downgrade a library for kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by 30hz, Dec 9, 2016.

  1. 30hz

    30hz Producer

    Apr 27, 2013
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    -------Dumb Question Allert !-------
    hi there !
    is it possible to downgrade a library for kontakt for example for kontakt 5.5 and let it work in an older version for example 5.3 ?
    thx bye
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2016
  3. Sonny Crockett

    Sonny Crockett Kapellmeister

    Oct 1, 2015
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    I don't think that's possible. Usually when it asks for whatever version (let's say 5.6 for instance) it cannot be used in older versions. My guess is if that's the case they've used things from that current version. Just a guess, but I hardly see possible what you wanna try.
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  4. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    I am in the same bandwagon.

    Would love to see such a tool which can convert any nki file to any version of the nki file format.
  5. bitbrain2101

    bitbrain2101 Noisemaker

    Jan 29, 2013
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    If you resave a patch from a Kontakt 4 library with a Kontakt 5 software, you cant open the patch in Kontakt 4 anymore. So the version info should be in the nki-file of the resaved patch. Unless the patch uses features of the newer Kontakt version, it should be possible to downgrade the version info.
  6. Dazeon

    Dazeon Ultrasonic

    Nov 7, 2011
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    I think it's more complicated than that.
  7. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Is not a dumb question Short answer, NO it's not possible.
    Kontakt & Forward compatibility & all that :yes:
    Kontakt shows Backwards compatibility in that patches or NKI from say Kontakt 4 will open in Kontakt 5. However the added features in Kontakt 5 means patches made or resaved with Kontakt 5 will not open in Kontakt 4. It depends what you mean also by downgrade a library? :dunno:
    In your example you cannot open patches or NKI made or saved with 5.5 in 5.3 simple as that.
    HOWEVER if say you have just batch resaved a library in 5.5 then what you could do is simply overwrite the patches in your folder with the original 5.3 patches and then re-save & it would work fine.
    Batch Resave can also strip the NKI so basically you would have to replace them.
    However patches made with 5.5 etc won't work in 5.3 :no:
    In theory I'm guessing one way would be if you could access the script you could basically make a new patch i.e take the script, map the samples in 5.3, emulate the routing and apply the script etc & theoretically it might work.
    However your basically building a new instrument and it would take ages lol.
    ALSO if the script used any new feature or say filters etc that were involved in the upgrade then in short the patch wouldn't work as intended.

    So short & long answer is NO you can't really do it :sad:
    You could theoretically 'botch' a library together but it's quite probable it wouldn't work properly.
    But depending on what you mean specifically there are methods that would save time etc if it just a batch resave :):bow:
  8. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    If you'd replace the words Kontakt 5.3 and 5.6 with usb 2 and usb 3, it all of a sudden becomes perfectly clear that you can't reverse engineer any port to become as fast as a usb 3 port if it's originally a usb 2 port, so that should give you an answer to why libraries that were made to function under a 5.6 scripting, can't be reverse engineered to work under 5.3 It is simply not the same scripting and that's why you will never get it to work in a lower version than in which the script was written.....unless you'd reprogram the script from a to z. :unsure:
  9. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Some interesting points you raise there for sure.
    You've also hit the nail on the head :yes:
    You have to consider that 5.6 in itself was a huge update.
    Introduced real numbers, more GUI space. Think about the latest update where they have brought back full key colours. 5.5.2 had bugs in reading scripted functions from nkr and so on. A library that is scripted for 5.6.5 simply will not work the same in 5.5.2 without that script. Keep in mind that the script itself would have to be re-coded and designed with 5.5.2 compatibility in mind.
    You have to think along the lines of every update brings new functions and certain ones are vital.
    Kontakt has certain limitations and that's the way it is.
    The forward compatibility issues are real and present for a reason.
    That is not going to change :no:
    So all in all, put the issues to one side and embrace the change.
    It's a little similar to asking a cruise ship captain to sail to France by giving him a map that navigates the ship to America :)
    Unfortunately that'd just the way it is and we have to accept it.
    Kontakt is still MILES ahead of any competitors and is still an amazing bit of kit that can be utilised in so many ways :yes: :mates: :bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2017
  10. DeeeZZZ

    DeeeZZZ Guest

    it's possible
    but it may be difficult with different libraries
    may convert 5.6 to 3.5 to 4 version and etc
    might have to do a lot by hand (script settings [ save ] [paste] etc )
    Need download Software : Kontakt Assistant
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  11. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    Yeah it would be possible but most likely a botch job like I mentioned earlier. Basically you have to rescript and apply the functioning to all the NKI.
    In effect your simply building A new instrument with the existing script and sample mappings. You couldn't just simply copy & paste advanced functions in later revisions as it wouldn't work. You could re-code the function but that would be a workaround as opposed to an exact replication :dunno::mates::bow:
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