Question about Cubase 9 Legit Version

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by kensaundm31, May 30, 2017.

  1. kensaundm31

    kensaundm31 Newbie

    May 6, 2013
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    I am about to buy Cubase 9 but will cracked Nexus 2 work with it? I ask because with cracked nexus I had to replace SYNSOEMU.DLL in the cubase directory for the nexus elicenser emulator to work correctly.

    Anybody know the answer?
  3. Bandit

    Bandit Producer

    Oct 30, 2014
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    Cubase is ONLY 64 bit support. I believe the last cracked version (that I know) of Nexus is 32bit. So it won't work. Maybe it works with jBridge?
  4. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I hear this a lot, still, and it never stops dumbfounding me. Bridging is not an issue nowadays and jBridge is there as a third party, but lots of DAWs like Reaper, and I believe Cubase, have built in bridgers so no need for third paty tools like jBridge. And in any case, this has no bearing on the actual question the OP asked and is a bit of a tangent.

    It might help if you stated what your OS, machine, specs etc were. I use Nexus (though hardly ever) on my machines within legit DAWs , but that is on Windows and I don't ever remember needing to replace any synsoemu.dll. Anyway, give more info about your specific specs and people may be more willing and able to help.
  5. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Well.. i can say no.. your cracked Nexus will not work in C9. About JBridge and Cracked Nexus i havnt heard anyone mentioned that it do work after JBridge update so i have to leave you at that. With that said C9 doesnt bridge old and outdated 32bit plugins. There was a workaround for the build in bridge to accept old Steinberg plugins but not sure if they closed down that way with the latest version. So in other words what Bunford is saying is no longer valid for Cubase. Steinberg has explained why they taken this step and like a well trained dog i obey ;) But you can also install C8.5 and run your Nexus in that one side by side with C9.
  6. samsum

    samsum Producer

    May 30, 2017
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    I have Cubase 9 Pro and works with Nexus 2.2.0 fine, I myself bought Jbridger to use for this purpose and didn't know Cubase 9 had a bridger built in but then again I don't really read manuals like most men lol I also don't remember needing to replace any synsoemu.dll
  7. kensaundm31

    kensaundm31 Newbie

    May 6, 2013
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    Well I bought Cubase Artist it, I got a good deal cos it came with 'free' Steinberg UR-22 interface for £219. I think it is good that I will have to use less plugs/vstis as with all this cracked stuff you can have too many and not learn a particular thing inside out.

    As for the reason of replacing SYNSOEMU.DLL, ever since win 7 (I am on Win 8/Win 10) some Nexus expansions do not work. When you try to install the elicenser emulator it doesn't help but if you extract the SYNSOEMU.DLL and copy it to ...syswow64 and \cubase dir the expansions work!
  8. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Again.. VST bridge aint no more since Cubase 9.. JBridge is the only way and only above version 1.74.. Sorry if i wasnt clear on that..
  9. Herbert Kotzwinkle

    Herbert Kotzwinkle Newbie

    Aug 23, 2017
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    I have Cubase Pro 9.0.30 and all my 32bit Plugz work using jBridge, even oldschool plugs that didn´t work on 8.5!
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