intent of this site really is. Calling another member "lazy" or "untalented" WITHOUT even knowing who that person is certainly says a lot about what you are.
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  12. spencer26

    spencer26 Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2014
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    Byron Bay Australia
    Yes MoogerFooger
    You are completely off track. There is no way you can learn bad acoustics and dodgy speakers.
    I did not call you an idiot but it certainly went through my mind.
    Spencer 70 year old engineer.
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  13. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    True. In my case, I'll have to wait a bit as I'm not certain they're completely broken in. It's funny, calibration will cost more than the headphones! :wow::grooves:
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  14. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    I forgot to mention that Sonarworks also will charge you an extra 9 euros for returning your headphones to you. When all is said and done the total is around $125 that's why i will recommend to anybody going this route to do so with a pair of headphones that you plan to keep.
  15. D-Music

    D-Music Rock Star

    Apr 21, 2014
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    I'm a happy Sonarworks individual calibration user for quite some time now (Sennheiser HD 650) and I agree on the difference with the avarage profile. Always go for the individual if you can afford the new headphones. I also use 2 Adam A5X speakers - small room so don't need more power - and switch between them and headphones (day/night) but for the final mix I feel more confidence when using the headphones. Especially in the low-end (obviously because I don't have a sub speaker). This was absolutely not possible without calibration. So that's great.

    Talking about studio acoustics. They also have calibration for speakers. But that seems a bit odd. Need to read more about this subject I guess. For now I'll leave my set-up as it is. Works fine.
  16. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I feel like it may help in some instances, but by far the room acoustics would play a major role in the success or failure here.
    I tried @spencer26's method, sweeping a tone and noting where it dips or peaks and making eq adjustments to accommodate. It's a pretty straightforward thing to do, and well worth the time if your room, like mine, is only modestly treated.
    My concern was that in my forgetfulness, I'd accidentally leave the "room correction EQ" on during mixdowns (became more than a concern as I've actually done that, then listening on another system, those frequencies were wrong). So I got a 32 band hardware EQ to run across my monitor outputs and plan on trying that to see if it's a better workflow for me. I won't be able to be as exact, but hoping to get in the ballpark.
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  17. Story

    Story Noisemaker

    Jun 1, 2017
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    I just acquired a pair of used hd800s, intending to use them with the SW calibration. I removed the dust covers only to find out that my cans are already modded... Tried them with the calibration software and it sounds terrible.

    I don't know what is superior for mixing, hd800 modded (felt around driver and trapezoid), or hd800 + SW. Now I can't really tell WHAT they're supposed to sound like
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  18. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I'm with @mozee : Redline Monitor is more than enough.

    My bedroom/home vision for mixing ?
    Use what you can. Use multiple sources : headphones, stereo speakers, mono single band speaker...
    Try to treat your room, find best position in the room.

    At this level, everything is a compromise. And trying to match headphones is not something i would loose my time on again ;)
    Headphone MAIN advantage is BECAUSE there is no room. No acoustic problem.

    So i do what i can on speakers (levels, stereo image, dynamic...), and use headphones for their linearity and no-acoustic (subtle eq, reverb...)
    I tried my best to transform headphones in speakers. But now, i just use a subtle Redline Monitor to "fill the gap", and concentrate on what headphones do BEST, instead of MATCHING :D
  19. Pule

    Pule Producer

    Apr 29, 2016
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    tonyg0499, could you upload picture? (both graphs average and individual) tnx
  20. 6ixcore

    6ixcore Producer

    Apr 4, 2016
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    With a thousand dollar headphones using SW.. not worth it for sure just learn your headphones with music/mixes you like and listen
    listen listen listen... hey just my 2cents
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