Microphone Test: Beyerdynamic mc930

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by superliquidsunshine, Mar 10, 2017.

  1. I was pretty fortunate to score this mic in new and perfect condition for 190 bucks as it retails for more than twice that amount. I tested it with a Martin D15 M, a funny old double sided hand drum that I found at a Salvation Army store, and as well threw in some handclaps to check out the transient response of the microphone. It all is going through Warm Audio gear, a Tonebeast and a WA76. I made some loops and slices and quickly threw this together. It seems to be a really fine microphone and one that I highly recommend. Take a listen and please tell me what you think of it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2017
  3. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    Test passed succesfully imho! :wink:

    I look forward to listen to the full track! :grooves:
  4. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    just did a little comparison check search... in yt... and got this...

    the m390 sounds fine.. but I prefer the Røde NT55.. it just has more sweetness and clarity for me..
    plus pad and high pass settings.. if I could score an m390 at half price too.. it's a no brainer

    they are in roughly the same price range , the Octava mod does not sound in the same league imo...but you be the judge...

    I've become a bit of a Røde fan as of late.. so that may be a personal bias on my part...

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2017
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  5. marmull

    marmull Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Nice! Get a 2nd one and do stereo recordings ;-) I have a pair and use it frequently for guitar or overheads :)
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  6. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Sweet deal ! Sweet test ! Sweet track !!! :like:
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  7. kimikaze

    kimikaze Platinum Record

    Aug 20, 2014
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    From video, as much i can tell, i find m930 just more serious mic, more flat across and more true to the source. Rode sweeten the sound just a little to much and mid-high area is a bit honky to.
  8. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    The geetar sounds really good moosh, clean sweet and warm.........I'd echo the coment above re getting another and sterio recording with the pair........could be exceptional.
  9. I think the mic is a keeper too. Thanks for listening. We'll have to see about a finished track though, I haven't actually been able to finish much anything in over two years, but we'll have see.

    I could see why you might like the Rode NT55's tone more as it's range feels tilted upwards towards the right. I too watched this same video before plopping down the cash as I hadn't consciously heard an mc930 in a long time and needed reminding. I have an Audio Technica 4051b, the cardioid capsule which exhibits similarly to the Rode, seemingly highlighting more of the higher end (even though the stated freq. chart shows otherwise on the AT) that I can use to highlight more pick attack (think Cat Stevens sound, more percussive than musical, to me at least). I decided to get the Beyer because of the more even response. I have had a hard time getting a good representation of this guitar, the one that I hear in the room, but I think with this Beyer I can hear the mahogany of the Martin sing. I want woody and I think I got it.

    Thanks Beth. Sweet newly updated shades on you too!

    I totally got it! Like I said to der Durr, I was looking for some wood (in the literal sense of the acoustics of this guitar, not sexually, LOL).
  10. I hear you, moosh, stereo would be a wonderful thing with this mic. My battle at the moment is whether or not to get a second Gefell m930 (930s to the left of me, 930s to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you, {remember that song?}) for the same VERY good price that I bought my other which is freakin' super sweet, about 700 bucks. The off axis response of the Gefell is like...perfect. The art of mic placement is a true joy with this baby because combined with the off axis response, the proximity effect is very predictable and delicious. From about two feet out it subtly begins it's slow yummy curve, and so this baby really needs no equalization if you have a plan to make everything you record with it fit into the mix before hand, mapping things out in your mind as a working templet, grokking, visualizing how the puzzles all fit together. Hmmm, what's a boy to do? 700 bills is stiff right now, but the opportunity....
  11. See the above.
  12. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Yeah, I remember that one moosh.......an absolute belter of a song.........there were a few good uns that year :guru:

    I'm with ya on the plan to make everything fit into the mix...I'm in that zone most of the time :woot:

    I've been playing around with some sterio recording myself off late, but instead of the usual 90 degree ish V with one pointing at the neck/body and the other pointing up the neck I tried rotating the mics through 90 Degrees, so now one mic points to the lower strings and one to the upper at the same neck/body position............result is imo more "balanced" if ya gets moi.
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  13. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    mc930 - probably one of the best decisions you could make with an sdc pair, at that price point. $170 is crazy, even if you have to buy another that's unmatched to make a pair.
  14. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    I like the demo you´ve made with your new mic!! but you only play high notes on your guitar so it´s hard to get a full picture of what this mic can do guitar wise.
  15. When I have the gusto and feel energetic, will strum it up and/or will play some lower register neck work to better show the symbiosis of this mic and guitar. I actually decided to buy this particular mahogany guitar and not something like a spruce top D-28/35 in order to not sound similar with other acoustic guitars either live or within the confine of a mix. I also will play lots if low stuff to augment and to further highlight this difference. You are absolutely right. I have a cedar top guitat with Brazilian sides and back that I will also bring into the recording to see how she sounds (her name is Taja, an old dear friend naming her so because of the incredible sound she has, like being in the Taj Mahal where the sound fades and fades and fades beautifully. She doesn’t come out of the case much, but will for this. Maybe for good measure will also record a spruce topped maple back and sided 1980 Ibanez Jumbo I have for good measure.
    [​IMG]gif hosting
  16. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    I hear acoustic guitar well recorded. steal of a deal for the price.
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