Incident at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ned944, May 23, 2017.

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  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Bush a scapegoat, that's a fabulous joke.
    Fundamentalism is our problem allright, but it's not islam exclusive. People indeed should stop to be bent on converting the world (to quote you) to their view, it's bound to fail and to end in bloodbath. History should teach you that. And history starts before the last 25 years.
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  2. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    As has mainstream Islam.

    The problem is, things like this don't get mainstream media coverage:

    They are doing more to distance from and protest against IS than white Westerners are doing to distance and protest against the likes of Anders Breivik and Jo Cox's murderer, just the media distorts reality.

    Anders Breivik, as a modern day example.
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    and he is pretty much regarded as a complete kook, deviant,and evil sicko. Few people are hailing him as some
    kind of defender of the faith... comparatively it's not a very good example to your point.

    Same thing we had a Christian kook who set off a bomb during an Olympics here..
    and was killing abortion doctors over ideology, but there was only a fringe of people
    who thought this kind of thing was legitimate.
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Most muslims have exactly the same stance on their own extremisms.
    You have a lot of christian extremism in the US, beyond massive killings. People who bombs clinics in the name of their faith.
    In Israel their isn't only fight between jews and muslims (and Israelians and Palestinians) but also bewteen the ones who fear god and want to have the country living at their own pace and those who don't believe in God or don't believe so intensly in him and want some sort of laic state. That fight is a reality even in France where we are very laic (some judge too much, in particular regarding the muslims)
    You know that hate in the name of an ideology is universal, you cannot not know that.
    And not just religious ideology obviously. It's not religions that killed the most people. It's Germany under Hitler, USSR under Staline and China under Mao. Almost hundred of millions in total.
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
  5. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    @Bunford, my brother. Even when people don't take the Bible as the Word of God, you have to admit there is a drastic change in attitude between the Old Testament and the New Testament (my favorite).

    Right here, right now is the Living Testament. This is us and what we choose to do.

    I'm not trying to change any outlooks. Just offer up what I've seen and experienced.
  6. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Add to that when the West armed the Mujahadeen to fight off Russia and protect Afghanistan, then how concurrent invasions or Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria by the West left huge power vaccums that allowed the Mujahadeen, with the plentiful of arms we gave them, to breed splinter groups like the Taliban who then bred the splinter group of IS and impose themselves on vulnerabke countries with no real stable leadership due to the invasions.

    It seems also like basic common sense to assume that if you bomb the shit out of countries, you will naturally create hardened and bitter groups fixated on seeking revenge, which is essentially what IS are doing. It is totally screwed up logic and wrong, but understanding the history of the situation makes it pretty easy to see how it has evolved into the current tragic and unfortunate World we live in and blanket blaming the whole Islamic religion, to me, shows a huge lack of understanding of recent history in the Middle East.
  7. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    Oh you're one of those @Bunford:

    * "Doesn't matter what you say - I'm always right anyway, na na na naaaa naaaa".
    * Always interpreting things to his favour - in other words - understanding things the wrong way.
    * Comes with conspiracy and lies but still doesn't provide sources, even when asked for. - "Look for the signs, they are there. You must look carefully" :dont:

    You can't point out the exact spot in the bible where you claim that crap you're lying about is written because it doesn't exist.

    It's always the same story debating with people like yourself @Bunford - it's fkn headache.
  8. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    That is the point I am making. IS are the kooks of Islam and in no way represents the mainstream religion, only hailed by the few fellow kooks out the in the "Islamic" comnunity. However, we pass off Anders Breivik as an absokute off the wall kook but let IS dictate our image of all Islam. Do you not see the disparity?
  9. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    when you mention France.. what comes to mind... that 84 year old priest who was
    beheaded in front of his congregation while conducting mass....
  10. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    Anders Breivik is 1 man. IS was last time I checked at LEAST 40.000 active terrorists only in Syria and Iraq - forget about the rest of the world. And i'm giving you an low number here. "Do you not see the disparity?"
  11. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    I hyperlinked all of the sources in my original post? That is what i told you, not to "look carefully" as you tried to twist it into. Open you eyes. Or you still don't understand how this internet thing works? FFS. You really that blind?
  12. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    All I can see is a link to a conspiracy site with no fact credibility whatsoever. WHY can't you point out in the bible (the source) where you claim that lying piece of crap you're saying is written? That's the 3rd time I'm asking and the 3rd time you avoid answering.

    The whole point here is that you are claiming something - PROVE IT. It should be simple. "Everyone" owns a bible. So prove it. Shouldn't be hard for a l33t kid like you.
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I don't know about the books, I haven't read them both in their entirety. But Jesus (the historical one) is a fascinating figure. A man of peace. I wonder if his message and spirit have survived him though...I'm honestly questionning that, I don't mean any offence by that reflexion. Christianity is the work of Paul, it saddens me that sometimes Jesus gets in a way erased by that. Again no offense intended.
    That's very weird and gruesome. The country has more to offer. I don't think gang bang shooting, kkk, 9/11, slavery, black friday and lehman brothers when I think about the US. That would be reductory, even if it's all part of its - bloody - history.
  14. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Breivik is one man like last night's attacker was one man. Do you not understand how to be impartial and unbiased or something? You are not comparing like for like. Count up the far right extremists like KKK, UK Infidels, German Neo Nazi groups etc and you will get to thousands more than the 40,000 IS you stated, before even counting their sympathisers across the globe.
  15. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I doubt that Islam accepts IS as legit, and even Al Qaeda disavowed them , but there are plenty of less extreme versions that muslims dance to when the group carry out a mass murder terror event, just flashing back to the jubilant celebrations they were having in places across the world when 9-11 happened... those are formative things to see. Bin Laden was (is) a hero to millions.
  16. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    "Breivik is one man like last night's attacker was one man. Do you not understand how to be impartial and unbiased or something? You are not comparing like for like. Count up the far right extremists like KKK, UK Infidels, German Neo Nazi groups etc and you will get to thousands more than the 40,000 IS you stated, before even counting their sympathisers across the globe."

    Speaking about biased. Speaking about yourself. You're a liar and committing conspiracy. You did a very good job exposing yourself.
  17. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    They are passages from the Bible. The passages and reference numbers are all there. I dont care if you are too lazy to check and wanna be spoon fed everything in your world of denial.

    Also, if it is a conspiracy site, you will notice it has links to the Quran on the left too. The things in there, that you are portraying as fact, must also be conspiracy then must it not? Or do you automatically just pick and choose things that reinforce your belief instead of reading and learning about things?

    That site is actually a religious sceptic site, and challenges the Bible in an equal manner to the Quran. You are not.
  18. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    @mr.X Can i just ask how is it me being always right and not listening to others when your systematically going through all my posts and marking as "nasty" just cos you clearly don't agree with my opinion (which I am entitled to) and/or the plain facts?

    Hypocritical much maybe?
  19. Mr. X

    Mr. X Guest

    This is the 4th time you're replying to my initial question to point out in the bible where you claim your lies are written. And the 4th time you fail pointing out in the most spread book in the world where it is written. You have failed miserably.

    Good luck with your conspiracy sites.
  20. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    exactly... I would prefer to think of France the way it was when I visited Paris in 1993...
    how it looks now ?

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