My New Track - Hard Work pays off.. Don't give up.

Discussion in 'Music' started by TruBlood, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    I especially agree with your wife's motto :)
    Could be a good thing & a bad thing or even a something that is good & bad at the same time in different ways I guess lol :)
    Is like the old adage of "you never quit get what you wish for" which I think is especially true in many cases.
    You get what you thought would make you happy but it doesn't :sad: Be happy at the simple things I guess.
    As you mentioned, the older you get I suppose the hunger for constant searching possibly dwindles a little :dunno:
    Foster could maybe learn from such a concept maybe :dunno:.
    Stop searching for mystical answers & constant change and just go do it as they say lol :bow::yes:
  2. solo83

    solo83 Platinum Record

    Dec 30, 2015
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    Some people are born with natural talent though. Like kids who can hear a Mozart piece and then play it back on the piano as if they've had years of theory and piano training. Same way with painters and people who draw.
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  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I would even go further and say, there are a lot of people born with a big natuaral talent for something.
    On the other hand you'll need a lot of other parameters to develop a talent to mastery. And you'll need assistance.

    Would one really believe, Mozart would be possible in a slum in Africa? Most likely he wouldn't have come to the age to play piano.
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  4. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yes I fully agree. This element of course the phenotypical aspects and it's completely correct as far as I can understand.
    For the end product everything has to be in place and some of the influences, happenings are random and coincedental.
    Fully agree :yes::bow::bow:
  5. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Some people misconstrue aimless mixing as music creation. Suppose how many mindless genres have emerged in this way.

    Great thought man.
  6. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Do you share that notion? What are your thoughts on the matter?
    How is aimless mixing music creation?
    Isn't mixing more like putting the ingredients of a certain dish in the correct order and adding the various spices and herbs to the dish?
    I suppose in that context, mixing is actually an essential part of the creative process and in turn the resulting music could actually create a genre with the correct circumstances in place?
    Again similar to the phenotypical aspects previously declared possibly :dunno:
    Of course a genre needs followers and declarations of support to make it happen?
    Therefore, mixing alone doesn't create genres :dunno:Just the layout of the needed ingredients lol :unsure::bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2017
  7. Flow

    Flow Member

    Mar 21, 2017
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    I believe it is God given gift for us and I believe everyone has gifts for something. Some get more, some less, but not because God likes/loves them less or more, but maybe because the world would be more interesting place with wider variety of human beings and what they can do, and what they are like. And probably thousands of other different reasons I/we don't know/get it.

    I suggest to start using your musical gift for something worthwhile, such as go volunteer for some kind of "peace project" and offer your talent to possibly save somebody's life. Obviously it won't be straightforward like that some poor kid from Africa will come to you and magically his life transforms into better after he hears your Mozart-like masterpiece music blaring out of Red Cross' speakers, but you could offer your musical talents for some kind of visual media project which aims to inform people and gather people to help others. Touch their hearts with a real message of war, poverty, child soldiers, human trafficking, forced prostitution, slavery, just take your pick, there is plenty of room and possibilities to help someone in need with our skills.

    And maybe, just maybe, when you pour your heart into that project after you do your research of particular horror-topic you choose, get your own heart touched after you hear that even 5 year old girls and boys are raped by old men, for just the profit of twenty dollars, multiple times a day, for years of their innocent life - maybe then - you could be able to pour a piece of your heart inside that song you choose to offer as a gift for someone, who needs it, and it becomes a song of love inside your heart, not only sadness.

    IF you don't cry for the song you make, tears of joy or sadness, chances are that it will most likely never touch anybody, anywhere in a meaningful way, because it didn't touch your own heart and you didn't pour any piece of yourself into it, only technicalities.

    Or you can choose your own path and work towards being the next Mozart or Armin van Buuren, feeding your own selfish desires of fame, girls, money, respect or whatever jingles your belly.

    By doing the first and helping people, you also have potential to make connections with people who can boost your career as a musician, you get valuable experience in project making (something they will definitely take a look at when you apply for a musician job at some movie they are filming - and need a soundtrack for it or just some sound engineer). And the "masterpiece" you poured your heart into, could be played nationwide when Red Cross or whatever freedom-project you choose will play it around in commercials, trying to wake people up from their selfish desires living for their own belly only, never looking for ways how they can help people in need. Because if the cards were dealt differently, it would be us who would need that help.

    Sorry for all the moralizing, guys and gals, but the truth is, this is the path we should be walking on I believe - trying to make a difference with the gifts we were given, instead of fighting who can make better quality sounds with nice melody, but nothing worthwhile to give, nothing to touch our hearts :)
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
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  8. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Of course a good mix is essential, is the last step in the creative musical process. But, using your metaphore, there must be good ingredients to mix, not just more of the same groped generic sounds, magnified with the awesome assets that almost every one have in these days at hand for this work.
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  9. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    Thats pretty deep my friend....:bow: Definitely shifted the gears in my head just now.
  10. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    Having a talent for something only means that it comes naturally and easily. It doesn't mean that for those lacking talent the skill would be impossible to manifest. There is one line that separates the talent-less from the skilled and it is drawn at the very limit of our perseverance and will. If we start to compare what we can do at age 21 to what some gifted child prodigy can at age 7, we set ourselves up for a failure defined by our own imaginary terms. A competitive mindset and assigning self worth are two very different things.
    Some of us can play Flight of the Bumblebee like it's nothing.
    Some of us never will but can express ourselves with one divine note and an intricately programmed modwheel control that conveys just as much emotion.
    Some of us think we fall somewhere between these two points on a line.

    But in actuality you're each separate points that radiate out within the infinite fractions of 360 degrees.
    Some of you say I don't think I'm any of those things. This is absolutely true. We are all gifted in some way or form and our lives are journey to find out how and to what end. I think sometimes we get so caught up in the talents of others that it becomes hard to separate and objectively assess our own. i believe the first step is to set aside any notions we have of who we are and what we can do and start with a clean slate. Everything you've learned is still there. The only thing you've lost are boundaries. They'll come back and where they lie might surprise you.

    @TruBlood A friend of mine brought over 'We Are Your Friends', that Zac Efron movie where he's a DJ. Not really my style but I gave it a go 'coz it's better to have an opinion based on your own experience than to have one based one someone elses. Anyways, dude could put together tunes but ultimately what people responded to was when he sampled sounds inspired by or directly from his experiences over that period in his life. It became personal and that's what captivates people. I can tell you from experience that you have to have something to say because "look what I can do" doesn't usually cut it these days. It's not that it's bad to listen to. I'm just sure that the potential for something even greater is there.

    "If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish anything" - This is more my style of film.
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  11. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    there's a supplement to it: talent emerges from being gifted. Being gifted with the ability to do something means that the starting point to do whatever that exact thing is, on a level that reaches out above average. If and when this gift is discovered by whoever has that gift, then talent can be the next step to develop the gift into something outstanding. This gift comes in many forms and faces of course and depending on what that exact gift is, will develop a stronger hemispheric activity in either one of the brain parts, but will truely flurish when the state of hemi-sync is there (flow).

    For the rest, I'm going to enjoy reading all the bitch slapping going on in the reactions coz it most certainly beats a dull night watching tv!
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  12. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    I agree with much of the sentiment, however -
    When it comes to anyone who does sick shit like that to kids there is only one thing to do
    Take a gun and put a bullet straight through their diseased filthy fuckin brain and be done with it. :snuffy: Make it slow if possible :yes:
    Personally speaking I don't want to ever visualise filthy sick shit like that when it comes to my own music.

    Apologies for the language but that's how I feel about disgusting abominable shit like that :sad:
  13. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    TIMING, yes. Truthfully its all about being at the right place at the right time. and talent.

    At the beginning of this video Q&A he talks about how timing was everything about releasing his remix and re-launching his career under his new moniker NGHTMRE (also some juicy bits deeper in the video about his trap 808s and tuning the saturation(s) to the harmonics)
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
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  14. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    If you can't see the people's auras it doesn't mean they are not there. FYI mine is white. Google is your friend on this one. You might want to put your pedestrian way of thinking aside if you want to call yourself an artist. Your view is limited to the materialism you 've been born or raised into. If you cannot read between the lines and understand what is a metaphor and what not, i suggest reading a book every now and then. Or you may very well start hanging out with our mate Foster.
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  15. GODSanAI

    GODSanAI Kapellmeister

    Dec 6, 2015
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    LOL. You don't even know me and you make many false assumptions. Someone is easily triggered I see. Do yuo believe in fairies and gnomes too? :deep_facepalm:
    Attacking me and not what I said, nice. Tell me to google stuff, nice. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
  16. ned944

    ned944 Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2012
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    This had me in Tears... :hahaha::rofl:
  17. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yeah I gotta agree with that one :yes:
    Spectrum is kind of that which is blatant through to the subtle nuances that an independent onlooker might appreciate in order that they fully comprehend the true nature of that which Is paraded before them.
    The visible spectrum itself is another good example - the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.
    As previously suggested - we might find ourselves unable to see or process the remaining part of the spectrum but that doesn't mean it's not present :no:
    I think there is an obvious distinction to be made here :yes: People are talking about the consequences of independent casual chance meetings in the same breath as the predictable outcome of genetic variation and I think there is a important difference that should be noted. Personally I think there is an important distinction to make regarding chance & predictable forecast despite the fact that both may be linked on a certain microscopic level.
    When it comes to possessing a natural advantage as already stated just because it isn't on display doesn't mean it's not present.
    There's a big difference between becoming recognised as a natural talent and actually being just that in reality.
    In fact, there's always the flipside that indicates certain notable observations may in fact lead to the phenomenon being wrongly attributed :yes:
    Independent chance and casual meetings might indeed result in a person "making it"
    For example the outcome is purely and simply a dice throw and nothing more.
    However these independent coincidences are totally isolated with regards to what we pretext coincidental genetic markers or assisted casual variation.
    Rather than simply being independent moments in time that can't possibly be predicted, coincedental genetic probability can be predicted.
    As stated it's a simple fact that an individual with suitably qualified genetic predisposition is going to hold a clear advantage when it comes to developing a specified resultant talent.
    We may not like that idea but we can collect data that shows this to be the case.
    Does the fact that the individual concerned being naturally adept mean that a causal meeting in 20 years will result in that real life talent becoming recognised? Of course it doen't :no:
    However we can calculate to the nth degree the likelihood of that individual developing cancer in 20 years time.
    So in my opinion it's fairly important to differentiate between randomly occurring events that lead to recognition as opposed to predictable cooperation between host organism and environment.
    It is the outcome of these predicted cooperative events at a fundamental level that result in the manifestation of talent.
    The process of course is wholly independent of subsequent recognition.
    Don't know whether that makes any sense but it sort of does to myself :yes:
    Could well be that Fosters obscure methods have finally got to me or I've drank to much Irish coffee :rofl:
  18. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    It has already scientificaly been proven that aura's exist. There's a Russian professor at the University of St Petersburg (Korotkov) who invented GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization), a former Ford Motors engineer (J.Zimmerman) who came with SQUID (Super Quantum Interference Device) and there's PIP (Poly Interference Photography) that has made the human energy field (aura) visible to those who haven't got the gift of seeing them. In this field of research, big steps have been taken and progress has been made over the last couple of decades.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2017
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  19. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Nobody is attacking you. You are the one who's trying to make a parody of something very real as a person's aura, which is scientifically proven to exist and vary from person to person. All this talk bout fairy tales has nothing to do here. You may think the earth is flat too, but sorry it's not.
  20. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    Thank you for your post, i told the person making fun of the "auras" to Google only because it is given knowledge to this age. It seems some people are even bored to google but they are not bored to post their "two lines of ignorance". How sad lol.
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