Trying to get my own sound, what do you think?

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by IllBert, May 28, 2017.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I really dig. It's a very nice beat, chilled hip-hop kind of vibe. Really nice work, and thanks for sharing.
    I agree with @Thankful on the riser part, it's a bit too upfront, maybe a bit harsh. Also the mix is a bit dark, a bit of equing to make it slightly brighter would probably be a welcomed tweak.
    Thanks again for sharing !
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  2. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Cool track man. I like all your work. I hope your hand surgery? went well.
    Is this all on hardware and controllers too? Like your other work? I can totally respect the performances and workflow in your youtube vids. Not many of theses "Roll Clickers" can pull that off. And live too!
    Keep doing you my man. I enjoyed the track
  3. IllBert

    IllBert Producer

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Thanks bro! Yeah surgery went perfect, I'm now in the last month of rehab, this track is completely done on ableton, but when I fully recover will start doing my live performances again. Thanks for asking! :)
  4. IllBert

    IllBert Producer

    Jan 31, 2016
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    yeah you are probably right but since none of theese songs im doing are going to make me rich i'll just keep them coming, maybe one day I come up with one that deserves more time spent on tiny details hehehe, thanks again.
  5. IllBert

    IllBert Producer

    Jan 31, 2016
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    well taking into account I live in Spain and all music people listen to here is reggaeton and pop.... sounds different for me.
    Btw can you point me in any similar music?
  6. MrMister

    MrMister Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2013
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    very much like Bonobo's old albums. dig it a lot. drums are on point, not harsh like someone else said. sounds as if they are samples, am i right? doesn't matter either way, but since they are mixed so well and the rest of the song isn't, this leads me to believe they are sampled drums in one entire wave stem. get a little more familiar with compressing and verbing your instruments correctly, and i promise you, this will make a world of difference. i'm a freelance engineer who occasionally works at a well-known studio with big names running through it, so take the advice as you want, but i'm not just saying this to criticize your track. it's a cool track with good potential. :wink:
  7. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    @MMJ2017, putting asside your difficult-to-read writing because of your lack of capital letters at the beginnings of sentences, commas and full-stops - basic English grammar structure problems, which makes it difficult to take your advice seriously, I can, reading between the lines feel that you mean well and speak from a good heart, and I thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts. The only thing I can agree with what you wrote is that, like the 'sales' open secret says, people base their decisions to 'buy' on emotions, the overall emotion of your music is far more important than worrying about 'sounds.' The only thing about that, is that it cannot apply today, in the way that it did before technology in music-making changed everything. Technology has bred a new type of musician. Today he is more the technician making music. He IS very concerned about every little sound because not only is he a producer as well as a musician, he has to grapple with the technology a lot to create the sounds that he wants. Technology has made it possible for anyone with a computer to make music. Music theory is of course excellent knowledge to have - but we don't really need it when we are working with pre-recorded samples and synthesizers with hundreds of presets that you can just twiddle a few knobs to get the sounds you like.

    Your analogy with speaking is very uncomfortable for me. What if the analogy was writing (words, authoring)? In that case, writers DO sit and think of ways of being original, and the originality of the structure of the writing often trumps the content or the emotions it may or may not produce. People often talk about such and such author's brilliant prose style, but he/she lacks the character-building skills that other writers possess.

    And back to the music. The individual 'sounds,' particularly electronic sounds are sometimes more important than the overall feel or emotion of the music. This debate is all genre specific. If your thing is Rock, pretty much any raunchy guitar will get you excited; if you're into country Rock you'll go weak at the knees when you hear the first vocal harmony or sad lyric; if you're into Jazz a few saxaphone notes and out-of-beat piano will make you sweat with joy. Generally, as long as the music you're listening to is playing by the rules, i.e. it 'fits' the genre and sounds very familiar, the listener is already moved emotionally.
  8. IllBert

    IllBert Producer

    Jan 31, 2016
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    Drums are separate samples, but since what I start with are drums, make them sound as good as I can, so they can be my foundation. Thanks so much for your advice, through experience and time, I'll keep learning. tyvm
  9. MrMister

    MrMister Ultrasonic

    Nov 17, 2013
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    ahh gotcha, they sound good though. using pre-compressed drums are a big help to have a song sound huge, but it will always sound disjointed if you don't learn the compression of drums and other instruments. and definitely, man. time devoted to this sort of thing is one of the biggest helps to this craft, and the myriad of youtube tutorials will also help entirely. just be wary of stuff that doesn't help you develop your sound. sure, you can learn about the impedance of all monitors and how the different frictions effects distortion ( i had to learn that stuff ), and while there is merit, and can be helpful, if it doesn't help you get closer to your goal, put that on the back burner and focus your energy on what matters to you and your music.
  10. IllBert

    IllBert Producer

    Jan 31, 2016
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    When I listen to my old songs and compare them to my new ones, theres a huge difference between them in terms of mixing, I watch a lot of tutorials, and masterclases, also read mixing and mastering books, but when it comes to practice... I dont have a well treated room, most of the time I mix with headphones because rear walls are 30cm from monitors, so thats a problem, I have a very good pair of yamahas-hs7 but rooms acoustics arent very good, and I'm low on cash lately. taking into account I'm into music for less than 3 years, there's still a very long journey for me. :)
  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    "..putting asside your difficult-to-read writing because of your lack of capital letters at the beginnings of sentences, commas and full-stops - basic English grammar structure problems, which makes it difficult to take your advice seriously,.."

    huh... interesting
    with myself the thing that makes it easy or difficult to take seriously is the content and meaning. maybe im just retarded though. it could be that when one has limited time to portion to a response they should spend 90 percent of it on having caps all the right places commas perfect English grammar that my 3rd grade English teacher would orgasm over.Then ,they should spend 10 percent on the content and meaning so that in the end -a perfectly written comment that says absolutely nothing and contributes nothing to the topic at hand, but... can be taken seriously for its orgasmic grammar. (funny right?) the most hilarious part of all is irony, because you saying music th9eory is not very important to music than say this about my comments (which my comment is not a performance designed to stand test of time, it is merely advice where i try to fit in as much content in a small time i can spend in this thread) if you feel this way about grammar in comments I cant wait to see how much a stickler for music theory you are............

    "I can, reading between the lines feel that you mean well and speak from a good heart, and I thank you for taking the time to express your thoughts."

    thank you fine sir, for that the same goes for yourself and your comments i see all the time and appreciate.

    "The only thing I can agree with what you wrote is that, like the 'sales' open secret says, people base their decisions to 'buy' on emotions, the overall emotion of your music is far more important than worrying about 'sounds.'"

    you agreed with my main idea expressed sir.

    "The only thing about that, is that it cannot apply today, in the way that it did before technology in music-making changed everything."

    nah it hasn't.

    "Technology has bred a new type of musician. Today he is more the technician making music. He IS very concerned about every little sound because not only is he a producer as well as a musician, he has to grapple with the technology a lot to create the sounds that he wants."

    this has always been the case, research the early recording musicians(for example around the time louis Armstrong began recording in his career), those that gave up the chance to be recorded out of fear their songs would be stolen, etc. technology has been around since the first arrow head made from smashing rocks used to cut meat and pelts to fashion clothing and blankets.

    "He IS very concerned about every little sound because not only is he a producer as well as a musician, he has to grapple with the technology a lot to create the sounds that he wants. Technology has made it possible for anyone with a computer to make music."

    that has always been true,(concerned about every little sound) as far as anyone with a computer making music, i made my first album entirely from a computer in 1993. do you consider that "today">?

    "Music theory is of course excellent knowledge to have - but we don't really need it when we are working with pre-recorded samples and synthesizers with hundreds of presets that you can just twiddle a few knobs to get the sounds you like."

    I don't really get what you mean by this. it would be like saying a carpenter doe snot need to know how to use tape measure hammer does not need to blueprint a sky scrapper because the walls come prefabbed. does that really hold up to you? music theory is the way music actually works any type any aspect.

    you saying you dont need music theory because you can twist knobs to change sounds of instruments? does a conductor not need to know music theory because he can change the sound by having the oboe play it instead of the contra bass?? they are 2 different elements un connected ( their importance)

    "Your analogy with speaking is very uncomfortable for me."

    it shouldn't be because music is literally a language, identical to speaking with someone music is there to communicate and speaking is there to communicate.

    "And back to the music. The individual 'sounds,' particularly electronic sounds are sometimes more important than the overall feel or emotion of the music."

    nah, people respond to feeling and emotion in music , the sound might be a little aspect that boosts a already well written part, but you cant have crap part and just by changing the sound have it become good or effect someone better, like you said all you have to do is click buttons to change sounds anyone can do it and they do we all do it is the least important thing and the easiest just click button find a sound you like done.

    so this is basically your answer to the OP then right?

    he asks how to get his own sound

    "...pre-recorded samples and synthesizers with hundreds of presets that you can just twiddle a few knobs to get the sounds you like...""

    so, you can answer the entire thread( case closed) by saying you get your sound by twiddling knobs you like until you hear the new sound you like that is the answer to his question right?
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
  12. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    @MMJ2017 Easy tex, its all just opinions and feedback. Different views.
    I understand your rebuttal/counterpoint but ease up a little.
    I type the same way though. Long run-on sentences, so I understand everything you say here. I think we have grown accustomed to it from voice to text and autocomplete. Speaking of voice to text, why the hell does it capitalize random words that shouldnt be capitalized. Seems like lately a lot more too. Who made that algorithm? Needs to be redone.

    Im all about composition and content as well as knob and preset tweaking. Best of both worlds. :yes:
    Its a combination and having a command of both that makes a song stick in you head all day even if you dont like it.

    If not every lead would sound like this song

    They really need to stop the whistling in songs tho. When you lean to write pop leads like something you can whistle easily, I dont think we were implying to actually whistle it. Sitting by the Dock of the Bay is the only exception
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    hey bro how you doin?!

    my comment shouldn't have come across as angry i was trying to crack some jokes in there that is all haha ( i like thankful)
  14. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    @MMJ2017 Cool, sarcasm always gets lost in text. Im am guily of the same thing, constantly. Im good, working on a remix. An EDM remix of a rock song. Well just the vox anyways. That and real life stuff. Hope all is well on your end
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
  15. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    thats what im talking about!
  16. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Maybe I shall start a new thread here. I am not sure anyone heard angst coming from me in UK. But what is happening, in simplist terms. os a coup. Does anyone care? Probably not. But it does not make it any less real.

    So anyway (electronic music and drugs will be a large part of it).

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  17. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    Serious ppl only need reply.
  18. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    my friend , you could try stearing away from the tonic at times for example alternate with the dominant 7 to create tension and more movement add in some dissonance so that the music fluctuates a bit and feels like it "comes back home"
    what you got though, is really great start of something good my friend.

    if you using loops you can use melodyne plugin to retune loops to different interval chord scale of the particular key you are in, in order to do as I described (basically just music theory stuff is what needs more strrength i think your sounds are decent as is and as you create more depth ideas will pop in your head for layers on news sounds) right now the music feels like it sitting one spot you need to make it breathe or travel through the chords contained in the key of your tonic, or even multiple keys and all their containing chords, i can help you if you need it you got a great thing started my friend good job!


    in other words for C major key
    here your chords


    your main melody is based on the I IV V
    or C, F and G chords
    you can also connect to the 12 other major keys or the diminshed or augmented at any moment in music so it is unlimited.

    music is interplay between the ! and V mostly all substitutions and key changes represent the V or dissonance and then coming back to home I

    CEG ACE EGB are versions I or CEGB
    DFA FAC GBD BDF are versions V or GBDF
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
  19. mageye

    mageye Producer

    Jan 12, 2016
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    SORRY guys. I totally forgot to tell you what I am revolving against. It's something good. Basically they have outlawed all proper music in the UK so that means all we get now is this TRAP STUFF. Which as I am sure most ppl are aware is total BS.

    But ppl it gets worse. From 2018 all we are allowed in UK as total Craig David. And ... (you thought it was bad enough right?!) No ppl It gets totally worse than that.

    Apparently if you have more than one little person. (I think they are talking kiddies here?) then you have to 'let them' listen to 6 hours of Craig David per day.

    Now. I ain't being anti 'RANDB'. BUT This kind of law is not consistent with Bowies' 13 law nuclear dynamics. Which actually states that if there is totally 3 or four neutrons in an atom then there really can't b room for many more in town and that kind of thing.

    I'm more worried about things being correct, more than anything else.
  20. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Hey, I make trap....But not crap
    Building this now

    I found the multi tracked vox on the web
    Okay, shameless promotion over. As you were
    Last edited: May 29, 2017
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