Hello. First of all, I'm not good at English. so please understand my poor grammar I'm going to buy a 1073 style preamp for male vocal, guitar and bass. I don't need to find the closest sound to the original vintage 1073. I think it is best to fit my taste. So I googled many forum posts and YouTube videos for sound comparison. And I found that BAE and AMS products seems good to me. There are many comparison posts or shootouts about AMS vs BAE but I could find little about BAE 1073MP vs BAE 1073. I've heard that BAE 1073MP actually is a modified 1272, not a clone of 1073 because BAE 1073MP has only two gain stages like 1272 whereas the original 1073 has three gain stages(Therefore, unlike the original 1073, BAE 1073MP has only a gain range of 71dB.). But People say that BAE 1073(not 1073MP model, just BAE 1073, with EQ)is a real clone of 1073 with three gain stages and 80dB gain range. So, I presume that there is a difference in terms of sound between BAE 1073MP and BAE 1073(Even when you have EQs are all 0). What do you think? BAE 1073 is twice as expensive as BAE 1073MP. and I prefer software EQ plugins than hardware EQs when recording . so I have no need to pay twice much cost if there is no or little sound difference between 1073MP and 1073 when EQs are all 0. But regardless of the EQ(I mean all EQs are 0), if BAE 1073 has definitely more good aspect in sound than 1073MP, I will seriously consider to buy BAE 1073. Could you share any information or experience about this matter with me? I really curious about the sound difference between them. Thanks in advance Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
Hi, mate. Before you buy anything hardware-wise, do yourself a favor, download a trial for Acustica Audio Gold (based on Neve gear), use your DAW inputs and place the (near) zero-latency Gold preamp emulations, track through the plugin (and make all tracking decisions listening to Gold's pre sound), and listen back. You might get impressed and save serious bucks. http://www.acustica-audio.com/index...oduct_id=182&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=189 Last edited: Jun 1, 2017
Hello, Mercurysoto. Thanks for your recommendation. I found It is heavily appreciated by many people in internet communities. It seemed to be a little off the issue of my question. but maybe this might show me another way to get what I want. I have not downloaded Gold yet, but I will try it on my computer soon. Thank you again. P.S. And I am still curious about the first question I have made. Any answers are welcome. Friends~ Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
I'm sorry I can't help comparing the clones since I'm using only stock RME pres and an old Sitral. And I understand your question is a very specific one. Anyway: if you're open for alternative options you could give us some more information on what equipment you're using now and which kind of music you want to record. And about your motivation to chose a 1073-style pre: Did you use one before and like the color? Did you build your studio based on standard gear and a 1073 is missing? Which other pres did you like for which instrument/mic combinations? You wrote: "I think it is best to fit my taste." I'm not sure if you'll find a single pre that fits your taste for all instruments and mics. I even don't know if you're mixing itb. But in that case I would go for a modern neutral pre between a lowly audio interface stock pre (RME/Audient?) or a Millenia and combine them with AA stuff for color. And if you're located near a pro audio dealer just arrange a test drive of all candidates in your own space. In the end it's your taste, not ours.
I was thinking in get a "channel strip" based on an alctron mp73eq + alctron cp540 to record with some processing, color and without latency, do you guys think that will be better than using acustica audio gold?
Hi Aya, I have owned BAE preamps in the past. Great products! So you need a great preamp for male vocal, guitar and bass with that classic Neve sound right? Let me ask you a few questions. What microphones, a/d converters do you own? What style music, do you need stereo and what is your budget? If you want the exact Neve sound, get a 1073 clone. Don't forget the Great River ME1NV preamp. The 1272 clones are basically a modified Neve line amplifier. They can sound great as well. I have a Vintech Dual 72 in the rack which I like. If you don't have a big budget, I would buy a Golden Age Pre 73. Don't laugh. They sound killer! I A/B them against a pair of real 1073 pres I own and they held their own. The only difference I could hear was the Golden Age was slightly looser in the low end. Very subtle though.
Hi. Timer. Perhaps my question was too cloudy. or Maybe it's because I'm not used to writing in English. Anyway, I am an amateur who make music as a hobby. I usually make my songs based on britpop or modern rock style. Sometimes I make other genre too. but many of them are mixed with or based on band pop-rock style, I think. I'm using RME UFX audio interface and Shure Beta58, Lewitt LCT-940 microphones and maybe I'm going to buy a Shure SM-7B anytime soon. I have PRS Custom24 for humbucker sound, and G&L Legacy for single coil pickup sound. Cort MR Custom and Yamaha CPX 500 III are for acoustic guitar sound. I don't have a bass instrument, but I can borrow Fender P bass. In fact, it is only for vocal recording that I want to buy a 1073 clone. I have only used the built-in preamps of Focusrite or RME audio interfaces. They were both good, clean but not a rich and fat sound I want. Then some people around me who heard my complaint suggested that a 1073-style preamp would help. So I went around looking for sites offering videos or sound samples comparing 1073 clones from different manufacturers. Comparing the sounds of various products, I found Vintech and Herritage did not fit my taste, and AMS and BAE felt good to me though these two are not the same. I used to have a Marshall combo amp and Roland multi-effector etc. for my guitars. but now I've sold them all. Because I'm somewhat satisfied with software amp simulator and effect plugins. In my first question, I said I would use guitar and bass with the 1073 clone, but that's just because I can use it(if I buy one). There is no important need to use with instruments. The really important thing is vocal recording. Maybe... If I buy a relatively inexpensive 1073 clone like BAE 1073MP, I might buy another preamp for instruments separately. but If I buy an expensive one like BAE 1073, I would use it for both instruments and vocal(or for vocal only). Unfortunately, in here(South Korea) it is very difficult (almost impossible) to find a shop from which I can try or rent a 1073 clone. The stores here only sell new products. Sometimes there are shops that allow customers to try out a specific product, but I could not find a place to offer the item I wanted. Sometimes distributors also rent products, but most of them are to ask for power bloggers to advertise. very sad... Well... I hope my explanation is enough for you. and Thank you for your reply!!! Hi, Julianbre. Looking at the replies from Timer and you, it seems that my first question was not enough to explain the situation. sorry for that. As I said to Timer above. I need 1073 primarily for my vocal recording. and I use Shure Beta58 and Lewitt LCT-940 microphones. I have no separate ADC or DAC. I'm just using audio interface(RME UFX). I like to make band style pop-rock songs mainly(britpop, modern rock, alternative rock, adult contemporary music, you name it). I don't need stereo. if I have another channel then I would use it for other mono instruments. maybe... At first, I thought proper budget is around 2000 USD. But now it's up to 3000. Every time I try to buy something, It is always this way. Hahaha... Oh... price tag around(or under) 2000 is better of course though my limit is around 3000. I hope that I answered enough for your questions. and Thank you for your interest. Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
OK Aya, glad you have a nice vocal mic. I would suggest the Great River MP-1NV or Great River MP-2NV (or BAE 1073MP) with a Warm Audio WA-2a. That would cover a lot of ground and sound fantastic.
Honestly dude, I was in the same position as you. I tried the hardware versions of both the BAE and NEVE 1073s. I was about to pull the trigger on the BAE model when I bumped into one of my engineer friends. He convinced me not to by either and suggested that I invest in a UAD interface and but the analogue emulation plugin of the 1073. You literally can't tell the difference a/b between the two and the on board a/d conversion is top notch (more than you will need if your just using this to record high quality vocals. My engineer friend has the hardware version of the 1073 and does not even touch it anymore. He strictly uses the uad software version. On top of that, you are introduced into the world of UAD plugins and you get a couple for free when you buy the interface. I would suggest buying the new UAD apollo quad if you're just starting out. Just me 2 cents. Peace
I have a bae 1073 mpf in front of me as I type this..(the one that has a filter). It does not have an eq so i can't comment on that version. But I can reassure you will love the unit. It sounds great and most mics will sound good through it. If it is possible, and you can find uses for it, I would recommend getting the filter also. Whichever you buy you've made a good decision. Enjoy.
Oh, I became to have more options to choose from I have visited Great River homepage and I found there are several preamps. ME-1NV, MP-2NV, MP-500NV. I like 19" rack size gears. so maybe MP-2NV is better for me than ME-1NV or MP-500NV. Sooner or later I will have to search the Internet for information on how it sounds. I have visited Golden Age homepage too. Unfortunately I could not find a 19 inch rack size preamp there. But I'll include them in options as well. Anyway, Thanks for your replies, again!!! Haha. I now have to consider not only software plug-ins or brand-new preamps, but also new audio interfaces. Things are getting bigger. I have heard that UAD plug-ins are great although I haven't use any of them yet. I was not considering at all, about changing the audio interface. In fact, I'm hesitating to include this as a new option. Maybe because that I am too used to use current UFX. But I will look into it. Thank you for your unusual recommendation. Hello. So you have a BAE 1073MPF. Good one. I remember that someone said that the filter of MPF is a true Neve inductor circuit, although I don't really know about electronics. I heard that MPF is the same model as MP, except that it has a high-pass filter. so MPF has also two gain stage and 71dB gain range like a MP as far as I know. I have found many comparisons about 'BAE MP(or MPF) vs 1073 clone of other brands' or 'BAE 1073 vs other brands'. But I couldn't find something like 'BAE 1073 vs BAE 1073MP'. so I posted my first question. Well. thankfully, good people are helping me in their own ways. and I became to have more info and options. but unfortunately, my first question remains unanswered. Maybe I just have to rely on my intuition.
Before you buy anything, I'd recommend to check out the free demo of Acustica Audio's "Gold" plugin, use it on a clean recording and see if it can already provide the "rich and fat sound" you aim for. If not, you can still go for the hardware.