Is there still some hope to make/listen something really innovative ?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by FFF, Feb 5, 2017.

  1. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    Please, show some respect. And not just to the Stones but to anyone else who have achieved something substantial in the music world and made a name for themselves. Who do you think you are disrespecting everything and everyone? I will understand if you are lonely man. I'm old enough.
    I keep reading your posts and i sincerely propose to change your nick from Avenel to Averell (you know, the Daltons?). It will suit your avatar too.
    Instead of constantly criticizing negatively everyone with an industry status above you with no real arguments, why don't you link us to your songwriting/producing, so us, as inferior human beings and lesser artists can witness your greatness, please?... Or just link us to your personal hit list of productions. I promise to show you mine if you show me yours.
  2. 23322332

    23322332 Rock Star

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Banning electronic and foreign music will only make them more popular. I guess you haven't lived in Eastern Europe when the Western music was forbidden, because it was "corrupting and degrading" the young people.

    Here is some guy that makes microtonal pop music with weird tunings. I guess some people still like to experiment.

  3. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    Luuuuke........Look to the mix to get the sound that you desire. It's in the mix.
  4. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
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    Old Europe
    it was just a provocation (not to be confused with trolling...).
    but there's a grain of truth : music standards would improve if there was more space for live electronic bands, DJs are killing the market and eating the biggest slice of the pie, this is unacceptable and sooner or later the commoners will revolt and stop paying money to see DJs "play" on their laptops.

    fully agree with the soviet era, western music was and is indeed corrupt to the bone.
    degrading also, yes and yes, just look at any pop idol and try to find a single moral/ethical positive message.

    for some time i put my focus on microtonal in the past but ultimately i had to give up, as much as it's math based and therefore very very interesting and inspiring for anyone engineering-minded it turns out that the final results is far from being pleasant, i came to the conclusion that it would take years of study on several different microtonal scales used in different cultures before you start producing something worth it.

    if you're into microtonal Omnisphere is already providing 30-40 different scales and supports custom scale files, give it a try.
  5. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Old Europe
    sorry but it's just a matter of personal taste, i've never been a big fan of the Stones nor of their kind of pop/rock in general.

    for anything else, no, because i don't come here to see if my dick is longer or bigger than yours.
    forums are meant for discussion, rethoric, and dialectic, just like in the good old days of Plato and his Academia, with mutual respect and open mind.
  6. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Studio 54
    Rhetoric is reduced to blabbering and is pointless without stating a case. Plato lol. Hilarious. I would be amused if you didn't continuously speak degrading anyone who has proven themselves time and time again, without proof,evidence or even a strong argument. Funny you mention you were not really trolling when it is all you seem to ever do. I will not waste anymore time. You belong to certain class of individuals who's response when someone spits them right in their face is "oh it's raining"... Bye bye
  7. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Old Europe
    what do you expect me to say ? sure i can be a bit weird in my opinion, i know my opinions are usually not mainstream and/or provocating but so far so good.
    i'm not here to evangelize or to indoctrinate anybody, it's just a forum take it for what it is.
  8. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Yeah, although equally they all have a sickly pretence of being moral and ethical, in the same corporate way oil companies, agri business and car companies do. And it's not an ultra-new thing. Who didn't get sick and cynical about Charity Records? I did, and I'm like uber-lefty. [I think it all contributed to the growth in public cynicism about "political correctness"] So, even in this respect, everything's done under the sun.

    I think you're being too harsh. Avenel is being provocative, perhaps, but not without an argument. I enjoy your posts and his/hers. ;) I don't think you're too far away from one another. A DJ Tax is funny, no?

    I love the old Stones (60s-70s) not the old Stones (70-80 years old) :D
  9. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Old Europe
    charity records are probably the worst possible example of the level of greed reached in the music racket, at least the other artists are pretty open about making money out of their work, the NGO croocks instead pretend to save the world, it's a total scam and it's all money that could better funneled to real artists.

    a DJ Tax will be unavoidable sooner or later because if DJs are really killing live music what's the alternative ?
    not only that, music is supposed to be something actually created and played by musicians with musical instruments, DJs have nothing to do with this, what they're doing is toxic against music as a whole.

    there's a plethora of government agencies claiming to protect music and arts and culture but they're doing fuck all, in western countries we all have a minister of culture and still they dont move a finger against the DJ virus, if the trend is not stopped music will die just as they almost killed opera and classical music.
  10. TinCanMix

    TinCanMix Member

    Apr 8, 2016
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    Weather Report asked the same question as your beginning thread years ago. So if Zawinul asked it, then its not a bad question to ask.
    Can it be done?
    Tell me is there one
    That's never been played?
    How does it sound?
    Can it be found?
    That new song, that's never been in the air
    I've searched so long it seems it just isn't there
    That melody that's never been in the air

    Look for a line that's new
    Hoping to run into
    A new sound
    That's never been heard

    I've heard a lot of music in my lifetime
    And somehow it all sounds the same
    Is there a sound to chose?
    One that's never been used by anyone, anywhere?

    Can it be done?
    Is there one
    That's never been played?
    How does it sound?
    Can it be found?
    That new song that's never been in the air

    I've searched so long it seems it just isn't there
    That melody
    So fresh and bright
    As musicians we can strive for the unattainable, always held back by what we can't know. We have to enjoy whatever we can give and receive in music, otherwise we might lose the wonder by striving for something that we'll never find. That's my take anyway.
  11. G String

    G String Rock Star

    Jun 18, 2011
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    lol. I thought you were joking.

    The DJ Tax can't stop the demise of western culture. It's game over man, it's game over! Everything is shit and meaningless, atomised and maximised, cut-price and lo-price, premium and exclusive.........insert George Carlin rant here/

    The Greek experiment has run its course. We might as well get naked, go back to scrabbling around in the soil and hitting each other with sticks - might as well face the inevitable.
  12. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    This topic is, like so many, just teal deer. We live in a golden age of music tech. And other tech. Unfortunately a load of rly great musicians died last year. We are still alive. That is all.
  13. Avenel

    Avenel Kapellmeister

    Jan 15, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Old Europe
    i'm waiting for the final collapse too, in the meantime i'll keep playing music.

    besides, the collapse in moral/ethical values is strictly linked to downfall in music standards in my opinion.
    just look at hiphop, at the beginning it was just music for people living in a ghetto, now it's top selling everywhere, even the rich listen to hiphop, it's crazy, the lowest possible form of pop music.

    Rap = cRap !

    in fact i'm more afraid of the actual spiritual poverty than the coming material poverty.
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