Watched Wonder Woman! -> So disappointed!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Elisea, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I'm sure the sequel will be better. Then the quality will drop off in the third film. But a reboot in another 5 years will be really good.
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  2. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    OMG! Do you even know something about me what could give you the right to make such stupid assumptions? I quote myself: "You sound frustrated in a way that seams not healthy."

    Sometimes a ask myself what guys like you read and imagine if they answer the way you did. I mean, you are the one who not only puts me in a certain generation without knowing my age, you also create an abstruse correlation between the dislike of a movie and A.D.S. And of course you are cool with it. Thats why you're shouting not nearly in my direction trying to strike me. You should calm down and read your comment later again. Trust me, you will blush! I could start to write down what i think you are. But unlike you, i don't make assumptions about people i don't know. And i also don't assume the world view of people if i only have one criteria. Thats not academic, its more the thinking of the people you shouted at. So there seams no difference between you and them.

    Btw. I work with kids and am against stupid medication for fidget children, I also have two kids and both are vaccinated. This makes your posting even more stupid. But feel free to make more assumptions. Its you who is embarrassing yourself. :wink:
  3. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    I'm not going to comment on Wonder Woman because I know it already sucks but maybe the reason people don't like movies such as Nolan's Batman is because they didn't watch it at the Imax or whatever the giant screen is that can wrap around your puny minds (including the massive 100 speaker sound systems) and instead watched on their shitty home systems on a lo fi bootleg. BTW if you don't like Nolan's batman you don't like batman period.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2017
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  4. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Saw it yesterdaynite, I have no problem watching Gal Gadot for an hour and a half. But movies like this are made for China and
    are probably sheit. Ka-ching.
    But what struck me is that they went waaaaaay overboard with the score. Like, off the wall!
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

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  6. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Similar here. Saw a critic that elaborated about the phenominal quality of the movie, about the presenting of a strong and warm-hearted woman that would be a role-model for today's girls.

    I thought, "wait, is this a feminist film?", and then I saw that the writer of the critic was a woman. So obviously the movie has something that is appealing for females. It is also the film with the most successful starting weekend, way ahead of second place "the mummy". As a male I think I need to accept it as what it is. I mean, there are so many male-pleasing films. If this one pleases females, so be it. It's a female hero after all.

    Regarding DC Comics, there's always the problem that so many of their superheros are omnipotent, while they can't die or even be hurt significantly. Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, etc. That also means, they can only be hurt on the psychological layer. Which as a film makes them more of an Arthouse than Action. Unfortunately.
  7. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    it's studio movie
    basically, something a kid can watch, and an adult can enjoy.

    it's also millions in investment, because the industry has changed and they've got more people to hire, much paid for less hours of work except the VFX.
    so, they can't afford to wait for DVDs to bring in the bank what they failed to with theater, because today there's no more DVD and half of VOD will be "illegaly downloaded" ( and since internet providers and the movie industry are giants, they'll keep on blaming YOU for the money they won't expectedly make instead of sharing their profits )

    for example, recently, "king Arthur" has flopped, so basically, they've lost money.

    not to mention that china is now an open market they can't neglect (1 billion potential consumers, no industry can pass on that)
    a movie is a product the more are expected to buy, so they can't go to far on jokes, cultural innuendos.. action is what people dig the most.

    so, expect more franchise and reboot to come in the next years (just like tom cruise said it would happen with all "the mummy" crossovers )

    if you want more quality, try a few TV shows from here to there, and pay attention to netflix, amazon, & ll the newcomers.
  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    That's usually enough to stop me. Any argument saying "made by a woman" so it's good, it perceives women better, it's more sensitive, blablabla, just tells me that there isn't much to see, I hate sexist arguments, or people considering that your genre gives you special powers. It's incredibly retarded that this line of arguments usually come from self proclaimed feminists, they're delusional.
    We have women in politics, in business, in the economy, in the military world, in the police, teachers, bakers or whatever in France : human beings are just human beings. A lot of things participate to define them, and genre is just one of them.
    About the topic : I've given up on Hollywood offering about a decade ago. Better for my health.
  9. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    warm hearted or warm hatred .... dyslectic difference aside, that shouldn't be a criterium to judge a movie on, I think.
    At the end of the day it's if it moves the people who watched it in a good way, entertained them and quality wise, is a movie to put down on a 'must-see-list' coz of the good cinematography....the average part of it is as subjective as hell.
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I also think there is an agenda behind this shitty, depressing production we are being fed with lately. Look at the tv series, beheadings, corpses, dark, depressing shit. Same goes for the music.
    Controlling the population trough frequencies.
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  11. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    ITT (teal deer edn): old dudes mansplain how it was better back in their days. Welcome to 2000 years ago, guy called Horace. It was a well-worn cliché, even then. Things have never been so good! :D
  12. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    How did you get the idea that I don't like Nolan's Batman?

  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm not versed enough in physics, etc, nor informed enough on the latest devellopements of technologies in various fields to know or speculate on how much there are waves manipulations or things of the sort.
    To me the music or movie "industry" (I'm talking about big studios, what we call the entertainement industry), at least a big part of it, has a role in either dumbing down people to incite them to buy diverse crap, and some convay a view of the world : it's never very subtil though, but Hollywood has always more or less plaid that role, it was already the case during peaks of the Cold War (with thing like Rambo). Which didn't exclude some artistic quality. It's not the case with Wonder Woman apparently, but maybe today too some blockbusters are also good movies, I surely couldn't tell.
    But the thing is during the "cold" war (it was damn hot during some days, but whatever), there was still actually a war going on. So movies were usually offering a transcended view of "good" (the "free" world) vs "evil" (the "centralized" world), which can give for good movies, or good stories in general...Think the Bible, or things of the sort.
    When the "cold" war ended funnily there was a lot of films depressed as f...k (think "Good bye, Lenin !"), like celebrating the era when at least we had this mega uber fight going for us that gave us both the general illusion - in a post God materialistic world - that things still matered, ideologies to keep us dreaming and fighting the fight, but also as a secondary effect it motivated our leaders and governants to act politicaly to give us concrete proof that we were on the right side, the one that has everything it can dream of in its supermarkets, the one that never lacks electricity or gaz, the one that can afford to build huge cities which huge buildings, etc. A lot of movies had mostly for role to display this power, this abundance.
    The essence, what agitates any era is always present more or less vividly in everything people living in that era produce. It's present voluntarely but mostly it's there because we are the one making the time, making our reality, and the same author make movie, music. We produce what we can produce, what we can gasp, the reality as we see it, often the reflection of the reality we've produced. Not that this state cannot change, paradigmes break, always.
    Our uthopia or dystopia in a way are often stuck in reality itself, in the sense that they take reality as the author of the utopia or the dystopia perceives it as a reference for the story they display.
    Our reality, the GAFA and the 1% reality, is ugly as hell, at least that's what I think of it sorry @famouslut , and whether you display it to promote it (like every single video clip from any "big" pop artist tries to achieve, from Bieber to Cyrus, whatever) or to imagine where it's gonna take us, well usually it sucks.
    But more importantly it's always there, this reality is present in every one of our representation, in our words, our phrases, paintings, songs, movies, and it has no poetical value, it's hollow, useless, and empty.
    And I'm neither old nor in the illusion that yesterday was better. But it gave way to better representations. I'm not a fan of the 70's either, nor have I lived that era, but what it produced artisticaly is fascinating in my opinion.
    But the history of the world if full of that. Things can change in a better way, they have before.
  14. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I think if it gives little girls the chance to kick pretend ass via superheroes, then WW has served her purpose. I just feel sorry that no lil boys have evah had films that catered to them in this way evah @ any time in history ;__;
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah...If school or parental education can't provide that, why not let hollywood do it...:rofl:
    I agree with you though. Our societies provide social interpretation of biological genders, and it's only through education that we can go against that. Hollywood movies in my opinion aren't educative tools. In fact I'll go as far as to say that Hollywood productions, video clips wouldn't be suge huge propaganda machines that promote a catastrophic vsion of genders roles if the ones making those had had a proper education on those matters...
  16. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I agree. What I wrote are not my words. I summarized the critic. I don't care if a movie is done by a woman or a man. What I care about is if the movie is enjoyable. And I care if I read a critic that plays the gender card. So my post was full of sarcasm.
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Those for example are nice illustrations of what so called feminism achieve in self renouncement and a complete reversal of what this movement has long been about, fighting men built representations of, not only women, but of the world, social relations, hierarchisation of values :

    With the "she eats your heart like Jeffrey Damher" that sums it all. The liberated woman here is a dominating one, she has slaves, possesions, magical powers that allows her to dominate. It's a woman, with typical male means and ends.

    Or here (with a nice American Express sponsored clip):

    Typical woman "made" man, reversal of roles isn't exactly stopping male domination, it's owning it. But the women that can own that male domination, well they can do it according to male defined proprieties.
    I'm not even talking about power women like C.Lagarde, H.Clinton or A.Merkel which essentialy shine by being men in their actions with make up and dresses.
    Which is not me saying what or how women should be. Maybe us being all gigantic idiots is the way to go. Just reminding that feminism was once both about asking for equal rights for women, but also to undermine and criticize a world, and societies deeply structured by pov of dominating (usually old and wealthy) males.
  18. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Finally someone with some cultural background and knowledge! Cheers mate! Von Steyr, you need to step up your game a bit if you want more of my likes!
  19. C7

    C7 Member

    May 1, 2017
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    I pretty much gave up on movies after watching The Day the Earth Stood Still with Keanu Reeves. I remember that being the first time I left a movie theater feeling miserable and actually angry for wasting my time watching such a horrible movie. I haven't gone back to the theater since then. Other recent movies I've watched on television since then seem to almost be geared at people with limited intellects and/or attention deficit disorder. It is almost like we are beginning to see the future portrayed in Idiocracy coming to light.
  20. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Im tired boss.
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