Softube TAPE

Discussion in 'Software News' started by devilorcracker, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Try a combination of D361A and Satin or D361A and Reelbus on a mixbus and let me know what you think. IMO it can go from subtle to a ton of weight and glue like nothing else.
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  2. CacP

    CacP Newbie

    May 26, 2017
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    Well I won't complain, Softube are doing great stuff. And it seems to be a strong alternatives to the UAD Studer.
    And everything that is a good alternative to UAD is interesting for me :D.
  3. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    And me. Remember my Prime Studio CHARLY recommendation?....not that I'm all insecure and lacking some loving at the moment or anything...:rofl:
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  4. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Softube Console 1, PreSonus' Console Shaper, Focusrite Liquid Mix, Slate Virtual Console Collection, Waves NLS, SKNote StripBus, Sonimus Satson, Sonimus Britson, Klanghelm SDRR...just from the top of my head without thinking that are in and about my workflow or have been and emulate analogue consoles which is what I believe Tapedesk does....just sayin'.

    * and I think the Focusrite is the oldest and probably dates back to about 2005/2006.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2017
  5. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Yes you too. :mates:Charly has earned a spot in my mastering chain Also check your msgs/conversations
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    • Realistic analog tape sound
    • Three cassette types included
    • Easy to use
    • No CPU usage

    Focusrite Liquidmix is still a really good emu, Bunford. Still sounds the same as 10 years ago. :wink: So is Focusrite Saffire 56. You can get both from e-bay for peanuts. But it's Firewire [for W10 fans] :headbang: That's why I use Firewire and XP/W7 - you can get still top equipment for affordable prices. :wink:

    I'm so fed up with all these plugins claiming "analog sound". One day sure... that day is still not here, though. All I see is "analog looking GUI".
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
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  7. lpu2n

    lpu2n Producer

    Aug 11, 2015
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    Has AudioUTOPiA disbanded? Somewhat off topic, but a new ilok plugin made me think of it. I don't recall them ever giving a goodbye message, but I hear people saying they're gone. That would be unfortunate.
  8. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    "Low class"… "troglodyte"… nice way to show your true colors, Elitist microbe!
    Do you know this concept called actio = reatio? You started the bs talk with your first comment and now you're trying to pin that shit on me? You're hilarious. Applaud the stand-up comedian, everybody!
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  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I was wondering the same thing recently. They had the best loader music these days. I was going to ask AudioUTOPiA if I could be in the installers. Ill ask around and see what the word is on the group.
  10. erminardi

    erminardi Kapellmeister

    Feb 10, 2012
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    Another fancy plugin for the R2R internal vault... with a little of luck we will can try this plug around Christmas 2020 :rofl:
    Ah the good old day when the piracy was for everyone :guru:

    :bleh: to all internal scenes!
  11. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Man, believe me, it was your chance to NOT having to work with these f.....g tapes.
    Plus, in the "good old days", the main goal of every top end tapes, recorders and consoles manufacturer was to make something as much TRANSPARENT as possible, not some expensive toaster full of "wow and flutter", noise, highs cut and lows boost, harmonic distortion and so on.
    Reason why OTARI loaded with 2" AMPEX GM-456 or BASF SM-911 were produced and the wealthiest of us used them - taking great care to not push gains beyond the limits to AVOID any saturation nor distortion - and certainly not to reach "THAT" particular sound... which was only obtained by carefully choosing the mics, preamps & amps , FX's chains (and the order inside them), EQ'ing, etc.
    On the other hand, I must admit that a tape machine just a bit overloaded can varnish your sound with a thin and smooth layer of crap. So expensive plugins that (poorly) emulates these tape machines are indeed useful for those who want to spent money to ear the exploding panda.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
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  12. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Let's try this again...

    Whaddaya know? It worked today... :mad:
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  13. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Mine also...
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  14. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    I just installed the demo and inserted it on 50+ Tracks and the Mix Bus of a mix I am currently working on. I've gotta say I am astounded that the session still ran nicely with all this inserts (I have a MacMin 2011 with an i5, 8 Gigs of Ram and a SSD). It's very CPU friendly indeed.

    As far as sound is concerned I've gotta say, the effect is very subtle but convincing. It took the edges off of harsh high frequencies nicely wihtout making it sound dull or like an effect. It rounded the low end nicely as well and gave a nice glue.

    I might buy this. It's on sale at plugindiscounts for 67 bucks at the moment. But I wonder if Softube is going do the same thing they did with the Drawmer Plugin. Release a smaller version (S73) before they come with the "full" Version where you can tweak more settings…
  15. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @The Revenant, you run it through that tape machine when you want that "lo-fi" sound? :rofl:
  16. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Definitely. It's why I still use it on pretty much all my bus and master channels. Being able to use classic gear that sounds amazing, offload the processing to the DSP hardware unit AND be able to add EQ bands at will to improve on the classic gear. No brainer! I keep telling people to buy one as eBay folks are selling them dirt cheap because they think they don't work on Windows 10 (or 8 even). They clearly haven't found my tutorial to get it working smooth as butter and are missing out :wink:
  17. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    It's a secret and invaluable tool for recording voices... in the toilets (that mojo!!!):winker:.
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  18. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    I already wrote my opinion about tape simulation in another thread, but i still have to agree with some of the discreet answers here: We used a 8 track tape machine for a very long time (electro with guitars) and we dreamed every day of todays possibillities. Why? Because you had a hard time working with such a monster. As already mentioned you always had to deal with noise and hum, with tape jam, device maintenance, recording errors, wrong takes, clicks and bad punch ins, track bleeding and so on. One operating failure was enough to ruin a whole recording session.

    The funny thing ist: Nobody talked about the cool analog sound then. But later everyone remembered how tape made it easy to sound fat, pleasant and wet. Even piercing guitars became more enjoyable.

    And again, those plugins can't be 100% the same because everything around the tape machine was influencing and interacting. There were no software compressors, no eq plugins but a lot of cables, coupler strips and racks full of devices. But why should you complain? Todays plugins are in every way better than the real deal. And its just a matter of taste and the method of working. Some people hate big plugins with fancy graphics and lazy reactions. Me too. Some hate simple guis. Some like it clean sounding, some more dirty. There is no need to fight for a certain type of simulation, because everyone wants and likes different things, makes different music and has different skills and experience levels. If you think some of those plugins don't sound right, maybe it does for other people.

    I really recomment using tape simulation in buses or final mixes as they have a beautiful impact for digital or harsh sounding music. Just use what you like. And beside the stupid disputs i find those threads very interesting. If i hadn't read the last one i probably never had heared about ReelBus. What i really love right now. (low cpu, tiny, simple and very good sounding.) Some guys suggest Satin, but i don't care, because I'am HAPPY! :winker:
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  19. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Can this thing be used just for the DSP plugins with your own sound card? Will it work with cubase 9 64bit on windows 7?

    Edit; Only 8 mono and 4 stereo plugins can be used in 96khz mode, too bad otherwise i would get one, they really are cheap.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 8, 2017
  20. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    It doesn't convince me that you're not able to achieve the same result with a good EQ.
    In fact, I'm pretty sure all these tape emulations are nothing more than a bunch of predefined EQ settings mixed with some saturation/distortion algos.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
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