To be, or not to be

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Reza73, Mar 21, 2017.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    the best thing I've heard from you....

    ευχαριστώ :wink:

    Western Civilization rocks... but seems you'd rather it never existed
    to say evil exists everywhere doesn't really say anything..

    I'll keep reading your other posts as well..
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2017
  2. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Guys, why does it always have to end as a personal fight?

    There is no racial difference in intelligence. In fact, newest DNA tests revealed that we are all Africans to the most part and even carry a significant percentage of Neanderthal DNA!

    As a German it is pretty common to me that other countries see Germany as a cash cow only and have no respect for it further on. We're hard working for our money of that we then spent nearly 50% in taxes to the state. Of those taxes we give a lot to other countries in need (like Greece, over 20 billion so far). It bothers me personally if a picture is painted of a lazy country where milk and honey flows. We are successful, because we think before we act. We are successful because we work our asses off. We are successful, because we care for everyone in our country, born here or migrated to.

    Religious eagerness is the source of evil all over the world and always has been. It is no matter of ethnicity, or race. Europe (especially Britain, Germany and France) was eager to follow the pope after his speech ("God wants so") when he talked about the release of Jerusalem in the 11th century. Following were the crusades, lasting 200 years!

    Terrorism always tries to fool you into thinking the terror groups were bigger than they are. They mislead you into thinking that, if one man "from there" acts as a terrorist, "all from there" are terrorists.

    We won't solve any world issues on this forum.

    (Loosely written down thoughts that I had)
  3. Reza73

    Reza73 Kapellmeister

    May 15, 2016
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    by this fight you made here It seems in Europe country's are more Discord:snuffy:
  4. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I agree, we won't or cannot if you like, solve the problems here. As for the intelligence difference, it seems Herr Durr, has a different opinion. I never doubted anywhere in my posts the reasons that made the western civil successful and eventually the more strong financially countries like Germany. I only criticized the corruption or side effects growing from within such a well being. As i see it, it is a civil duty to do so and exchanging opinions about it, is a healthy democratic practice. Freedom of speech etc etc. It would never get personal if Herr Durr had any proven argument at all. Bringing up the worse of the western civil like racial superiority claims and then saying western civilization rocks, well lol, its more or less digging your own grave.
    Btw i never said the western civil doesn't have its merits, on the contrary i said i do enjoy being a part of it. But anyway , thank you for participating and your unbiased point of view.
    Be well :)
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
  5. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    There is no real fight my friend. Only a debate. He who thinks we 're not all equal, is the one picking this verbal "fight" in the first place. The rest are just defending themselves, and we really shouldn't defend the obvious, which is what the vast majority of nations have shed their blood throughout the millennia to establish, that is equality for all, democracy, fair chance to a decent way of life and education, health care etc. Take care :)