Latency correction in Cubase 5

Discussion in 'Cubase / Nuendo' started by Lord Gaga, Jul 19, 2011.

  1. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Hi all,

    From Cytomic The Glue Release Notes:

    "Fixed: hang on render in Cubase and Nuendo by not reporting latency change during render. Until
    Steinberg fix the issue at their end renders will not have correct automatic latency correction

    My question is : how can I set manually the latency correction in Cubase 5 ? I've read the manual, but the only thing I've found is about "Force the delay compensation" but nothing about manual settings.

    Thanks for your time,
  3. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
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    Plan 9
    Check track offset
  4. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    OMG !... of course ! I had never pay attention at this tweaking simply because all other plug-ins report latencies automatically.
    But one question remains : Cubase track offset is in milliseconds and The Glue's latencies are showed in samples, so do I have to make a computation each time depending on my project settings (44.1 - 48 - 88.2...) or is there a simpler way to achieve this ?
  5. The-RoBoT

    The-RoBoT Rock Star

    Jun 16, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Plan 9
    You can convert the ratio a few sites have tables and their are freeware calculators, but can change Project setup to display Samples/Millisecons/Frames etc just change it to Samples an move track back forward etc to the amount of offset you need.
  6. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Or, you use the SSL Duende Bus Compressor *yes*

    Sorry, I know, not helpful :dancing:
  7. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    LoL, I know but I won't pay the price they're asking for da shit !
    SSL Duende Native pack is bugged as hell and there is a looooooot of less expensive alternatives for each of them, like The Glue, Pro-C, DDMF, Voxengo, SPL... plus Codemeter is a damn resources eater.
    Anyways, thx for the advice.

    @ The-RoBoT,
    Yep, I will check that. Thanks for ur help.
  8. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Bugged as hell?
    What are you talking about? It runs very smoothly here, without any problems so far.
    The GUI btw is one of the best I know, very pleasant to work with.
  9. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Yep. Read the thread called "SSL Duende Native Now Available" on AN (9 pages).

    A few extracts :

    "About that reverb. I didn't like it at all. I always check how new reverbs sounds in very long tail. If i set up 15 sec tail, it fade out like after 4 or 5 sec."

    "Similiar problems I have noticed with X-verb... where the reverb time seem to be wrong... I need to set up to 30 seconds reverb time to get a 15 seconds reverb time... so I think somethning is strange... But it is good news that the same strange behaviours can be found on the official demo version also... that means a proper version might replace this soon."
    (Known bug to be fixed in a future update...)

    "There's a problem with the Q factor. Sometimes responds only at values greater then 6.0 :
    Parallel gives me the same strange behaviour but with the narrower curve. The Q factor is divided by 10.
    Serial Q at 6.0 = Paralel Q at 0.6"

    "Same strange behaviour with Q factor on Cubase 5.1.2. You can clearly hear this "dead zone" which seems not "fixed" below a Q factor of 6. Its width depends on the frequency AND the gain:

    10.0 Khz @ -10 dB => Q from 0.3 to +/- 1.0
    10.0 kHz @ -20 dB => Q from 0.3 to +/- 4.0

    12.0 Khz @ -10 dB => Q from 0.3 to +/- 1.5
    12.0 Khz @ -20 dB => Q from 0.3 to +/- 5.0 "

    "I can confirm what crnilabud reported. It seems that at low Q and high frequency the filter responds nonlinenarly to the Q control. There is a certain Q range where it gets oversensitive, below which it just stops responding. So the plugin's curve display is inaccurate.
    Running at a higher sample rate seems to alleviate this to an extent."

    (Known bug to be fixed in a future update...)

    "Copy/paste from Duende's manual...(Check page 21 for visual reference)
    G Series: The bell curve has a more rounded shape at low gains, and the shelf
    curve overshoots zero slightly at the base of the curve

    Can someone please test the demo regarding this?"
  10. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I'm sorry, but what is "AN"?

    Well I was talking about the Bus Comp, it isn't mentioned in your quotes.
    But as I see it, the bugs mentioned above are like bugs any software might have... usually such things get fixed with updates.

    You would really prefer using a plug-in which has no delay compensation, and you always have to use a workaround for it?
    Well what is that, if not buggy?

    Don't get me wrong, of course everybody should use what he wants, just asking...
  11. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    AN = AudioNews (but keep it secret... :unsure: )

    And I was talking about the whole SSL package :)

    You're joking, right ? Will you seriously pretend that you're able to work with an EQ responding curve like this one ?
    Yes, usually, but not here : Version 3.6.6 - Release Date: 15/02/11. And still no update...

    The Glue has delay compensation, and it works perfectly well within all hosts except Cubase. Cytomic claims it's Steinberg's fault, and I believe it's true.

    Don't get me wrong, of course Duende is a good bundle, but there are many alternatives for more friendly prices.

    Conclusion (at least for me) :

    "They are floating on a name. Lexicon probably had an easier time because their stuff has always been digital, so at least they offered a quality plug-in product to go along with the "designer label". I would almost expect SSL just to drop these things if they don't sell rather than offer them for $50 or whatever, just so they don't get identified with inexpensive products."
    "Average plug-ins, expensive, buggy, plug-ins with wrong implementation (some findings at Gearslutz about the EQ and wrong response curves).
    I would stay away from SSL native this time. Eventually if SSL has released another version with the bugs fixed. But also when all is working as expected, the plug-ins are not state of the art today. There a better competitors."

    $50... that's what it's worth (for each plug).
  12. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Thanks, didn't know this site, seems like you have to register before being able to see anything?

    I read now the whole thread on KVR you posted.
    The first comments are mostly negative, but after that there are a lot of very positive comments as well.
    I think nobody could make a plug-in that everybody likes :bow:

    The prices... well, they are comparable to the prices of products from other famous companies, like Sonnox, Softube, UAD, or Waves.
    I think it is fair that a renowned company charges more than a one-man company like Cytnonic.
    After all you have lot of audio professionals working there, and you pay also the decades of research this companies have done.

    If that EQ-curves were true, that would be quite disastrous indeed.
    I somehow can't imagine that one of the most famous pro audio companies would release such a faulty EQ??
    How on earth would they not notice?

    I used only the Bus Comp for longer times so far, and it sounds surely more transparent than the one from Waves, that's all I can say (and the GUI is nicer).
  13. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    You can register each month in the first days. I only go there to read (sometimes) helpful comments and returns on products/installs/known bugs/workarounds of K'ed stuff. Rules are VERY strict, and mods... omg... you will see...

    Everybody likes this one :


    ... but not every days...


    Sorry, but I have to disagree :
    - Waves are also overestimated ; except for some rare exceptions, they're based on outdated programming codes overwhelmed by most of today's competitors, even by free ones
    - A renowned company charge more because of marketing costs. Call it fair...
    - Marketing's professionals cost a lot, indeed... More expertise and coding genius can sometime be found in a single man's brain than in a bonobo's heard...
    - Decades of research has been amortized by decades of profits.

    It is. You can check by yourself with VST Analyser, a free an easy to use measurement tool for VST Plugins :
    Me neither.

    Simple : "Decades of research"... "Lot of audio professionals working"... :rofl:

    Nice GUI, indeed. The sound ? Well... 50 % prefers Waves' one... as 50 % prefers brunettes... :headbang:

  14. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Wait a minute...

    might well be, that everybody would like to plug in(to) her, but she is not a plug-in that everybody likes :rofl:

    Well you might call that ridiculous or naive, but from a start I have more confidence in a company which is around in the audio business for many years, and has released a lot of good products, than somebody working on his own in his home office.
    (Of course, this confidence can be disappointed, and the guy in his home studio might be able to create something good as well, no question about that).

    Thank you for that analysing tool, will try it out *yes*

    I didn't say that the prices of Waves are OK, I just said that the prices of the SSL plug-ins are comparable to other famous companies, they are not higher.

    I think that for many people it is "cool" to bash the famous companies, say that all they make is "crap" etc, and then recommend some less known plug-in/company. This has also something to do with ego... so that they can show "I know something you don't, and what I know is by far the best". (Not talking about this case, but in general).
    I noticed such behaviour many times.

    It is a bit like with music, where it is uncool to like famous, successful and established artists, you have to listen to underground stuff to be cool of course.
    I personally never gave a shit about it, if something/somebody is cool... either I like it, or not.
    If you look at the pop-/rockstars who are successful for many years, and listen to their stuff without prejudices, you notice that there have not been around for so long without any reason. You don't have to like it, but still you can appreciate it.

    Sorry, a bit off topic, but then again just a bit, because many times, when I read in audio forums, I have the same feeling that it is about famous companies (bad) vs. independent developers (good).
  15. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Don't worry, I know you're not talking about this case, simply because everybody already know that The Glue is a great plug-in, so I didn't bring here "something you don't know" *no* .
    I'm 100% with you on all, but remains sceptic about "big companies". I'm aware that many little devs stop their business suddenly and customers can no longer get support. But I'm also aware that many "big boys" neglect their customer requests. Instead of fixing very well known bugs, they prefer to develop new products (look at Arturia, NI, Steinberg... just to name the worst on that matter). And you know what ? It's always more frustrating not to get no answer from a living person than from a dead one.
  16. One Reason

    One Reason Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2011
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    Where I dont want to be
    Why? Sell me on it...please.

    As far as larger, more well known companies neglecting customers... take a ticket, that will never change.. its the same in almost any business, in any country.. with a few.. exceptions.

    Doesn't make me skeptical, as my skepticism was strangled, shot, tarred and feathered many years ago... all that remains is cynicism.

    and its the most keen of my senses. *yes*
  17. Upsagain

    Upsagain Newbie

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Hmmm, measuring in music !!! Things are simple -> just plug it in and listen :break:
  18. Lord Gaga

    Lord Gaga Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    You can easily ear this malfunction. Measuring was used here only to SHOW the issue...
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