Incident at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ned944, May 23, 2017.

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  1. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Terrorism is a manufactured conflict initiated by the victim party to gather public acceptance to perform vile acts on the supposed attackers or to get their (victim's) way in terms of security/military changes.
    Du Bist Terrorist is an old video by A. Lehmann, but pretty much to the spot.

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  2. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    My sentiments precisely...this world is just cold. I cant imagine the type of heart you must have to intentionally plant a bomb that you know could potentially MURDER hundreds. Sickening is right. These are fathers, brothers, sisters, daughters, wives...etc. You wonder if these terrorists have families...what a darn shame.
  3. ed-enam

    ed-enam Rock Star

    May 21, 2015
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    Sad day, very sad :(
    Condolences to the families. Can't imagine how one could be so inhuman to do this act.
    Briton has been on 'severe' alert...the second highest alert level. So far no militant organisations have claimed the responsibility.
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Andrew.. not sure what point you are trying to make here.. but I will amend part of your(?) definition firstly...

    victimhood.. on a large scale, is very much a subjective assignation, that often ignores gross victimization and anti-human aspects of their own "culture" or in-group, which many Westerners it seems, are quite happy to ignore as well
    "tolerance" demands it...

    and I would say that, they are not so much gaining "public acceptance" even in their own ranks, as even ideological humans, still mostly dislike gross and unnecessary human carnage, but correctly there are more than enough of them that revel in it and celebrate it, while the ones standing on the side... remain silent to show solidarity to their in-group

    Terrorism is simply acts that are designed to terrorize... in other words intimidate and get the out- groups to fear them..
    and capitulate to them... problem is.. enough people ultimately will not give up what they truly are in the face of intimidation or even death, and violence does pretty much always, beget violence..

    I am also not sure of the point in that video.. that seems to be saying..almost.. freedom has been traded for security...
    and as long as we tolerate and allow the threat to exist in our midst.. this becomes inevitable.... It seems Lehmann's twisted point
    is that it would be better to have sporadic mass murder than have the government become more intrusive in people's lives..

    Certainly this wonderful Mayor of London seems to be espousing something similar...
    To be sure... these acts are based on the premise..(and the message to others who have the same goals) that an open and tolerant society is not to be respected, it is to be exploited for the ends of the in-group and towards their ultimate supremacy in the countries that granted them refuge and tolerance.. freedom means the freedom to destroy

    What's the solution? So far it seems to be allowing this agenda to proceed as it likes , while paying lip service to real security,
    and promoting total information acquisition for the State... and of course... refusing to revise the definition of "tolerance"

    You will get the world you let them hand to you ... unless ... ?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  5. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    I'd sworn up-and-down that I'd never be caught dead at an Ariana Grande concert - but . . .

    Sorry, but this is all over the Media, and it's terrible, but it's yet more staged (if nonetheless real) and calculated, per some underlying agenda, like so much else that's in the Media, since that's what the Media are for.

    Killing a bunch kids who've never done anyone wrong - instead of a whole slew of our memetic oppressors at the Oscars ceremony. That's how I can tell.
  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    i really marvel at this perspective, that people would rather create a conspiracy to believe, than give the events in front of their face
    legitimacy...and you really think the UK government..or "the system" or whatever is more evil.. than the ideology that is usually given
    credit for these heinous mass murders...?

    I'm not attacking you... but I don't see the justification for suggesting this is a "staged" event... if you're correct...
    then humans are beyond evil, and irredeemable, I prefer to believe it's a real product of an evil and murderous ideology
    that has sadly been "invited" into tolerant countries to run amok

    I wouldn't dare to even ask the parents of those girls... if they thought their children's murders were "staged"

    And all those abominations parading at the "Oscars" have more confidence of their safety,
    what with their security details, armed body guards, walled estates etc... and they think they
    have the right to condescend to the rest of US !

    I will shut up now..
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  7. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    ehhh, suadi arabia is not Israel and in fact Israel is already worried that these weapon deals could make Saudi Arabia stronger than Israel (currently Israel is the strongest force in middle east, hence, the us-israelic friendship). Saudi Arabia is a an absolutistic monarchy and oppressing its people. They are not allowed to speak freely, there's a ban on demonstrations, woman and gay are oppressed, whatever resistance is killed. It is constantly ignoring human rights and is a rogue state. Giving these people more weapons to do their awful purgation (only the mideaval times Sharia is allowed as both religion and system of government, which leads to punishments like amputations, stoning, decapitations, etc.) is not only stupid, but a literally bloody job. Oh, and let's not forget that the saudi arabian form of government is the stated role model of ISIS. I can't even imagine the stupidity you must have to weaken the only pro-western ally that exists mid-east.

    I'm sure you know all of this. So, you should know better.
  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    What planet are you living on anyway wolfman? Ever hear the phrase " the enemy of my enemy is my friend" ? There is no way in HELL
    that a stronger Saudi Arabia is not a good thing... this is a check on Iran..and an attempt to keep the mideast from becoming
    a Plutonium fireball. I knew you would come back with all that jazz about how oppressive KSA is... and that is obvious to virtually
    anyone, goes without saying...

    If there is chatter out there for public consumption that Israel is worried about KSA having a stronger military.. it is just that..
    and ONLY that... this time you engage in buffoonery my friend... and I do still consider you as such...
    Even if Isreal does reserve some fear for KSA, it's a lot further off of a threat..than Iran... that has really made no bones
    that it intends to vaporize Israel...and become the dominant power in the mideast.. in word..and action...

    and for the record.. I am a GOY... peace out
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
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  9. badboy4life

    badboy4life Ultrasonic

    Aug 28, 2014
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    That was not a terrorist attack or incident - UK just experienced diversity and cultural enrichment.
  10. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

  11. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    FFS cam we stop we the subliminal evil ideology bullshit. Regardless of who did the crime there are billions of other people that your statement encompass that have had nothing to do with it. I hope the authorities apprehend, trial and punish those responsible. You might be right but at least wait till your are certain to bust out the racist scaremongering. You are probably right, but please, not in this thread, nor right now.

    Keep it clean, and respectful.

    It was a tragic event and I hope that those that are in critical condition pull through safely. I hope those who have scars in places where they can not be seen heal their minds and bodies. I wish them all health and happiness past this terrible event. Live for today and tomorrow.
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  12. Pepsentido

    Pepsentido Noisemaker

    Jan 1, 2017
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    Human beings are so weird, if we were alone we would want somebody to be with us, if we were a comunity (we are) we would want others to do the same things we do, for that reason many people would like to escape from the system, and then there are those who create chaos hurting people (they may think it is the correct thing to do, or they may like being inhuman). There are some who think we should not be ruled because it cuts our freedom\will, but thenwithout control some may create chaos. Live could be paradise, an utopia, I personally believe in intrinsic rules\rights we are born with, like not hurting others, helping the needed ones (or each other), believing and doing what we want to while harming nobody (better dont hurt yourself neither) even if some think it is not correct, because, we all will face the same destiny, we all die, and may be afterlife
  13. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    You can start by re-titling this post to Islamist terrorism instead of "incident"
  14. badboy4life

    badboy4life Ultrasonic

    Aug 28, 2014
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    They're not that bad, you'll love'em eventually.
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  15. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    Herr Durr,
    I totally agree with you on this one.
    Unfortunately until we have a regime change in Iran, there's no reason to expect for a different direction... unless Israel/USA strike them first.
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  16. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    And considering yourself as goy makes you what? A middle east expert that knows better than the people who actually live in middle east? Of course, if you are really thinking that simple, I believe you that you are convinced that strengthening a rogue state is a good thing. That doesn't mean you're right, though. I understand that you don't care much for facts, still, here are some:

    From alt-right preferred source FoxNews

    Or this: You know that Saudi Arabia does not consider Israel as a state? What do you think happens, when Saudi Arabia gains greater strength than Israel? (It is a rhetorical question)

    Don't sacrifice human rights just to have an easier go at Iran.
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  17. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Considering myself a GOY means I am not Jewish.. you baffle me man...'

    Show me a quote of Benjamin Netanyahu saying something along those lines, it might be more convincing and credible.
    You have one quote from a lower level schmuck..and he speaks for the whole security apparatus of Israel right ?
    I suppose you have not seen Netanyahu beaming with happiness, (and relief)... that an American president is once
    again trying to contain the biggest threat in the Middle East.. IRAN...

    Saudi Arabia is a rogue state.. in whose book? Yes we do HUGE business with them.. despite their hideous human rights record,
    and so do many other countries...

    Again you choose to ignore the glaringly obvious. Saudi Arabia to my knowledge has never openly called for the annihilation
    of Israel...and is not trying with all their might to become a nuclear power to effect such an end.. as that is what it would take..
    as Israel's military vastly outclasses anything in the neighborhood, anything else is pure fodder for the masses...

    Many nations have never officially recognized Israel, or have grudgingly done so.. nothing new here again..
    very longstanding situation. It does not change one bit the facts on the ground.

    Most of the countries in the mid east are pretty grisly and ghastly in terms of human rights.. and you may welcome
    them to your country with open arms so they can institute the same order as they had back your country
    is the place most of them long to be..

    p.s. I am not an expert on the Middle East, nor ever claimed to be.. and then..what are you ?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
  18. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    No one asked the real questions here. Was he just a dissatisfied fan, humiliated by her lip syncing , or was it the Harry Potter movies that radicalized him?
  19. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I think they just want to obliterate English "cuisine"...

    eel pie.. and spotted dick begone!!

    pardon me folks.. needed some lighter fare
  20. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Why? Because I don't know a word from your language? How about one from mine? Cholerator.

    There's nothing more to add that would make this conversation interesting. We said what we think. To answer your question: I am at least no Bullerjan.

    Un ick? Ick smöök mi nu een. Ballerdutje.
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