Pretty Sure all 'Cracked' SERUM are FAKE!

Discussion in 'Software' started by Delord, May 25, 2017.

  1. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Hm, maybe all developers should put out a false k'd version. Just dont make it malicious like Tone2. Maybe they already have :unsure: Welcome to the botnet
  2. r4e

    r4e Audiosexual

    Sep 6, 2014
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    That package is pure crap and dangerous for some system settings, if used!

    It just contains the same fixed Serum.dll which got posted last year below R2R's release and a txt file with serials.
    Further it contains a very shitty written batch install script, which doesn't even check in the registry for your
    real VST dir but just copies the dll into "%PROGRAMFILES%\VstPlugins\Xfer". So if you've installed your plugins
    into a different dir, your DAW won't even recognize that installation.

    Then the script creates a tempoary hosts file, adds some lines to it and overwrites your existing hosts file
    with it - and that can cause serious problems, when you've customized your hosts file to your own whishes.
    Everything you saved in your hosts file in the past will be gone and if you use the hosts file to handle some
    connections without firewall (like me) and have added over 350 lines, all that work gets replaced by a file
    with 2 shitty lines (including 1 line that doesn't even work).

    The installation script instead should check the registry for the real VST path and edit the existing hosts file
    instead of replacing ...and it should do a check, if the OS is 32Bit or 64Bit (and yes, all that shit is possible using batch).
    If the architecture is 32Bit and someone not so experienced uses that install script to update serum, without reading the
    forum post completely, the existing installation will be fucked up by a 64Bit serum file, which leads into a not working
    installation on that 32Bit OS. You instead should use the original file name (Serum_x64.dll) or that architecture check.
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  3. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    well, I opened the batch and went - "no no no, all my abode, wafes, ablpton,.. 0s would go bye..." But being a tard wasn't completely sure so thanks for confirming. I was just curious though.. the devs deserve some money so those "regulars" /w 3 posts who come to this place req. serum or whatever should just go to splice or something. But it's not about that...

    @r4e I would really like to thank you for all your hard work, the things you provide, the no-nonsense packs,.. (and the list goes on) demanding nothing at all. You saved my (and others) a55es hundreds of times (now, again). I'd just like to express my gratitude for all the support! :wink:
  4. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    I hate to say it, but this place seems to be nothing else than a gathering point for arrogant and opinionated people. You can see it in every second thread. Maybe its the amount of macho like characters in here? I don't know. (The lack of females is of course obvious.) Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with jokes or funny things as long as i can't see the impression of a bragger behind it. But this shines thru to often.

    If you can't empathize with people younger and more inexperienced than you, you definitly don't show much of your superiority and scene knowledge if you call others idiots or make jokes of them. But maybe its just me who feels something like sympathy for asking people or remembers a time when i was a newbie myself.
  5. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I help everyone though, no matter what mold were cast from. People are people. Sarcasm and cynicism never translate well in text.

    The people that knocked me down when I was a n00b only made me try harder. And most of them are now cyberfriends that I talk to almost daily via fb, other forums and shoutboxes etc. Back then it was their ridicule that motivated me to be even better.
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
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  6. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    @Elisea I hope you don't find my post(s) offensive or arrogant. I really try not to be (at least I don't recall calling anybody an idiot - well other than myself). And you can find many of my posts where I spent quite some time to share what I know. But there is a difference between "real" newbies and those who sign up and probably don't even check if they aren't served immediately.

    I will tell you a little story that involves I think it was only yesterday a guy from India posted a synthwave 80s piece to evaluate. Everybody went immediately - that note(s) at the end is/are "out of tune", "wrong",.. Everybody except YOU. I know something about harmony and was skeptical too but didn't have the theoretical answer. "This sounds wrong" - to me is not just not enough. Later I was on skype with a professor at the academy - main subjects, harmony and counterpoint (I don't study composition, he is just a relative of mine).

    We were talking various things and at some point I gave him a listen of the song posted. The verdict: the harmony was all right (by western standards.. and he also explained to me the why). When I was back on the forum someone even "corrected" the song and everybody was like- "this is it"! I chose not to interfere because I knew with other "smart" posts that were under, I could start another "thread war". The song wasn't anything special and the author made the right harmony by luck - so IMO it wasn't worth.

    I gave you a like but felt bad because I didn't let you know.. well now I have the opportunity: by the standards of Vienna University of Music - they were ALL wrong and YOU WERE RIGHT! :wink:

    I hope you get the point that I am making here. You must take this place as it is. I don't mind getting in to a hot debate, disagree /w ppl (we can't all think the same way) But you also learn not to interfere sometimes, you get to know ppl behind avatars.. and just accept them the way they are. And yes I'm no saint and def sometimes go to far :yes:

    BENZZER Ultrasonic

    Apr 13, 2017
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  8. x3o

    x3o Member

    May 25, 2017
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    yeah! i found a way for block open this web.

    i use "Comodo Firewall",
    open "Settings" then open "HIPS", (if new install Comodo, HIPS may disabled, you need open HIPS first)
    in "HIPS Rules" add your DAW .exe file to create a rule,
    in "Access rights" Below,
    choose BLOCK "Protected COM interfaces"
    OK to save rule

    then you see, the world is clean:bleh::disco:
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
  9. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Pirat 301 well it should be 101
    Always be offline when using cracked plugin even unplug the lan cable if you can do that.
  10. Elisea

    Elisea Guest


    Thanks for the compliment. And i didn't find you offensive in any way. My intention was to remind you guys to what its all about: Talking about music and helping each other. And at the end it seams everyone remembered it. Many thanks to all who helped or discussed the matter!:wink:

    I guess many people here are derived from a special kind of scene. They know so much but some also tend to use strong words and loose sayings just to show their coolness. I already learned a lot from you guys and i kinda find all of you cool. There is no need to show snideness. But that doesn't mean i don't like hard debating if someone has other opnions. :winker:
  11. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Im sorry, Im just that guy (in the avatar) My best friend is a.k.a. "My favorite A hole" Im probably his favorite A hole too, lol. Im brunt/blunt, curt and to the point. Thats just how Im built. Sarcastic and cynical, but always jokingly. A blast at parties though. Sry If I offend anyone, I dont mean it personally. Ill still buy you a beer at the game/bar/concert. All right, lets make some music. Ive been experimenting with putting a lot of sus chords in my EDM progressions (besides of the usual 7ths), something I read in a thread here. Love this place
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
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  12. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Yes, I used to do this same thing, just enabling HIPs only when I was using my daw. It gets annoying with too many notifications if you have it active all the time.
    I was even using a "browser chooser" app with no browser options in it so it would just load its blank window instead of opening a browser. But that was a cheesy workaround for stopping xfer from getting my ip.
    But now Ive gone back to zonealarm free firewall and only had to block the daw/ableton. As the poster said though, I guess were the lucky ones? :dunno: Although when it comes to computers, luck really has nothing to do with it.
    I know my way around networks and windows too well. Nothing goes down here unless I allow it.:guru:
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
  13. Matt777

    Matt777 Rock Star

    Oct 17, 2015
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    May be a good advice.. but in this particular case cutting your wire will not solve the problem. The only difference will be that the browser will open and show an error like "i can't reach the xx page..". You can achieve the same with hosts file.

    Guys, think this way (if you have this problem) - if your DEFAULT browser is a brick, in can't do anything! Or what our unix friends would say.. send it to dev/null...
  14. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    It probably just leaked out.
    Whenever you purchase a serum, always check the bottle for cracks.
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  15. CustomUser22

    CustomUser22 Ultrasonic

    Mar 19, 2017
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    They just do not make bottles like they used to.
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  16. atreehaseyes

    atreehaseyes Kapellmeister

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Elsewhere and otherwise
    For the love of all things decent and good in this world, instead of alleging bizarre scenarios involving a dev giving away free-but-sabotaged cracked software with the intention of driving customers to the legit product, go to and pay Steve the $189.00 for all the work he has and continues to put into a fantastic product. He did just about everything on his own, including acting as a one man tech support task force, and his hard work deserves your hard earned money.

    Barring that, go to, click on plugins, and then select Rent-to-Own Serum. Surely you can afford the $10 monthly so that Steve can continue to put out new, fantastic products int he future.

    It's that simple. Thank you.
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  17. Delord

    Delord Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    It's simply my opinion and i agree with yours... But I only buy softare when it becomes a part of my workflow. That's it.
    So thx for the advice, i'll check for future purchases ;-)
  18. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Heres a simple fix. I just tested it out here. Rename chrome.exe to something else. Like xchromex.exe
    Tested with my browser open and it never once tried to open the xfer site.

    It might have trouble updating, but I dont know. But you can always change it back again.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
  19. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    This. Look at the first couple of pages of this topic. This attitude is coupled with 7 or 8 members here and they have been fostering and promoting a bullying mentality here. You can see who they are always flocking around topics they do not like and make fun of others and make topics spiral out of control. They are taking the freedom Saint is giving us and make a lot of people feel bad here. They usually just say you are a wimp if you can't take it. (See for instance SubGenre's experience.) To bad this has become somewhat of a norm. The fact that all these members actually are rather cool and nice if you "get to know" them and play their game is a mute point. Not everyone can cope with their ways and leave. It is a shame. This should be a place for all. Not a place where people ought to be made fun of for the amusement of a few "tough" guys.
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  20. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    That was so helpful to this thread, thanks for contributing absolutely nothing as you always do and will. And passively aggressively taunting and provoking others as well. Im so glad that youre a helpful and contributing part of this eclectic community. Keep on being you. Ive helped at least 4 people today with midi problems. Serum problems, and so on..... All you did was find a new stick to poke with after MYKAL took your last one away. Congratulations for sifting through old posts with a retroscope and hoping to find anything that rubs you the wrong way and for some kind of hostility that only you want to keep finding. Misery loves company. Take it back to the R2R thread and quit cluttering up this one please. We all have moved on, forgot and forgave. maybe you should try to do so too? Does wonders for your attitude....If you play the victim you will always be that. Rise above it, you can be better. I promise
    Why are you always name dropping saint? He made this place for all of us....IJS
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2017
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