The next AA venture will be....Cobalt

Discussion in 'Software' started by Talmi, May 12, 2017.

  1. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I'm sure it will be awesome, but I just can't keep up with their plugin release spree at this moment. Luckily I've found myself a dealer that offers great discounts so I'm not so pressed about pre-order prices anymore.

    What I'm really waiting for are the updates for Pink and Coral. They should definetely add the "Dynamic EQ" function to it, as it's their mastering masterpiece.
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
  2. Adam Ford

    Adam Ford Producer

    Mar 2, 2017
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    As I red, Acustica Audio Cobalt will be a 4 piece standalone plugin.

    - Cobalt Vacuum Tube Pres;
    - Cobalt Vacuum Tube EQ (inspired by Pultec);
    - Cobalt Vacuum Tube Compressors with 3 switch (Original, Violet (finally), Mantis (don't know this one));
    - Cobalt Dynamic EQ with regolable bands to say at the dynamic eq which part of the signal will be more or less compressed.

    This thing is a monster pack.
    Character eq, transparent compressors and a super Dynamic EQ for mastering or removing resounances in Mixing.

    Their next Adventure will be Ebony

    Neumann pres,
    Emt 2 Consoles
    Emt Compressor
    Emt Plate Reverb (don't know if 140, 250 or 256)
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  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    @WillTheWeirdo @Talmi @Jaymz
    Stumbled upon this post on GS, are you guys experiencing the same issues?

    "Weird Metering in Gold:

    I just downloaded and installed the newest version of Gold and Amethyst 3 and compared the Metering on both strips. Amethyst 3 is perfectly calibrated to -18 dBFS / 0 VU whereas Gold is far off (the Needle is barely moving). And the alternative Skin is also totally useless for an Audio-Level of -18 dBFS:

    Metallic Noise Burst in Gold PRE:

    Even after the new Gold-Update, there's still this metallic Noise Burst in Gold PRE. I compared it again to Amethyst 3 PRE where there's no such behavior (both should be Core X as far as I know). Ticket was sent to Acustica-Audio 2 weeks ago with a link to my first video showing this burst. I have no clue if they watched it.

    Also the metering in Gold PRE is as useless as in the Strip:

    I really don't know why there's such a difference between Gold and Amethyst 3. And I really hope both Metering and the Metallic Noise Burst can be solved in Gold.

    Anyone else experiencing this?"
  4. sideshowtmc

    sideshowtmc Producer

    May 14, 2013
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    the noise burst was solved in latest gold release which is core x. the meter is sort of solved by the new skin for gold
    haven't experienced this myself but apparently the noise burst was from when you loaded plugins while music is playing. it supposedly in multiple releases from them ( like pearl 2 etc) can be solved by updating the acquas to core x by copying the .dll from latest release and renaming it. look in acustica forum for better description.
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    What about the metering?
  6. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    The metallic sound is a by product of overloading the IR tech, we've had to work around it for 10 years now..... Core X is reported to be the first fix for it but I have not tested it, as I never overload any AA plugin.

    AA metering has never been good, we've discussed it in beta over and over. G has said the metering will be improved over the next year.
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  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah bro I had referred to the problem on the Gold thread we have...It was solved with the latest update which @WillTheWeirdo indicated in the gold topic. The noise burst only happened with the strip and in the conditions @sideshowtmc indeed describes, but it's a memory of the past.
    For the "metering", well Giancarlo says it's calibrated as the original unit, and it doesn't go very low on the threshold side (- 20), and no input knob (weirdly) on this one, so you have to have a strong signal to have it react (or a trim before and after the plug)...I hope, it evolves a bit on this side. At least the input trim addition. I'm used to AA weird meters, but the threshold thing is a bit a bummer (easy to fix though).
    I'm absolutely loving those comps. I had so not explored them enought first (well the threshold thing didn't help), but they both are amazing.
  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    EDIT with all the details and a vid :
    Cobalt is an absolute novelty for Acustica, it’s totally different respect other Acqua-plugins suite in every way..


    Through Stefano Dall'Ora (SoundDrops), who is an invaluable collaborator of Acusticaudio, and has been deeply involved in the production of this project, the Acustica team came in contact with Luca Martegani, also known as Xelius. Luca is the manufacturer of an amazing suite of hand-built audio hardware, characterized by great sound, quality, and value.
    The equalizer and compressor are the elements of this suite that impressed us the most, so we have decided to base our new product on both of them.
    We have called it Cobalt.

    The basic idea behind Cobalt


    LUCA: "There are so many things in audio that are of fundamental importance to the basic sound stage; the depth of the sound spaces, the way transients are handled, so my approach has been focused on the entire sound, not just about the tonal color.
    Original devices are completely tube-based. Tubes are used in the input stage, then in all of the internal gain sections, up to the output stage".
    Why this choice?
    LUCA: "In my own research, after countless listening sessions, I've come to the conclusion that the amazing sound of those vintage devices we used to love comes from the tube circuits".
    Many years of study, research and experiments (started in the early 90’s) finally led me to these great results.

    Cobalt is the name of the suite that consists of four different plug-ins:
    -COBALT (EQ)



    In the user’s manual you find all of the details about the suite. Below is a brief overview.

    Cobalt (EQ)
    It is derived from the classic Pultec design with some added custom features, such as the separation of bass frequencies, for example, so that you can choose the Cut frequency independently from the Boost frequency; then we have a High band Boost section with an extremely personal sound, because it’s built only with inductances, instead of the more customary capacitors. Our emulation has preserved all these sound features and we are very proud of the result.
    Cobalt Comp
    It’s an extremely versatile tube compressor. Thanks to Acustica technology, we have been able to faithfully reproduce the original device. CORE X contributed to create a masterpiece able to reproduce the behaviour of the hardware, and at the same time, it provides a number of plug-ins considerably more tolerable CPU consumption.
    Cobalt Pre
    Cobalt Pre includes 5 different tube preamps to add great warmth.
    They precisely emulate the phase, frequency response and harmonic distortion of their corresponding circuits.
    The best use of these colors can only be decided by user on a case per case basis and the engineer’s final judgment should always depend on his/her own ears and imagination.
    Cobalt Dynamic Eq
    The real novelty of this suite is our Cobalt Dyn EQ (dynamic equalizer), the first of its kind.
    Just like with audio productions, our idea was created as a sort of remix of COBALT EQ and COBALT COMP. The result of this is an incredible Dynamic EQ, the first of it’s kind based on sampling characterized from some new and important features.

    All details in our user's manual
    Direct link to downaload it: ... 9wzxl6.pdf
    Last edited: May 30, 2017
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  9. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Cobalt overview video.

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  10. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    Got the demo, liked the sound, especially the compressor. As nice as that Nebula one (forgot the name) if not a little bit more useful.
    But since they don't offer Cobalt as an update or provide any discount to Purple owners, I'll probably pass on it and wait for the E** stuff coming next month.

    If someone did a demo of the dynamic EQ beside deEssing and similar applications: just link it! We might learn something.

    IMHO: If you're short on money, just get Amethyst3, you'll get all that Acustica EQ/Compressor sound for cheap, then wait for them doing something really innovative.
    If you're rich, just go to and buy it all.
  11. thedudeman

    thedudeman Member

    Apr 6, 2017
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    Regarding the metering issues with AA:

    How do all of you approach it? How do you measure GR? VUMT before and after?
  12. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Can't believe I'm such a gear-slut that I'm joining Instagram for it...

    And then there's WillTheWeirdo, sounding more and more like Steven Seagal each vid. :D :wink:

    "Cobalt...Designed by Luca Gastilganni... and you can take that to the bank."
    "(breathy) To the blood bank."
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Well GR it depends which acqua we're talking. Lately the GR on new products is actually okay. It's the metering calibration on the main vu that can be odd. On Gold I have no idea on what the main meter of the strip is calibrated upon. The compressor on Gold, 0 threshold is 0 on classical VU (so -18 ), I've put VUMT next to it, and that part I'm absolutely sure. If you put the threshold on gold at 0, turn on the comp, put the ratio at "limit", and I'm hiting right at 0 on VUTM in VU, the needle on Gold comp for the GR just slightly very slightly moves as it hits that zone, as it should. I lower the threshold in gold, and I get the gain reduction that matches my compression setting, and the GR reacts right. The problem is that during all that time on the main meter of gold strip, the needle is barely moving. So, it's a bit a wtf moment.
    On Amethyst3 or Cobalt, the GR and the meters are fine. on Gold the meter is mighty weird.
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  14. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
  15. RedThresh

    RedThresh Producer

    May 26, 2016
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    Definitely the biggest interest of a DynEQ to me!

    This thread is so interesting, digging every post from everyone, I'm so glad AA exists for us ITB peasants :bow:
  16. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Guess what's finally in beta....... Ebony! Ebony.png
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  17. WillTheWeirdo

    WillTheWeirdo Audiosexual

    May 18, 2014
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    On the Beach
    Ebony CPU test.
  18. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I've bought a few of them babies and they're all great. I look forward to Lemon, Gold and Ebony.


    + Navy but not in the pic.