Adobe Audition CS6 does not scan VST plugins!!!

Discussion in 'PC' started by bluejayway, Aug 30, 2012.

  1. bluejayway

    bluejayway Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    I do run different DAWs and wave-editors (Reaper 4, Acid 7, Live 8, Samplitude Pro X, Audition CS5, SoundForge 10) on a desktop and a laptop and all these programs have no problems identifying and loading VST and VSTi plugins - well, except the occasional ill-coded plugin that crushes the system once in a while and gets damped immediately.

    Well, I read so many litanies of praise about Audition CS6 in various forums (some affiliated to Adobe), from some Gearslutz "pros" etc. so I installed a trial "that's almost as good as the real thing" to try it. The in-house plugins worked well as usual, not many improvements overall (since CS5) so I decided to scan my VST plugins.

    Disaster!!! AA CS6 crashed a few times and then finally started scanning... I left and came back after a couple of hours and it was still scanning - nothing. It was supposedly scanning the default plugins folder (program files\VSTplugins\) but did not discover any of the approximately 250 plugins there. Not one!!! I tried again and again and again. No way. AACS6 cannot find any plugins. I restarted the computer(s), re-installed the program, and re-scanned - nothing. AA CS6 just goes into limbo. I searched all the Adobe forums for this problem but nobody mentions anything, nobody seems to have this problem. I called a friend who's installed and tried Audition CS6 and he said "yeah, can't find any plugins, don't know why, uninstalled it and forgot about it, it's lame".

    But I don't want to give up on Audition CS6 yet because there are some interesting features in this program and I would like to use it as a wave editor and occasionally for mastering.

    Has anybody here experienced a similar problem with AACS6? Any ideas or solutions?


    Sleepless over AACS6 :wow:
  3. urOk

    urOk Member

    Sep 22, 2011
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    On trip with Curiosity
    Ask on Adobe forum, they'll help you :wink:

    No idea why you have this problem, I have tested Adobe and no problem at all. I mean some of plugins work some not, for example all plugs from T-Racks doesn't. But as software it saw these plugins. Just got info that they will not work with CS6 (Status: Not Working)

    But it was just for test the software so. I don't use Adobe anymore.
  4. HebrewInTheRain

    HebrewInTheRain Noisemaker

    Jan 24, 2012
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    uh do you have a legit(bought) version of Audition? if you don't then theres the problem. The same thing happened for me and it only loaded 32 bit not 64 bit plug-ins. So my solution was buy it, not find a cracked version.
    I suggest ya do the same bra!
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Bluejayway,


    Firstly, here you have the exact version that I'm using frequently : Audition CS6 v5.0 Build 708 to be exact !


    Here you have an image of how must to appear your 'External VST FXs' List when your added 'VST FXs' are validated and available.
    On the left, you have the successful validation (ticked), then the name of each Plug-In, the type (VST), 'Travail en cours' means 'Work in progress' (ready to work) in English, and finally on the right, you have the exact location of each Plug-In : in my case, C:\Program Files\Vstplugins\...

    I'm working under Windows XP Pro SP3 (x86 - 32bit) and the vast majority of the Plug-Ins used are in 'VST2' format. Nevertheless, this new 'CS6' can also handle the 'VST3' format if desired (or needed). So, you shouldn't encounter particular troubles when trying to scanning your 'VST Plugins' folders, then to validate them, apart those that can't be validated (recognized) by Audition CS6 for its own reasons whose I don't know exactly why (?). Once again, in my case the number of non-validated Plug-Ins is insignificant compared to those available (about 3-4 %). Thus 3 or 4 unavailable Plug-Ins vs 96 or 97 fully working, a very negligible ratio !

    The only advice that I can give you right now is to start again the validation process of your several Plug-Ins indicating their exact location(s), and ABOVE ALL, try to to validate them by small batches, not to validate them all simultaneously, especially when you have many as is your case (~ 250). For example, try to validate them on a basis of 10 by 10. This will avoid an overflow of data even if 'Audition CS6' really takes its time to check and validate each Plug-In... For those that will perhaps not be validated in their first attempt, simply try to re-validate them afterward, it can happen that some need to be checked 2-3 times to be properly validated. By cons, for those that you'll try to re-validate several times and that nothing happens... well, you can take in account that these will not work within your 'Audition CS6'.

    Hope it help and Good Luck ! :wink:
  6. lysergyk

    lysergyk Kapellmeister

    Jun 19, 2011
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    you say x64 works with the one you bought right?

    here they basically say it shouldnt (the page was apparently created on July 16, 2012)! so there's something I dont get...

  7. bluejayway

    bluejayway Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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    Thanks very much for all your answers.

    Thanks but no thanks. Some Pablo guy did and was siphoned off to the Spanish Audition Inquisition :rofl: Just joking but I prefer to ask here cause it's more relaxed. I feel awkward to ask simpleton things in specialized forums were the regulars and the experts treat you like the village idiot.

    @Hebrew in the Rain
    It's just a trial version but supposedly it would perform tasks like scanning VSTs - there was no mention of any sort of trial limitation in this field. And yes if it finally works I will fork the cash.

    @Studio 555
    I installed the latest trial version, I think it was something like CS6 501 build 7, don't remember exactly cause I got bored and uninstalled it. But I must admit seeing your post and these pix with lots of "travail" VSTs gave me an appetite. I will try to get the version "5.0 build 708" that you specifically recommend and try again. *yes*

    Thanks a lot to all of you

    Bluejayway in a blue-moon