[EXPIRED] Get Positive Grid Pro Series Studio EQ For FREE (less than 24 Hours!)

Discussion in 'Software' started by Exidus, May 19, 2017.

  1. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    There's an interesting thread about it at KvR.

    As I said, they're really badly programmed. :sad: You can install about 100 other well programmed plugins using the same amount of space on your precious SSD. Such poor programming practices should not be encouraged! No matter how "nicely" that fish-eye perspective GUI looks like. This is a perfect example of that "lure them with a hardware lookalike GUI and they won't pay too much attention to the sound". ;) Well I do. :wink:

    Nothing special+500MB for 3 plugins=no go for me even when free. :sad:
  2. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Thouh AA plugins can go way higher in the megabytes department, they are worth it though.
    I have yet to test this EQ, i installed only the tube version.
  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It is true. Soundtoys plugins, for example, are all between 10-30MB each, but these plugins are not Soundtoys. Their sound quality is not shit, as I said before, but also nothing special. Tube EQ is a good place to start. Try it Von_Steyr and see if you like it. I didn't bother with the other two after testing Tube EQ.
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    bummer.. how did I miss this in the feed. ??... ah well.. another EQ I'll have to learn to live without
    for a while anyway.... :winker:
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  5. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Naah you didn't miss anything Herr Durr. Move along. :wink:
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